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Western Sized Bathing Suits in Bangkok

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I don't think you will be able to find those sizes here, and even if you do they still will not fit you. Larger sized clothes (bathing suits and other) here are not made to fit Western women  but rather fat Thai women, and fat Thai women are not proportioned the same as a size 14-16 Western women (i.e. an average  to just slightly overweight Western woman).  They are still far, far smaller in the bust , may still be too small at the hips, and will be too  large around the middle.


Buy your bathing suits back home and bring with you. Ditto any other clothes you will need here other than maybe very loose tops. Though even those can be hard to find that fit outside of specialty "fat women" stores if you have a full bust...and even at those, only the loose styles will fit you. I have never found a Thai size fitting top that is not too tight around the bust no matter how large the size. It is just a difference of being too small everywhere (average Thai sizes) to being too small in some places and too large in otheers (largest Thai sizes).

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