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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Are you suffering from delusions of grandeur? Do you imagine that you are entitled to start a thread here?

What I wrote was, that I would start a new thread.  I didn't say where. 

Keep on reading with that keen eye of yours, and you will be no challenge at all.

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Comey firing troubles top Republican lawmakers


"Top Republicans, including the senator directing the Senate's Russia investigation, said Tuesday they were "troubled" by President Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, while other GOP lawmakers tried to stay out of the growing political storm."


"I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Director Comey's termination," Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican, said in a statement."



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4 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Be very careful what you wish for.  I'm going swimming.  When I am done I will address the intelligence community and how they control the news.


I'll start a new thread.  It will be about one man.


Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi


Now go on now and Google that name.  See what you can find.  


Later I will blow your mind with evidence you cannot refute.  But in the meantime, see what you can find about him and in which publications.

You mean the guy who is suing Glenn Beck for libel (or is it slander).  I have no doubt infowars has terrible things to say about him.  Which, to sane people,  is a mark in Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi's favor.

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Just now, TonyClifton said:

What I wrote was, that I would start a new thread.  I didn't say where. 

Keep on reading with that keen eye of yours, and you will be no challenge at all.

Unless the mods beat me to it and delete it. They do have a distaste for fake news and irrelevant posts.

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10 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Be very careful what you wish for.  I'm going swimming.  When I am done I will address the intelligence community and how they control the news.


I'll start a new thread.  It will be about one man.


Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi


Now go on now and Google that name.  See what you can find.  


Later I will blow your mind with evidence you cannot refute.  But in the meantime, see what you can find about him and in which publications.

This should be amusing.  Though in keeping with the topic, you should state why you think questions of Trump's motives on firing Comey are fake news.

Edited by heybruce
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4 ways Trump miscalculated the Comey firing


"3. He outsmarted himself by trying to use Clinton as a shield"


"Here is Trump, on October 31, 2016, at a rally Grand Rapids, Michigan. Days earlier, Comey revived the Clinton case in a letter to Congress:"


"I really disagreed with (Comey in July when he publicly ended the probe), I was not his fan. But I'll tell you what -- what he did, he brought back his reputation. He brought it back. He's got to hang tough because a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing. But what he did was the right thing."




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22 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

The thing is, if you Trump supporters could just admit--even once--that your hero made a mistake, you'd have more respect.  But it seems like nothing the man does bothers you.  The conflicts of interest.  The lasting damage to our environment.  The efforts to help the rich and hurt the poor.  The lies, constant lies.  Etc., etc.  Even now, the grotesque abuse of power.  It's indefensible, yet... 

LOL. I said many times before the election that Trump was a terrible candidate, and preferred Bernie to win, but the only good guy in the race was stabbed in the back by the DNC, and the only Dem. candidate was way worse than Trump. Till the USA sorts out the awful system by which they elect presidents it's going to continue.

I still think Trump was a terrible choice, but support him because the alternative would have been so much worse. She is such a loser that she thinks she was winning till the Russians interfered. Of course, in her mind, she had nothing to do with being such a horrible candidate that most of the country rejected her:shock1:.

I'll say it for you, Trump is a walking talking mistake, but I'm sooooooooo glad he got elected instead of her.

BTW, he's no hero of mine, just the lesser of two evils.

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15 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

My dear Lord, someone actually admits to reading that garbage.

Actually, in the case of Dr. Savage, it's listening-to. You should try expanding your little information universe. Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Levin and Mark Steyn may enlighten you as well (as well as several other MSM replacements).

Edited by MaxYakov
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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. I said many times before the election that Trump was a terrible candidate, and preferred Bernie to win, but the only good guy in the race was stabbed in the back by the DNC, and the only Dem. candidate was way worse than Trump. Till the USA sorts out the awful system by which they elect presidents it's going to continue.

I still think Trump was a terrible choice, but support him because the alternative would have been so much worse. She is such a loser that she thinks she was winning till the Russians interfered. Of course, in her mind, she had nothing to do with being such a horrible candidate that most of the country rejected her:shock1:.

I'll say it for you, Trump is a walking talking mistake, but I'm sooooooooo glad he got elected instead of her.

BTW, he's no hero of mine, just the lesser of two evils.

Odd, because when it's pointed out all the ways his proposals will hurt the working and middle class, you invariably defend him.  So, you're not really being quite frank here, are you?

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1 minute ago, MaxYakov said:

Actually, in the cases of InfoWars and Dr. Savage, it's listening-to. You should try expanding your little information universe. Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson and Mark Levin may enlighten you as well (as well as several other MSM replacements).

Yes, it's clear that a man who asserted for months that the Newtown massacre of schoolchildren was a fax perpetrated by the U.S. govt is someone who should be listened to.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Isn't that what his attorney said? Didn't he characterize Alex Jones as a performance artist?

I see I will have to school you on life and common sense.  


Talk Radio performers do what is called a show.  If you were a public speaker as I am, you would know that getting your message across to those in the audience takes some degree of showmanship.


Which part of that don't you understand?

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8 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

So you are going to quote #FAKENEWS to tell me that Alex Jones is an artist?

So Newsweek is fake news?  If you google alex jones performance artist you will find numerous other news sources reporting on the defense his lawyers are using as he attempts to retain custody of his children.

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1 minute ago, iReason said:


What I can tell you is this:


You are Textbook Trolling.

You are way of topic with your diatribe.

You are weakly attempting to derail this thread.



I have repeatedly asked you as others have, to provide proof of your assertions.  


Thus far no one has attempted to tell us how Russia meddled in our election.  


I'm still waiting.

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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


What I can tell you is this:


You are Textbook Trolling.

You are way of topic with your diatribe.

You are weakly attempting to derail this thread.


Ahhh your actually a person, I thought you were some copy and paste mechanical thingy.


Calling someone a troll isn't that in fact trolling ?

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'I will be fine': James Comey bids farewell to FBI as investigations into Trump campaign's links with Russia gather pace


"The US Senate Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena on Wednesday demanding documents related to Russia from President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn, ramping up its monthslong investigation of Moscow's alleged meddling in the 2016 US election."


"The escalation in the Senate inquiry comes as it emerged James Comey sought more funding for the FBI investigation into links between Russia and the Trump campaign just days before he was fired."


"The fired FBI director reportedly told Congress he had asked Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, for a significant boost in resources for the inquiry last week."


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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

I see I will have to school you on life and common sense.  


Talk Radio performers do what is called a show.  If you were a public speaker as I am, you would know that getting your message across to those in the audience takes some degree of showmanship.


Which part of that don't you understand?

From what little of Alex Jones's show I've been able to stomach, his performance seems to consist of foaming at the mouth rage and conspiracy theories, unsupported by evidence.  Interesting that you consider him a credible news source.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you can't prove it then why are you posting as if it's true?

Because all US politicians from both sides of the aisle believe it.

Also, as I've said before, 17 US security agencies came out with a statement saying that Russia interfered. The question is to what extent.


Do you think these 17 agencies lied?

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

I don't believe that you're a public speaker. Maybe when you grow up and leave school.

Does your mommy know you're on the computer?


I just reported this obvious ad hominem attack.  I can't say I am surprised that you have resorted to impugning me instead of the message.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Odd, because when it's pointed out all the ways his proposals will hurt the working and middle class, you invariably defend him.  So, you're not really being quite frank here, are you?

Link to where I defend his policies that will hurt the working and middle class please.


I don't need to defend him- he's a big boy and can look after himself. I do support him though, as the better of two very bad choices.

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6 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

I see I will have to school you on life and common sense.  


Talk Radio performers do what is called a show.  If you were a public speaker as I am, you would know that getting your message across to those in the audience takes some degree of showmanship.


Which part of that don't you understand?

Just showmanship, huh?

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