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"Praewa" and plaintiffs to face less damages in minivan passenger deaths' case


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"Praewa" and plaintiffs to face less damages in minivan passenger deaths' case



Picture: Voice TV


BANGKOK: -- A court has handed down a decision in the case of "Praewa" or Orachorn Thephatdin na Ayuthaya.


She was the teen - 17 at the time - who caused a minivan with many occupants to career off the Bangkok tollway in December 2010 after she hit it in her Honda Civic, reported Voice TV.


She was unhurt but everyone in the van was killed.


An original award of over 30 million baht given to 28 plaintiffs on behalf of the victims has now been reduced to 19 million baht. The court in a judgment Tuesday announced yesterday found that the driver of the van was also culpable in the accident because of speeding.


But the court accepted that the negligence of Praewa was proven and the accident would not have occurred without her actions.


There are seven defendants in the case including Praewa's parents who are liable for her actions due to her age. Another facing damages is the registered owner of the car.


Praewa has received a 3 year prison sentenced after she was charged as a juvenile. This was suspended for four years. She has been banned from driving until she is 25.


In addition she must complete 48 hours of community service each year.


Source: Voice TV

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-20
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A disgrace that nothing has been paid 7 years after the fact. This gormless idiot should be in jail & her scummy family also for not paying a penny til now.

The appeal.court appears to be as pathetic as the original. I guess we won't be durprised when the supreme court takes a few more mil off. Dreadful form. I hope the families can recover from this awful incident despite the justice system completely failing them

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"She was unhurt but everyone in the van was killed."


She is very lucky that no relatives have tried to seek personal revenge   . . . . .  yet.

It would be top of my list of priorities had it been one of mine in that van

as it is more than obvious that her family are willing to pay nought.

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I don't know why the family appealed.  30 million is nothing to them, and in appealing they keep reminding us of the sordid nature of the affair, and of their family name.


We never did find out who the car belonged to and let her drive underage, did we? Nobody prosecuted.  But that's what being rich does for you in Thailand.

Edited by Oxx
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9 minutes ago, Sphere said:


By being born in the lower strata of society, among other things.....:coffee1:


In any real justice system the van driver would've been found partially culpable 5 years ago. The lack of seatbelts a lone would've made the van driver have at least 20% liability in a western justice system. Then take the unsafe tyres and the only witness account which alleges that the van cut the girl off. The only reason they found her 100% liable before is that they wanted to get compensation to the victims and she was rich. That's how it works here, when you're rich you have to pay more but spend less time in jail (if at all). It's about time that a judge ruled based on the law and not popular opinion.

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how many times have we seen the sons/daughters of well to do families get off murder charges/culpable driving charges entirely due to their wealth/names in thai society. The courts refuse to do then right thing and lock these people up so we need to ask why as in any other country these killers would be spending a lot of time in jail, here simply  they walk around free with no guilt what so ever. The arrogance shown by the guilty parties and their families is sickening and we really have to wonder why the courts have not charged them as they should be, maybe its time to replace those judges sitting on these cases or at least have  a look at their personal wealth  or  maybe just check their morals as the sentences and what the guilty parties get away with are a total joke


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I don't know why the family appealed.  30 million is nothing to them, and in appealing they keep reminding us of the sordid nature of the affair, and of their family name.
We never did find out who the car belonged to and let her drive underage, did we? Nobody prosecuted.  But that's what being rich does for you in Thailand.

In Thailand if one side (in this case the rich family) says okay 30 mil to end this sounds reasonable and therefore they didn't appeal the award and the other side does appeal and says 30 mil not enough but 200 mil will be acceptable. Then you really are very open to being hit hard financially when the court sees no appeal from the rich (perceived or not) party.

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

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I don't know why the family appealed.  30 million is nothing to them, and in appealing they keep reminding us of the sordid nature of the affair, and of their family name.
We never did find out who the car belonged to and let her drive underage, did we? Nobody prosecuted.  But that's what being rich does for you in Thailand.

From the reports at the time of the accident, I seem to recall that the car was owned or registered to someone from Phuket

Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"She was unhurt but everyone in the van was killed."


She is very lucky that no relatives have tried to seek personal revenge   . . . . .  yet.

It would be top of my list of priorities had it been one of mine in that van

as it is more than obvious that her family are willing to pay nought.

Maybe they are waiting for the payout so they can use the money to hire a hitman.


That is what I would do. I don't need your bloodmoney, I will just use it for revenge.

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.........Praewa has received a 3 year prison sentenced after she was charged as a juvenile. This was suspended for four years. She has been banned from driving until she is 25.In addition she must complete 48 hours of community service each year...............




Sickening, absolutely <deleted> sickening. A tramp of a bitch like this allowed to go free?

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4 hours ago, Oxx said:

I don't know why the family appealed.  30 million is nothing to them, and in appealing they keep reminding us of the sordid nature of the affair, and of their family name.


We never did find out who the car belonged to and let her drive underage, did we? Nobody prosecuted.  But that's what being rich does for you in Thailand.

One does not f@#k around with a 'na Ayuthaya' without consequences. :ph34r:

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Life in Thailand is not worth much, especially if your of the poorer species. Money has always been the powerful tool, you would get away with this in the western countries, because people would be protesting, but in Thailand, its heads back down, rice to pick, life goes on.


Sad for the families, life will never bring them back, but proper compensation and jail time would serve as a kind of justice one would expect for richer or poorer.

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6 hours ago, Oxx said:

I don't know why the family appealed.  30 million is nothing to them, and in appealing they keep reminding us of the sordid nature of the affair, and of their family name.


We never did find out who the car belonged to and let her drive underage, did we? Nobody prosecuted.  But that's what being rich does for you in Thailand.


You sort of answer your own question. They are rich, very well connected and consider themselves above consequences for their actions were people they perceive to be lesser members of society are affected.


The family have now succeeded in reducing the damages, not having paid a bean yet. Unless the plaintiffs appeal to the Supreme Court. They also tried to get Madam's driving ban quashed now she's actually old enough to drive - assuming she applies for a license and passes the test. They also tried to weasle out of the community service by claiming it was carried out at a "friendly" connected hospital rather than one approved by the probation service. When the probation service kicked up they sued them for unfair treatment.

No one has been prosecuted for allowing a below age, unlicensed, uninsured driver to use a vehicle.


Now, does any of that make you believe this family give a rats arse for anyone other than themselves? As for reminding us, they couldn't give a monkey's what foreigners think. Even less than lower class Thais to them.

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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

assuming she applies for a license and passes the test.


Do you honestly think she'll want to spend a few hours in a hot and sweaty centre and watch a tedious hour long video just to get her licence, let alone do the strenuous driving test driving around a few cones? There are other ways to get a licence other than applying and taking a test.  That is, if she'll even bother with getting a licence.  After all, having no licence didn't stop her driving before, and it doesn't seem to have done her much harm (unlike her dead victims and their families).

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The lady's extended-family are exceptionally well-connected (eg within the armed forces + the current government).


The lady's Father is General Wit Thephasadin na Ayutthaya, who at one time was Assistant Army Chief, and was/is an Advisor to the Prime Minister (and I believe that he owns/runs an oil-company nowadays).

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