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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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                        Thaibeachlovers and a few others are submitting that Trump is smart.  They're annoyed by people like myself who question Trump's sanity.  I'm not a psychiatrist, but I know stupid when I see it. If I see someone taking a dump in the middle of a road or in front of his house (I've actually seen both those things) I can qualitatively assume that's a stupid person.  If I observe someone eating mushrooms or wild figs which he doesn't know their identity (I've seen both those things), then I assume they're stupid, particularly if they get violently sick afterwards.    


                             I'm an observer of people and make assessments on what they say, how they say it, and what they do.   I've observed Trump for many years.  He's an idiot and a shyster.  Due to him being in a powerful political position, he's also a dangerous person.  


                             Trump voters fall in to one or both of the following categories:   They're easily duped by a 3rd rate shyster and/or are looking forward to the demise of the USA.

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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Now unless it escaped your notice, these people claim that Trump INADVERTENTLY shared classified information and the Obama administration INTENTIONALLY shared classified Intelligence. That means the Obama administration thought about it, considered it, discussed and planned it - They knew what they were doing ! Trump had NO IDEA what he was doing with classified information. Despite the fact you support him doesn't that scare you even a little, Mr Logical thinker?


Precedents have been set on many occasions for sharing classified info with the Russians, but it was always planned and considered and allies were always informed. The information was NOT Trumps to share. The problem now is after seeing what Trump has done, even if Israel says "it's OK", other intel agencies around the world will think 3 times before sharing sensitive info with the USA. That means the USA is less safe due to the actions of Trump who gave info away on a whim.



It has yet to be proven:


1. Trump shared sensitive data.

2. Trump inadvertently shared data or did it on purpose.


Not much escapes my notice.  However, I am tickled a bit by the blind hysteria that one article seems to have created here.  No one is addressing the content, only my motives.  


Good luck with both.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

Thaibeachlovers and a few others are submitting that Trump is smart.

But remember that Intelligence is relative and the person that makes such a statement will be using themselves as a benchmark. 

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15 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

I have never been ashamed to be an American.  I have been ashamed of the American People for voting for the likes of Obama, and Bill Clinton but I have never been ashamed to be born into one of the greatest countries in the free world.  


There is much to be concerned with in America including those Citizens who would rather spit on The Constitution(s) than defend and protect that for which they stand.  


If you are ashamed, then you must have done something wrong.  I have little empathy for you, so snap out of it and fly the true path to freedom.


Trump has already fulfilled his destiny, he voted in a conservative Supreme Court Justice.  Everything else and anything else he does is icing on the cake.


I am a Libertarian Constitutionalist.  I know what true liberty and freedom entail.  


Hang your head in shame if you will, I will walk around proud.


you have voted the way that you believe but many , perhaps most Americans disagree with you as do many people in other countries, in the UK Trump is generally seen as a laughing stock which would not matter if it was not for him being the president of the USA

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It has yet to be proven:
1. Trump shared sensitive data.
2. Trump inadvertently shared data or did it on purpose.


Not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse but Trump has already tweeted that he shared sensitive information, and that he did it with purpose.


Please try to keep up.



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6 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

It has yet to be proven:


1. Trump shared sensitive data.

2. Trump inadvertently shared data or did it on purpose.


Not much escapes my notice.  However, I am tickled a bit by the blind hysteria that one article seems to have created here.  No one is addressing the content, only my motives.  


Good luck with both.

Trump has admitted he shared classified Information and McMaster confirmed. Your article says Trump inadvertently shared information. Do keep up.


Edited to add: mtls2005, great minds think alike.

Edited by Andaman Al
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The very next thing that needs to happen is the convening of a full session of NATO counties so the USA can be declared a "rogue state"  and be immediately suspended from membership. This dimwit will without doubt stumble into a shooting war which would then require the other NATO countries, under Article 5, to come to his aid. Let him form an alliance with his Russian buddies. 

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11 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It has yet to be proven:
1. Trump shared sensitive data.
2. Trump inadvertently shared data or did it on purpose.


Not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse but Trump has already tweeted that he shared sensitive information, and that he did it with purpose.


Please try to keep up.




Is that right?  Did his Tweet say what data was shared? Was it sensitive data as in it might hurt a sensitive person's feelings? Or was it classified data?  Do be specific.



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4 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Is that right?  Did his Tweet say what data was shared? Was it sensitive data as in it might hurt a sensitive person's feelings? Or was it classified data?  Do be specific.








I know Trump moves too fast for people to keep up, so do understand your confusion.




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3 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:






I know Trump moves too fast for people to keep up.


As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....


There is one Tweet.


Maybe there is another, but if this is the Tweet you referenced above, you'll have to explain to me how you derive that sensitive data was shared.  


I do see the word share.




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24 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

perhaps most Americans disagree

Perhaps, they should have represented themselves at the polls.  My vote went out of a Bangkok Post Office back to my beloved country.  


It would seem enough voted to elect Donald Trump as President.  


Your logic escapes me.

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7 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Was it sensitive data as in it might hurt a sensitive person's feelings? Or was it classified data?  Do be specific.

Guidelines for Data Classification




"Confidential Data is a generalized term that typically represents data classified as Restricted, according to the data classification scheme defined in this Guideline.  This term is often used interchangeably with sensitive data."


"Sensitive Data is a generalized term that typically represents data classified as Restricted, according to the data classification scheme defined in this Guideline."



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Just now, iReason said:

Guidelines for Data Classification




"Confidential Data is a generalized term that typically represents data classified as Restricted, according to the data classification scheme defined in this Guideline.  This term is often used interchangeably with sensitive data."


"Sensitive Data is a generalized term that typically represents data classified as Restricted, according to the data classification scheme defined in this Guideline."




Wonderful!  Wunderbar! Schoen! 

We have some thinking happening in the ThaiVisa Forums.

It's not something we see often.


President Donald Trump put out a Tweet.  It wasn't using the @potus account.  Which definitions do you suppose he was using when he Tweeted?

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The thing now is that Netanyahu has got Trump over a barrel right before Trumps official visit to Israel. Netanyahu will say everything is cool between Israel and the USA and when Trump is in Israel Netanyahu will make sure he squeezes Trumps balls hard and ensures that Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem !! Watch this space. This is a gift for Netanyahu to exploit. Welcome to the world of espionage Trump.


Hi Dar Adal, have you been watching too much Homeland?  

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1 hour ago, Godolphin said:

I forgot to add this in my last post:


From the Mayo Clinic:


DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

Exaggerating your achievements and talents

Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people

Requiring constant admiration

Having a sense of entitlement

Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations

Taking advantage of others to get what you want

Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

Being envious of others and believing others envy you

Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner


You don't think any of these symptoms apply to Trump?

Thanks for that. May I ask when you received your degree in Psychiatry or Psychology and how long you have been practicing?

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Where is the Tweet where President Donald Trump writes that he shared "sensitive" information?


Is there another Tweet besides the one I posted earlier?


"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining...."

Edited by TonyClifton
I am RamKhan
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38 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

I voted for Donald Trump.  Does this make me a Trumpster?

What is a Trumpster?

Are you calling me a moron?

Seems by your posts you've self identified.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

Is that right?  Did his Tweet say what data was shared? Was it sensitive data as in it might hurt a sensitive person's feelings? Or was it classified data?  Do be specific.

                          Are you suggesting that a criminal is only guilty of something when he specifically and clearly admits to it?  I doubt you have a job in law enforcement or the justice system.  Only a Republican politician would believe that, because someone didn't specifically admit to breaking laws, that person was therefore innocent - and then: the Republican politician would only apply that parameter to a Republican president or fellow congressperson.


                          If a Republican politician caught a man rushing out of a bank with cloth bags stuffed with money, and people shouting from the bank, "that man just robbed our bank. Detain him!"   The politician would first ask the fleeing man, "are you a Republican."   If the fleeing man said, 'yes,'  then the politician would yell back at the bank employees, "He didn't say specifically that he robbed the bank.  He looks like a nice guy with pretty hair,  so I let him go."

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

                          Are you suggesting that a criminal is only guilty of something when he specifically and clearly admits to it?  I doubt you have a job in law enforcement or the justice system.  Only a Republican politician would believe that, because someone didn't specifically admit to breaking laws, that person was therefore innocent - and then: the Republican politician would only apply that parameter to a Republican president or fellow congressperson.


This is where logic helps.  If someone is a criminal then they are by necessity guilty.  Are you suggesting that President Donald Trump is a criminal?  Which court adjudicated him so?



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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

This is where logic helps.  If someone is a criminal then they are by necessity guilty.  Are you suggesting that President Donald Trump is a criminal?  Which court adjudicated him so?

                               Trump has been found guilty of illegal activity ($25 mil. fine for his fake U, and other convictions, plus there are roughly 3,000 pending court cases).  There are a lot of people who would call him a criminal, justifiably.


                        It's popular for his defenders to repeatedly say, "There is no there there. Let's put the Russian thing behind us. It's a witch hunt.  There is no evidence of any wrongdoing, ...."   and other such pap smear.


                        THERE IS EVIDENCE.   Lots, and mounting every day.  Republican faithful are like a house-bound old mother who hears that her 36 year old son has been arrested for a serious crime.  All she can say is, "Oh no.  Not my Bobby.   He's such a nice boy.  He brings me flowers on Mothers Day.  He once had a pet hamster, and took such good care of her.  He couldn't hurt anyone."


                     That's what Pablo Escobar's mom said when she was approached by Colombian press corps, right after her son was shot dead.   "Oh, my baby boy.  He never did anything wrong.  He gave money to the local boys for a football field."


                            BTW,  a good friend of mine, age 72, is an ardent Trump supporter.   In October, he sent me an email about Trump.  It claimed Trump once stopped his car on a rainy road, where a man and his family had car problems.   Trump gave the man $500 to help him out.   It was proof, according to my friend's commentary, that Trump is really a good man.  It so happens, I've never  heard that story before or since.   My friend probably got it from an alt-right site which in turn may have gotten it from one of the dozens of fake news sites manned by teenage boys in Macedonia and Russia and former East Bloc countries.   The sorts of sites that all 17 US intelligence agencies agreed were affecting the prez election in favor of Trump.   


                               Now there are dots connecting, which indicate big money transfers between people very close to Trump (and possibly Trump himself) and Russian agents, leading up to the election.  Stay tuned.  Trump lovers are going to hate every bit of evidence which comes out indicating Trump and associates are guilty.  They're going to keep screaming 'fake news' until they're blue in the face, ......but the truth is going to keep on dribbling forth, like it or not.

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2 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

It has yet to be proven:


1. Trump shared sensitive data.

2. Trump inadvertently shared data or did it on purpose.


Not much escapes my notice.  However, I am tickled a bit by the blind hysteria that one article seems to have created here.  No one is addressing the content, only my motives.  


Good luck with both.


Merriam-Webster: sensitive 4a :  concerned with highly classified government information or involving discretionary authority over important policy matters sensitive documentsb :  calling for tact, care, or caution in treatment : 


Trump shared intelligence with the Russians, that he has already admitted. ANY classified information is sensitive. That's why it's classified. The fact that the White House or some news source that YOU trust has not used the word "sensitive" does nothing to change the character of classified information. I worked in intelligence during my stint in the Army, working at Army intelligence headquarters which was then located at Ft. Holabird, MD (since relocated to Ft. Huachuca, AZ)  and had "Code Word" clearance, which is one of the highest clearances. The information Trump revealed was classified "Code Word" [Wikipedia: "Top Secret is the highest level of classification. However, some information is compartmentalized by adding a code word so that only those who have been cleared for each code word can see it. This information is also known as "Sensitive Compartmented Information" (SCI). A document marked SECRET (CODE WORD) could only be viewed by a person with a secret or top secret clearance and that specific code word clearance. Each code word deals with a different kind of information. The CIA administers code word clearances.[16]  (There's your "sensitive", by the way)] Code Word information can be reasonably expected to expose the nation to risk.


Trump himself tweeted about sharing the information with the Russians, feebly insisting that he had the right to share whatever he chose. Technically true, but sharing information considered so sensitive that we haven't even shared it with many of our allies and betraying the stipulation from the source, now known to be Israel, that it not be shared, belittles any claim the orange clown might try to advance. Yes, he had the right. No, he did not consider the ramifications. How likely is it now that we will continue to receive such information from that same source? Your defense does not even rise to the quality of weak.


"Not much escapes my notice." Seems that record has been shattered.

Edited by Traveler19491
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