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Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn probe - source


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9 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

Your so well informed about his working with the enemy  why don't you submit the evidence you have  that all the hysterical Trump haters are looking for? Can't find it? Neither can anyone else. Just more conspiracy garbage from the left.

yeah, all that conspiracy garbage from the left, is actually there to counter balance all the conspiracy garbage from the right.

There's plenty to go around from both sides.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

The White House denied the report in a statement to reporters, saying it was "not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the President and Mr. Comey."

Well Donald trot out your so called tapes and prove it wrong. We are wandering back into alternate truth territory again. I was skeptical of this phrase when it was first trotted out now I can see it was a staged saying to hide alternate opinions to be interpreted as "truth" according to ones political leaning. 

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43 minutes ago, heybruce said:

As explained in post 75, this was investigated to hell and back and nothing came of it.


Interesting double standard here:  When Democrats are investigated it's proof of guilt, even if the investigation comes up empty.  When Republicans buy their way out of legal trouble without admitting guilt, as Trump and Bill O'Reilly have done repeatedly, it means they're innocent.

This was about government, not the press.


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7 hours ago, Rob13 said:

It's come down to either trump's a liar or comey is. Not much room for spin. GOP is still following trump with 80% support. Bet that number slips by Friday.

That's a major part of this.  Who has the most credibility, Trump or Comey?  Outside of the USA it is plain to see that Comey has massively more credibility than Trump.  Donald's constant lying and bizarre tweets have just illustrated what a sad and pathetic figure he is. 

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6 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

If people want to understand Trump and his methods they must read art of the deal. The liberals are being tossed around like toys along with the main stream media. He is slowly outing who he calls the swamp dwellers from both parties. The hysterics against him from the left are playing right into his hands. All this Russia nonsense will prove just that. Nonsense. As if the U S never interfered with other countries elections. Obama in London calling against brexit for example. The show is fun to watch with still three and a half years to go. 

and after he "outs all the swamp dwellers" ????

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2 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

Your so well informed about his working with the enemy  why don't you submit the evidence you have  that all the hysterical Trump haters are looking for? Can't find it? Neither can anyone else. Just more conspiracy garbage from the left.


No evidence as yet, but he sure has stood by his strategy of making people think he's colluded with the enemy. How's he explain how all that works to his benefit in his book?

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Trump's only choice now is to clean house- everyone in the White House has to go- and that include Bannon; Priebus; Kushner and even Ivanka. they need to be replaced by people who have worked as close Presidential aides and know the system. I do not like Trump at all but there are too many real dangers out there like North Korea that have to be attended to and the chance of going to war increases by having such chaos in the White House.
Someone needs to tell Trump he must stop the Twitter nonsense; stay on script with foreign leaders and stop his narcissistic tendency to tell everyone how great everything is. The man is a walking time bomb.
There also must be an independent prosecutor appointed to determine if indeed there is any WH connection to Russia and if anyone collaborated with Russia to affect the election.Trump could well end this debacle by supporting such a move-  If things do not change- Trump may well be removed by the 25th Amendment or by an Impeachment conviction. The problem is a lot of damage to America will be done until this is sorted out.

The only choice now is impeachment.

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3 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

I can answer that straight away,  President Donald John Trump is the best Troll we have ever seen.


yeah, shame that's not what he was elected to do. Hopefully his replacement will operate with more integrity and be able to carry out his duties as pres instead of trolling the electorate.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, it's fake news. If it had happened Comey should have notified the Justice Department at the time. He didn't, so it's just some anonymous source "leaking" fake news to a paper that has abandoned any semblance of impartiality.

Frankly, if anyone looks to the WaPo or the NYT for the truth on anything Trump related, they must be gullible.

Pity about the WaPo- used to be a good institution.


Trump completely owns the liberal left now. They are going completely bonkers with anti Trump hysteria. Very entertaining, but sad too, watching the US media establishment tear themselves apart.

Well, seems like leading figures in the GOP disagree with you but why let that awkward fact get in the way of your blind defence of the man-child.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

That's a major part of this.  Who has the most credibility, Trump or Comey?  Outside of the USA it is plain to see that Comey has massively more credibility than Trump.  Donald's constant lying and bizarre tweets have just illustrated what a sad and pathetic figure he is. 

I wasn't aware Comey had made a statement. If he hasn't it's still just an anonymous source and non factual.

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

There was a very good essay written by Charles Sykes, a political conservative. He labels supporters of Trump as not conservative but as believers in anti anti-trumpism. This poster, like so many others of his kind has just posted a perfect example of this.  Here's a bit of Sykes' article consistent with fair use rules here. But the whole column should be read.


If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right

Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions change the subject to (1) the biased “fake news” media, (2) over-the-top liberals, (3) hypocrites on the left, (4) anyone else victimizing Mr. Trump or his supporters and (5) whataboutism, as in “What about Obama?” “What about Clinton?”

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents. Mr. Trump’s base is unlikely to hold him either to promises or tangible achievements, because conservative politics is now less about ideas or accomplishments than it is about making the right enemies cry out in anguish.


But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents.


It's working so far. Trump owns the opposition- all they do all day is talk about him.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Let's wait and see then, shall we?

I doubt anyone on TVF knows anything that Comey may or may not know.

YOu should look up something called Bayesian Inference.

I can't believe you don't realize how unlikely it is that the NY Times would recklessly and/or dishoneslypublish an article with such specificity and one that is overwhelmingly likely to be put to proof in a few days.


And I have another prediction for you, when Comey does confirm what the NY Times reported, Trump supporters will say he's lying. Even though the circumstances make that massively unlikely.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents.


It's working so far. Trump owns the opposition- all they do all day is talk about him.

You mean like 43 years ago when everybody was talking about Watergate and Nixon?  Clearly, Nixon won that one bigly.

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27 minutes ago, Becker said:

Well, seems like leading figures in the GOP disagree with you but why let that awkward fact get in the way of your blind defence of the man-child.

Me, defend billionaires 555555555555555555555

I'm a socialist.

I'm just trying to inject a few facts into the litany of blind hate.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Me, defend billionaires 555555555555555555555

I'm a socialist.

I'm just trying to inject a few facts into the litany of blind hate.

A socialist who favors massive tax cuts for the rich, massive deregulation of Wall Street, and depriving 24 million Americans of medical coverage. Maybe in the oppositeland you inhabit Ayn Rand is a communist?

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

A socialist who favors massive tax cuts for the rich, massive deregulation of Wall Street, and depriving 24 million Americans of medical coverage. Maybe in the oppositeland you inhabit Ayn Rand is a communist?

Prove that I support tax cuts for the rich and all the rest, or keep the lies to yourself.


Opposing the anti Trumpers does not mean that I agree with his policies. I only support that he kept her out of the presidency- anyone would have been better, but I would have voted for Bernie.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Prove that I support tax cuts for the rich and all the rest, or keep the lies to yourself.


Opposing the anti Trumpers does not mean that I agree with his policies. I only support that he kept her out of the presidency- anyone would have been better, but I would have voted for Bernie.

Just the other day in an exchange we had you said you supported Trump's tax cuts.  And in fact, I listed several objectionable things about trump and you said you supported them all.  Definitely not socialistic things.  I'll see if I can track it down. 

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Prove that I support tax cuts for the rich and all the rest, or keep the lies to yourself.


Opposing the anti Trumpers does not mean that I agree with his policies. I only support that he kept her out of the presidency- anyone would have been better, but I would have voted for Bernie.

Well, I guess I'm about to prove who is the liar. And I can't believe a socialist would support Neil Gorsuch, a massively pro corporate and anti-worker individual, for a Supreme Court justice.  

"I like the health care bill as anything would be better than the Obamacare travesty, I like his SCOTUS pick ( I hope he gets to do it again ) and I like the idea of lower taxes. Why would I denounce him for any of those?

I will denounce him when he actually does something I disagree with. So far I agree with most things and I'm not going to get into the weeds with the one thing I don't support him on as I don't go on those threads anymore."



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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Just the other day in an exchange we had you said you supported Trump's tax cuts.  And in fact, I listed several objectionable things about trump and you said you supported them all.  Definitely not socialistic things.  I'll see if I can track it down. 

You do that.

I'm on the record on TVF as saying that I support taxing the rich till they squeak, taxing any income over $1,000,000 at punitive rates, and introducing single payer health care. Also that I supported Bernie for president.

Don't expect me to find the relevant quotes out of the hundreds I have made. Believe me or not, OTY.

If I did by some error say I supported tax cuts for the rich it was a mistake.

Depending on what you classify as "objectionable", I may have supported them, as I like many things about him, especially his lack of PC, his non political polish, and his desire to stick it to the Washington establishment.


I just remembered what I said in respect of tax cuts, so you are half right. I support the tax cuts that will accrue to the middle class, but if I gave any impression that I supported tax cuts for the rich that would be a mistake.

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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Need to check the hearing aid old chap!  Those are not squeaks you hear, they are the nails being hammered into Trump's coffin.  Still a long way to go before impeachment but Trump seems determined to get there!

A previous poster says that Trump has 80% support among the GOP in Congress. Even if less than that, zero chance of impeachment unless the Dems sweep the vote in 2018, and I'd say not much chance of that.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You do that.

I'm on the record on TVF as saying that I support taxing the rich till they squeak, taxing any income over $1,000,000 at punitive rates, and introducing single payer health care. Also that I supported Bernie for president.

Don't expect me to find the relevant quotes out of the hundreds I have made. Believe me or not, OTY.

If I did by some error say I supported tax cuts for the rich it was a mistake.

Depending on what you classify as "objectionable", I may have supported them, as I like many things about him, especially his lack of PC, his non political polish, and his desire to stick it to the Washington establishment.


I just remembered what I said in respect of tax cuts, so you are half right. I support the tax cuts that will accrue to the middle class, but if I gave any impression that I supported tax cuts for the rich that would be a mistake.

You said you liked everything he had done so far with the exception of one thing.


4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You do that.

I'm on the record on TVF as saying that I support taxing the rich till they squeak, taxing any income over $1,000,000 at punitive rates, and introducing single payer health care. Also that I supported Bernie for president.

Don't expect me to find the relevant quotes out of the hundreds I have made. Believe me or not, OTY.

If I did by some error say I supported tax cuts for the rich it was a mistake.

Depending on what you classify as "objectionable", I may have supported them, as I like many things about him, especially his lack of PC, his non political polish, and his desire to stick it to the Washington establishment.


I just remembered what I said in respect of tax cuts, so you are half right. I support the tax cuts that will accrue to the middle class, but if I gave any impression that I supported tax cuts for the rich that would be a mistake.

Here's part of what you wrote:

"I will denounce him when he actually does something I disagree with. So far I agree with most things and I'm not going to get into the weeds with the one thing I don't support him on as I don't go on those threads anymore."


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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, I guess I'm about to prove who is the liar. And I can't believe a socialist would support Neil Gorsuch, a massively pro corporate and anti-worker individual, for a Supreme Court justice.  

"I like the health care bill as anything would be better than the Obamacare travesty, I like his SCOTUS pick ( I hope he gets to do it again ) and I like the idea of lower taxes. Why would I denounce him for any of those?

I will denounce him when he actually does something I disagree with. So far I agree with most things and I'm not going to get into the weeds with the one thing I don't support him on as I don't go on those threads anymore."



I addressed the tax cut issue in my previous post, but yes, I support lower taxes for the middle class.

The GOP health care bill has to be better than the Obamacare fiasco- it's still got a long way to go and will be different to the present one in congress. Till single payer comes in, it will be the best option

I support Neil Gorsuch as standing for the constitution, and against the Dems wish list. NB the Dems are no more socialist than the GOP.

I do hope Trump gets to install another pro constitutional SCOTUS judge.


So, other than not specifying tax cuts for the middle class, I support that post I made.

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30 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You said you liked everything he had done so far with the exception of one thing.


Here's part of what you wrote:

"I will denounce him when he actually does something I disagree with. So far I agree with most things and I'm not going to get into the weeds with the one thing I don't support him on as I don't go on those threads anymore."


LOL. Do I need to point out that he hasn't passed tax cuts for the rich yet?

So "I will denounce him when he actually does something I disagree with" stands.


He hasn't actually done much except pass some executive orders, and I don't think I disagree with any of them so far.


This "discussion" is getting way off topic, so I'm not continuing it any more, or it will just be deleted.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Impeachment territory.:excl:

Probably true, but enough republicans need to put the rule of law and country over party and power.

So, we'll see. 




‘I think we’re in impeachment territory,’ says David Gergen, former aide to Nixon and Clinton



“I was in the Nixon administration, as you know, and I thought after watching the Clinton impeachment I’d never see another one,” Gergen told host Anderson Cooper. “But I think we’re in impeachment territory now for the first time.”

Cooper asked: “Really?”

“I think that obstruction of justice was the number one charge against Nixon that brought him down,” Gergen responded. “Obstruction of justice was the number one charge against Bill Clinton, which led to his indictment in the House.”







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