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Pattaya Baht Bus driver tries ripping off tourists


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Baht Bus driver tries ripping off tourists

By Online Admin -




PATTAYA: -- Just before 10:00pm on May 17th, Pattaya police were called to the scene of an argument between some Chinese tourists and a Baht bus driver.


The incident took place on Second Road, right outside of Central Marina shopping centre.


Police arrived at the scene to find a group of Chinese tourists, 8 in total, arguing with the driver regarding the price of the taxi fare.


Police probed for answers and found out, with a little difficulty due to translation issues, that the tourists had been picked up on 3rd Road, North Pattaya. They had made their way down to Central Marina, which is estimated to be around 3 Kilometers.


No price was agreed before hand, so after arriving at the destination, the driver requested a total of 400 Baht.


The tourists were obviously not first timers and quickly realised that this was far too much for the journey. They refused to pay the requested 400 baht and offered 20 baht per person instead. This offer was refused by the driver and the argument escalated before police were eventually called.


After hearing and understanding both sides of the story, the police told both parties that a fee of 250 Baht was fair. The fee was paid and both parties went their separate ways.


Police did comment that the 400 Baht was in fact to much and stressed that it was important not to take advantage of tourists as they bring a lot of value to Pattaya.

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400 baht sounds like a typical Pattaya charter fare for that ride. 

It's not per person on a charter. It's for the ride. 

If the authorities are serious about cracking down on overcharging, these occasional show news items aren't going to cut it. 


As far as what's really a "fair" fare for that ride, I'd say 150, not 250. An Uber car fare for the same ride is 75 - 90 baht but wouldn't move 8 people. 



Edited by Jingthing
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This bath bus is a tricky business. Some people, especially firsttimers, don't know that that bus costs 10/person only when it drives its own route and when they take it to a particular destination it works then as taxi and its important to agree about a price !!!!


Very important !!

In Thailand one must agree about the price before the ride and that includes MC-taxi. It's hard to bargain afterwards....to avoid discussions/conflicts

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Strange one this. If the tourists had enough about them to organise the trip with the driver, why was no price agreed? There are a lot of baht bus drivers doing charter work (I use them myself in this way occasionally) and surely it is in his or her interest to agree a rate to avoid a confrontation like this. Involving the police and the press is best avoided.

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I have just returned from travelling to the North. I have noticed lately that tuk tuks all over are quoting a per person fare, as an example what used to be 20 Baht is now 40 for 2 people. They prefer not to tell you unless you ask for a clarification. They will tell you 20 Baht and when you arrive to pay it becomes 20 Baht per person.

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Mmmm, I thought that not long ago the new City Hall inhabitants applied a new system of routes for Baht buses and strictly prohibited baht-buses to be hired for "private" rides. 


I do understand that a lot of destinations are out of the regular routes, but then there's the honest and fair charging taxi-meters, right? :sorry:

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

your allowed to try it ....

Yes, it's a wonderful system. Try it with newbies and it's okay. Try it with people who know better and the police have to get involved and lower the price because it is indeed  "too much".


Let's hope not too many people know the real price. The police will have to be doing a lot more work. Hell! If the police have to keep coming to negotiate, they may have to even set up a standard price with a board and a list of prices. That would be crazy. 

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3 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

Well calculated.

250 baht easily divisible by 8.

31.25 each passenger.

Did the driver have a pile of satangs I wonder ?

Hope the image of Pattaya did not go further downhill with this attempted rip-off.

Attempted and agreed, by the police.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Baht Bus driver tries ripping off tourists

happens in 95% of countries of the world.


tricked meters

meters not reset

smaller tires

going around in circles before arriving the destination to inflate the fare



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

400 baht sounds like a typical Pattaya charter fare for that ride. 

It's not per person on a charter. It's for the ride. 

If the authorities are serious about cracking down on overcharging, these occasional show news items aren't going to cut it. 


As far as what's really a "fair" fare for that ride, I'd say 150, not 250. An Uber car fare for the same ride is 75 - 90 baht but wouldn't move 8 people. 



I thought UBER were illegal.  I've only just read that this group have been deemed illegal. By whom and where?

I would certainly use UBER rather than be ripped off paying 300baht from the bus station down to Jom Tien.

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I though baht buses were 'restricted' to Beach, Second with the out station runs to Jomtien and Naklua? Is Third now an officially sanctioned baht bus route? Of course there are baht buses to be seen on Third but if it is not on the 'listed' routes, maybe anyone getting picked up there will be open to being ripped off as a charter versus a regular fare.


5 hours ago, webfact said:

...the tourists had been picked up on 3rd Road, ...


The article isn't specific on whether these Chinese arbitrarily flagged down and got into the baht bus (which would be the 10 baht/person rate) or stopped him and asked specifically to go to Central Marina (without negotiating the charter fare first).

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12 minutes ago, Lamkyong said:

smaller tires  // surely this would increase fuel consumption   sort of self defeating exercise 

the amount of fuel consumed is obviously less than the $$ reflection on the meter by going small on tires. I lived in a eastern european country and this was the practice when meters were mechanical back then. I believe with electronic meters the case would not be same or possible as the new meter get their reading off a chip on the transmission but don't quote me on that as technology  constantly is improving 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

it was important not to take advantage of tourists as they bring a lot of value to Pattaya

this police comment shows an unprecedented degree of insight and maturity, as well as an understanding of international relations and world economics. It's also utter claptrap by not punishing the driver.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

A better result would have been arresting the driver for trying to gouge the tourists. That would send the right message to both drivers and tourists.

I agree or a hefty fine or better both

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

400 baht sounds like a typical Pattaya charter fare for that ride. 

It's not per person on a charter. It's for the ride. 

If the authorities are serious about cracking down on overcharging, these occasional show news items aren't going to cut it. 


As far as what's really a "fair" fare for that ride, I'd say 150, not 250. An Uber car fare for the same ride is 75 - 90 baht but wouldn't move 8 people. 



Two Uber cars would have done it, but then they'd have to find about 40 Pattaya taxis to box them in and threaten the UBer drivers and passenegers.

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

I though baht buses were 'restricted' to Beach, Second with the out station runs to Jomtien and Naklua? Is Third now an officially sanctioned baht bus route? Of course there are baht buses to be seen on Third but if it is not on the 'listed' routes, maybe anyone getting picked up there will be open to being ripped off as a charter versus a regular fare.



The article isn't specific on whether these Chinese arbitrarily flagged down and got into the baht bus (which would be the 10 baht/person rate) or stopped him and asked specifically to go to Central Marina (without negotiating the charter fare first).

No, there is no 3rd road route.

Baht buses can be seen other places off route for various reasons but not running as buses. 

The story was about a CHARTER.


We know it was the North part of 3rd road. The section of 3rd road that could be called that is really not that big. It was rather a short trip. The fare of 400 was OUTRAGEOUS, but in my view, a typical fare offer from the baht bus charter. 


Also however they boarded, it is well known by locals anyway that if you SPEAK to a driver about going to a specific destination there is a real chance the driver may try to convert to charter, even on set routes.



Edited by Jingthing
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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, it's a wonderful system. Try it with newbies and it's okay. Try it with people who know better and the police have to get involved and lower the price because it is indeed  "too much".


Let's hope not too many people know the real price. The police will have to be doing a lot more work. Hell! If the police have to keep coming to negotiate, they may have to even set up a standard price with a board and a list of prices. That would be crazy. 

At least it's giving the police something to do.

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