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Pathum Thani: US man was starving himself to death after his woman moved out

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I think the girl friend was going out for shopping. Unfortunately the guy never learned cooking, nor his parents taught him. Poor guy. Maybe even no money to buy food because all was gone for shopping. But also maybe the girl would have come back with delicious food.......after a couple of days.....

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Never chase after a bus or a woman, if you wait long enough another one will show up, going where you want to go.

But then don't be a fool about it.

If you can't get a bus the whole way, there may be a better one at the next stop going where you want.


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When my wife left, I was sad, upset and lonely. Since then I've got a dog, bought a new motorbike, shagged two women and blown a grand on drugs and drink. She'll go f....ng mental when she gets home from work

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2 minutes ago, two words said:

When my wife left, I was sad, upset and lonely. Since then I've got a dog, bought a new motorbike, shagged two women and blown a grand on drugs and drink. She'll go f....ng mental when she gets home from work

You wish ?

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19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Sorry, but no single woman in Thailand is worth that.  Way too many more of them around to take her place.


No amount of women anywhere are worth that, but then my mind is not that frail.

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2 hours ago, bazza73 said:

Never in the field of discussion have there been so many unfounded opinions expressed to so little effect.

Shouldn't "so many" and "so few" be in there somewhere?


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18 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

A sad way to go, alone, depressed and dehydrated . RIP.

Anyone have any idea what nation that name originates ...Mesaha Toupou,  is?

English, Yorkshire, I believe

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7 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:


That is, indeed, my plan.


With a bit of luck I might get a decade or a tad more.

Yeah, well, that was my plan 10 years ago, now I am looking for another place to spend 10 years.

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1 hour ago, IMA_FARANG said:

Never chase after a bus or a woman, if you wait long enough another one will show up, going where you want to go.

But then don't be a fool about it.

If you can't get a bus the whole way, there may be a better one at the next stop going where you want.


But have you got enough money for the fare?  :sleep:

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5 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

If you've never cared for anyone else except for yourself, then you'll never understand. Best you keep looking out for number one, and also continue dishing out advice on how to be a quality person. You're so wise, even though no one asked, people will really appreciate you educating them on what they're doing wrong in life.   

If you don't care for yourself you cannot care for others--part of a relationship has to be value seen in both parties. If you are worth nothing, why should she even want you--except for your money.


He must have been so emotionally dysfunctional and insecure to even contemplate such an end to his life.

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6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

A note: Did you know that if a man and woman are in love, the man is much more likely to sacrifice himself for her than she is for him? Also, men fall in love faster. These are in general, of course, but they're true as far as I've read.

I had read this as well some time back and the older Men get the less secure they become.


6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Men should learn to be able to stand on their own two feet, always be independent and never rely on the emotional support of women.

Again generally speaking, there are men as they age that become emotionally weaker and lose confidence. They look at themselves and become depressed. They also likely become set in their ways and do not have the mental stamina to want to start over. Its sad in many cases as many men likely come here as their last ditch attempt to salvage something and find "Love" they couldn't in their home country only to find that it can be a harsh place here. Many go sideways and they just end their life whether by drugs, alcoholism, jumping or in this case starvation.





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8 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

This is one of so many sad stories here in Thailand. It can be a very lonely place in later life if you have little or no friends, partner or money.


Help is possible to find here if you need it but you have to want it also.

I am laid up in hospital nowfor 8 long days,flat on my back and more to go.Plenty of family and friends have come to do the hard yards,clean my arse,ect.It's all about the foundation you lay when you get here.

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On 2017/5/8 at 0:41 PM, kalidescopemind said:

At 62, Americans can collect Social Security in most cases, unless he was covered by an alternate pension plan.  Its doubtfull he was broke, but all we can do is speculate.   But, hey, we all are going to die sooner or later, and some are ready to go sooner. 

I would think 62 is young still another l5 good years to go if in good health.

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

I always find it hard to believe that so many men seem to think the only way they can get a woman is with money. 

As a 62 year old farang in poor mental health, yes. If you are in your thirties or forties, handsome, healthy with a steady job, money is not necessarily the only attraction.

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1 hour ago, JAFO said:

I had read this as well some time back and the older Men get the less secure they become.


Again generally speaking, there are men as they age that become emotionally weaker and lose confidence. They look at themselves and become depressed. They also likely become set in their ways and do not have the mental stamina to want to start over. Its sad in many cases as many men likely come here as their last ditch attempt to salvage something and find "Love" they couldn't in their home country only to find that it can be a harsh place here. Many go sideways and they just end their life whether by drugs, alcoholism, jumping or in this case starvation.





Strange, the older i get the more self assured i am. Old men can stand on a pinnacle of life experience and look down on the goings on at the bottom and shake ones head in amazement and think, ''I used to be that stupid''

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

I always find it hard to believe that so many men seem to think the only way they can get a woman is with money. 

Just having the right equipment helps in many cases.... 

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14 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Great to see locals offering a helping hand and a big credit to each of you at this time. That is what I love about this country as there are those who are suffering themselves but reach out to help others even if they are not one of their own.


Love for some means little, money is life for them. I found one that love means everything and money means nothing. I hope this man can find the same and give it a go my friend as you will find that love, but stay away from the bars.


Your quote is true for all women of all nationalities throughout the world

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34 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Strange, the older i get the more self assured i am. Old men can stand on a pinnacle of life experience and look down on the goings on at the bottom and shake ones head in amazement and think, ''I used to be that stupid''

Yes I feel a little like that. I can look back at some of the stupid things I did and the only thing I know for sure is that I will do some of the same stupid things again.

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Just now, Gracas said:

Yes I feel a little like that. I can look back at some of the stupid things I did and the only thing I know for sure is that I will do some of the same stupid things again.

You haven't reached the top of the pinnacle yet

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