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Somali Islamist insurgents stone man to death for adultery


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Somali Islamist insurgents stone man to death for adultery

By Feisal Omar


MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali Islamist insurgents stoned a man to death on Sunday as punishment for alleged adultery, they said, a reminder that the militia is still strong enough to carry out public executions despite losing its grip on most towns and cities.


Hundreds of witnesses watched the death of 44-year-old Dayow Mohamed Hassan in Ramo Adey village in the south-central Bay region, the regional governor representing the al Qaeda-linked insurgency said.


Moalim Geedow told Reuters that Hassan was buried neck-deep in a hole then pelted with stones.


"The man was married with two wives and children. He was publicly stoned to death today for committing adultery according to the Islamic sharia," Geedow said, using a term for Islamic law.


"The man had a third woman who was a divorcee. He did not have her according to sharia. He deceived her, saying that he went to a sheikh (local leader) and that he married her. However, when the woman got pregnant, the two families debated and there was no trace of valid matrimony. The court ruled he did not marry her legally and he was stoned to death."


The government did not return calls seeking comment.


Al Shabaab is fighting to overthrow the weak U.N.-backed government and impose its own strict interpretation of Islamic law. It was a radical offshoot of the Islamic Courts Union, an alliance of Islamic courts that ruled the capital of Mogadishu and much of the south in 2006.


In recent years al Shabaab has lost control of most towns and cities to a 22,000-strong African Union peacekeeping force supporting the government. But it retains a presence in the countryside and many villages.


(writing by Katharine Houreld, editing by David Evans)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-29
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What a pity these repulsive creeps cannot  be rounded up and blasted right back into the Stone Age . I don't like violence but would almost rejoice if the world could be freed of these whackos.

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So under Sharia you can get married without the bride being present? I suppose she doesn't get to have an opinion, so consent isn't an issue.


BTW I much prefer stories of these murderous mongrels killing each other rather than somebody that doesn't buy their BS.

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17 minutes ago, lungbing said:

  When they do anything wrong,  eg bombing, stoning, beheading they are Islamists.  Otherwise they are Muslims.  Same same but different?

Who exactly is they? All muslims? Do all muslims engage in stoning people to death? Is that why this particular article is news? Because it's a common practice?

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52 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who exactly is they? All muslims? Do all muslims engage in stoning people to death? Is that why this particular article is news? Because it's a common practice?

Well it does give us some enlightenment of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. A 3rd wife, as far as she knew, an alleged wedding ceremony she didn't attend, and a religious law execution. But I'm sure if they decide they don't like Somalia, you would love to have them as neighbours.

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7 minutes ago, halloween said:

Well it does give us some enlightenment of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. A 3rd wife, as far as she knew, an alleged wedding ceremony she didn't attend, and a religious law execution. But I'm sure if they decide they don't like Somalia, you would love to have them as neighbours.

How much do someone's thought processes have to be impaired to read what I wrote as a defense of people who in the name of Islam stone others to death for adultery? Bigotry does that to thought processes. 

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9 hours ago, lungbing said:

  When they do anything wrong,  eg bombing, stoning, beheading they are Islamists.  Otherwise they are Muslims.  Same same but different?

I know we're supposed to be able to distinguish the one from the other, and hold the so-called "mainstream Muslims" blameless and unassociated, but there just seem to be so doggone MANY of the extremists in EVERY corner of the globe!  And those from this presumptive "mainstream" seem to transform into the brutish extremist at the drop of a hat!  Muslim clerics, social media, and websites whip them up in no time.

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