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Ex-FBI chief Comey to testify to Senate panel in public session


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55 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:


2 mens word will be weighted equally. That is how the law works.

The fact that Comey wrote some stuff down is irrelevant. It is still just his word and carries no additional weight.

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One of the mens words would not be equally weighted at all. One of the men can be referenced in countless hundreds of interviews and media clips lying. Lying constantly about anything. It would be very easy for a Prosecutor to establish that one man tells the truth and the other is a pathological liar. So ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury - who do you believe?


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Comey testifies May 3 that no pressure was put on him to stop any investigations. This totally contradicts the alleged, still not released memo from February which claims President Trump did. This c-span video is being ignored by MSM.



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Two things...
  • Talking to Russia about Comey??? why would Comey come up in conversation unless the talk was about covering up the talks that never took place...
  • Describing Comey as a "Real Nut Job", so what does that make Trump.

Why talk about Comey? Trump wanted to brag about firing him! Trump trying to impress the Russians that he's a strongman like Putin. Trump's so egotistical it's absolutely stunning and pathetic.
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7 minutes ago, stander said:

Comey testifies May 3 that no pressure was put on him to stop any investigations. This totally contradicts the alleged, still not released memo from February which claims President Trump did. This c-span video is being ignored by MSM.



Trey Gowdy isn't the head of the FBI and he's a well known very partisan republican party hack. He notoriously admitted the whole "Benghazi" obsession was all about politically damaging Hillary Clinton, and nothing real.


 So basically your point is meaningless. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


2 mens word will be weighted equally. That is how the law works.

The fact that Comey wrote some stuff down is irrelevant. It is still just his word and carries no additional weight.

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Go to law school..take a few courses on the rules of evidence...then come back and we can discuss this intelligently....

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It will be interesting to see if Donald is still not under investigation, after Comeys testimony.

If he is not common sense is telling me he should be. Surely they can come up with a better picture of Trump than the one shown above.He just seems to exude arrogance. 

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I wonder why, maybe because there is no evidence.
So if there's no evidence why not call for a fully open investigation, and offer to support such an investigation? An innocent man would welcome public exoneration.
Instead, Trump seems to block any/all investigations. I wonder why?
I suspect that the "deep Obama state" chose not to interfere in the election, perhaps thinking/hoping that Hillary would win?

and perhaps realising Trump would destroy himself if he did...
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6 hours ago, stander said:

The intelligence community is always watching the Russian government as closely as they can and the NSA can track just about any electronic communication.


The Obama administration had every incentive to expose to the world anything sinister and illegal going on between the Trump campaign and the Russian government but, they did not.


They did not expose it before the Election, before the Electoral College voted and they did not expose it before Inauguration Day.  


I wonder why, maybe because there is no evidence.


Well there's a convenient construct.

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can anyone tell me how this matters at all if he spoke to the Russians or not, did the Ruskies influence very man in the street voter, i dont think so, its just the losers clutching at straws

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                    Jingthing hasn't changed his opinion as far as I've seen.  You may be getting him confused with someone else.


                           You probably don't want to know my opinion of Comey, but here goes:   I think he made a giant mistake, just 11 days before the election with the announcement re; Weiner's emails.  However I, along with Congressional Democrats (and nearly all Republicans) weren't calling for him to be fired.  It was a gambit by Trump (thinking he could fool everyone with the Deputy AG's letter which, btw, didn't ask for Comey to be fired).  A lie on top of a lie.  Trump's forte.


                        As with nearly everything else Trump has done in the past year, he was dead wrong.  His intelligence quota is in the teens.   He's a dumb man who is better suited to knead dough for bread in the WH kitchen, than being in the Oval Office.  


Golly, can you imagine all that fake tan in the bread - it would come out orange!


As an outsider, I find it amazing, and somewhat scary, that the leader of themost powerful nation on earth is in such a tizwas a mere 5 months into his term of office.

What on earth will things be like in 4 years time?


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Go to law school..take a few courses on the rules of evidence...then come back and we can discuss this intelligently....


If you had a point, you would have made it.


I doubt you would know an intelligent discussion if it hit you on your pompous head.



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30 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

can anyone tell me how this matters at all if he spoke to the Russians or not, did the Ruskies influence very man in the street voter, i dont think so, its just the losers clutching at straws

Well it depends on whether you think that elections should be on a level playing field or not.  It is common knowledge that Russia tried to influence the French election recently in a similar way.  However the French were not as gullible as the American voters.

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May 3rd, Comey (under oath) saying he'd never been pressured to drop an investigation.


So is Comey lying under oath here? Hiding coercion?


'cause he's sure either lying here or lying about what Trump said.


Choose your side - and pick a lie you'd like to believe in.

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11 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

Choose your side - and pick a lie you'd like to believe in.

Depends of how you define the expression "pressured".  You could hardly claim what Trump said to Comey was pressure.  Try reading the words that were spoken.  This may be splitting hairs but...

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                            It's sad that the accumulation of Comey's knowledge and insights into the Russia/Trump case will be flushed down the toilet.  Ok, he can offer his notes, but nothing else.  He can't even officially offer advise or insights into the investigation.  That's what Trump wanted: to try and shut the case down as much as possible. 


                        Similarly, the Federal attorney in NYC was fired abruptly, even after Trump personally assured him that wouldn't happen.  That attorney had reams of incriminating info on Trump's connection to mafia, connections to Russian gangsters, etc.    It's no secret why Trump shuts these people down.  They're finding too much truth, and it spooks Trump to his rotten core.

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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's what will happen:


Republican panel members will only focus on possible leaks and leakers, along with some references to Obama, HRC, Bill Clinton, and others from (what feels like) long ago.


Dems will focus on whether there were laws broken.


Comey will be the gentleman, as he always is - only telling bits of things that aren't classified.  He won't stoop anywhere near Trump's low level of character assassination.


                      As for veracity, it will come down to 'he said / he said.'   Even mainstream news commentators snicker and roll their eyes when the topic devolves to whether Trump can be believed.   Only the most die-hard, gun-hugging, pharma-pill-popping Trump fan still thinks Trump is capable of telling any truth.

Trump won an election. Will you let him be president just for a sec.

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51 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

May 3rd, Comey (under oath) saying he'd never been pressured to drop an investigation.

So is Comey lying under oath here? Hiding coercion?




Please, are you gonna drag that old one out too?

Did you even listen to the question?

Or did you just listen to the alt-right narrator barking "smoking gun"?


"So, if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Dept. of Justice oppose a specific investigation, can they halt that F.B.I. investigation?"

-Sen. Hirono. Hawaii


A very specific question.


And listen to the specific answer again.


Read full transcript here:


Edited by iReason
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2 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


If you had a point, you would have made it.


I doubt you would know an intelligent discussion if it hit you on your pompous head.



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Let's be clearer then.


You posted a comment that appeared to be based on ignorance of the law.


I responded by suggesting you educate yourself on the rules of evidence so that you could clearly see just how wrong your statement was, and based this suggestion on having been involved as a lawyer in more than a hundred trials in various courts in the US.


So I stand by my advice.  Educate yourself and then come back here if you want to continue the discussion.



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58 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

Trump won an election. Will you let him be president just for a sec.

Tried that, all that happened was Trump confirming he is not fit for the job.  So what should we do now?  Just sit back silently whilst he destroys every thing good that the USA is known for?  Or keep shouting from the rooftops in the hope that people will wake up to the reality!

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3 hours ago, JAG said:


Golly, can you imagine all that fake tan in the bread - it would come out orange!


As an outsider, I find it amazing, and somewhat scary, that the leader of themost powerful nation on earth is in such a tizwas a mere 5 months into his term of office.

What on earth will things be like in 4 years time?


I've got bad news for you. It's only been 4 months.

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1 hour ago, Machiavelli said:

Trump won an election. Will you let him be president just for a sec.




Because he is ignorant and massively unqualified.

And because of his well documented life of shady business dealings and slimy associations in the swamp of the underworld.

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4 hours ago, mercman24 said:

can anyone tell me how this matters at all if he spoke to the Russians or not, did the Ruskies influence very man in the street voter, i dont think so, its just the losers clutching at straws

                      It matters because the Russians did effect the election, and contributed to Trump winning the electoral votes.  Some Republican congresspeople have equated it to 'an act of war' (their words).


                   Russians are an adversarial country.  


                     However, it takes two to tango.  Many who voted for Trump were duped by the Russian manipulating. They were also duped by Murdoch (an Australian mogul), Ailes, and Stone and other right-wing dirty tricksters, but that's a side issue.   Yet, it proves how a significant segment of Americans are easily swayed by blatant BS, whether it's generated by right wing nut jogs (like Alex Jones), or 16 year old Macedonian computer punks, or by the Great Divider himself.


                             How many Americans still believe Obama is a Kenyan muslim?  I don't know, but you can bet they're all die-hard Trump fans.  The same folks who believe the Clintons kept child sex-slaves in the WH basement (along side the bowling alley?).


                       For decades, the most popular and best selling bread in the USA was Wonder Bread.  It was also the most bland and least-nutritious bread.  Americans are easily duped by garish salesmanship.  Trump is proof of that.

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's what will happen:


Republican panel members will only focus on possible leaks and leakers, along with some references to Obama, HRC, Bill Clinton, and others from (what feels like) long ago.


Dems will focus on whether there were laws broken.


Comey will be the gentleman, as he always is - only telling bits of things that aren't classified.  He won't stoop anywhere near Trump's low level of character assassination.


                      As for veracity, it will come down to 'he said / he said.'   Even mainstream news commentators snicker and roll their eyes when the topic devolves to whether Trump can be believed.   Only the most die-hard, gun-hugging, pharma-pill-popping Trump fan still thinks Trump is capable of telling any truth.

Here's what will happen:




Soros and his minions will then have to move on to Plan C.

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11 minutes ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:

Here's what will happen:


Soros and his minions will then have to move on to Plan C.


Do you mean this Soros?


Report: Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose Business Dealings With George Soros

"Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner didn’t include his ownership in a real-estate finance company that makes him business partners with George Soros when filing financial disclosure formsthe Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday."



Plan C?

Do they have an undercover agent in Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner?

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