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British workers encouraged to retire to Thailand after Brexit and snap up a £60k 20-year residency permit


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8 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

My friend has an Elite Visa. He went to the local "irritation" to do his 90 days and they had never heard of it!! Totally confused them. It took half the office and about 20 phone calls for them to understand it. 

Yeh but your " friend" Is a d**k. Employment is still prohibited without a work permit'even if you are one of the "elite". 

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16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I just renewed my retirement visa at a cost of 14,500 baht. I dropped my passport in to a shop with two photos and got my passport with visa back two days later.

Why I would be possessed to spend utterly stupid money to save me ten minutes every year is beyond me.

I'm pretty sure the 5,10,20 year folks still have to do a 90 day report.

i just renewed mine it cost me 1900 baht and a 6 hour wait at immigration

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One of the good things about being an American expat in Thailand is we do not have to show income for a retirement visa. We just have to go to the embassy and "swear or attest" that we have enough income to support ourselves for a year at a time.


You are signing an affidavit to the effect you have the 40k per month or the 65k for retirement. You HAVE to have this you are not just signing as doing this constitutes you having committed a FELONY.


If you are an American I do not need to explain this to you. If you are unaware it means jail time if caught knowingly falsely signing it.


It also spreads miss information about the facilities available to American Citizens.


Those of you falsely signing these affidavits must also realize it not brain surgery to cross refer the affidavit info to your IRS 1040 when the decide to prosecute you.




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2 hours ago, Grauwulf said:
10 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

My friend has an Elite Visa. He went to the local "irritation" to do his 90 days and they had never heard of it!! Totally confused them. It took half the office and about 20 phone calls for them to understand it. 

Yeh but your " friend" Is a d**k. Employment is still prohibited without a work permit'even if you are one of the "elite".


Why is he a d**k?   I know people with 5 year Elite visas, they are far from being d**ks.

And what has employment got to do with it?   They have all retired in their 40's which is why they are using the Thai Elite Visas.


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60k to live here for ? the situation changes from week to week, so you may be ok for a week then be told to leave. But 60k to be told you are just a guest and to have to suffer the racialist double triple and up to 10x charges that are levied on farangs from entry to the national parks or buying food at the local takeaway. When will this lot learn to respect their so called guests and not fear them? Moving here is not an option for anyone who has half a brain, you cannot even own your own house here and even if you buy a condo on a 51 Thai/49% Farang split it could end up in others hands and you loose the lot with many of the so called lawyers hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce. There are some stupid Brits around and perverts which you can have with pleasure, but those who worked all their life to get security in there old age will steer clear of here if they have any sense.

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16 minutes ago, hgma said:

Retire there where you

* Are protected by law

* Feel secure

* Being appriciated

* Not being discriminated by skin color

* Taken seriously.


Yes,   come on, its a laugh here.

Birds are Hot,  Weather is hot,  :thumbsup:


Ps Loads of money,   sorts all the above out :jap:

Edited by onemorechang
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22 hours ago, maewang99 said:

everyday something more nutty.... the linked article says....

"with Thailand you [British] pay 15,000 US dollars (£12,033) and you can stay there for five years"


but I will only pay about 260 US dollars (1900 Thai Baht a year, I think it is).... for 5 years..... why Brits have to pay so much?

I was also (still am) trying to find out how a Brit might lose a state pension by being here.... that sure doesn't happen with USA's Soc Sec program.... what's the idea there too? is that why they say it's a ****state**** pension... it ain't your pension... it's a state pension? say what??? in the UK???


The UK state pension only gets adjusted to match the increase in the cost of living in certain countries (at present the EU and a few others). Elsewhere it is frozen at the rate when you moved to one of the "other countries" - which include Thailand. So no cost of living increase for you here.

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4 hours ago, seancbk said:


Why is he a d**k?   I know people with 5 year Elite visas, they are far from being d**ks.

And what has employment got to do with it?   They have all retired in their 40's which is why they are using the Thai Elite Visas.


Yes Sean I agree if your in your 40s and wanting to retire and have the money and don't want to marry then elite is a great way to stay.


I was talking about ONE individual who has NOT retired cannot be bothered to get a non imm B nor a WP but yet still carry on working.

And yes HE is ( to me) a complete arrogant d**k.


Did I post that all people with Elite visas are that? Err NO. It would be nice if people took time and understood people's post before jumping to generalising conclusions.

see you for a beer Sean.


(I'm wondering how many are actually "retired" tho now from the defensive reply, but that would just open a new debate).


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22 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

I did mine a couple of months ago. Buriram Immigration, copy yellow book, copy pink ID card, earnings statement from Embassy (rip off B2500), copy passport and one photo.

In and out 20 mins, fee B1,900.

Job done.

Pink ID card?

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8 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Complete rubbish- it's easy to have a car registered in your own name and completely legal- I've done it twice so far. 


You hear this 'from a mate' or actually KNOW someone who has one?

You should stop 'listening to your mates' and make some 'real' enquiries.

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14 minutes ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Yeah It is issued by your local Amphur. You need a yellow Tabien Ban first. Has basic info on it ID No, address etc.

There are several threads running on TV about this card.


Hope this helps.

Thanks, I'll look into it. I've been meaning to get a yellow Tabien Baan for a while, so may as well do this as well.

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17 hours ago, onemorechang said:

One of the things you should have learned about Thailand is

that most people don't know the jobs very well,   and have no idea of and new changes to procedures,  in the working environment.


I believe far more i read,  than anyone ever  tells me in Thailand. :jap:




One of the things you should have done is read my ENTIRE post.   I did say I took the immigration guy's denial with a grain of salt since we all have differing visa stories.  That said, I would quicker believe the head of the local immigration office than I would comments in a forum, unless there's actual proof.  I personally could care less as that "elite" visa, if it actually exists, is way more than I'm willing to pay anyway.



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23 hours ago, maewang99 said:

everyday something more nutty.... the linked article says....

"with Thailand you [British] pay 15,000 US dollars (£12,033) and you can stay there for five years"


but I will only pay about 260 US dollars (1900 Thai Baht a year, I think it is).... for 5 years..... why Brits have to pay so much?

I was also (still am) trying to find out how a Brit might lose a state pension by being here.... that sure doesn't happen with USA's Soc Sec program.... what's the idea there too? is that why they say it's a ****state**** pension... it ain't your pension... it's a state pension? say what??? in the UK???



A Brit does not lose their state pension, but as I understand it if you do overseas the amount you receive is frozen rather than increasing each year (which is a minimum of the level of inflation and usually more).

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22 hours ago, starky said:

100 %. better off not to come at all. Few miserable constantly whinging gits on here that wouldn't be missed if they packed up their gear and <deleted> off as well

Totally agree , on nearly every topic posted on Thai Visa there are "wringing gits" complaining about anything and everything in Thailand

What I don't understand is if these people are so unhappy why don't they go back to their home country where everything is superior to Thailand

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12 minutes ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

One of the things you should have done is read my ENTIRE post.   I did say I took the immigration guy's denial with a grain of salt since we all have differing visa stories.  That said, I would quicker believe the head of the local immigration office than I would comments in a forum, unless there's actual proof.  I personally could care less as that "elite" visa, if it actually exists, is way more than I'm willing to pay anyway.




images (4).jpg

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21 minutes ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

One of the things you should have done is read my ENTIRE post.   I did say I took the immigration guy's denial with a grain of salt since we all have differing visa stories.  That said, I would quicker believe the head of the local immigration office than I would comments in a forum, unless there's actual proof.  I personally could care less as that "elite" visa, if it actually exists, is way more than I'm willing to pay anyway.



Very funny.

So why did you bother asking him then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you don't care and don't want one, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

was it a slow day, or did you need someone to talk to. Cheers

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On 4/6/2017 at 9:22 PM, darksidedog said:

I just renewed my retirement visa at a cost of 14,500 baht. I dropped my passport in to a shop with two photos and got my passport with visa back two days later.

Why I would be possessed to spend utterly stupid money to save me ten minutes every year is beyond me.

I'm pretty sure the 5,10,20 year folks still have to do a 90 day report.

You are correct.  The Elite visas, while having some features that some people like, do not relieve you of the rules about 90 day reporting.  The Elite folks will help you file your 90 day report if you live in Bangkok and I think one or two other places, but the 90 day nuttiness still applies.  The 90 days is silly enough for all the 1 year  types of extensions, but having to do the 90 continuously when one has 5 and 10 year permissions to stay is extra nutty.  Beyond reason why a simple once a year immigration check won't be set up.

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1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

Totally agree , on nearly every topic posted on Thai Visa there are "wringing gits" complaining about anything and everything in Thailand

What I don't understand is if these people are so unhappy why don't they go back to their home country where everything is superior to Thailand

Yep that's it. nearly every thread here now derides Thai culture, belief systems, religion, government,  the people, laws, language it's mental. You can't say if you don't like it leave though mate they tend to get all snarly I'd you do that.

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23 hours ago, NanLaew said:

On the contrary, where a fully subscribed and paid up UK state pension may provide only a subsistence in the UK, it is more than enough to retire on in Thailand. The debatable point is whether Thailand is a good choice as a retirement venue.

I think you are missing the point. 

A retirement visa in thailand requires 65k minimum income after tax per year, and if i understand correctly then uk retirement/pension income less than required. = You cannot stay. 

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28 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

You are correct.  The Elite visas, while having some features that some people like, do not relieve you of the rules about 90 day reporting.  The Elite folks will help you file your 90 day report if you live in Bangkok and I think one or two other places, but the 90 day nuttiness still applies.  The 90 days is silly enough for all the 1 year  types of extensions, but having to do the 90 continuously when one has 5 and 10 year permissions to stay is extra nutty.  Beyond reason why a simple once a year immigration check won't be set up.

the 90day reporting means YOUR ON PROBATION.[FOR LIFE]

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