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Okay for Red Bull "Boss' not to appear, prosecutors say


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Here is the fallout from this Case

The Thai people see this as an injustice . Not much they can do as I am sure money has passed hands.

The current Junta says he is fighting corruption but we are reading first hand that nothing is being done with 

this case of the Red Bull Heir 

They are just flaunting it in the faces of the average Thai and the legal system which has failed the Thai people


The result= Thai people see that it is a corrupt system that is not being cleaned up so their attitude is " Why should I pay any attention

to the laws This is one of the routes that needs to be cleaned up

If Thais see the law truly being followed they are more likely to respect it Until that day happens There will be massive corruption

No one  or any politician will be able to clean it up with new laws or enforcing old ones

You must first have the citizens respect the laws And  you can see there is totally no respect 

Truth Is no one cares since they see first hand There is no rule of law when people flaunt the laws  in front of  others and walk away scott free 

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52 minutes ago, colinneil said:

He faces arrest if he fails to appear on 27th of april, is that some kind of joke?

His family has got serious money, most likely they are trying to buy off everyone involved.

The smart ar.e little rich kid will never face justice, not here anyway.

I got the cramp out of my "like" finger and gave you another one. 

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

The Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) announced today that it may issue arrest warrant for Red Bull heir if he fails to appear before the attorney-general on April 27 to hear formal charges against him.

Check the look on this guys face. 

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I think Thailand may have come up with a new legal term. Prosecutor for the Defence.  It seems the role of prosecutor is not to prosecute the defendant but to defend.

Defence Lawyer: Sorry my client can't come to court. Pre-occupied in England. Prosecutor: Ah. Never mind old chap. Jolly good show.

Edited by dinsdale
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Nevertheless, he said prosecutors recently finished reviewing the unfair treatment complaints filed by Vorayuth and ruled them groundless, so the defendant can no longer cite the complaint for not appearing at the next summons slated for April 27.

“If he claims the same reason, let me answer right here that he cannot [do that],” Prayuth said. “If he does, I will inform the investigators to issue an arrest warrant.” That’s when Chuwit quipped that Vorayuth could just find another reason to dodge the next summons. “I don’t think that would be the case,” Prayuth replied. “Please, dear members of the press, don’t speculate like that.”


We kindly ask the press not to speculate. It might lead to criticism of the government, and that is not good for the image of Thailand, so please do not do that. Well, the image of Thailand has taken yet another hit with this increasingly outrageous case. One would think that even though this guy, his entire family, and everyone in Thailand with a great deal of wealth is completely above the law, when it comes to mowing down a policeman, with many witnesses present, there might be an exception? The answer is an adamant NO! 


It is as if Little P. is saying: We will do everything within our power to protect the elite, the wealthy, the famous, the connected, and those in power. Everything. There is no risk to them, their families, or their fortunes. This is why we were installed. To protect these people. We will do so with every bit of power and authority we have vested in us. If anyone ever doubted his lack of credentials, competence or ability to bring about positive change, just look at this case, and the case of David and Hannah, on Dark Tao. That is all the evidence you need to come to a reasonable conclusion. 

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"... his five-year refusal to appear is acceptable because he filed a complaint of unfair treatment. "

 Well, it is true, he has been treated unfairly.... unfairly clearly to his advantage (duh) but till unfairly. He'd be locked up by now if he'd been treated fairly.

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That’s when Chuwit quipped that Vorayuth could just find another reason to dodge the next summons.

“I don’t think that would be the case,” Prayuth replied. “Please, dear members of the press, don’t speculate like that.”

I look forward with baited breath for events on April 27th then. It's time this POS went to prison.

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This is just the Thai feudal system in action. Policeman's son kills a street vendor? Mai bpen rai. Billionaire's son kills a policeman? Ditto. Middle class Thais don't like this particular example, but most of them will take advantage of the system when it benefits them. And so the system continues. 

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2 hours ago, petermik said:

If this ever happened in the UK questions would be raised directly with the PM in front of a packed parliament,I wonder if this might happen here and lets see what the PM has to say on the matter............but then TIT,pathetic absolutely pathetic :sleep:

You first have to have a parliament for the question to be asked in front of.

This was a great chance for the junta to prove their opposition to corruption, but as we all know anyway, they aren't going to buck the rich and powerful because it's them that are pulling their strings.


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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut said Vorayuth coming from a wealth family would not influence prosecutors and the OAG’s decisions could always be probed.

Thanks for the assurance that the injustice system is working fine. :coffee1:

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Someone should start a 'boycott Redbull' campaign as this is not only unfair to the victim and the family of the victim, but more importantly unfair to justice and it sets a double standard. Hit em where it hurts, in the wallet. 

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Pol Lt-Gen Sanit Mahathavorn, commissioner of metropolitan police bureau, said Wednesday that Thonglor police who are in charge of the case had sent the case to the OAG on September 3, 2012.



Easy to see which fish stinks here.

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5 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Pol Lt-Gen Sanit Mahathavorn, commissioner of metropolitan police bureau, said Wednesday that Thonglor police who are in charge of the case had sent the case to the OAG on September 3, 2012.



Easy to see which fish stinks here.

Would you trust Pol Lt-Gen Sanit Mahathavorn? These guys (all of them) are World Class at weaving layer upon layer of disinformation and confusion, so know one knows whose coming or going, whose job is what, whose slow at this. Just a great big tangle that know one wants to try and unwind, and not possible to pin the blame on anyone.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Not before April 27.

Guess death driver boss has some more important partys to celebrate before.



The Formula 1 season had just started. November is when it ends. Too busy.

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Interesting that Miss Porpeer seems to be a family friend and attended the Red Bull race with the guy and others in 2014.  She works in/is a franchisee of MCM brand just opened in Central Embassy.  You would think these pure educated friends would distance themselves from "bad" people and the families that support them to evade justice wouldn't you.

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