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Video Vroom vroom... woman revving bike engine stopped in her tracks!


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Video Vroom vroom... woman revving bike engine stopped in her tracks!



Picture: Thai Rath


HAT YAI: -- A woman annoying other road users revving her engine was stopped in her tracks by Hat Yai police at the weekend.


A Facebook poster called "Champ Cheerawit" had been following a long haired woman who was making a lot of noise at every intersection, reported Thai Rath.


So he got out his mobile phone to record her antics. But at the next intersection near a market in the southern Thai town the cops caught up with her - and he filmed that too.


The poster thought that the woman was the same one filmed in another clip online doing the same thing on a bike with the same registration. She was wearing a headscarf.


Hat Yai police said that the woman was fined 500 baht for not wearing a helmet and not having a license.


Cop Sithisak Jansawang told Thai Rath online that the woman said: "I won't do it again".


Source: Thai Rath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-27
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Ohhhhhhhhhh!  If only, if  only  it  could  happen  nation wide !  At  500  bht  per pop  the  local cops  could  be  millionares  within a month ! And  the  goofy idiots  who  have  retro fitted  megaphone  exhaust systems  to anything with wheels will maybe consider that the  " look at  me "  noise  they  generate is  actually  unappreciated  by the  majority !

A local truck  operated  by a  male of at  least  35 has not only  35  mirrors  fitted  but  a noise   cannon  with  a dimension of   60 cms mounted  sideways. At    specific  rpm  it  generates  a cackle  that genuinely physically hurts even at   30/50  metres  away! He  tops  the  teenagers  who insist  on repeatedly  " testing"  nasty  2 stroke  motorcycles   down hill and  down wind after  fitting  megaphone exhausts in the false believe the louder the  noise the faster they go!

I am close  to becoming  a noise  vigilante  carrying  quick setting  concrete!

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Typical of the teenagers in many of the villages up here in the NE. Megaphone exhaust attachments are on sale around Roiet. 

Parents are only too happy to let their youngsters use their motorcycles to annoy the villagers at all hours. The Police do nothing to stop this anti social behavior  and nobody seems to have the guts to complain, except me. The village headmen do nothing to help.

Lorries carrying earth also have exhausts the size of dustbins and are free to annoy. The attached pic is an example of the lorry type.


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