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Pregnant British woman killed in Phuket hit and run crash

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1 hour ago, LivinginKata said:


Use your eyes and brain ... news reporting is often flawed.

I do ! But I can't just imagine a different story from what was printed here. I'm sorry I  have a real life and don't have the time that sad married men have to troll all the news papers.

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8 hours ago, Elfin said:

Firstly, RIP to the mother and baby and sincere condolences to the partner, friends and families of both.

Without picking on you Briggsy, but since when does one drive a motor bike rather than riding one?

Do we now all drive a horse as well??

Because you have 2 riders, a pillion rider and a driver. :jap:

8 hours ago, oldsailor35 said:

Why do you suspect this , he might well have looked behind and signalled his intentions, which the truck driver would most likely have ignored. How many times i have been stopped in the middle of the road indicating my intention to turn right and still be overtaken on my right by mini vans or m/c., i would hate to guess. To me, and i could well be wrong, it appears that Thai drivers usually ignore any signal when they want to overtake.


He was not turning right. He changed lanes into the path of the truck.

1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

He was not turning right. He changed lanes into the path of the truck.

No, he did not. He braked and lost control, as by his own admission.

1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

He was not turning right. He changed lanes into the path of the truck.

I think there was a mis-translation, he said in the video that he braked to stop and fell over (probably pressed the front brakes too hard), the girl fell into the path of the truck.

14 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Because you have 2 riders, a pillion rider and a driver. :jap:

I still can't get used it

16 minutes ago, wprime said:

I think there was a mis-translation, he said in the video that he braked to stop and fell over (probably pressed the front brakes too hard), the girl fell into the path of the truck.

Exactly... inexperienced bike driver.


Tragic that lady and unborn died 



This guy Danny is telling the truth. After watching the cctv footage and after finding a picture of the deceased it is very clear what happened. There is no way any court could convict him of wreckless driving.

His details of the accident are imo correct and he did the right thing making a statement via his youtube channel.
22 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

This guy Danny is telling the truth. After watching the cctv footage and after finding a picture of the deceased it is very clear what happened. There is no way any court could convict him of wreckless driving.

His details of the accident are imo correct and he did the right thing making a statement via his youtube channel.


Clearly this guy Danny should not face any legal charges if he has legal driving credentials.  He has suffered enough.

2 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:


Clearly this guy Danny should not face any legal charges if he has legal driving credentials.  He has suffered enough.

I think the police will want to get this over with quickly before it effects tourism in the area.


The truck speeded and even fled the scene and he should have avoided the accident instead of just run over them.He could have seen in advance the bike had to change lanes because was blocked. 

49 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

Exactly... inexperienced bike driver.


Tragic that lady and unborn died 



. "inexperienced bike driver."

I don't believe that he is at all an inexperienced bike rider, he used to live here in Chiang Mai, and i often saw him on a bike.

I was told that ,that is all he ever has had for transport is a bike,never had a car, but i cannot verify this 100%.

If so the inexperienced rider part is incorrect IMO.


Maybe you could say "inattentive" in this case.


Tragic result whatever the case,and i agree that he should not be charged with causing her death.



22 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

If the car was blocking the motor cycle lane the truck driver should have anticipated the motorbikes action of moving into that lane. Avoidable accident and very very tragic indeed for all involved. My sincere condolences.


Very impractical and very untenable to attempt to avoid every potential accident by doing what you suggest, especially with a heavy vehicle. Have you ever driven a motor vehicle?


Besides, you're assuming that the truck could have safely changed lanes as a rapidly made decision. Were you there?


Sharing a road on a motorbike with heavier vehicles, similarly to doing so with a bicycle, given the level of protection of both, has to be done with extreme care. More care actually than with a bicycle because a motorbike has to maintain higher speeds when in a lane with heavier/faster vehicles. This means more severe injuries are possible for motorbike operators that other types of motor vehicles.

8 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

The truck speeded and even fled the scene and he should have avoided the accident instead of just run over them.He could have seen in advance the bike had to change lanes because was blocked. 

Please read. The motorbike did not change lanes.

15 hours ago, hugh2121 said:

Where did the lorry driver think the bike was going to go to avoid the parked car? How about looking ahead and anticipating traffic moves. Oh, sorry TIT.

Watch the video, that's not what happened.


Also even if it was, the bike has the obligation to only change lanes if safe, there is no obligation for the truck to make room and that's for a very good reason, the bike could always just slow down and wait for a safe opportunity, it isn't always safe or even possible for a heavy vehicle to make a sudden evasive maneuver.

22 hours ago, Formaleins said:

At the end of the day it has nothing to do with the illegally parked car, it is the responsibility of the drivers of the vehicles involved in the collision.


Suppose the car had broken down? The fact that it was there does not make it the blame for the accident. 


I disagree. Illegally parked cars can easily set up a situation that is hazardous to other motor vehicles. Try parking your car in the fast lane of a high-speed freeway and see how long it takes to witness a high-speed rear-end collision.


Get some common driving sense.

9 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


Clearly this guy Danny should not face any legal charges if he has legal driving credentials.  He has suffered enough.

I believe him too but in Thailand death by negligence is a punishable offense.


Unless he had some previously unknown medical condition or bike fault that resulting in the crash, the best he can hope for is a conviction with no punishment (Thai courts are pretty lenient on negligence so I think the worst he's up for is a fine). 

17 hours ago, LuckyNo4 said:

"However, if he was changing lanes, he should have performed a shoulder check before manoeuvring" ......This is an absolute MUST when riding a bike in Thailand. Always do a shoulder check whenever you move left or right, changing lanes or not. It will save your life.


Verifying that a lane is safe for use is required with any type of vehicle (even pedestrians) anytime, anywhere in the world. Survival in a Modern World 101. Last I heard, the laws of physics were universal.


I drive a motorbike on a busy road with multiple lanes and there are many accidents and deaths every month. Most of the tine my wife is sat behind me. When I ride behind cars or pickups it's sometimes impossible to see the cars in front of that car, especially vans. So I always look for a space on the left side that I can brake and direct my bike into. You can't slam on the front brake and stop as fast as a car. You need to squeeze through the left side of the car and stop slowly. I also test my brakes everyday in my street. We have speed bumps, so I travel down the street and last minute slam the front and back breaks on to see what my stopping distance is.


Now, this all means nothing when there are idiots driving on the road. Last year whilst I was at work my wife called me from hospital. She was in shock. She'd had an accident. Whilst driving down the left lane a car that would usually wait just pulled out directly in front of my wife whilst she rode the motorcycle. She immediately floored the bike in order not to hit the car and fly over the bonnet. My son who was on the motorbike with her got flung into the left hand lane. And Thank God a kind Thai man stopped his car and blocked the traffic so my son could get up and walk to safety. They only suffered bruises.


So driving a motorcycle is a very dangerous way to travel in Thailand not because of you making a mistake but because of the other minority of maniacs allowed to drive on the roads. Everyday I see these maniacs, everyday. Only about 2 or 3 a day out of 100's of cars, trucks, vans, etc.. It's a minority, that needs to be banned from driving.



15 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

I drive a motorbike on a busy road with multiple lanes and there are many accidents and deaths every month. Most of the tine my wife is sat behind me. When I ride behind cars or pickups it's sometimes impossible to see the cars in front of that car, especially vans. So I always look for a space on the left side that I can brake and direct my bike into. You can't slam on the front brake and stop as fast as a car. You need to squeeze through the left side of the car and stop slowly. I also test my brakes everyday in my street. We have speed bumps, so I travel down the street and last minute slam the front and back breaks on to see what my stopping distance is.


Now, this all means nothing when there are idiots driving on the road. Last year whilst I was at work my wife called me from hospital. She was in shock. She'd had an accident. Whilst driving down the left lane a car that would usually wait just pulled out directly in front of my wife whilst she rode the motorcycle. She immediately floored the bike in order not to hit the car and fly over the bonnet. My son who was on the motorbike with her got flung into the left hand lane. And Thank God a kind Thai man stopped his car and blocked the traffic so my son could get up and walk to safety. They only suffered bruises.


So driving a motorcycle is a very dangerous way to travel in Thailand not because of you making a mistake but because of the other minority of maniacs allowed to drive on the roads. Everyday I see these maniacs, everyday. Only about 2 or 3 a day out of 100's of cars, trucks, vans, etc.. It's a minority, that needs to be banned from driving.



I assume you have now convinced yourself and your family not to use motorbikes??? Just get a car and your chances of surviving accidents (which will happen on Thai roads, regardless of how good a driver you are) will increase. Car loans are very easy to obtain if you are employed. Or car rentals are in every major city...Its your choice but its negligence if you allow your son anywhere near a bike...

4 hours ago, wprime said:

Watch the video, that's not what happened.


Also even if it was, the bike has the obligation to only change lanes if safe, there is no obligation for the truck to make room and that's for a very good reason, the bike could always just slow down and wait for a safe opportunity, it isn't always safe or even possible for a heavy vehicle to make a sudden evasive maneuver.

What video?

19 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Oh dear, another person that hasn't read the thread, or, watched the video.

There was NO parked car and there was NO lane change.

What video?

15 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

This guy Danny is telling the truth. After watching the cctv footage and after finding a picture of the deceased it is very clear what happened. There is no way any court could convict him of wreckless driving.

His details of the accident are imo correct and he did the right thing making a statement via his youtube channel.

You're correct. Because it was "wreckless" driving as both the truck and the motorbike were operable after the accident. The humans? Not so much, but my my heartfelt condolences go out to the "wrecked" humans - both the physical and psychological examples of wreckedness.


Just another day in phuket.

The motorbike lane are you kidding me. There is no such lane. You mean the shoulder lane that motorbikes use to try to not get run over.

But in this case its the motorbike drivers fault cause he obviously thought he was in a different country where people know how to drive, and park there automobiles. 

Very sad. 

I think this is no different than the jet ski guy so lets see some thai justice.

Arrest this guy and charge him with dangerouse driving and loss of life.

He deserves it.

I am not seriouse.


On 5/9/2017 at 10:38 AM, Grauwulf said:

Maybe he did not think she would fall into the lane......maybe he did not think he would have had an accident that fine sunny morning..

Maybe the lorry driver did not expect a motorbike to suddenly move into his path without looking in the rear mirror (did this happen ) to check first when you learn to drive in the uk , the instruction is MIRROR , SIGNAL  (AND LAST OF ALL LEAST)  MANOUVER !

39 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

Maybe the lorry driver did not expect a motorbike to suddenly move into his path without looking in the rear mirror (did this happen ) to check first when you learn to drive in the uk , the instruction is MIRROR , SIGNAL  (AND LAST OF ALL LEAST)  MANOUVER !

the motorcycle did not move into the lorry's lane.


I could get on the bandwagon that is harping, "He should have looked over his shoulder and in the mirror before changing lanes."  


We don't know what was going though his head at the time, nor what may have distracted him.  I'm saying this as someone who has about 70Km worth of driving experience, most of which is here in the Land of Smiles (or Land of the Second-most-dangerous-roads-in-the-world).  And I'm really, really aware that all it takes is one screw-up to get killed.  Then I think of all the screw-ups I've made in the past, and most of those screw up were due to being distracted by something else.  Driving down the road coming up to an intersection, see someone out of the corner of your eye moving at high speed from your left at the same time you see a pothole in front of you.  You evade the pothole while watching the actions of the driver coming from the left - and forget to look in your rear-view mirror.  You think about it about a hour later and want to throw up because, if there was a car coming from behind you if you swerved right or a motorcycle passing you on the left if you swerved left........  Or you're on a big bike and see an SUV or Truck or Double-decker-Bus-of-Death bearing down on you and move further to the left to evade what is behind you and miss the moron who just pulled out from the left hand soi without looking, not even a head turn.................  This is why so many people get killed here, the majority on motorcycles.  One screw up while driving on roads that looks like something out of a Mario Brothers arcade game happen in 3-D all around you, and you're toast.  

For all the hyper-vigilance that you have to have while driving a motorcycle on Thai roads, it's still amazing more people aren't killed.  One distraction.  One screw-up.  One mis-judgement.  Done!

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