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Prayut tells nurses to stop protesting over poor pay and working conditions


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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not sure about these protesting nurses, but when I go to Bumroongrad

and other big hospital I see like 7-10 nurses staffing one doctor's

position and while 2-3 are working, the rest are just loafing about.....


43 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Your comment indicates a colossal failure to understand the difference between the public and private healthcare system in Thailand.

I could say that you need to get out more but I reckon that may not help with your penchant to post first, think later.



11 minutes ago, djayz said:

My sentiments exactly! 

There are enough (too many?) nurses already with very little to do. 

Oh dear... it appears to be infectious.


I hear ezzra may be going out soon. Give him a shout, he may want some company at his private hospital.

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6 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

A decent person would address their concerns with understanding to see how they could be helped NOT threaten them!

And with two simple words the problem is succinctly illuminated.

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My daughter-in-law is a maternity nurse at Khon Kaen hospital. She has been there for around 5 years. Her base pay is 15,000 THB per month(she just got a promotion!). With overtime she can bring in 22-25,000 but that means 3-4 double shifts per week. But they don't know how to work their employees. Many times she comes home at 1:00 AM  and has to turn right around and be back to work at 8. Or home at 6 PM and back at midnight. They don't assign people to specific shifts. Being a hospital, you would think they would know what effect that kind of schedule has on a persons body.

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Don't worry, be happy, the military is in charge. Now you can tour the new submarines, and there will be a charge for you to look through the periscope to see the fish. The rural roads are in shambles, and farmers are starving, but smile and be happy. The military will tell you what is good for you, so keep smiling

Half of my internet sites are blocked, but that is for your own good.


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It is terrible,there are these nurses working all hours God sends, humping great loads of mince meat about and there is Elton John earning more than the Prime Minister, is that right? I ask you is that right?...... I suppose it depends on if you like Elton John and what your politics are.


My apologies to Tony Hancock.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not sure about these protesting nurses, but when I go to Bumroongrad

and other big hospital I see like 7-10 nurses staffing one doctor's

position and while 2-3 are working, the rest are just loafing about.....

Public hospitals in the regions are not the same. poorly funded and poorly staffed. Difficult working conditions.

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12 minutes ago, Retfed50 said:

Being a hospital, you would think they would know what effect that kind of schedule has on a persons body.

Yes, but that aspect cannot easily be programmed into the system of backhanders to hospital administrators to get an easier work schedule staff scheduling software

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2 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

Sorry girls, spent the money on submarines.


BTW -- Fairer allocation of government revenue is why PTP continue to win every election held and the old guard will always have to rely on coups!

fairer allocation of government revenue by PTP ????

Can you prove that? I guess your source is a brochure from ptp

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14 minutes ago, Revolutionary said:

Yep sorry. Too busy buying submarines to give any extra to the actual workers. Ohh yeah that is 3 submarines. 

And beside the submarines ....... So busy squashing the 'freedom of the Press' and stopping people from 'Liking' on Facebook when a 'Rotten' senior cop (so many of them) is talked about on facebook and you agree and 'Like' it........ all recent news..........

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GOD SPEED girls (and a couple guys)........ stay strong......... Now you have your credentials, Make them 'beg' you to work........

But stick together as a group and all 'lay-out' the same day...... be organized and win..............

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Actually around 3 to 4 years ago the nurses had the same complaint...started making their dissatisfaction publicly known and how they wanted the temporary contract positions converted to permanent civil servants positions.  


After a month or so the govt in power at that time reluctantly said they would try phasing in a conversion of positions over X-years....said we'll try but it will take a while funding the positions. 


Although the nurses wanted faster resolution it apparently satisfied them just enough to greatly reduce their complaints....plus the media lost interest.  But as usual the govt did not follow through with what they said they were going to do and we are back at the beginning again.

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1 minute ago, Pib said:

Actually around 3 to 4 years ago the nurses had the same complaint...started making their dissatisfaction publicly known and how they wanted the temporary contract positions converted to permanent civil servants positions.  


After a month or so the govt in power at that time reluctantly said they would try phasing in a conversion of positions over X-years....said we'll try but it will take a while funding the positions. 


Although the nurses wanted faster resolution it apparently satisfied them just enough to greatly reduce their complaints....plus the media lost interest.  But as usual the govt did not follow through with what they said they were going to do and we are back at the beginning again.

I read something like that too, seems they decided to make the issue public again. Now with the government bailing out teachers and so on I can understand their sentiment. Problem is that making them civil servants means they get a lot more money as they do now. This in turn means that the budget wont be sufficient. At this moment there is already a deficit so its a bit hard, however the army budget has increased.. and that is of course totally unfair. (not to the generals). I prefer more nurses than army toys like the submarines.

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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

The good general is all about stability, in fact, that is his mantra.  Not granting those who care for the sick stability would be thoughtless and cruel.

The good general and all the rest of the courts AKA the elite, just like in many countries around the world, democracy has been usurped by special interest groups who revolve like sharks revolve around a prey and who can lobby or corrupt politicians. It is going to take a lot more protest to shift the ... revolution paradigm just mentioned. However, they are usually smart enough to hold people to ransom to their credit cards or to give a little bit more to make it look like they care. Many are taken for a ride.

Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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4 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not sure about these protesting nurses, but when I go to Bumroongrad

and other big hospital I see like 7-10 nurses staffing one doctor's

position and while 2-3 are working, the rest are just loafing about.....

I've seen this too in many hospitals around chiang mai.


But my gf is a nurse, and for the last months I've been driving her to and from work, meaning i have to wake up same times as her, it's an absolute nightmare schedule. Anyway, my gf is not protesting and for her specific job if she had a more competent boss she could get a more sane schedule...

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26 minutes ago, Pib said:

Actually around 3 to 4 years ago the nurses had the same complaint...started making their dissatisfaction publicly known and how they wanted the temporary contract positions converted to permanent civil servants positions.  


After a month or so the govt in power at that time reluctantly said they would try phasing in a conversion of positions over X-years....said we'll try but it will take a while funding the positions. 


Although the nurses wanted faster resolution it apparently satisfied them just enough to greatly reduce their complaints....plus the media lost interest.  But as usual the govt did not follow through with what they said they were going to do and we are back at the beginning again.

You right. It was in 2012. Government procrastinated and now this surface again. As Robblok said, it down to budget constraint. I think more as it will set off a chain reaction of demand for higher wages from other ministries and even will bring out the workers demanding a revision of the minimum daily wage. Nothing changes as the ordinary working class people will get a raw deal and the military gets their toys. 



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yeah, because if it gets into the bigger news streams......

the Elite scheme.....  50 year leases.... 10 year visas..... Board of Investment incentives..... 

won't mean a thang.

everything will leave for the PI and Indonesia. 

the health care system isn't just about convenience or ways to make more money... it's increasingly going to be the only thing ****anyone**** thinks about... and sometimes it needs to be provided locally, we can't just fly out.... and what about our workers???? the health care system must be kept running smoothly.


and the system is about people... doctors and nurses, and especially the latter. they have no worries about AI. they provide the watchful care, especially in the private hospitals.

as we all get older as well as richer.  


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

She said that the performance-based pay for nurses was almost 28 times lower than for doctors, even though they work harder. In case of an accident, nurses receive very little benefits to compensate for their loss. “This is a good time for the policy makers to understand nurses’ hardship.

Mr. Prayuth shame on you. 

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

A rural hospital is where a very well educated doctor told my (ex) brother-in-law to start smoking to help with his asthma.


Another doctor at the same rural hospital told my (ex) mother-in-law to prepare to die and to get her affairs in order. She had less than 12 months to live with stage 4 liver cancer. Not only is she still alive 8 years later but she didn't have cancer to begin with. RAM in Chiang Mai figured out she only had an infection.



There are winners and losers in all walks of life. 

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It's very easy for a fat cat with plenty to tell people not to moan. Let Prayut try to live on a nurses salary for a month and see if he appreciates their hardship then.

The world is full of "Fat Cats" I am afraid.

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4 hours ago, jaiyen said:

Glad you have money to waste going there. Thats why its so expensive.  You are paying for all the extra staff.  Rural hospitals supply the same medical services without the luxuries at a fraction of the price.  I have been a few times and service was excellent and so cheap.  The nurses need to be treated fairly.  " You cant live without them "

..... reading that rural hospitals in Thailand are as good as the private Hospitals in Bangkok (in Bangkok they are just expensive, that's all ....)  is really incredible.

What can I say: if trust them, then go. I don't, then spend (very well) my money in private hospitals in Bangkok.

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if children.... and especially the brightest ones....

are discouraged instead of encouraged to go into nursing.... 

it will be a problem not just at public hospitals, that's the way it works.... you don't want these kind of problems, with the staffing... and nurses will be called on to provide more and more sophisticated care as we all get older as well...


it's not just at one level... and not a small issue.  it's gonna keep getting bigger and to be on the wrong side of it won't work out very well.




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5 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not sure about these protesting nurses, but when I go to Bumroongrad

and other big hospital I see like 7-10 nurses staffing one doctor's

position and while 2-3 are working, the rest are just loafing about.....

That's a private hospital where charging exorbitant fees allows them to be overstaffed.

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Having been a 'health care professional' in a previous life I empathize with these nurses.  All professions are a slice of the pie in maintaining a healthy society.  All of us should be aware that many are not paid in equitable rates in relation to education, type of labor, responsibilities, labor or mental, office or 'in the field' along with expense of maintaining of licenses.  Does the top of the hill recognize this or is he/her only concerned about the bottom line of money and stability.  This article says nothing of salaries, hours worked, average hours etc.  It said 37 shifts.  What are they?  8 hours, 10 hours, 12 or 16 hour shifts?  We should also be aware that health care costs are very high in some societies......aka the United States.  Labor costs, infrastructure building and maintenance, capitol of equipment and cost of new, utilities and miscellaneous drive the health care industries  top line.  All this is supposedly covered by patient's billing, government input, donations, & charity otherwise,  IMO it takes a wizard accountant to keep the hospital treading water.  

Does the head of government take all these into full account or is he like others writing, at the top of the heap, lives his life and family equal to the royal family and thinking of only the bottom line.......power and cash?  

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