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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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9 hours ago, Berkshire said:

If you think that all news media is biased, then you are a Trump guy.  There are still various media outlets that practice journalistic integrity.  They include CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, CBS/NBC/ABC, Boston Globe, LA Times....the list is endless.


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53 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:

This is what I cant wrap my head around. Did Russia meddle? Guess they did but its still vague as hell as to the extent

Yes, Russia meddled, it's been proven. Your second question is what Mueller's team has been investigating for the past months.

9 hours ago, riclag said:

Read what poster 5800 said.That will be the case ,GOP with GOP and DeM's with dEm's. To gain control the Dem's in the house and senate have to convince American's that they will do a better job ,then PT.So far the only message they have is to resist and obstruct . It ain't gonna happen on Nov 6.

Given the crud that is coming out of the white house,a gerbil will not have a hard time convincing America   it could do a better job.  



Just before the end of last year I found out that Tump eats nothing but Junk Food and I honestly thought that was the best news I herd all year. With a diet like that and at his age hopefully we won't have to wait for him to be impeached. Unfortunately he don't drink because his brother died from alcoholism he probably doesn't smoke too I guess, but he don't look the excrise type.

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5 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Just before the end of last year I found out that Tump eats nothing but Junk Food and I honestly thought that was the best news I herd all year. With a diet like that and at his age hopefully we won't have to wait for him to be impeached. Unfortunately he don't drink because his brother died from alcoholism he probably doesn't smoke too I guess, but he don't look the excrise type.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

He is on record as having bizarre views about exercise, that it drains energy. It's well documented that he does not exercise, and golf doesn't count because of the golf carts. That's he's alive at all at this point is likely down to genetic luck and wealth to have access to good medical care. 

He is on record as having bizarre views about exercise, that it drains energy. It's well documented that he does not exercise, and golf doesn't count because of the golf carts. That's he's alive at all at this point is likely down to genetic luck and wealth to have access to good medical care. 

Well I've got my fingers crossed and I am just about to look on ebay for voodoo dolls.


Edit lol you can actually buy Donald Trump Voodoo dolls on Ebay.





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7 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Not true.   There were the usual suspects, 8 or thereabouts, who were predicting it was imminent almost a year ago, and I, along with a couple of others have gained great enjoyment to see the weakening of that stance,  and of course, pointing it out, from it's about to happen, maybe next week, this isn't an overnight thing, all the way down to 'let's wait for the outcome of the investigation', which is still 10 months away.


Being repulsive is NOT grounds for impeachment.

Care to identify the usual suspects and show us the posts predicting imminent impeachment?


Funny that you think the end of the investigation is 10 months away.  Trumps lawyers kept telling him it will end in early in 2018:   https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-renews-criticism-of-fbi-as-he-chides-top-official-on-twitter-1514079779


As has been explained before, grounds for impeachment are whatever Congress decides they are.  Congress may not cite "repulsive" as grounds, but it does provide additional motivation to find other reasons.  

7 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


But the liberal media & people like yourself are the ones that are making actually making Putin a thing. 


This is what I cant wrap my head around. Did Russia meddle? Guess they did but its still vague as hell as to the extent. 


But that should have been it. Instead you guys are using it like hes Putins Puppet creating a rift. All the while Putins over there LOL'ing at all of us. 

Your nonsense is speculation and deflection.  Putin and Russia had high hopes that Trump would end sanctions and "Make Russia Great Again", but have been disappointed about how checks and balances, along with a free press, have prevented their buddy Trump from delivering.     

20 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Nice try.  If you think that all news media is biased, then you are a Trump guy.  There are still various media outlets that practice journalistic integrity.  They include CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, CBS/NBC/ABC, Boston Globe, LA Times....the list is endless.  Corrupt news networks include Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, etc.  Most of us can tell the difference.  At least admit that it's you who've been manipulated and corrupted, not everyone else. 

Surely you are not trying to tell me the likes of the BBC, CNN, Guardian, Washington Post etc. are not biased plus the right inclined press like the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Fox and so on are? Well, you show your true colours man as that is ludicrous..haha. I didn't indicate a preference for either side of the coin, just merely stated that they are all chasing their own agendas in a effort to influence the sheeple and that the truth, if there is such a thing, is actually a difficult concept if you ask most that think deeply. As said, people believe what makes them feel comfortable, doesn't mean it's the truth or right. That, ironically, is why there is so much discourse everywhere as so many hold opposing "truths". Opinions are like ass-holes, everyone has one, but that doesn't make them right. Personally, I think politics and politicians on both sides are deeply flawed at the moment and the time is coming for political change with/when the younger digital generation getting/gets older. I don't think that they will accept the old political ways when they get in positions of influence.

6 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

Surely you are not trying to tell me the likes of the BBC, CNN, Guardian, Washington Post etc. are not biased plus the right inclined press like the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Fox and so on are? Well, you show your true colours man as that is ludicrous..haha. I didn't indicate a preference for either side of the coin, just merely stated that they are all chasing their own agendas in a effort to influence the sheeple and that the truth, if there is such a thing, is actually a difficult concept if you ask most that think deeply. As said, people believe what makes them feel comfortable, doesn't mean it's the truth or right. That, ironically, is why there is so much discourse everywhere as so many hold opposing "truths". Opinions are like ass-holes, everyone has one, but that doesn't make them right. Personally, I think politics and politicians on both sides are deeply flawed at the moment and the time is coming for political change with/when the younger digital generation getting/gets older. I don't think that they will accept the old political ways when they get in positions of influence.

"I didn't indicate a preference for either side of the coin, just merely stated that they are all chasing their own agendas in a effort to influence the sheeple..."


Legitimate news sources focus on factual reporting, not opinions.  Some bias in choosing which facts are newsworthy is inevitable, but reputable, established news sources attempt to minimize this.  Most of the news sources you mentioned focus on facts, but Fox is notorious as an "opinutainment" program.  Your dismissal of all news sources as chasing agendas reeks of paranoid conspiracy theory thinking, though it may just be a cover for disinterest in staying informed.


"...and that the truth, if there is such a thing, is actually a difficult concept if you ask most that think deeply. As said, people believe what makes them feel comfortable, doesn't mean it's the truth or right."


Avoiding reputable news sources is not the way to find "truth".  I do agree that Trump supporters are more comfortable with ignorance than facts that require them to change views.  Relying on prejudice, scapegoating brown skinned immigrants (not naked eastern European "models" working illegally) and "deep state" paranoia are much easier than thinking.


You use/throw around the words 'reputable' and 'legitimate' pretty casually as if it's a given from a holier-than-thou source on one side or another without any possibility of considering anything else, as if you can divine the "truth" on politics etc. so easily (back to "your opinion" stuff). You need to get over the fact that all news outlets from both sides of the political spectrum now are pursuing an agenda for their own ends to promote things to the easily influenced....blimey. These are observational comments...not a fan of either side really, complete fence-sitter atm.



I am able to objectively critique both sides for their failings as I am not betrothed to either ideology due to me actually considering the flaws of both and the current lack from politics of a real solution from either side as many things just get kicked-down-the-road for someone else do deal with later. The best ability to habour is that to be able to diagnose a situation and critique a current reality regarding why something happened/or is from a non-partisan perspective. Many are unable to do this as they insist on energetically believing what makes them comfortable and what they have signed up for or  having been brainwashed by whatever lets them operate...guess it hurts their head. This extends to everyone from religious recruits to political novices to whoever wants to find an purpose for themselves.


Believe what you want as it will make you happy...froth at the mouth with those unbelievers too if you like it...haha. Up to you.

12 hours ago, sirineou said:

Given the crud that is coming out of the white house,a gerbil will not have a hard time convincing America   it could do a better job.  


What makes you think we are having a difficult time.We are Making America Great Again.Nobody in their right mind would think it was  gonna be like start here,spend 2 days on obstruction than 2 days on resistance and then 7 days to take away what the previous administration mess created, and than finish with CHANGE . jeepers creepers


6 burning questions Robert Mueller will want to ask President Trump


1. Why did you craft Donald Trump Jr.'s misleading response on the meeting with the Russian lawyer?

2. You told NBC News's Lester Holt, “When I decided to [fire FBI Director James B. Comey], I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’” Did you mean that you fired Comey to impact the investigation? And if not, why did you mention Russia while talking about your decision to fire Comey?

3. Have you done anything official for the purpose of protecting yourself from this investigation?

4. Did you tell Flynn what to say to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about President Barack Obama's sanctions?

5. Did you know Flynn had lied to the FBI when you fired him? And did you ask Comey to take it easy on Flynn?

6. Did you ever direct anybody in your campaign to reach out to Russia, or did you hear about anybody doing such a thing?



6 minutes ago, riclag said:

What makes you think we are having a difficult time.We are Making America Great Again.Nobody in their right mind would think it was  gonna be like start here,spend 2 days on obstruction than 2 days on resistance and then 7 days to take away what the previous administration mess created, and than finish with CHANGE . jeepers creepers

 I guessed it all depends on your definition of what is great. 

Lucky for as many have a different definition than you as reflected by Trump's approval rate.


1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

You use/throw around the words 'reputable' and 'legitimate' pretty casually as if it's a given from a holier-than-thou source on one side or another without any possibility of considering anything else, as if you can divine the "truth" on politics etc. so easily (back to "your opinion" stuff). You need to get over the fact that all news outlets from both sides of the political spectrum now are pursuing an agenda for their own ends to promote things to the easily influenced....blimey. These are observational comments...not a fan of either side really, complete fence-sitter atm.



28 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

I am able to objectively critique both sides for their failings as I am not betrothed to either ideology due to me actually considering the flaws of both and the current lack from politics of a real solution from either side as many things just get kicked-down-the-road for someone else do deal with later. The best ability to habour is that to be able to diagnose a situation and critique a current reality regarding why something happened/or is from a non-partisan perspective. Many are unable to do this as they insist on energetically believing what makes them comfortable and what they have signed up for or  having been brainwashed by whatever lets them operate...guess it hurts their head. This extends to everyone from religious recruits to political novices to whoever wants to find an purpose for themselves.


Believe what you want as it will make you happy...froth at the mouth with those unbelievers too if you like it...haha. Up to you.

In other words, you make no effort to inform yourself, you just criticize those who do make the effort, criticize their sources, and deflect counter arguments with semantics.  Got it.

16 minutes ago, riclag said:

What makes you think we are having a difficult time.We are Making America Great Again.Nobody in their right mind would think it was  gonna be like start here,spend 2 days on obstruction than 2 days on resistance and then 7 days to take away what the previous administration mess created, and than finish with CHANGE . jeepers creepers

Other than destroying the reputation of the US and democracy, and signing a massive tax cut for the rich that will drive up the deficit that is already at an unhealthy level, what has Trump done, or proposes to do, that will MAGA?

11 minutes ago, Meljames said:

6 burning questions Robert Mueller will want to ask President Trump


1. Why did you craft Donald Trump Jr.'s misleading response on the meeting with the Russian lawyer?

2. You told NBC News's Lester Holt, “When I decided to [fire FBI Director James B. Comey], I said to myself, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.’” Did you mean that you fired Comey to impact the investigation? And if not, why did you mention Russia while talking about your decision to fire Comey?

3. Have you done anything official for the purpose of protecting yourself from this investigation?

4. Did you tell Flynn what to say to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about President Barack Obama's sanctions?

5. Did you know Flynn had lied to the FBI when you fired him? And did you ask Comey to take it easy on Flynn?

6. Did you ever direct anybody in your campaign to reach out to Russia, or did you hear about anybody doing such a thing?



Mel already went through my allotted free views,you got another source. 

11 minutes ago, heybruce said:


In other words, you make no effort to inform yourself, you just criticize those who do make the effort, criticize their sources, and deflect counter arguments with semantics.  Got it.


Erm..No. Ok, we are done here as you are far too agenda driven and confrontational as opposed to objectively assessing something. Nice trolling attempt...give you that.

1 minute ago, heybruce said:

Other than destroying the reputation of the US and democracy, and signing a massive tax cut for the rich that will drive up the deficit that is already at an unhealthy level, what has Trump done, or proposes to do, that will MAGA?

 You forgot  the repeal of the individual mandate that even as Trump has admitted is a defacto repeal of ACA.  

4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 You forgot  the repeal of the individual mandate that even as Trump has admitted is a defacto repeal of ACA.  

Yes and no.

It's still standing and whether or not it's destroyed is going to be decided in the 2018 midterms.

9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Other than destroying the reputation of the US and democracy, and signing a massive tax cut for the rich that will drive up the deficit that is already at an unhealthy level, what has Trump done, or proposes to do, that will MAGA?

This has already been discussed in other threads (PT many accomplishments)

Please stay on topic

10 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:


Erm..No. Ok, we are done here as you are far too agenda driven and confrontational as opposed to objectively assessing something. Nice trolling attempt...give you that.

I'm not a troll, I simply pointed out that you criticize all views and new sources while offering no facts or insights on the topics.  So who's the troll?

6 minutes ago, riclag said:

This has already been discussed in other threads (PT many accomplishments)

Please stay on topic

PT many accomplishments?  That's all you've got?  No links to these other discussions?


Since an lack of accomplishments is a factor in who will control Congress, and therefore if Trump will be impeached, his lack of accomplishments is on topic.  So long as Trump remains a President who is the epitome of "an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. " the chances of impeachment after this year's elections are good.

2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

PT many accomplishments?  That's all you've got?  No links to these other discussions?


Since an lack of accomplishments is a factor in who will control Congress, and therefore if Trump will be impeached, his lack of accomplishments is on topic.  So long as Trump remains a President who is the epitome of "an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. " the chances of impeachment after this year's elections are good.

Not only accomplishments but if they're GOOD accomplishments. That tax bill was a total turkey unless you're super rich. 

24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I'm not a troll, I simply pointed out that you criticize all views and new sources while offering no facts or insights on the topics.  So who's the troll?

stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 

7 minutes ago, riclag said:

stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 


"Starting with Trump’s inauguration, the Dow has risen from 19,827.3 to 25,075.1 -- an increase of 26 percent. That’s impressive. But it’s not as impressive as its performance during the equivalent period under Obama. Under Obama, the Dow increased from 7,949.1 to 10,572 — a rise of 33 percent.


46 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:


Erm..No. Ok, we are done here as you are far too agenda driven and confrontational as opposed to objectively assessing something. Nice trolling attempt...give you that.

It's pretty clear that you are agenda driven, so cut with the bull already.  And if you can't tell the difference between journalism and propaganda, then you are dimmer than Trump...which is saying a lot.  We're on an anonymous forum, why do you need to lie about your allegiance to our idiot President?


48 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes and no.

It's still standing and whether or not it's destroyed is going to be decided in the 2018 midterms.

 I know I am preaching to the quire . you are certainly more knowledgeable in the subject than most and certainly  more than me, but I am sure the provision with in the tax bill that repealed the individual mandate will not contribute toward MAGA . 

I realise that it does not come in effect until 2018 but the " yes and no" effect initially introduces  uncertainty in the system and simply that uncertainty will IMO have a negative effect. 

Even if the Democrats gain control of the House  (which I am very confident they will), I am afraid they might not gain control of the Senate  simply because of the math, making reinstatement a difficult proposition  or at the least a lengthy one.  

Aside from other political and ideological reasons it's  repeal is also intended to finance the shortfall of revenue from the corporate tax reduction. So let's assume that it is reinstated ,then we have the problem  of the deficit .  A reinstatement of the individual Mandate will mean a re-negotiation of the Tax Reduction Act. Another complication contributing to the uncertainty factor.  


 So in conclusion  it is my opinion that regardless of what happens in 2018 , the damage is done , I am only hopping that this will lead to a Medicare for all system. For those who find medicare inadequate there will always be private supplemental insurance.


1 hour ago, riclag said:

stock market  over 25000, new supreme court justice , tax relief ,less restrictions on companies ,repatriating  overseas money and on and on. My 401k  is Thailand bound. That's my rating.  The economy is in its break out. How's it possible that you didn't know about these changes? What sort of news sources do you watch? 

Stock market climbing since Obama's second year, a dud of a supreme court justice, tax relief for the rich which will cause massive additional debt, restrictions put in place to prevent another BP Horizon oil spill and Wall Street meltdown lifted, repatriation of overseas money hasn't happened and it will only benefit the rich, and on and on. 


Take off your blinders:  Obama took over with the economy in freefall and two unfinished wars; he turned around the economy and wound down the wars.  Trump took over with a strong economy and the country the closest to being at peace in fifteen years and has accomplished very little, none of it good, in spite of his party controlling both houses of Congress. 

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