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Road rules to be strictly enforced


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We have to give payut credit for trying and I choose to be optimistic and belive it will succede.


If we do not try we have no chance at all...:smile:


The interesting will be to see, what will happen to Thailand, when a new civilien elected government take over..:sad:


Edited by Muggi1968
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Fingers crossed that they do what they say and a lot more. 23 years here and the figures are still depressingly predictable and woefully tragic! 


Just can't get my head around all those grieving families. So unnecessary.

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1 hour ago, steve187 said:

how about banning al vehicles, why not go onto trains and aeroplanes, people were killed when it was horse and buggy.

what is needed is enforcement of the existing traffic laws, when was the last time you saw a police vehicle stop someone, instead of driving straight past, red lights, seat belts, people in the back of pick ups, no crash hat, driving against the flow of traffic, driving like a d*ck, the list goes on

yes the big fast cars have come before driving education.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department deputy director-general Kobchai Boonyaorana said the reason for ramping up traffic law enforcement was because statistics showed that the main cause of road accidents in Thailand was lack of traffic discipline.

There you have it.  Arguably the most eminent of Thai national qualities is lack of discipline and no one should be surprised that it is rife on the roads as well.  Bad driving causing road deaths and casualties are all intimately connected to Thainness.

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

"...more check points..."


It's obvious this achieves very little.


Time to go back to the drawing board and that doesn't mean rework the check points idea!


Last week there was another checkpoint on the CM-Lampang superhighway near Don Chan. Police put cones out to direct the traffic into just one lane, but the cones started just 20 metres from the point where the lanes actually converged into one; in other words very little notice of converging.


I was in the centre lane and suddenly very fast a vehicle came down my left side, quickly changed into my lane and dived in front of me. I hit the brakes hard to avoid hitting this vehicle, and I beeped my horn one time and a very short beep.


Cop ignored the car that had dived in and signaled me to move to the side. I then got a 5 minute lecture about polite driving and told it's mai suparb mark to beep other drivers.


The cop was speaking 50/50 Thai and English. I politely mentioned about the car that had dived in at speed and that I had to brake hard to avoid hitting this vehicle.  His response; I know that I saw it but why are so many farang so impolite when they are driving?


I didn't respond, no point, I just waited for his signal to move on. 


P.S. The check point was set up to check registration stickers and perhaps more. While I was getting my lecture I noticed one very old very beat up pick-up with passengers side door and tailgate both missing and  no number plate, went straight through the check point.


I can well believe this!  The ignorance here is staggering and especially from people in authority. No one seems to be able to prioritise the most important from the almost irrelevant. While this mindset persists from top to bottom what hope is there that important issues can be tackled even marginally effectively. Actually Thais are very good at prioritising face but strange it is limited strictly to that.

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3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Great news finger crossed lets hope those 7 deadly days turns into 7 accident free days


drive safe and leave the drink at home please.

Or drink safe and leave the car at home

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4 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


You need to sit down and think about that.

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It would be great if you actually could use the right lane for overtaking! Maybe they should consider introducing a ban on all heavy vehicles,including busses,in the far right lane. Along with,times where big trucks are banned from overtaking. A campaign to enlighten drivers as to why you shouldn't drive in the right lane unless you drive permitted maximum speed,it seems like that's not part of the curriculum at the driving schools.



Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


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4 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


You may well be right? I was very surprised not to see motorbikes in cities in Myanmar when I visited last year. Only motorbikes allowed were police and the electricity workers. And I will add, I didnt see one accident. 

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Never mind the roads, just go into any area where there are a number of Thai people and watch the carnage.


Walk in any market/ shopping centre and just see how many times people walk into you, or walk across your path with no knowledge your even there.


Thais seem to have some genetic disorder when it comes to awareness and Peripheral vision

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3 minutes ago, MorristheRunt said:

Never mind the roads, just go into any area where there are a number of Thai people and watch the carnage.


Walk in any market/ shopping centre and just see how many times people walk into you, or walk across your path with no knowledge your even there.


Thais seem to have some genetic disorder when it comes to awareness and Peripheral vision

While on the subject try using a pool where Thais are swimming.  I try to do lengths but am constantly barged or interrupted by people swimming across my path.  I stop to allow them to pass but, as you say, they have no awareness or peripheral vision.

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Never mind the roads, just go into any area where there are a number of Thai people and watch the carnage.


Walk in any market/ shopping centre and just see how many times people walk into you, or walk across your path with no knowledge your even there.


Thais seem to have some genetic disorder when it comes to awareness and Peripheral vision

I was thinking exactly the same thing on Saturday walking around at Future Park Rangsit, I even thought about strapping my dash camera around my neck to get some footage of those Tunnel Vision Thais ! It brought a little smile to my face which was quickly removed when the gf asked who I was smiling at !! ☹️

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  4 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

"Great news finger crossed lets hope those 7 deadly days turns into 7 accident free days

drive safe and leave the drink at home please."


Excellent and very sensible advice but, unfortunately it only keeps you safe if everyone does the same.   You can drive as safely and as defensively as you like in Thailand but there are plenty of crazy drivers on the roads here who can take you out in a flash.

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5 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


If I could ban all ridiculous statements! I would ban them tomorrow..


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3 hours ago, scorecard said:

"...more check points..."


It's obvious this achieves very little.


Time to go back to the drawing board and that doesn't mean rework the check points idea!


Last week there was another checkpoint on the CM-Lampang superhighway near Don Chan. Police put cones out to direct the traffic into just one lane, but the cones started just 20 metres from the point where the lanes actually converged into one; in other words very little notice of converging.


I was in the centre lane and suddenly very fast a vehicle came down my left side, quickly changed into my lane and dived in front of me. I hit the brakes hard to avoid hitting this vehicle, and I beeped my horn one time and a very short beep.


Cop ignored the car that had dived in and signaled me to move to the side. I then got a 5 minute lecture about polite driving and told it's mai suparb mark to beep other drivers.


The cop was speaking 50/50 Thai and English. I politely mentioned about the car that had dived in at speed and that I had to brake hard to avoid hitting this vehicle.  His response; I know that I saw it but why are so many farang so impolite when they are driving?


I didn't respond, no point, I just waited for his signal to move on. 


P.S. The check point was set up to check registration stickers and perhaps more. While I was getting my lecture I noticed one very old very beat up pick-up with passengers side door and tailgate both missing and  no number plate, went straight through the check point.


You were trying to reason with a Thai :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


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