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Video: Wild West Thailand - Songkran shooting caught on tape


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8 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Yes......so blessed people shooting at other would never happen back home?.....or is it different back home because there they wouldn' t miss.

Yes but this article is about Pattaya in Thailand and not about "back home" wherever that may be.  Therefore the posters will be commenting on this.

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5 hours ago, free123 said:

u speak about usa ??? at least here in thailand such things do not happen too often ...if u are american this is business as usual if not in a wealthy neighbourhood ( and they getting rare ) shooting killing murder robbery is the common daily experience..if u from central europe this is not realy common and it should not be anywhere...at least not in thailand where many come for peace and tranquility....i guess pattaya tourists like the crime bars drug scene otherwise they would not visit or live (retire ) at the worlds crime and prostitution capitol.... so dont complain too much its part if the business there where u choose to reside...child prostitution...massive drug problems.... international and local crime gangs...ripp offs of all kinds....a totally corrupt police force that partly runs these business ...shootings stabbings snap thieves....robbers and murderers to pose as womens...the worlds capitol of prostitution and child abuse....there u go ...thats why u went there in the first place..so now dont complain just enjoy....


The worlds crime capital? 

The worlds child abuse capital? 

Where did you get those numbers from. Seriously. 

I would bet that Syria has a higher murder rate and the child abuse rate in muslim countries is much higher than in Pattaya. 

You might just be venting but I'd really love to see those statements backed up. I know crime is rapid in Pattaya but I have never seen actually numbers. 

Can someone link me to actual numbers, aka murder rate, child abuse rate etc.. 

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4 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:


The worlds crime capital? 

The worlds child abuse capital? 

Where did you get those numbers from. Seriously. 

I would bet that Syria has a higher murder rate and the child abuse rate in muslim countries is much higher than in Pattaya. 

You might just be venting but I'd really love to see those statements backed up. I know crime is rapid in Pattaya but I have never seen actually numbers. 

Can someone link me to actual numbers, aka murder rate, child abuse rate etc.. 

My sister lived in The USA for 45 years, I visited frequently...never

saw a gun or robbery....of course, she was a professional and

lived in a nice City.  Only news was about the slums and the inner

cities where the daily shootings occurred.  Maybe 3% of the

Entire USA is affected by this type of shooting.

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5 hours ago, free123 said:

u speak about usa ??? at least here in thailand such things do not happen too often ...if u are american this is business as usual if not in a wealthy neighbourhood ( and they getting rare ) shooting killing murder robbery is the common daily experience..if u from central europe this is not realy common and it should not be anywhere...at least not in thailand where many come for peace and tranquility....i guess pattaya tourists like the crime bars drug scene otherwise they would not visit or live (retire ) at the worlds crime and prostitution capitol.... so dont complain too much its part if the business there where u choose to reside...child prostitution...massive drug problems.... international and local crime gangs...ripp offs of all kinds....a totally corrupt police force that partly runs these business ...shootings stabbings snap thieves....robbers and murderers to pose as womens...the worlds capitol of prostitution and child abuse....there u go ...thats why u went there in the first place..so now dont complain just enjoy....

Clearly spoken from the heart and much of this is true.  Pattaya isn't actually the child abuse capital of the world or the crime capital of the world but it is certainly up there, especially in South East Asia. 

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10 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

My sister lived in The USA for 45 years, I visited frequently...never

saw a gun or robbery....of course, she was a professional and

lived in a nice City.  Only news was about the slums and the inner

cities where the daily shootings occurred.  Maybe 3% of the

Entire USA is affected by this type of shooting.


Your sister was a professional.... ? 

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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

My sister lived in The USA for 45 years, I visited frequently...never

saw a gun or robbery....of course, she was a professional and

lived in a nice City.  Only news was about the slums and the inner

cities where the daily shootings occurred.  Maybe 3% of the

Entire USA is affected by this type of shooting.


So that's just the 9,600,000 then....

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11 hours ago, wealthychef said:

Um, what police do you know of that come before or during an incident or accident?  You realize that there is this thing called "response time" and it kind of depends on how close the police are at the time of the incident and how long it takes to get there.  I don't understand why people are bitching about this aspect.  But I don't live in Pattaya.  Are the police there particularly slow?  What is a typical response time for a crime in Pattaya?  The one time I had trouble there was when a ladyboy snatched my waist pouch (yes I learned my lessons, thank you).  At that time a citizen helped me and a taxi took me to the police station.  

So there you have it in a nutshell! No police around, so a citizen helped you (you don't say how he helped you) and a taxi took you to the police station where no doubt it took a while to fill out the report and in the meantime, the ladyboy has disappeared over the horizon (or at least down the next soi where he/she/it has emptied your waist pouch, thrown it in the nearest pile of rubbish, and moved on to the next victim.) Oh, did the Police say they would let you know if they arrested anyone for the crime?

Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of situations all over the world where there are quite a few police on hand just in case there is an "incident" or "accident" - a typical Saturday night on any High Street in the UK is guaranteed to produce a few arrests because the police are aware of the probability of such occurrences, and I am sure that the same will apply in most other Western countries. I believe this is called "pro active policing" However, the same probability exists here in places like Pattaya where the "ladyboy crime" seems to be escalating daily, especially in certain areas in the early hours, but do you EVER see any police "footsoldiers" out and about at that time even showing the face of law and order - never mind doing something about it!

Edited by sambum
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6 hours ago, Wake Up said:

I find it hard to believe many people expect the police to be everywhere. That is impossible. And probably if police were actually there the shooters would have not fired but waited for their opportunity to shoot at another time. Not defending Thai police  But tell me how any police force in the world is suppose to have psychic knowledge of where crime is going to be committed in the future to be there at the exact time of the crime. Or how police are suppose to magically prevent all crimes or be at the crime scene in seconds. Do you bitch just to bitch for fun sake or do you have anything positive to add?  

See Post #38

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23 minutes ago, sambum said:

So there you have it in a nutshell! No police around, so a citizen helped you (you don't say how he helped you) and a taxi took you to the police station where no doubt it took a while to fill out the report and in the meantime, the ladyboy has disappeared over the horizon (or at least down the next soi where he/she/it has emptied your waist pouch, thrown it in the nearest pile of rubbish, and moved on to the next victim.) Oh, did the Police say they would let you know if they arrested anyone for the crime?

Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of situations all over the world where there are quite a few police on hand just in case there is an "incident" or "accident" - a typical Saturday night on any High Street in the UK is guaranteed to produce a few arrests because the police are aware of the probability of such occurrences, and I am sure that the same will apply in most other Western countries. I believe this is called "pro active policing" However, the same probability exists here in places like Pattaya where the "ladyboy crime" seems to be escalating daily, especially in certain areas in the early hours, but do you EVER see any police "footsoldiers" out and about at that time even showing the face of law and order - never mind doing something about it!


Very fair points, to which I say, yes the police here are certainly far from impressive, to say the least.  Thanks for explaining your view on the matter more clearly


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17 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Yes......so blessed people shooting at other would never happen back home?.....or is it different back home because there they wouldn' t miss.

What we don't have is the "Songkran" excuse for assaulting the public back home....

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21 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Yes......so blessed people shooting at other would never happen back home?.....or is it different back home because there they wouldn' t miss.

No we don't get this from my home town.

Sorry to hear you apparently do.

Nevertheless we are talking of Pattaya and what happens in Tinbuktu  is not relevant.

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On 4/21/2017 at 7:25 AM, dotpoom said:

Yes......so blessed people shooting at other would never happen back home?.....or is it different back home because there they wouldn' t miss.

Here we go again!  This shooting was in Pattaya, so no-one is going to comment on here about a shooting, for example,  in the UK or in Germany etc, are they?  Comments on here are, not surprisingly,  about the shooting in Pattaya.


If you ever travel to another country and either witness or hear of a shooting there, please feel free to comment as much as you like about it over there, but, when doing so,  please do not bring Thailand into it, as that particular shooting abroad did not happen here.

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On 4/21/2017 at 3:36 PM, Wake Up said:

I find it hard to believe many people expect the police to be everywhere. That is impossible. And probably if police were actually there the shooters would have not fired but waited for their opportunity to shoot at another time. Not defending Thai police  But tell me how any police force in the world is suppose to have psychic knowledge of where crime is going to be committed in the future to be there at the exact time of the crime. Or how police are suppose to magically prevent all crimes or be at the crime scene in seconds. Do you bitch just to bitch for fun sake or do you have anything positive to add?  

Not bitching just quoting an earlier post !

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