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Big bombs explode in Pattani


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On 5/9/2017 at 0:30 PM, joecoolfrog said:

Ignorant , bigoted , shameful !

In this case ? it's highly probable that it's Muslim terrorists ! but terrorism has no religion, there are Christian, Jewish, Hindu even Buddhist Terrorists all over the world !!!

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The insurgents that set off this car bomb, have injured innocent people, including Muslim Thais,  this is why I say that

this group are all traiters, as well as killers.  They have no real cause that makes it necessary to use car bombs, or

anything that takes innocent lives.


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11 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The insurgents that set off this car bomb, have injured innocent people, including Muslim Thais,  this is why I say that

this group are all traiters, as well as killers.  They have no real cause that makes it necessary to use car bombs, or

anything that takes innocent lives.


You are totally correct but also totally wrong. The truth is that we are talking and debating this horror act.

It is exactly the kind of media frenzy that these sick jehadis sought for and have created.

These lovely extremists have shown once again that they are quite prepared to kill other Muslim innocents to try to get their caliphate in Sth Thailand.

They use the Muslim faith as an excuse. They are no more than murderers. But the same tactics lead to the creation of Israel, or does everyone overlook this.


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10 hours ago, kannot said:

surprised  they  havent  brought  the  attacks  to Bkk yet, that  would  seriously <deleted>  things  up

not bangkok;

corner Bangla road and 200 year road,  so far bombs are all south of Hat yai;

could they realize that if they  move north  shit will fly


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8 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

to try to get their caliphate in Sth Thailand

For the record, it's try to get BACK their caliphate if one addresses your statement.


In fact the insurgents have never demanded the formation of a caliphate in a complete severance from the Kingdom of Thailand. Although unification with the Federation of Malaysia might be more practical from a socio-economic viewpoint. What the insurgents have suggested in the past is semi-autonomous rule within the Kingdom of Thailand that would have a degree of, but not complete, self-government.

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I just hope they will stay down there and not try another surprise attack in Hua Hin or Bangkok . 


Edited by balo
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2 minutes ago, balo said:

I just hope they will stay down there and not try another surprise attack in Hua Hin or Bangkok . 


they probably will thats if it is extremists its their belief to kill anyone who does not beleive in islam so i say 

we might aswell confront them as they are still going to do it anywhere send the troops in large numbers and do as they did with the tamil tigers 

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15 hours ago, Srikcir said:

For the record, it's try to get BACK their caliphate if one addresses your statement.


In fact the insurgents have never demanded the formation of a caliphate in a complete severance from the Kingdom of Thailand. Although unification with the Federation of Malaysia might be more practical from a socio-economic viewpoint. What the insurgents have suggested in the past is semi-autonomous rule within the Kingdom of Thailand that would have a degree of, but not complete, self-government.

Mostly agree with you but not your giving an excuse for terror and murder.

Also, I doubt the previous Sultanate in another lifetime had any desire to be a caliphate country. The Sultans, from what I have read were mostly tolerant Sunni muslims.

Regardless of their motives, a murderer is just another scum mental retard, as all murderers are.

The case of a "state" bought into existence with murders as the justification is that the state finds it difficult to stop murdering. Nazi Germany, Israel, Russia and many African countries are examples.   

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All we see are Muslims blowing up innocent people. Are we missing something or are the terroists all Muslim? 

Its a cover-up by the Zionists/Media. The Muslims are more <deleted> than you and I by these people. Its not the muslims, its the tentacles from Zion.

Sent fra min HUAWEI CAM-L21 via Tapatalk

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44 minutes ago, iolaus said:

Its a cover-up by the Zionists/Media. The Muslims are more <deleted> than you and I by these people. Its not the muslims, its the tentacles from Zion.

Sent fra min HUAWEI CAM-L21 via Tapatalk

Sure, it's those horrible "...Zionists..." making Muslims go nuts and behead people, blow up people, take little Yazidi girls for sex slaves....it's a "....cover-up...".  It's all a Conspiraceeeee!!!

     Ohhhhh. Ooooooo.....those poor Islamic killers can't help themselves....the "...Zionists..." make them do it. The Islamic killers just can't control themselves.  

  Sure.....whatever you say....lol ;)

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Its a cover-up by the Zionists/Media. The Muslims are more than you and I by these people. Its not the muslims, its the tentacles from Zion.

Sent fra min HUAWEI CAM-L21 via Tapatalk

Irony - or barking?
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On Tue May 09 2017 at 4:54 PM, hansnl said:

It is a islam thing.


If only every problem in the world could be classified so simply... 



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All terrorists are muslim = all muslim are terrorists is an oxy moron. The emphasis on moron.

All Christians are law abiding, loving members of society. Or perhaps not.

Terror has been committed by so many organisations,  some jehadis are now starting to realise.

Read about how Israel was created. Terror was their main weapon. Terror in Russia 1919, and Germany post 1945.

Nothing new now. Muslim jihad is the new terror group. Get used to it.


How to stop it and get mainstream Muslim to help is one possible answer.

Vetting everyone with a legitimate passport to enter your country is another.

Making sure that all muslim that enter your country as some kind of migrant, know what it means to be tolerant of other religions and views, accept the society they now have, but most importantly, are embraced by the society they now are in.

Sorry, it aint gonna happen. Time to take a happy pill again 

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On 2017-5-10 at 8:27 AM, OmarZaid said:

I say let the Muslims have it -- evacuate all Thais and government services -- man the borders like a war zone, and let the Muzzies eat each other for a few years ...


Malays tried to recruit me as an MD to service these cowardly creeps ... and as these folks on both sides of the border are increasingly incompetent in just about every walk of life, let them fully degenerate and return to the bush like the animals they've become.

I say old chap, that is a tad harsh. An MD you say, taking the Hippocratic oath to preserve all human life. No matter what the circumstances. ( even  "muzzies" no less).

You have lost the plot and have no more solutions than the murderers doing these evil deeds. Time to hand in your GP cert

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On 5/12/2017 at 1:58 AM, spiderorchid said:

Mostly agree with you but not your giving an excuse for terror and murder.

Also, I doubt the previous Sultanate in another lifetime had any desire to be a caliphate country. The Sultans, from what I have read were mostly tolerant Sunni muslims.

Where do you read that I excuse terror and murder? You don't.


Understanding the historical context of the Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand is not condoning violence against civilians. But such understanding is necessary to any productive peace talks. The Thai military refusal to recognize any legitimacy to the insurgency is one of the root causes for continuation of the insurgency.


"The Sultans, from what I have read were mostly tolerant Sunni Muslims." The southern Thai Muslims are mostly Sunni. So by your definition Muslims in southern Thailand are mostly tolerant.


As far as to what you doubt, you can only speculate. Research the history of the Kingdom of Pattani sultanate. You'll find that though a sultanate and caliphate are bound by the same Islamic laws, they are different forms of government. Applying a Western interpretation (so not necessarily accurate by Islamic standards), a sultanate is equivalent to an emirate, ie United Arab Emirate (UAE) as a "single polity" while a caliphate is an umbrella of "multiple polities" with sultanates, ie., the Oman Empire and ISIS.

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On 10/05/2017 at 9:27 AM, OmarZaid said:

I say let the Muslims have it -- evacuate all Thais and government services -- man the borders like a war zone, and let the Muzzies eat each other for a few years ...


Malays tried to recruit me as an MD to service these cowardly creeps ... and as these folks on both sides of the border are increasingly incompetent in just about every walk of life, let them fully degenerate and return to the bush like the animals they've become.

malays in malaysia/indonesia/souther thailand incompetent? Yup sums it up.

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16 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Where do you read that I excuse terror and murder? You don't.


Understanding the historical context of the Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand is not condoning violence against civilians. But such understanding is necessary to any productive peace talks. The Thai military refusal to recognize any legitimacy to the insurgency is one of the root causes for continuation of the insurgency.


"The Sultans, from what I have read were mostly tolerant Sunni Muslims." The southern Thai Muslims are mostly Sunni. So by your definition Muslims in southern Thailand are mostly tolerant.


As far as to what you doubt, you can only speculate. Research the history of the Kingdom of Pattani sultanate. You'll find that though a sultanate and caliphate are bound by the same Islamic laws, they are different forms of government. Applying a Western interpretation (so not necessarily accurate by Islamic standards), a sultanate is equivalent to an emirate, ie United Arab Emirate (UAE) as a "single polity" while a caliphate is an umbrella of "multiple polities" with sultanates, ie., the Oman Empire and ISIS.

You do do need to hyphenate. I can read. I have a small education.

As a controlled Sultanate, any version of Islam may have existed.

The Sultan of Pattani  would never have condoned the killing of teachers, nurses, doctors and so on.

I have read that most Sunni persons are tolerant. Such is not the case now. Someone has perverted the faith. IS and other extremists testify to this..

A man in politics in Indonesia, now in prison for two years is an example of how Muslim faith is being perverted by extremist  muslims.

 Please continue defending them, we know the history, we know that sh6t happens. No need to lecture me about caliphates, evil is evil in any religion. 

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On 2017-5-14 at 9:23 AM, Srikcir said:


Yes, it is small and opinionated. 

And I have certificates to show proof of it. 

Any I do not need to hyphenate to defend my position.

And it is only my opinion. It is not state or religious indoctrinated.

It is based on a small education.

You keep on banging your head on the floor and nodding. That is where your small intelligence and education comes from.

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On 5/13/2017 at 1:56 PM, Howitzer said:

malays in malaysia/indonesia/souther thailand incompetent? Yup sums it up.

Its no good letting the muslims have it , because then they will come over the new border and start trying to take that area , as this violent extremists view is been perverted on teachings of islam the extemists try to say that the koran says they must travel to a new country and conquer but it does not say that in the koran they try to twist the words, so you have eto fight for the land that is thai send in the troops in large numbers and search house to house with road blocks and do what they did with the tamil tigers it will take months but will erradicate them like the scourge they are , also the koran needs rewriting as its too ancient and does not stop these verses been twisted

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On 5/11/2017 at 5:13 PM, Wake Up said:

All we see are Muslims blowing up innocent people. Are we missing something or are the terroists all Muslim? 


     No....not all terrorists are Muslim.  Only about 95% of terrorists are Muslim.  About 5% of terrorists are not Muslim.

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On 5/10/2017 at 6:06 AM, captpkapoor said:

All Muslims are not terrorists, but somehow all terrorists are Muslim! 


     You are wrong.   Not all terrorists are Muslim.   About 5% of terrorists are not Muslim at all.  They are other religion or other political types.

               Only about 95% of terrorists these days are Muslim.  

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