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Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn probe - source


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The Republican Congress won't impeach, despite grounds for it, for they are waiting for Trump to bring forth a budget that will award them and their paymasters a whopping tax break that will be one of the largest transfers of wealth to the 1% in the history of the US.  Democracy for, of and by the 1%.  June 20th Congressional elections - three of them - will be foretelling.  If they go to the Republicans, even though they are GOP strongholds, you can kiss the US good bye as a progressive leader of the world.

Edited by EvenSteven
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2 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

The Republican Congress won't impeach, despite grounds for it, for they are waiting for Trump to bring forth a budget that will award them and their paymasters a whopping tax break that will be one of the largest transfers of wealth to the 1% in the history of the US.  Democracy for, of and by the 1%.  June 20th Congressional elections - three of them - will be foretelling.  If they go to the Republicans, even though they are GOP strongholds, you can kiss the US good bye as a progressive leader of the world.

Not quite truth there.

The one page trump budget was a total joke.

Nobody in any party takes that seriously.

The congress will develop their own budget and yes it will be as regressive as they can possibly pass in the house and senate, and trump won't even read it, he'll sign anything they send.

Yes, the USA brand, which I don't exactly view as progressive per se, has been deeply damaged by the election of the insane clown president. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wasn't aware Comey had made a statement. If he hasn't it's still just an anonymous source and non factual.

Then it becomes a matter of credibility between the compulsively lying sociopath and the WP.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents.


It's working so far. Trump owns the opposition- all they do all day is talk about him.

You could have said the same thing about Nixon right up until August 8, 1974 - his resignation speech.

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It never ceases to amaze me how many false stories that have come from the WP about Trump, both during the year leading up to the election and continuing now he is POTUS, and yet the Trump haters immediately believe the next one is true. 


Here are some examples - the list is endless:










And who can ever forget those women claiming to have been sexually assaulted/harressed?

Where are they now, while the genuine victims of Clinton's reign of terror are still waiting for justice.


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22 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

The Republican Congress won't impeach, despite grounds for it, for they are waiting for Trump to bring forth a budget that will award them and their paymasters a whopping tax break that will be one of the largest transfers of wealth to the 1% in the history of the US.  Democracy for, of and by the 1%.  June 20th Congressional elections - three of them - will be foretelling.  If they go to the Republicans, even though they are GOP strongholds, you can kiss the US good bye as a progressive leader of the world.

I think the following best sums up my views in response to this statement:




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3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

It never ceases to amaze me how many false stories that have come from the WP about Trump, both during the year leading up to the election and continuing now he is POTUS, and yet the Trump haters immediately believe the next one is true. 


Here are some examples - the list is endless:










And who can ever forget those women claiming to have been sexually assaulted/harressed?

Where are they now, while the genuine victims of Clinton's reign of terror are still waiting for justice.


Maybe you can consult your impeccable sources about the latest Comey and Russia stories and get back to us.

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7 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

It never ceases to amaze me how many false stories that have come from the WP about Trump, both during the year leading up to the election and continuing now he is POTUS, and yet the Trump haters immediately believe the next one is true. 


Here are some examples - the list is endless:










And who can ever forget those women claiming to have been sexually assaulted/harressed?

Where are they now, while the genuine victims of Clinton's reign of terror are still waiting for justice.



2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Maybe you can consult your impeccable sources about the latest Comey and Russia stories and get back to us.

Damn! You beat me to it.

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8 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I think the following best sums up my views in response to this statement:




Argument by half truth, taken from Mitt Romney's assertion that 47% of Americans don't pay income tax.  That GOP propaganda was debunked days after Romney made the claim.  I sense from your post that you're not interested in the truth, given your biased sourcing, but for the benefit of others, here is a summary of all the taxes people pay, not just income which reflects the depth of inequality and the extent of poverty in the US.






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I think that there is a very good case to be made already for convicting Trump on an obstruction of justice charge:18 U.S. Code § 1505  :

1725. Protection Of Government Processes -- Obstruction Of Pending Proceeding -- 18 U.S.C. 1505


Section 1505 of Title 18, United States Code, as amended by the Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982, forbids anyone from corruptly, or by threats of force or by any threatening communication, influencing, obstructing, or impeding any pending proceeding before a department or agency of the United States, or Congress. In 1996 Congress enacted a clarifying amendment to 18 U.S.C. § 1515, which defines the term "corruptly" as used in section 1505 to mean "acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information." False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-292, §3, 110 Stat. 3459, 3460.

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‘You probably don’t leak the worst memo first’: Ex-DOJ official predicts Comey has more dirt on Trump


A former Department of Justice official promised MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that ousted FBI director James Comey has even more damaging evidence against President Donald Trump.





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44 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

‘You probably don’t leak the worst memo first’: Ex-DOJ official predicts Comey has more dirt on Trump


A former Department of Justice official promised MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that ousted FBI director James Comey has even more damaging evidence against President Donald Trump.





But Comey doesn't leak does he, I thought he was principled?. If it comes out (if it exists) it will because he's been subpoenaed won't it?.

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5 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

But Comey doesn't leak does he, I thought he was principled?. If it comes out (if it exists) it will because he's been subpoenaed won't it?.

.@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready.

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Hopefully this will be a line in the sand, he's told the truth or he's lied. This administration can't continue like this.




Please read it, not fake news and after this we crash or burn on this forum or are proved correct.


(or both sides completely wrong and David Icke is correct)

Edited by sandrabbit
tried to make more sense of the post ....
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think that there is a very good case to be made already for convicting Trump on an obstruction of justice charge:18 U.S. Code § 1505  :

1725. Protection Of Government Processes -- Obstruction Of Pending Proceeding -- 18 U.S.C. 1505


Let me guess, he obstructed himself.  Perhaps he can prosecute himself.  


Where's the BEEF?

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1 minute ago, TonyClifton said:

Let me guess, he obstructed himself.  Perhaps he can prosecute himself.  


Where's the BEEF?

Where's the BEEF? - wish i had it ....


and maybe he can do magic and disappear behind himself?

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

.@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready.

there are lots of things I would like to read about on his twitter page but I don't do twitter, why doesn't he have a proper webpage?.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

Let me guess, he obstructed himself.  Perhaps he can prosecute himself.  


Where's the BEEF?

If it's true that the President asked the non-partisan FBI director to drop a criminal investigation, it might be obstruction of justice.  It probably depends on how broadly 'threatening communication' is interpreted.  In a one-on-one meeting with the President of the United States, a lot of people would interpret “I hope you can let this go" as "let this go or you'll regret it".


"Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—"  https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1505  


My thanks to ilostmypassword for the link.

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1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

Hopefully this will be a line in the sand, he's told the truth or he's lied. This administration can't continue like this.




Please read it, not fake news and after this we crash or burn on this forum or are proved correct.


(or both sides completely wrong and David Icke is correct)

From your link:


" The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has asked the FBI to turn over “all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings” that detail communications between the agency’s former director, James Comey, and President Trump."


If Comey documents things as well as I suspect he does, that should keep a lot of people up at night.


The term 'death-spiral' comes to mind.

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

From your link:


" The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has asked the FBI to turn over “all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings” that detail communications between the agency’s former director, James Comey, and President Trump."


If Comey documents things as well as I suspect he does, that should keep a lot of people up at night.


The term 'death-spiral' comes to mind.

sorry I can't agree with a death spiral and all of us have to stop making everything sensational, but for me (a Brit) I just want the best for the US and the nation to regain the respect of the world and look after it's citizens. but this is not from Trump, for me looking from the outside it was G Bush Jr.


and T Blair.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Depending on what you classify as "objectionable", I may have supported them, as I like many things about him, especially his lack of PC, his non political polish, and his desire to stick it to the Washington establishment.

So you're the ultimate "cut off your nose, ears, schnabel and all other extremities to spite your face" kind of a guy". FYI, the Man-Child's only desire is to attack anyone who dare critizise the poor baby. He doesn't give a rat's a**s about anyone but himself.

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7 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

It never ceases to amaze me how many false stories that have come from the WP about Trump, both during the year leading up to the election and continuing now he is POTUS, and yet the Trump haters immediately believe the next one is true. 


Here are some examples - the list is endless:










And who can ever forget those women claiming to have been sexually assaulted/harressed?

Where are they now, while the genuine victims of Clinton's reign of terror are still waiting for justice.


Your first link, from a site I've never seen before, has the author saying he believes the administration version of the Russian meeting instead of the Washington Post version. 


Your second link referenced a few news sources and stories, many of which I haven't heard, and seemed to quibble over presentation of the story.  I stopped reading that stuff when I found this:


" We know from media reports that the Obama administration spied on Trump and his team, and did so  brazenly and without fear."


I went to the link, I found no evidence of spying, just discussion of it as if it were an indisputable fact.


In short, your second link is a fake news site.


Your third link is to the same fake news site, it makes claims without proof.


Your fourth link was long and tedious, mostly news sources and stories I haven't heard of, some arguments about presentation and choice of words, blaming news sources for how people tweet, mentioning a few news stories requiring corrections, etc.  I only found one Washington Post story, your source disagree with its choice of words.


Your four links definitely don't support your claim of "many false stories that have come from the WP about Trump".


Without even looking for fake news coming from the Trump administration, I found this:


" 492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s an average of 4.9 claims a day.
10: Number of days without a single false claim. (On six of those days, the president golfed at a Trump property.)
5: Number of days with 20 or more false claims. (Feb. 16, Feb. 28, March 20, April 21 and April 29, his 100th day in office.) " https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/05/01/president-trumps-first-100-days-the-fact-check-tally/?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313&utm_term=.fc2e48888554  


It gave examples, though not all 492. 


I also found this:  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/06/17-things-donald-trump-said-and-then-denied-saying/?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313 


The title says it all. 


Imagine how many sources of lies, disinformation, and nonsense coming from the administration I might have found if I'd actually been looking for them.

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From Trump's speech to the Coast Guard Academy:


" "Look at the way I have been treated lately, especially by the media," he said. "No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.""  http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/17/politics/trump-coast-guard-speech/ 


What a snowflake!


Keep in mind that Trump has not demonstrated in depth knowledge of history.  Also, even Republicans state that his problems are self-inflicted, and preventing him from accomplishing any of his goals.  So there is a silver lining.

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Justice Department has announced the appointment of a Special Counsel to oversea the "Russia Probe". The appointee is Robert Mueller, a former prosecutor who served as the FBI director from 2001 to 2013.

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I don't know if Comey's memo is the smoking gun because if Trump had asked him directly to stop investigation he is required to report that to Justice dept which he did not. But I think it establishes a troubling pattern of behavior and thinking which is why Comey documented it. Trump will likely skate on the issue but this neuters him and his agenda for the next year at least. I think some resignations soon to come and Flynn likely to be the only man hung out to dry but later pardoned by Trump anyway. But when 2018 rolls around the situation may dramatically change. It's all about Congressional control at this point IMHO.

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This has now been news for two days.  Parts of some memo supposedly written by Comey and read over the phone to a news reporter.  Everyone in a panic like it is the end of the world.  Let the Congressional investigators get the memo and let's see what it says, in it entirety. Then hopefully Comey can comment about it and we can make a judgement.  Until then it's all just a way to perpetuate the daily news cycle. Seems like it will all boil down to whether Trump comments, if made, were made in such a way the he hoped by firing Flynn that the issue would not damage Flynn too much and that the FBI could "let it go" or whether Trump asked Comey directly to stop the investigation.  Big difference to me. 


What I can't understand is why the Flynn investigation is taking so long.  It seems there are over 100 FBI agents working full time for over two months on this and as yet they seem no closer to ending the investigation.  How much time does it take for them to determine Flynn's business activities and see what he was doing. He did have a business and had every right to engage with Russia and Turkey. Seems like there was no secret about this.  Does not seem like this issue is his association with the Russians, but possible failure to disclose receiving funds for speaking engagements which was no secret to begin with. Not like he was trying to hide anything.  Everyone in the DIA seemed to know he had the engagements so what's the big issue? Either he did disclose or didn't. It was either intentional or inadvertent but certainly not any big secret from those in the know. How many times could he have travelled and consulted with the Russians, Turks, etc.  Seems like the work done for the Turks was not as extensive and some reports are trying to make it.  


Its the same with the alleged Russian intervention in our election. Just how long is it going to take to do the investigation and come to some kind of conclusion?  First off, if people in the DNC and the Clinton campaign had been honest stewards of the election process and not written emails showing their bias and ill conceived strategy then the Russians, if it was them, would have had nothing to give to Wikileaks. When people are honest there are no back stories.  Rather than the press continuing to fire the flames for viewership/readership ratings, they should be asking the Senate, House, and FBI when they will complete the investigations and why it is taking so long.  It's kind of pathetic that three bodies are all conducting the same investigation and none of them can make any headway after months and months.  

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Mueller appointed special counsel! Sessions likely gave a nod for this to happen. Trump is now a dead man walking. How far down will he drag the republicans?

Possibly GOOD news for Trump. Mueller's work will be in secret and could take years to conclude.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Possibly GOOD news for Trump. Mueller's work will be in secret and could take years to conclude.

Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Well, if you subscribe to the belief that anything is possible, then this is possibly good news. 

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