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Three killed as truck drives into crowd in Swedish capital - media

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:



As has been shown time and time again these people do not represent Islam, are not supported by the vast majority of Muslims and are, and have been for many years, repeatedly condemned by Muslims of all sects around the world.


Unfortunately these people do represent Islam. They are not Buddhists, not Christians, not Hindus, not Sikhs they are Muslims.


They represent a growing percentage of Muslims and now there are hundreds of thousands of them all of who want the destruction and downfall of anyone (including other Muslims) who do not share their ideals.


The only way to stop these terrorists is for the Muslim community to go against tradition and report anyone displaying extreme tendencies to the authorities. I know this goes against the grain and that it will require a complete change of mind set for a Muslim to report a Muslim but to stop this, it has to happen.


In nearly every case of terrorism so far (a few exceptions), members of the family or friends of the terrorists are found to have been helping or know about them.


There is no other answer except to further restrict privacy  and become more of a police State. Personally, I have no problem with that.

Edited by Flustered
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9 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Serious? You must kidding. Or you live in North Korea. I wonder how you got internet.

Quite serious. The source of the problem needs to be understood and dealt with or these events will keep happening.


Yes, they're immigrants; yes, they're terrorists. But finding cause and effect in that alone is superficial and fallacious.

The real cause? Damaged cultural pride. Join the dots: it goes back through 9/11. I can offer the true and only solution in three words. See if you can figure it out.

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2 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

The real cause? Damaged cultural pride. Join the dots: it goes back through 9/11. I can offer the true and only solution in three words. See if you can figure it out.

So can I...


Hang the Bast*rds

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I would like to point out that some 260+ people will die this year in Sweden from traffic accidents  (one of the lowest rates in the world), more alarming is the over 60 that will die from drowning. Between traffic deaths and drowning that is almost one person per day. 


I am certainly not defending somebody intentionally using a motor vehicle as a murder weapon  but only trying to put this particular event in some sort of perspective and show how international coverage of these events may cause some people to be susceptible to confirmation bias in their attitude to muslims and immigrants. 


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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Unfortunately, it does happen. As I said in the Westminster topic; it does seem that these vehicular attacks are on the increase in Europe; whilst organised, pre planned attacks are declining. One explanation for this being the increasing success of the security services in identifying and preventing attacks involving groups using explosives or weapons before they happen. That success doubtless being due in part to intelligence gathered from within the Muslim community.


Far easier for an individual to hire, steal or hijack a vehicle than for an individual or group to obtain explosives or guns and transport them to the target without detection.


But just as I and my fellow Brits were not cowed by the IRA, Europeans today should not be cowed by these terrorists; if we are, then the terrorist wins!


Vigilant, yes; cautious, yes.


But we will continue with our usual daily routine and not be cowed!


The terrorists want to spread hate, division and fear. Don't let them; don't help them.

I'm sick of hearing all the politically correct politicians, media and their supporters that these things happen in our cities across Europe as if it is now accepted and the norm.


No, i'm sorry it shouldn't happen and it isn't the norm and anyone who accepts and believes them is a deluded idiot.


This is a new wave of terrorism that has escalated in a very short period and the same politicians and media that are saying this are the same ones that have incited the problem over the last decade with their political correct ideology and soft response towards the growth of radical Islam inside Europe.


The Blair government started it and it's been allowed to continue ever since, when are these people going to wake up and face the reality of what's happening instead of trying to play it down. They are the cowards who are telling us not to be cowed.


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5 hours ago, ricku said:

As a swede, I'm not surprised about this at all. The blood is on the hands of our naive left-wing politicians, and the media.

And by the way. All the reports you hear about Sweden and our failed immigration policies are 100% true. Trump is right, Sweden is no longer safe, especially in the bigger cities.

I love my country, but the country I love doesn't really exist any more..

And by the way, ricku is completely wrong.


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Four killed by truck driven into crowd in Swedish capital

By Johan Ahlander



People were killed when a truck crashed into department store Ahlens on Drottninggatan, in central Stockholm, Sweden April 7, 2017. TT News Agency/Fredrik Sandberg/via REUTERS


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A truck ploughed into a crowd on a shopping street and crashed into a department store in central Stockholm on Friday, killing four people and wounding 15 in what the prime minister said appeared to be a terrorist attack.


Police said they had arrested one person in a northern Stockholm suburb after earlier circulating a picture of a man wearing a grey hoodie in connection with the investigation into the attack on Drottninggatan (Queen Street) using a hijacked beer truck.


"These kinds of actions will never succeed. We know that our enemies are these atrocious murderers and not each other," Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, who had earlier described the assault as a terrorist attack, told a news conference.


"Our message will always be clear: you will not defeat us, you will not govern our lives, you will never, ever win."


There was no immediate claim of responsibility.


Police said security at Swedish borders had been heightened. They did not rule out the possibility other attackers were involved.




"I turned around and saw a big truck coming towards me. It swerved from side to side. It didn't look out of control, it was trying to hit people," Glen Foran, an Australian tourist in his 40s, told Reuters.


"It hit people, it was terrible. It hit a pram with a kid in it, demolished it," he said.


"It took a long time for police to get here. I suppose from their view it was quick, but it felt like forever."


The area of the attack in central Stockholm was evacuated, including the main rail station, and remained cordoned off late on Friday. All subway traffic was halted on police orders and government offices were closed.


A Reuters witness at the scene saw policemen put what appeared to be two bodies into body bags.


Bloody tyre tracks showed the path of the truck, which was stolen by a masked hijacker while making a beer delivery to a tapas bar further up Drottninggatan, according to Spendrups Brewery spokesman Marten Lyth.


"We were standing by the traffic lights at Drottninggatan and then we heard some screaming and saw a truck coming," a witness who declined to be named told Reuters.


"Then it drove into a pillar at (department store) Ahlens City, where the hood started burning. When it stopped we saw a man lying under the tyre. It was terrible to see," said the man, who saw the incident from his car.


Police said four people had died and 15 were injured. National news agency TT said those hurt included the delivery driver, who had tried to stop the hijack.


Several attacks in which trucks or cars have driven into crowds have taken place in Europe in the past year. Al Qaeda in 2010 urged its followers to use trucks as a weapon.


Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack in Nice, France, last July, when a truck killed 86 people celebrating Bastille Day, and one in Berlin in December, when a truck smashed through a Christmas market, killing 12 people.


"Hijacking a truck, that has happened before," Magnus Ranstorp, head of terrorism research at the Swedish Defence University, told Reuters.


"And this is a pretty cunning modus operandi. To drive to Ahlens and stop ... There is a way down to the subway just a few metres away from there, and then you ... can jump on any train you want and quickly disappear."




Stockholmers opened up their homes and offered lifts to people who were unable to get home or needed a place to stay.


"Our thoughts are going out to those that were affected, and to their families," Sweden's King Carl Gustaf said in a statement, while European Union chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker said an attack on any of the bloc's member states "is an attack on us all".


The attack was the latest to hit the Nordic region after shootings in Danish capital Copenhagen in 2015 that killed three people and the 2011 bombing and shooting by far right extremist Anders Behring Breivik that killed 77 people in Norway.


Sweden has not seen a large-scale attack, although in December 2010 a failed suicide bombing killed the attacker only a few hundred yards from the site of Friday's incident.


In February U.S. President Donald Trump falsely suggested there had been an immigration-related security incident in Sweden, to the bafflement of Swedes.


Swedish authorities raised the national security threat level to four on a scale of five in October 2010 but lowered the level to three, indicating a "raised threat", in March 2016.


Police in Norway's largest cities and at Oslo airport will carry weapons until further notice following the attack. Denmark has been on high alert since the February 2015 shootings. Traffic was restricted on the Oresund bridge linking Denmark and Sweden at the request of Swedish police.


Neutral Sweden has not fought a war in more than 200 years, but its military has taken part in U.N peacekeeping missions in a number of conflict zones in recent years, including Iraq, Mali and Afghanistan.


The Sapo security police said in its annual report it was impossible to say how big a risk there was that Sweden would be targeted like other European cities, but that, if so "it is most likely that it would be undertaken by a lone attacker".


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-08


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8 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Both wrong.


More death brought to the streets of Europe by murderers who pervert their claimed religion in order to sow hate, division and fear for political ends.


As has been shown time and time again these people do not represent Islam, are not supported by the vast majority of Muslims and are, and have been for many years, repeatedly condemned by Muslims of all sects around the world.


Fact: ISIS and similar groups have killed far more Muslims, Shia and Sunni, than they have non Muslims. One example: Baghdad bombing: Iraqis remind world that most of Isis' victims are Muslims after more than 160 killed.

Believe you are right and wrong. Most are peaceful and/or moderate, yes, but these people do represent Islam in following their prophets words and ideals to the letter. That ISIS kill more Muslims is convenience; they'd sooner have us all in the ground. I believe without Islam and the weak minds that follow and perpetuate it, you wouldn't be seeing any of this. 

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8 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

We're not cowed, scared, but in desperate thought on how can we stop this happening.My thought is expensive but doable and will stop people hijacking cars, trucks, whatever.Mandatory thumb print lock on the door and for ignition. All cars would have to be fitted. Taxpayer money.


Iris scan too is another way.


Now, hiring a truck or buying a new one, or borrowing one, still can be solved using advanced technology. You'll see, this terror will stop we just need to put our thinking caps on.







Would make zero difference. They would then simply kidnap the owner of the vehicle to start it. Once started they could be killed and ejected from the vehicle.

Or, like the IRA, hold the driver's family hostage to force him/ her to do the task.

What would work is having an armed police force that actually mingles with the population, like they used to do back when they had beat cops. Of course they'd have to be trained to take out the drivers, so more than a perfunctory firing range practice once a year or so.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Why are there not more attacks like this in Europe? 

It's so easy to get a vehicle and ram it into a crowd and there's supposedly millions of terrorist muslims everywhere in Europe? Are they all cowards or is it simply because 99.99999% of all muslims are actually peaceful? Someone know?

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It doesn't matter what proportion of Muslims are "peaceful", if by that you mean Muslims who don't personally instigate violent attacks.


The silent majority is irrelevant in terms of terrorism. It is the violent minority that counts.


It is perfectly clear is that there are plenty of Muslims in Europe who are not peaceful and are intent on slaughtering European citizens by gun, bomb, knife or truck.


Anyone who denies that is being foolish or cowardly.

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5 minutes ago, RickBradford said:


It doesn't matter what proportion of Muslims are "peaceful", if by that you mean Muslims who don't personally instigate violent attacks.


The silent majority is irrelevant in terms of terrorism. It is the violent minority that counts.


It is perfectly clear is that there are plenty of Muslims in Europe who are not peaceful and are intent on slaughtering European citizens by gun, bomb, knife or truck.


Anyone who denies that is being foolish or cowardly.

nnumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences is a 1988 book by mathematician John Allen Paulos about "innumeracy," a term he embraced to describe the mathematical equivalent of illiteracy: incompetence with numbers rather than words. 

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11 hours ago, englishinsiam said:

The friends of peace and tolerance strike again. Well i for one am rapidly losing what little tolerance i had for them.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Good one! But...What's taken so L-O-N-G??? Been going on for decades, surprised anyone has even a little left!:coffee1:

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10 hours ago, 7by7 said:



Both wrong.


More death brought to the streets of Europe by murderers who pervert their claimed religion in order to sow hate, division and fear for political ends.


As has been shown time and time again these people do not represent Islam, are not supported by the vast majority of Muslims and are, and have been for many years, repeatedly condemned by Muslims of all sects around the world.


Fact: ISIS and similar groups have killed far more Muslims, Shia and Sunni, than they have non Muslims. One example: Baghdad bombing: Iraqis remind world that most of Isis' victims are Muslims after more than 160 killed.

Perverted religion......?


Near all our planet has a religion killing for "fun". Not just a few here or there, it's everywhere, very few countries have been free of this religions off shoot. Nothing to do with a few naughty blokes, there are zillions out there waiting to do what they think is their gods will...

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10 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

7by7 inspired me to think of ways to stop this. Just praying and saying oh my god isn't helping anyone.

7by7 wins most inspiring post of the week. Your a credit to the U.K.

:sick: :bah:

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Thank goodness there are not many apologists on here for the religion of peace ,only the usual ones , as i have said over and over after living and working amongst them for over 20 years ,there are very very few i would trust , to them we are as nothing , do not listen to those who say they are a minority that kill , they kill each other and they kill us ,its an evil religion that exudes only hate .

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5 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Thank goodness there are not many apologists on here for the religion of peace ,only the usual ones , as i have said over and over after living and working amongst them for over 20 years ,there are very very few i would trust , to them we are as nothing , do not listen to those who say they are a minority that kill , they kill each other and they kill us ,its an evil religion that exudes only hate .

The apologists are brainwashed liberal lefties and are just as much to blame for these sickening attacks. They're the new Hitler youth.

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11 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

We're not cowed, scared, but in desperate thought on how can we stop this happening.My thought is expensive but doable and will stop people hijacking cars, trucks, whatever.Mandatory thumb print lock on the door and for ignition. All cars would have to be fitted. Taxpayer money.


Iris scan too is another way.


Now, hiring a truck or buying a new one, or borrowing one, still can be solved using advanced technology. You'll see, this terror will stop we just need to put our thinking caps on.




I believe that in this attack the truck was hijacked, but what if they use their own vehicles?  They seem to be hell bent on martyrdom and their share of the (presumably) rapidly dwindling pool of virgins!  Trashing their car in an attack shouldn't really be an issue, should it?  Iris scanners and biometrics won't help prevent this sort of thing at all.  


Thinking caps for us, dunce's cap for you.


If these knobheads have to commit murders and so on to go to heaven and enjoy their spoils, what did the virgins have to do to get there?  That's got to be a logistical nightmare!


I remember reading somewhere that Jesus was to have been born a Muslim but they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin!  Plenty of asses though.


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53 minutes ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

The apologists are brainwashed liberal lefties and are just as much to blame for these sickening attacks. They're the new Hitler youth.

Those damned liberal lefties who opposed Bush's Iraq war. And don't forget the French who didn't believe Bush's conclusive evidence about WMDs. Let's all be grateful that those softhearted and softheaded fools didn't manage to prevent George W. Bush from accomplishing his mission.

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10 hours ago, Flustered said:

So can I...


Hang the Bast*rds

That's an attitude, not a solution. Retaliation simply exacerbates the problem.

Nor is the solution appeasement.

The solution involves international cultural justice. There is a root cause that is eroding their self esteem. Getting warmer?

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4 minutes ago, just.a.thought said:

It must be fake news because according to the Swedish government and media Sweden does not have any problems with immigrants? Wake up European politicians you are completely failing your citizens.....

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

You're a little confused. It is fake news that says Sweden says it isn't have any problems with immigrants. Whenever I see comments like  yours phrased in absolutes I know it's a lie.

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19 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

That's an attitude, not a solution. Retaliation simply exacerbates the problem.

Nor is the solution appeasement.

The solution involves international cultural justice. There is a root cause that is eroding their self esteem. Getting warmer?

Pray tell, what does "international cultural justice" exactly entail?

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1 minute ago, Senior Player said:

Pray tell, what does "international cultural justice" exactly entail?

Such as when members of another ethnicity/religion brutally invade your country and over a period of decades take it over completely and make you feel worthless. Sound familiar?


Anti-western jihad  such as this attack in Sweden and the one at Westminster is a direct consequence of this loss of cultural pride, this thorn in the flesh. The Muslim community is seething with low self-esteem because of the root conflict. There is only one solution. I can't say what it is here because people will start screaming 'this thread is about Sweden, not about...' but unless that root issue is addressed, attacks like this one will continue.

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8 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Such as when members of another ethnicity/religion brutally invade your country and over a period of decades take it over completely and make you feel worthless. Sound familiar?


Anti-western jihad  such as this attack in Sweden and the one at Westminster is a direct consequence of this loss of cultural pride, this thorn in the flesh. The Muslim community is seething with low self-esteem because of the root conflict. There is only one solution. I can't say what it is here because people will start screaming 'this thread is about Sweden, not about...' but unless that root issue is addressed, attacks like this one will continue.

So the muslims in Sweden are on course to take over the country completely? I see this kind of nonsense over and over again.  Apparently Muslims are some kind of superhuman beings who can take over a country despite being in a small minority.  And this despite the fact they suffer from low self esteem.  It's hard to find an exact number but from what I could gather there are about 20 million muslims in western Europe and about 140 deaths from Muslim terrorists in 2016. That comes to about 7 death per million muslims or .7 deaths per 100,000  which is the way homicide statistics are usually reported. Clearly, Western Europe is doomed!

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33 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Pray tell, what does "international cultural justice" exactly entail?

Well there's over 30 countries around the world that have over 90% of a muslim population so whose gonna be next. :cool:

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