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Red Bull heir seen living carefree life


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Excellent news, deserves world media attention to illustrate that those connected with Red Bull Racing, directly or indirectly are not only above local laws but morally killing innocent policeman they just take in their stride.  Good on yer. May poetic justice turn out right for you one day and sooner the better, worthless piece of hiso scum.

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It's not just the nephew at fault in this shameful exemplar of Thai justice.  The whole family had got in on the act of cover-up and lies to avoid any "inconvenience" in dealing with the Thai justice system. How many different "excuses" and hypotheticals were offered by members of the family and their mealy-mouth servants to whitewash the true circumstances of the policeman's death? The poor fellow died as a result of another family's self-indulgent excesses of consumption and enjoyment of the high life.

As luck would have it, the high-privilege family's right to enjoy life was hardly impeded by the death of what was, after all, just a simple, low-class peasant whose life and future aspirations simply didn't count when weighed against the lustre of lives ornamented with money and other rich friends.

In a democracy where the lives of the low classes just don't rate, an occasional death by misadventure of a peasant or two  causes no more grief or anger than a candle winked out.  In the meantime the rich and favoured can get on with the important job of living the life of Riley.  Thailand's pampered nouveau riche can claim a role in demonstrating  to the rest of the world how the military authorities have worked so hard to develop a fair and just democracy in Thailand.

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Until his trial he is innocent until proved guilty under the law.


Being a HiSo in Thailand that means life sentence ( of innocence ). Shame he did not hire a Ferrari to go home from Ramsey's restaurant, the Met would not have been quite as understanding.

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3 hours ago, inzman said:

Just proof how corrupt the U.K. Is allowing him in! Try to bring your Thai spouse, hell no!

He may have a UK or US or other passport allowing him to travel freely.

If this HiSo has not yet been charged with a crime and reported to Interpol nobody can stop him if he has the right passport.

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If they cant or dont want to bring him in, the chain goes up to the PM i guess, how can they find the real bombers of Hua Hin or elsewhere in Thailand.  I have no experience with Interpol but I think for a case like this it would be easy to get an arrest warrant, if one wants!

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One can only imagine what Ramsey was like: abrasive, loud-mouthed vulgarian, at best , but who becomes unctuous and fawning when faced with celebrity. Probably the red bull drop-kick is too low rent to get VIP status, billions notwithstanding.


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4 minutes ago, BirdsandBooze said:

And Japan! :)

All the RTP has to do is issue an international arrest warrant and have him flagged: we all know why that hasn't happened, no matter how many times the sad excuse for a boss says it's all in progress. Is someone being paid a monthly retainer by a second beverage company by any chance?

Edited by Prbkk
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2 hours ago, baboon said:

No, but the fact he is waiting for the statute of limitations to run out so he can avoid being prosecuted for a crime should flag up when applying for a visa. Consular staff go through Somchai the bus driver's visa application with a fine tooth comb, so why not this guy?

The other countries would have little idea and only rumuor. Obviously no one in Thailand has even raised the statue of limitations or the fact he is wanted but that is no surprise. As far as other countries are concerned he is just a normal citizen until they are informed through the appropriate channels.


interesting there is no clamour to cancel his passport never mind asking countries to send him home face the charges.

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" Friends and cousins posting about him have hundreds of thousands of online followers. " Only people who should be following him are the police.

 has he been charged with the crime? I can't recall. Seems if charged, then statute of limitations should not apply. what do I know, that would make sense.....

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No charges have been filed against him  and the last legal move was just to ask him to report to police which his lawyer rebuffed by saying he had come down with a head cold in Singapore.


Police, prosecutors and others will keep coming back to the well for more pay-offs to avoid pressing any charges until the statute of limitations is up.  


The victim's family sold out dirt cheap for only B100k but no doubt red bull  drives a tough bargain and they were put under pressure by senior police who were getting a lot more than that.

Edited by Dogmatix
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4 minutes ago, BirdsandBooze said:

And what type of passport.

Even convicted criminals who have fled their prison sentences are allowed Thai passports, if they pay enough. In his case, he hasn't been charged with a crime and is probably free to come to Thailand and go as he pleases.

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Unfortunately life is not fair to those who have and have not.  He's probably shacked up in a country without an extradition treaty but it really doesn't matter since the police and courts have dragged their feet due to the amount of money shackled to their ankles.

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31 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

All the RTP has to do is issue an international arrest warrant and have him flagged: we all know why that hasn't happened, no matter how many times the sad excuse for a boss says it's all in progress. Is someone being paid a monthly retainer by a second beverage company by any chance?


Correct and killing a policeman through reckless driving is an offence in most countries which would permit extradition.  But they can't do this because the police have refused to file any charges against him for reasons better known to their bank managers.


No one is being paid a monthly retainer by a beverage company but some senior police may have erroneously declared such stipends in their assets declarations.

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