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Approval of President Trump drops to lowest since inauguration - Reuters/Ipsos


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There were a meagre 1971 citizens polled. Peanuts for a country of near 300 millions.

The poll does say it was an online poll, ie many maybe did not see or could not respond online.

It does not say if those that were polled voted for Trump.

They need to do a full scale open poll of a few million.

This would show that that approval rating of 38% for Trump was vastly overstated. 

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19 minutes ago, Credo said:

His approval ratings are so low because he has no agenda other than self-aggrandizement and self promotion.   He threw out a few catchy crumbs, but drops everything as soon as it becomes 'complicated.'    

It's not just that he drops things - he often drastically reverses himself. He drew quite a lot of favorable attention and comment - even from me - for denouncing the special tax treatment of hedge fund managers. Their earning were taxed at 23 percent instead of 39 percent.  But his proposed tax bill would lower the tax rate for most of them to 15 percent!

Edited by ilostmypassword
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10 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

There were a meagre 1971 citizens polled. Peanuts for a country of near 300 millions.

The poll does say it was an online poll, ie many maybe did not see or could not respond online.

It does not say if those that were polled voted for Trump.

They need to do a full scale open poll of a few million.

This would show that that approval rating of 38% for Trump was vastly overstated. 

Same scientific polling organization, same method, showing high approval ratings for trump, I'm fully confident that you would have made the same post. :whistling:

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Trump will eventually reach his biggest test: will he be able to do a deal with Wall St whereby he gets $400,000 for a speech to the guys taking care of your money? 


$400, 000 is Obama's reward for not shipping some of those banksters off to jail in the last nine years.   Trump is on the same bus as his predecessor....kow-tow to Goldman Sachs and your retirement income is taken care of.

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5 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

If you're a red necked knuckledragger with a healthy appetite for lies donald is your man

Now I can't be doing with Trump at all, the silly man. But in the interests of fairness, I am confident that a good number of ordinary decent people voted for him because he heralded something new - a hard kick up the backside of the usual bland suspects who everyone was - probably quite rightly - sick and tired of. Who could blame them? Maybe Trump really did think he could turn things around?


However he has been awful. He is not the butt of (media) ire because they are spiteful, which they are. No, it is because he is making a prize tit of himself and a dangerous one to boot. George W. looks a political titan by comparison.There is no shame in admitting one made a bad choice on polling day, but I am baffled by some posters on here who will not hear a bad word against the man. Really, what will it take?

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30-35% was his approval rating when he first announced he was running, which was all about those demon Mexicans.  It never went below that in the course of the primary and general election, and pretty much stayed in that range.  It went to 45% within a week of the final debate.

It looks like that 35% is his hard-core "base."  If it goes below 30% it may go into into free-fall, but I don't see that happening.



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8 hours ago, Crowes said:


I wouldn't put too much thought into what the worst President of the U.S. has to say.

If you seriously think Obama was the worst President of the U.S., you are delusional.


The previous best candidate for the title, George W Bush, is now running a very, very distant second to the ignorant clown currently squatting in the White House. 

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7 hours ago, blazes said:

Trump will eventually reach his biggest test: will he be able to do a deal with Wall St whereby he gets $400,000 for a speech to the guys taking care of your money? 


$400, 000 is Obama's reward for not shipping some of those banksters off to jail in the last nine years.   Trump is on the same bus as his predecessor....kow-tow to Goldman Sachs and your retirement income is taken care of.

Unlike Obama, or any other modern president Trump is profiting off the Presidency while he's still in office.

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16 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Still heading for the abyss if that counts as going somewhere.   I agree the term Madame President was premature as we will have to wait until Mrs Obama takes the presidency for that!

Oprah Winfrey POTUS


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7 hours ago, baboon said:

Now I can't be doing with Trump at all, the silly man. But in the interests of fairness, I am confident that a good number of ordinary decent people voted for him because he heralded something new - a hard kick up the backside of the usual bland suspects who everyone was - probably quite rightly - sick and tired of. Who could blame them? Maybe Trump really did think he could turn things around?


However he has been awful. He is not the butt of (media) ire because they are spiteful, which they are. No, it is because he is making a prize tit of himself and a dangerous one to boot. George W. looks a political titan by comparison.There is no shame in admitting one made a bad choice on polling day, but I am baffled by some posters on here who will not hear a bad word against the man. Really, what will it take?

It proves the old adage, "There are none so blind as those that will not see."

I think Donalds skin could split open, revealing the devil inside, and his dumb supporters would be like "Yea! Donald! He has come to drag those pesky Democrats down to hell."

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2 hours ago, charmonman said:

If you seriously think Obama was the worst President of the U.S., you are delusional.


The previous best candidate for the title, George W Bush, is now running a very, very distant second to the ignorant clown currently squatting in the White House. 

And both are Republicans. Imagine that!!!

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What staggers me is that an amazingly high, 38% still seem to think he is doing a good job. Talk about delusional.

Never underestimate the amount of rednecks, knuckledraggers and nationalist nut jobs in any electorate.  Where you have have an electorate in which the gun lobby has so much power this compounds things. When his marriage starts visibly falling apart the press are really going to have some fan with this ego bloated whacko and his henchmen.

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17 hours ago, Foozool said:

I guess the time is coming. Go back to your own old fashion business and leave the White House to REAL politicians. And stop doing monkey business with a country that has a great reputation and it definitely does not need "you" to become great again.

This country has always been great and will be. 

See you are a fellow travellor of the Donald.YourPrez is going down,only a matter of when.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It proves the old adage, "There are none so blind as those that will not see."

I think Donalds skin could split open, revealing the devil inside, and his dumb supporters would be like "Yea! Donald! He has come to drag those pesky Democrats down to hell."

If they lose the donald,what else have  they got.Realy shows what a hopeless  lot of Prezidential  hopefuls the 1st 19 were and he beat the lot by glitze and bs,what a system ypu have there.

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On 5/20/2017 at 10:19 PM, Crowes said:


I wouldn't put too much thought into what the worst President of the U.S. has to say.

This keeps coming up and is woefully inaccurate. Read and weep...or at least learn something rather than spouting off personal opinions. President Obama had a final approval rating of 63%. :coffee1:






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On 2017-5-21 at 5:52 PM, YetAnother said:

most experts seem to say it would take 1.5 years to get trump fully out of office and Mike Pence in; remember the clinton fiasco. didnt actually work

I have a stockbroker for my very modest holdings. He virtually quoted you verbatim.

A lot of money is being held for that very day when the "market " will have a huge fall and rapid increase under Pence.

 Make sure you are holding cash when and if it happens

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