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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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11 hours ago, heybruce said:

You can't refute the story, since Trump has tweeted that it is essentially correct, so you attack the messenger.  Typical.

Indeed. Trump' s tweet not only confirmed that he did what the WaPo reports he did but pretty much makes it look like Tillerson, McMaster at al were lying.


I predict a huuuge falling on swords event in the not so distant future. Big league.


This circus needs a new Ringmaster.

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9 hours ago, riclag said:

Sorry Tony, most of us American's who believe in change were called deplorable's by the Clinton Campaign.In fact there are many shirt's worn at the rallies that say I'm A deplorable and proud of it. No disrespect intended

Don't sweat it. Looks like our Tony already went to the teacher to complain.

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"While NBC and CNN joined the rest of the media in rushing to condemn the Trump White House over an unconfirmed Washington Post report that the President inadvertently shared classified information with Russian officials, guests on both networks provided important context that the Obama administration intentionally shared classified intelligence with Russia less than a year ago.


Appearing on Friday’s NBC Today, security analyst Juan Zarate warned: “The problem is the Russians aren’t trustworthy. The Russians have proven that when we’ve provided information in the past, they’ve used it against us.” He then proceeded to explain how former President Obama gave the Russians classified information just months "

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25 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:




"While NBC and CNN joined the rest of the media in rushing to condemn the Trump White House over an unconfirmed Washington Post report that the President inadvertently shared classified information with Russian officials, guests on both networks provided important context that the Obama administration intentionally shared classified intelligence with Russia less than a year ago.


Appearing on Friday’s NBC Today, security analyst Juan Zarate warned: “The problem is the Russians aren’t trustworthy. The Russians have proven that when we’ve provided information in the past, they’ve used it against us.” He then proceeded to explain how former President Obama gave the Russians classified information just months "

Oh... well that's that then. Two wrongs must make a right huh?


Obama did this, Obama did that...


PS. Obama has already left the bloody building.


PPS. And Hillary never got in.



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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Oh... well that's that then. Two wrongs must make a right huh?

That depends on your ability to reason.  Logic & reason are normally used by thinkers.  A thinking man might infer from this article the hypocrisy of the left and media, which are one and the same.


Take a deep breath.  Clear your mind.  Think. Now refute what I just wrote.

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25 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:




"While NBC and CNN joined the rest of the media in rushing to condemn the Trump White House over an unconfirmed Washington Post report that the President inadvertently shared classified information with Russian officials, guests on both networks provided important context that the Obama administration intentionally shared classified intelligence with Russia less than a year ago.


Appearing on Friday’s NBC Today, security analyst Juan Zarate warned: “The problem is the Russians aren’t trustworthy. The Russians have proven that when we’ve provided information in the past, they’ve used it against us.” He then proceeded to explain how former President Obama gave the Russians classified information just months "


Here's a little news flash...YOUR GUY WON!!! GET OVER IT! He's now sitting in the Oval Office, and any screw ups are HIS. NOT OBAMA'S. What Obama, Hillary, Bush, Bill, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Kennedy, Ghengis Khan, Julius Caesar, Tojo, or Fritz the Cat did has ZERO bearing on the poop storm that is currently staining the White House walls. The only thing that you orange marmalade lovers manage to accomplish with this never-ending attempt to deflect by bringing up past mistakes, crimes, misdemeanors, foibles, or bad manners is to make yourselves look desperate to change the subject. Like I said...get over it. This has nothing to do with the past. We're discussing the present and the present demented MISTAKE that inhabits the Oval Office.

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2 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Deflect deflect deflect.  Nice try. 


Bringing the discussion back to the topic at hand is deflection?  Here's a clue.  The thread is about Trump and his handling of classified information with the Russians.  You chose to respond by saying 'let's talk about Obama instead'.  Now go to the dictionary and look up the word 'deflection'.

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3 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It's fake news.


Trump didn't do it.


Trump tweets that he did it.


But, but _______________________. (fill in the blank with Hillary/Obama deflection: Benghazi, email, etc.)


Rinse, repeat.



Hanity and the panel of paid experts coudnt have said it better. 

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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

That depends on your ability to reason.  Logic & reason are normally used by thinkers.  A thinking man might infer from this article the hypocrisy of the left and media, which are one and the same.


Take a deep breath.  Clear your mind.  Think. Now refute what I just wrote.


But you didn't write bugger all, did you? You just copy/pasted a link from a 'news' website that claims it is "exposing & combating liberal media bias". 


But if you managed to get beyond your "OMG! We got Obama again!!" saliva inducing moment brought on by the article leader, the true concerns are stated quite succinctly in the following extract.


"MATT LAUER: Can you just clarify something? This concerns an ISIS plot. The Russians are supposed to be our partners in fighting ISIS. So explain why sharing of information with them is so dangerous.


JUAN ZARATE: Well, two reasons. First of all, I think the President may think that he’s trying to create some degree of trust, maybe trying to create some cooperation on the ground. That may be in the back of his mind. The problem is the Russians aren’t trustworthy. The Russians have proven that when we’ve provided information in the past, they’ve used it against us.


Back in the summer of 2016, the Obama administration provided some information to the Russians about some of the things happening on the ground. Guess what happened? The Russians then attacked some of those sites of our allies, our proxies that we were working with. And that’s a problem.


And I think part of the challenge here is, how much can we trust the Russians? What you’re seeing here is a deficit of trust, a deficit of discipline, I think, on the part of the President."


The overwhelming concern is that this POTUS cannot be trusted to keep his yap shut and in this instance was personally showboating just for the Russians.


Your turn, take a deep breath, etc., etc., etc..

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17 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Wow. Who knew that Trump was running his own counter-intelligence operation?


Very spiffy.


Has he read anyone in his "plan", other than you?

That's Top Secret  5555

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Just now, NanLaew said:

But you didn't write bugger all, did you? You just copy/pasted a link from a 'news' website that claims it is "exposing & combating liberal media bias". 


But if you managed to get beyond your "OMG! We got Obama again!!" saliva inducing moment brought on by the article leader, the true concerns are stated quite succinctly in the following extract.


The article was clearly written and understandable by anyone who can think logically.  This isn't about getting Obama, it is about the hypocrisy of the media and how they report on President Donald Trump.


In order for you and I to further discuss this, I will require that you understand what is written.  


Are you able to comply?

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18 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

What you have written is fake. You take a situation and forget to include some details and embellish others and cry 'Fake". You say "all four said it didn't happen" that is made up, it is a lie. There were more than four in the room anyway. McMaster has been careful with his words, he has not denied that Trump disclosed the secret information. He says it did not happen 'as reported'. He says that methods were not disclosed (nobody said they were). He refused to answer any questions.


You credit it him with far too much intelligence. I assume that you are not as clever as he is. That is a low bar.

Maybe, I don't claim to be Clever , Nether do I claim to be Smart , but get called a Smart ass once in a while . As they say ,to be a Smart ass one has to be Smart first  5555

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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

I am a constitutionalist, a libertarian with a small l, and a logical thinker.  I am not baited nor put off by the antics of the left.  As I wrote, nice try but no cigar.


Oh, if you are Monica Lewinsky by yourself in the Oval Office with President Clinton, you get the cigar.


"I am a constitutionalist...". Right off the bat, you screwed up. Any individual with a genuine love of and respect for the Constitution would render the respect that the document deserves and capitalize the name. Hiding behind the moniker "Constitutionalist" usually implies a backwards opinion that the Constitution should be interpreted as originally written, which is an enormous fallacy. If the Founders had meant for the Constitution to remain static, they would never have included a provision for its amendment. They did so with the clear understanding that times change and so do conditions. I say all this with the full realization that you will now use this comment in a full blown attempt to further deflect. I suspect, however, that it won't be long before an observant moderator will eliminate both your original "Off Topic" post along with all of these objections.


However, to get back to the topic at hand, your refusal to engage in the subject under discussion is what qualifies as deflection. You were the one who changed the subject and now want to insist that others are the ones deflecting. This is nothing more than a mendacious effort on your part in a desperate attempt to not have to admit that your bonehead screwed up. And, for the record, deflection is not a sign of logical thinking. Nice try, though.

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19 hours ago, Godolphin said:

I respectfully wish to differ digger70.


I think he is stupid. I think he is immature in the extreme, has a very limited attention span and almost pathologically needs acceptance and approval. Playing up to the Russians is an example of this, in my opinion.


Those that say Trump has the right to share critically sensitive information may be formally correct but surely they concede that to hand on this information to Russia, at this time, during a CIA and House investigation into Russian interference and following a sensational and capricious sacking of the CIA director, is highly suspicious and disturbing. Growing numbers of Republicans are, or are they just part of a liberal/fake-news conspiracy?


But enough of this analysing. I have always maintained that Trump is emotionally ill and I believe that this is at the root of the almost daily disasters that embroil the White House. Just look up a definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- he ticks all boxes.


I understand how Trump supporters must truly feel watching this mayhem unfold day after day. It must be demoralising but it only compounds the mess by trying to justify this sick man's erratic and dangerous zig zags and blaming it on the media, the liberals, the CIA, leaks, and so on. The man is unwell and all roads lead to him and his disturbed and disturbing actions.

Many people have Different opinions.Not every person thinks the same.

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3 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

The article was clearly written and understandable by anyone who can think logically.  This isn't about getting Obama, it is about the hypocrisy of the media and how they report on President Donald Trump.


In order for you and I to further discuss this, I will require that you understand what is written.  


Are you able to comply?

Discuss "...the hypocrisy of the media and how they report on President Donald Trump"?


OK, but I need some time to get down to your level first. Is somewhere on the next page OK? Not in a big rush are we?

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Just now, digger70 said:

Maybe, I don't claim to be Clever , Nether do I claim to be Smart , but get called a Smart ass once in a while . As they say ,to be a Smart ass one has to be Smart first  5555


You are putting forth an argument and I am ready to counter your argument with logic.


If you were a "smart ass" in Thai it would be reversed.  You would, therefore, have been an "ass" first as they would call you an ass smart.


Spanish works the same way.  


Thank you for this small example of misdirected logic.

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38 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:




"While NBC and CNN joined the rest of the media in rushing to condemn the Trump White House over an unconfirmed Washington Post report that the President inadvertently shared classified information with Russian officials, guests on both networks provided important context that the Obama administration intentionally shared classified intelligence with Russia less than a year ago.


Appearing on Friday’s NBC Today, security analyst Juan Zarate warned: “The problem is the Russians aren’t trustworthy. The Russians have proven that when we’ve provided information in the past, they’ve used it against us.” He then proceeded to explain how former President Obama gave the Russians classified information just months "


1)I looked at that interview with Juan Zarate. And yes, he did say that the Obama administration did share intelligence information with the Russians in the hope that the Russians would use it to attack ISIS. Instead the Russians used it to attack others.  The Russians demonstrated that they couldn't be trusted.  So, lesson learned, right. No. Despite the fact that the Russians demonstrated their untrustiworthiness, Trump trusts them once again!


2)There is no indication that the information the Obama administration released to Russia was anything but U.S. intelligence. The information that Trump gave to Russia came from Israel with the stipulation that it not be shared with anyone else, not even U.S. allies.  Despite that, Trump chose to give it to the Russians.


Keep up the logical thinking!





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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

You are putting forth an argument and I am ready to counter your argument with logic.


If you were a "smart ass" in Thai it would be reversed.  You would, therefore, have been an "ass" first as they would call you an ass smart.


Spanish works the same way.  


Thank you for this small example of misdirected logic.


2 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

You are putting forth an argument and I am ready to counter your argument with logic.


If you were a "smart ass" in Thai it would be reversed.  You would, therefore, have been an "ass" first as they would call you an ass smart.


Spanish works the same way.  


Thank you for this small example of misdirected logic.

You're Logic , It's worth a Laugh 5555

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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

And you have a Physychiatric or Psychology qualification to be able to judge that he is ( mentally ) sick, no doubt?

Trump is actually very clever. While everyone is pontificating about his behaviour and mental state, who knows what he is actually up to out of sight? Routine magician's trick. 

One day y'all gonna wake up and find that he's tricked everyone.


I forgot to add this in my last post:


From the Mayo Clinic:


DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

Exaggerating your achievements and talents

Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people

Requiring constant admiration

Having a sense of entitlement

Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations

Taking advantage of others to get what you want

Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

Being envious of others and believing others envy you

Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner


You don't think any of these symptoms apply to Trump?

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38 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

"While NBC and CNN joined the rest of the media in rushing to condemn the Trump White House over an unconfirmed Washington Post report that the President inadvertently shared classified information with Russian officials, guests on both networks provided important context that the Obama administration intentionally shared classified intelligence with Russia less than a year ago.

Now unless it escaped your notice, these people claim that Trump INADVERTENTLY shared classified information and the Obama administration INTENTIONALLY shared classified Intelligence. That means the Obama administration thought about it, considered it, discussed and planned it - They knew what they were doing ! Trump had NO IDEA what he was doing with classified information. Despite the fact you support him doesn't that scare you even a little, Mr Logical thinker?


Precedents have been set on many occasions for sharing classified info with the Russians, but it was always planned and considered and allies were always informed. The information was NOT Trumps to share. The problem now is after seeing what Trump has done, even if Israel says "it's OK", other intel agencies around the world will think 3 times before sharing sensitive info with the USA. That means the USA is less safe due to the actions of Trump who gave info away on a whim.


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                       Someone suggested Ted Nugent for Prez.  I can see why right wingers would want him.  Here's a little tidbit on Ted, true story:   when he got his draft notice to report, he took a dump in his underpants, and purposefully didn't change his soiled pants for a week - to save for his draft check-up - so he'd get 4-F (unsuitable).   It's understandable why right-wingers would want such a redneck for prez - they're working toward the demise of the USA, whether they know it or not.

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..  .. "Mr. Trump, a hasty and indifferent reader of printed briefing materials, simply did not possess the interest or knowledge of the granular details of intelligence gathering to leak specific sources and methods of intelligence gathering that would do harm to United States allies,”


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Just now, soalbundy said:

fake news innit, the only thing he said was ''I know where you can get it'' the mendacity of the news reporting is shocking

I like the word "mendacious" and all derivatives, it reminds me of the scene in BraveHeart.

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