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Bangkokians told not to dump garbage into klongs


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Bangkokians told not to dump garbage into klongs




BANGKOK: -- The City Hall has appealed to Bangkokians not to dump their garbage into klongs, complaining that city officials are collecting about 20 tonnes of the trash from the public waterways.


The garbage is blocking or slowing down the flow of water in the klongs and pose an obstacle to the effort to pump water from klongs into the Chao Phraya to ease flooding on roads and low-lying communities.


City clerk Pathararut Tattranon on Sunday inspected water pumping stations in Phra Khanong, Klong Toey and Soi Lasalle in Bang Na to make sure that they are in good working conditions and functional when Prime Minister Prayut makes an inspection trip this week.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bangkokians-told-not-dump-garbage-klongs/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-05-29
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

The garbage is blocking or slowing down the flow of water in the klongs and pose an obstacle to the effort to pump water from klongs into the Chao Phraya to ease flooding on roads and low-lying communities.

No concern then about the environmental aspect of all the garbage being thrown in the rivers then, just concern it slows pumping. Unbelievable.

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MSG BMA:  Clear drains & Klongs regularly, all year, not just when flooding occurs..... 

Every year BKK goes thru same prob, BMA needs to to clear all drains & Klongs on regular basis throughout year, will certainly help alleviate flooding prob.  

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

to make sure that they are in good working conditions and functional when Prime Minister Prayut makes an inspection trip this week.


Oh No !!!!! The P.M. is coming !!!!!! Quick.......make sure it looks like we are doing our jobs the rest of the other 364 Days.........Surely these high up managers should be making sure all is functioning correctly EVERY day.......:blink:

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So after the inspection, don't worry about it.

Just cosmetics to look good.

No campaign to reduce the rubbish people throw out widows of cars, busses,  out  the front of their homes.

That is never addressed at all.

Its never mentioned, the effect of needlessly throwing rubbish on the street.

No thought for the environment or other people.


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When I was young, my parents taught me how disrespectful it was to litter. It gave me my first sense of responsibility, for keeping my environment neat and clean. Later, I developed a great deal of respect for nature. The thought of dumping or throwing anything into a river, or a lake, or a beach, or an ocean is inconceivable, at this stage. It starts with education. If the mindlessly numb, and backwards leaders considered this to be of any importance, they would institute programs to create awareness. It will happen eventually. No nation can go on like this, showing such tremendous disregard for it's environment, resources, and nature, forever. It will eventually change. Thailand is extremely resistant to progress and change. Sometimes, it feels like one of the least progressive nations on earth. But, there is a small percentage of the youth who are rising up, and defying convention, and doing something about this. There is a small environmental movement here. Hopefully, their voices will eventually be heard.


In the US, back in the 50's and 60's, littering was a big problem. They devised a litterbug campaign, essentially shaming people into not throwing trash everywhere. Now, the fines are $1,000. Something like that might work very good here. Especially if there were heavy fines imposed.

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1 hour ago, eggers said:

MSG BMA:  Clear drains & Klongs regularly, all year, not just when flooding occurs..... 

Every year BKK goes thru same prob, BMA needs to to clear all drains & Klongs on regular basis throughout year, will certainly help alleviate flooding prob.  

But that takes effort and costs money.. hard to skim from that budget... easier to skim from other budgets. 

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Quite right, they need to be dumping it along roadsides like everyone else :saai:

Quite right. And why would anyone have to be told this? They seem to have very little pride in their environment. It is such an "I'm all right Jack" society.

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Each time I throw a bag of garbage down the chute I wonder about the journey it takes and where it ends up. I always separate papers and bottles and plastic and the staff does a wonderful job in taking it away for recycling. I guess the unsung heroes are the guys rooting through the garbage bins separating plastic, metals and card boards. Then there are the street sweepers who remove the refuse before it hits the drains. Amazing what we take for granted. Yes education is the answer and then there is always common sense. 

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"Don't you just hate bugs!?  That's the term given to any annoying insect or arachnid that creeps, crawls, flutters or flies unexpectedly into our presence. Their intention is of course to surprise the unwary person with their ugly anatomy, loathsome buzzing, clickety-clicking and scuttling.

If they can't bite or sting you, they still threaten your safety by harboring other harmful bugs!

Germs more commonly known as bacteria or viruses arrive as silent microscopic life forms that mostly play havoc with our sensitive metabolisms,  causing all manner of painful diseases and other varieties of misery.

We've all experienced the other sort of bug that is a fault in a system or a machine - usually in our PC, often delivered in the shape of a virus or an email worm. 

Bugs can also be secret listening devices used for serious political or industrial espionage. Thank goodness not many of us have to worry about them.

Encounters with bugs generally cause me discomfort, however, the ones I hate most are the ones that infest every corner of the globe.

The slimy, evil, litterbugs!

Yes, they are disguised as humans!  These ignorant, self centered individuals perform their ill-mannered disposals with impunity and sleight of hand. Their litter ranges from cigarette butts or gum wrappers thrown from a car window to the more malicious leaver of soiled "disposable" baby diapers in the car park.

The plastic bag brigade produce the most visual of unsightly litter. Their dirty bags blow around town until they cling to mesh fences and dry grass or they pollute our rivers and oceans.  I've seen the Mediterranean sea near Greece dotted with semi floating plastic bags and rubbish. It makes you angry and sad.

The cleanup cost to our community is enormous. The cost to our environment is immeasurable.

The crazy thing is that it's all preventable!  Humans are supposed to have brains that enable them to know what is right and wrong!  Littering is wrong! Let's teach people what is right!"

(an article I wrote 1st November 2003)


Education at school level is the only hope of improving so many spheres of life in Thailand.

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30 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Each time I throw a bag of garbage down the chute I wonder about the journey it takes and where it ends up. I always separate papers and bottles and plastic and the staff does a wonderful job in taking it away for recycling. I guess the unsung heroes are the guys rooting through the garbage bins separating plastic, metals and card boards. Then there are the street sweepers who remove the refuse before it hits the drains. Amazing what we take for granted. Yes education is the answer and then there is always common sense. 

'Yes education is the answer and then there is always common sense.'  More one than the other, were it not so sadly lacking.

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Just now, Jonmarleesco said:

'Yes education is the answer and then there is always common sense.'  More one than the other, were it not so sadly lacking.

As my old sainted grandmother used to say "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink."

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2 hours ago, Stokakrishna said:

Bangkokians told not to dump garbage into klongs


 and problem is solved...


Probably not.  But City Hall has done their part.  They did ask, after all.  The monkey's on someone else's back now.


Reminds me of working in a Chinese factory where the General Manager proclaims impossible edicts, then takes the top staff out to celebrate a job well done.  Of course, it never works.  But that's someone else's fault.


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