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Seeking a new narrative, Trump heads to Middle East and Europe


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Seeking a new narrative, Trump heads to Middle East and Europe

By Jeff Mason


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U.S. President Donald Trump and Melania Trump depart the White House to embark on a trip to the Middle East and Europe, in Washington, U.S., May 19, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump left for Saudi Arabia on Friday on the first leg of a trip that the White House hopes will shift attention away from the political firestorm triggered by his firing last week of former FBI Director James Comey.


The trip, which also includes stops in Israel, Italy and Belgium next week, has been billed by the administration as a chance to visit places sacred to three of the world's major religions while giving Trump time to meet with Arab, Israeli and European leaders.


But uproar in Washington threatened to cast a long shadow, after Comey's firing, allegations Trump had previously pressed the FBI chief to stop investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and the subsequent appointment of a special counsel to look into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and possible ties to Trump's campaign.


"Getting ready for my big foreign trip. Will be strongly protecting American interests - that's what I like to do!" Trump said on Twitter hours before he left on his first foreign trip since taking office in January.


Trump, who has embraced what he describes as an "America First" approach to U.S. foreign policy and international trade, is expected to be welcomed warmly by leaders in Saudi Arabia and Israel.


Lingering questions over his views on the Iran nuclear deal, commitment to NATO security and scepticism of the Paris climate agreement, however, could generate tension at meetings with European counterparts in Brussels and Sicily.


"It's almost always true that when a president goes on a big foreign trip, especially one that has some important summits ... that dominates the news and knocks most other stuff out," said Republican strategist Charlie Black.


"Whether by accident or design, this will help him in terms of Russia news for a while."


Trump, who has expressed a desire for friendlier relations with Moscow, drew a storm of criticism this week when it emerged that he had shared sensitive national security information with Russia's foreign minister during a meeting last week in the White House.


The president was already under attack for firing Comey in the midst of an FBI probe into Russia's role in the 2016 election and possible collusion with Trump campaign members. Moscow has denied any such interference. Trump has denied collusion and denounced the appointment of a special counsel as a witch hunt.


His fellow Republicans in Congress have expressed frustration that Trump's pro-business economic agenda, highlighted by a plan to cut corporate and individual taxes, have been pushed to the backburner by the turmoil.


"He clearly did have a bad two weeks. And clearly it's my hope that he does ... right the ship, that he improves so that we can just get going," Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said on the Hugh Hewitt radio show on Friday.




The White House has laid out three purposes for Trump's trip: reaffirming U.S. leadership, building relationships with world leaders and broadcasting a message of unity to U.S. allies and to the faithful of three of the world's major religions.


Trump generated controversy as a presidential candidate with a call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States, which he called a national security plan to prevent Islamist militant attacks. A measure he has issued since taking office to impose a temporary travel ban on people from six Muslim-majority countries has been blocked by courts.


National security adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters on Thursday that Trump would deliver a speech in Saudi Arabia expressing hope that a peaceful vision of Islam would resonate worldwide.


The national security adviser, who publicly defended Trump this week, has a lot riding on the trip himself.


"He's already on thin ice after his attempt to defend the president’s discussion of intelligence with the Russians, and he urged the president to do this trip, which may have been a bad idea," said one U.S. official. "It's too long and covers too much ground and too many topics. If it goes badly, no matter whose fault it is, it will be H.R.'s.”


Although he kept a gruelling schedule as a presidential candidate, Trump is fond of being home at night. During the election campaign, he often flew back to New York after events to sleep in his own bed. The nine-day trip will be his longest since he became president.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-20
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3 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I would wager there are a large number of Americans very worried about the next nine days and Donalds inability to not say or do something stupid.

I have a feeling the interpreter has been told what to say.   At least I hope he has.   

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24 minutes ago, ezzra said:

As long as this blabber mouth put a muzzle to his gob and don't say the wrong things, this trip just might turn out ok for him.....

                                It's first minutes have surely been a nightmare.  In those minutes, Trump found out that the stupid things he said in the WH (when meeting with Russian top agents) have been leaked.  Trump's trash-talking Comey and, most importantly, admitting to the Russkies (but not the American people) that now that Comey is out, Trump can rest easy that he's not being investigated (ha ha ha ha ha).


                            The next 14 hours in the air on AF1 will be hell for everyone near Trump.  He will be yelling, kicking furniture, and causing all sorts of grief for everyone around him.  Actually, he'll extent his tantrum beyond AF1.  He's probably calling the WH as I write this, telling Priebus and Pence to fire dozens of people.



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36 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                                It's first minutes have surely been a nightmare.  In those minutes, Trump found out that the stupid things he said in the WH (when meeting with Russian top agents) have been leaked.  Trump's trash-talking Comey and, most importantly, admitting to the Russkies (but not the American people) that now that Comey is out, Trump can rest easy that he's not being investigated (ha ha ha ha ha).


                            The next 14 hours in the air on AF1 will be hell for everyone near Trump.  He will be yelling, kicking furniture, and causing all sorts of grief for everyone around him.  Actually, he'll extent his tantrum beyond AF1.  He's probably calling the WH as I write this, telling Priebus and Pence to fire dozens of people.



While he is in the air, he cannot publicly say anything stupid. Maybe the plane never lands for a few weeks.

His trip to Saudi is about 100 billion in arms sales, including highly classified arms and equipment.

Israel , the same. They have already purchased about 30  F35 aircraft and Trump is hoping to sell more.

What he does and says in Italy and Belgium, well it can only be embarrassing for him. So far he manages to say words to outrage, then manages to mealy mouth his way out of it.

Europe may not be so tolerant to him.

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Trump is not fake president he does not have some highly educated graduates to tweet for him, Trump is not as bad as most think of.   Compared to Goerge W Bush who minuplated elections in Florida and  who invaded Iraq which made it breading souil for ISIS and the list goes on.  So what if he fired FBI director if he can do it!   I don't understand why people like to argue instead of debating facts and figures maybe it's their nature last but not least Trump is bringing with him country music in Saudi Arabia for the first time.

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10 minutes ago, crystal sauce said:

Trump is not fake president he does not have some highly educated graduates to tweet for him, Trump is not as bad as most think of.   Compared to Goerge W Bush who minuplated elections in Florida and  who invaded Iraq which made it breading souil for ISIS and the list goes on.  So what if he fired FBI director if he can do it!   I don't understand why people like to argue instead of debating facts and figures maybe it's their nature last but not least Trump is bringing with him country music in Saudi Arabia for the first time.

Well your first post made me laugh.

Bringing country music to Saudi Kingdom may well be one of the few accomplishments Trump will be remembered for.

Except most normal people do not listen to twangy, love forlorn, dog howling so called music.

PS. Do try to read your posts again before you post. Far less spelling mistakes that way. But "breading souil for ISIS" made me laugh as well. A new food recipe for for the militants in Iraq?

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I don't understand why people like to argue instead of debating facts and figures

Because they're lefties; that's what they do... as evidenced by this thread. He'll probably be fine in Saudi, Italy and the non country (Belgium) while the simpletons keep bickering back home (and in Thailand).

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Embroiled in controversies, Trump seeks boost on foreign trip


"Conversations with some officials who have briefed Trump and others who are aware of how he absorbs information portray a president with a short attention span."


"He likes single-page memos and visual aids like maps, charts, graphs and photos."


"National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned," according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials."



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New Russia probe leaks threaten to derail Trump's foreign trip


"U.S. President Donald Trump was hit on Friday by embarrassing leaks that a senior adviser was a "person of interest" in a probe of possible collusion with Russia during last year's election campaign and that Trump had boasted to Russian officials of firing the man heading the investigation."


"U.S. law enforcement uses the term "a person of interest" to mean someone who is part of a criminal investigation but not arrested or formally accused of a crime."


"The person may be cooperating or have information of use to investigators."

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The trip, which also includes stops in Israel, Italy and Belgium next week, has been billed by the administration as a chance to visit places sacred to three of the world's major religions

What a farce. Just a continuation of the Washington BS only on the world stage. Trump and religion?? You got to be kidding. 

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"Getting ready for my big foreign trip. Will be strongly protecting American interests - that's what I like to do!" Trump said on Twitter hours before he left on his first foreign trip since taking office in January.

One last stumble before climbing aboard Air Force I its so The Donald. A parting shot nowhere near the bow of anything.

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Trump flies into geopolitical minefield


"For those who work in the White House, a foreign trip - even to one country - is one of the most challenging assignments they're given."


"Mr Trump has an ambitious itinerary, and he's undertaking the journey with a skeleton staff, a group of people who have little or no experience in diplomacy."


"The president and his aides will be trying to manage political developments in Washington and in cities abroad, and they'll be meeting people who are deeply suspicious of him and his "America First" foreign policy."



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Mr Trump, what you do, is this. Turn up in Saudi Arabia and make sure that your woman has her hair exposed. As in, make sure she hasn't got a bit of cloth covering her hair and head.

That way, the newspapers will make a big deal out of this. They'ill say that by doing this, you're supporting freedom and human rights in Saudi Arabia. This will make you look good.

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3 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Mr Trump, what you do, is this. Turn up in Saudi Arabia and make sure that your woman has her hair exposed. As in, make sure she hasn't got a bit of cloth covering her hair and head.

That way, the newspapers will make a big deal out of this. They'ill say that by doing this, you're supporting freedom and human rights in Saudi Arabia. This will make you look good.

Been there, done that.


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38 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Looking at the picture above Melania does steal the show. Sorry Donald don't get upset. Not to steal your thunder well if you had any that is. 

Plus walking in high heels on grass. Without falling or missing a step.

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2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Because they're lefties; that's what they do... as evidenced by this thread. He'll probably be fine in Saudi, Italy and the non country (Belgium) while the simpletons keep bickering back home (and in Thailand).

Being called a simpleton by a supporter of the fact fearing man-child actually brought a smile to my face.

Thanks for brightening my day!


PS. If you're not sure the hideous one will "be fine" abroad you should send a mail to the various hosts urging them to heap praise on him. That should do it.

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Preview of Trump tweets that he sends during his foreign trip:


Heard great things about this guy, Mohamed from Mecca. Hope to meet him for a round of desert golf.


They love me in Saudi Arabia. I got bigger crowds than that Ramadan feller.


Vatican palace feels like my penthouse. Gold everywhere, but not as classy.


Nobody knew Middle East peace could be this complicated.


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Many people are saying it was wonderful that Mrs. Obama refused to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, but they were insulted.We have enuf enemies

Melania Trump skips headscarf for Saudi Arabia visit just like Michelle Obama

First Lady Melania Trump disembarked from Air Force One Saturday, her long brown hair blowing in the breeze as she arrived in Saudi Arabia alongside President Trump.

The pair were greeted warmly at the King Khalid International Airport in the capital city of Riyadh, but the First Lady’s fashion choices are causing a bit of stir.

Under the kingdom’s strict dress code, Saudi women and female visitors including foreign dignitaries are expected to be fully covered — including their hair and head.


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Many people are saying it was wonderful that Mrs. Obama refused to wear a scarf in Saudi Arabia, but they were insulted.We have enuf enemies

Melania Trump skips headscarf for Saudi Arabia visit just like Michelle Obama

First Lady Melania Trump disembarked from Air Force One Saturday, her long brown hair blowing in the breeze as she arrived in Saudi Arabia alongside President Trump.

The pair were greeted warmly at the King Khalid International Airport in the capital city of Riyadh, but the First Lady’s fashion choices are causing a bit of stir.

Under the kingdom’s strict dress code, Saudi women and female visitors including foreign dignitaries are expected to be fully covered — including their hair and head.



Applaud both Mrs Obama and Mrs Trump. The Donald, not so much.


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13 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Because they're lefties; that's what they do... as evidenced by this thread. He'll probably be fine in Saudi, Italy and the non country (Belgium) while the simpletons keep bickering back home (and in Thailand).

Yeah... We're all sure he'll do fine:


" However, the president’s reluctance or inability to absorb even single-page briefing papers, combined with his impulsive and narcissistic personality, mean that nothing can be taken for granted. Aides, cabinet officers and senior congressional Republicans despair of him learning on the job or abandoning ways that put the administration on a continual rollercoaster of embarrassment and denial."  https://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21722178-what-could-possibly-go-wrong-president-trumps-travels 


The most dangerous kind of idiot is one in a position of power who does not recognize he is an idiot.  Trump supporter refuse to accept that they have put such an idiot in the most dangerous position of power in the world.  God help us all!

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