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Helpless old woman repeated kicked in the head by Thai gang

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One thing is for sure, if you are ever set upon by a group of pricks like this they are going to try and kick you in the head. Every time is the same.


But a group of 12 guys to beat one elderly woman, I would be ashamed to be part of that group.

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6 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

No respect for life. 
And sooooo "brave"!
How come these punks in groups always act the same? 

Because they are wannabe tough guys that crave an audience so the audience fears their pack thuggery....Of course they don't realise they look complete tossers to us...

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5 hours ago, Wiggy said:

One thing I'll never understand here.....why does the victim have to do the job of the police?  


"The victim was expected to come with the report to the police station at 10am this morning."


Why can't the police visit the victim as in civilized countries?

I know of a country where one has to make an appointment to file a complaint, while the police station is only open during office hours Monday to Friday.

Civilised countries?

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4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Maybe she will not want to leave this place.  Where will you both go?  This kind of things sadly happens all over the world, and here are a lot worse countries for violence than here... just look at what happens in some parts of America these days!  


Get the blinkers off. It's far worse here than most developed countries, and many developing - and it is getting worse.

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so what is new, just another example of useless thai education

those cowards  all have a mum protecting them as a real lioness

when will they learn eduction starts the minute the cute little princes  start walking,

 do not wait untill they discover drinking fornicating and violence, really ladies!!! than it is to late

all of those thugs go home where mum has made them their bed and a nice meal

maybe these mums should try being the victim next time

when their little darling goes out with the pack!!

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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Pack animals. Thailand can be a great place until you step on toes. Very much a keep your head down and opinions to yourself place, lest it become your personal Wild West.

right on bro

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand woke up today...

That's more than wishful thinking!


I don't even feel sorry anymore for a society tolerating that fish feeding people get arrested, a Lt. General proposed regime critics should face firing squad, while mobsters constantly beat the sh#t out of disabled people, old folks and children, given a timely announcement of a pending arrest warrant, and then go scot-free, or out on bail because they are offspring of influential families.


If the average Somchai stays put and shows nothing but a may pen rai attitude towards this, as long as it does not happen to him, I have a very diminished respect for this society.

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jee is it just me or do more people think that the violence got worse after the coup? or after dad died??

10 years ago it was not like this was it?

i never feld unsafe in thailand

new york chicago nigeria owwow worse i am sure but now here around my corner??

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5 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

Explain please. Cos every Thai I know are/would be as sickened by this attack as anyone else. Or, are you just using this sickening attack to bash Thais, kind of low, don't you think?

you are quite right.. The guy that posted this disgusting comment, probably doesn't know any decent Thais and associates with bar girls and thier like.

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4 hours ago, uchibenkei said:

Getting into debt with gangsters is maybe the dumbest thing you can do, especially if you can't pay.

Unfortunately true if that's the real story here.  Your muscle is the only thing that keeps you alive and in business.  In the underworld no one gets a free pass.  Not even grannies.  

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Lets hope this makes the international news around the world.

Once again it just shows the Thai male scum that are total thugs & cowards.

And all the bystanders who done nothing to help the old lady are just as bad.


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1 minute ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

Lets hope this makes the international news around the world.

Once again it just shows the Thai male scum that are total thugs & cowards.

And all the bystanders who done nothing to help the old lady are just as bad.


It's a sickening attack.  Most people are not fighters.  Some would have been shocked, others shouted, one obviously shot some footage.

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Five weeks, count em, 5 weeks , and I am on the bird out after many ,many years too long and waaaay over due. Knock on wood I make it in one piece and what's left of my money and future. Not at all mad, but happy to go.

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3 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

Lets hope this makes the international news around the world.

Once again it just shows the Thai male scum that are total thugs & cowards.

And all the bystanders who done nothing to help the old lady are just as bad.


Problem is the bystanders probably know who the shits were and if they interfered they would for sure be on a hit list....

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Just now, greg lewis said:

Five weeks, count em, 5 weeks , and I am on the bird out after many ,many years too long and waaaay over due. Knock on wood I make it in one piece and what's left of my money and future. Not at all mad, but happy to go.

You borrowed money from these shits then....?

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Respect seems to be a dirty word  for some in Thailand, like other places around the world, the place has gone mad with anti establishment behavior , who did they learn from to belt up an old lady....................................:coffee1:

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5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Maybe she will not want to leave this place.  Where will you both go?  This kind of things sadly happens all over the world, and here are a lot worse countries for violence than here... just look at what happens in some parts of America these days!  

you are totally right, i remember a guy from chicago asking me if it would be safe after dark to go to 7 eleven without getting shot

in chicago only people with a deadwish would try this he said( or  guys packing a gun)

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

cops dont get paid to do that. the police system is very different in thailand. there is not point getting upset about it. the system does work to some extent and thailand is still one of the safer countries in south east asia, appart from the roads of course. the victim will hopefully prove her case (good thing it was caught on camera) then the cops will catch the crims and the lady will be offered compensation (cops take a cut for doing their part) or the crims go to jail. this is the system. i am not saying it is a good system, it is just the way it is.

compensation??? 10000 bth for a broken skull great price

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Disgraceful but it is noted that assurances from the good General that loan-sharking is under control appear to be premature.

BTW, the punt in the orange shirt should have his testicles removed . Repulsive creature.

I'm not a fan of vigilante justice, nor of the death penalty, but I would quite happily slot that b#stard.

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