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800k Retirement/Dependent Deposit - the Wisdom of Using & Replenishing Before Next Anniversary

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My Brit wife and I have been here for a few years, myself on an extension for retirement, my wife on an extension as a dependent.   Our annual renewal applications have always gone smoothly and we have always had a dedicated savings passbook to show the 800k+ and supporting bank letter of course.  The account has never been depleted and has only ever had interest credited and small value deposits made just prior to the visit to Immigration.  And we have always had another "working" savings passbook, with another bank, to show our working capital - though no-one has ever asked to see this.

My concern is in regards to the prudence of dipping into the 800k account mid-year but then replenishing it before the 3 month deadline before the next annual renewal. 

I suspect that doing that should not  breach any of the rules (as I understand them) but am also aware of the "discretion" which can always be applied by an individual Immigration officer.

So firstly, would this breach any rule, and secondly, does anyone have any experience of hitting problems by having "used" the 800k even although the balance was replenished by the anniversary 3-month date?

Thanks in advance.



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The only requirement is that the 800k baht must be in the bank for 3 months on the date your apply for the extension. You can do what you want with it for the other 9 months of the year.

Many people use the 800k baht to live on during the year and then top it up 3 months before they apply.

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No problem and even closer to the intention of the deposit.

Money to live on and "refill" from your home funds.


If you have a steady ("dead") 800k deposit then some immigrations even ask for a live account (asking what do you live on). Not many but some seem to.


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How do so many agents offer to "sort the seed money"

If it really has to be in for 3 months that always got me curious. You can pay them 20k and a week later get your visa. No money needed at all in account. Would love to free up my cash but never had the guts.



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1 hour ago, irlguy1 said:

How do so many agents offer to "sort the seed money"

If it really has to be in for 3 months that always got me curious. You can pay them 20k and a week later get your visa. No money needed at all in account. Would love to free up my cash but never had the guts.



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Do you really need to ask that! ... Your 20,000 would be split at least three ways ...agent ... bank enployee/employees...one or several IO's. What %age each gets who knows. 


Best to avoid like the plague .... as one day the shit may hit the fan ... and you will become 'persona non grata' ...

Edited by JAS21
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1 hour ago, irlguy1 said:

How do so many agents offer to "sort the seed money"

If it really has to be in for 3 months that always got me curious. You can pay them 20k and a week later get your visa. No money needed at all in account. Would love to free up my cash but never had the guts.


that's clearly some half-àssed "bar stool" information because the "fee" of 20-25k is on top of the usual 10-15k for an extension handling by an agent. only an utmost ignorant would walk that dangerous, expensive and clearly illegal path!

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39 minutes ago, Naam said:

that's clearly some half-àssed "bar stool" information because the "fee" of 20-25k is on top of the usual 10-15k for an extension handling by an agent. only an utmost ignorant would walk that dangerous, expensive and clearly illegal path!

And my own belief is sooner or later it will get stomped on with about two weeks notice.

I do know of two guys who got their extension that way and on going to do their first 90 were told that they had to do it where it was issued. Meant a 200+ kilometre drive, friends car, to do their 90 reports.

No names, No pack-drill.

Just be aware.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got problems this time, money in the bank for many years...


special account for extention, no money goes in & out


now immigration wants to see movement ????


They don't seem to get it I have other accounts and this special one "for their requirements"

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28 minutes ago, immiq said:

I got problems this time, money in the bank for many years...

special account for extention, no money goes in & out

now immigration wants to see movement ????

They don't seem to get it I have other accounts and this special one "for their requirements"

You have replies in the topic you started.


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The OP didn't say where he lived.  I live in Chiang Mai, but have a similar strategy for my retirement visa.  No problem.  Just bring the "working" passbook with you to bring out in case you're asked about how you have funds to live.  I always say that Hubby's pension income is sufficient to support me and it comes into our joint Bangkok Bank account, would they like to see it, and they've never gone so far as to do more than a quick inspection when presented with an opened page with every little transition.  It does show a pattern of regular monthly deposits and weekly withdrawals.

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