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Australia Plans to Revoke Child Sex Offenders’ Passports to Combat Sex Tourism


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Australia Plans to Revoke Child Sex Offenders’ Passports to Combat Sex Tourism



The Australian government plans to revoke the passports of registered child sex offenders in a significant effort to help combat the booming child sex trade in Asia, officials announced this week.


Under the proposed legislation, about 20,000 people on the country’s sex offender registry would be prohibited from leaving the country. Child sex tourists from Australia are among the most active offenders in the sex trade, particularly in nearby Southeast Asian countries.


“Australia is leading the way when it comes to protecting vulnerable children overseas,” Julie Bishop, Australia’s foreign affairs minister, said at a news conference. “We are ensuring that Australian registered child sex offenders are not able to take part in the growing child sex tourism trade.”


Full story: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/30/world/australia/australia-passports-sex-trade.html


-- The New York Times 2017-05-31

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Well done Australia. It's about time convicted child sex offenders are prevented from traveling to exploit children from poorer countries. I hope the rest of the World follows suit.

I do agree, but a witch hunt is on in Australia at the moment, so I am not sure everybody convicted is a criminal.

This will hit innocent people as well. Women in Australia are like Bats at the moment, blood is all they want to see,

even if it damages the reputation of innocent people.

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anyone who has been on the register should be banned from getting a passport forever.

from my understanding, once the criminal has his/her name removed from the register, after satisfying the period determind by the courts, they can apply for a passport.


some will be banned forever, which is brilliant as they in the most are ever present dangers to children.


strong and decent legislation from a government i do not personally support.

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2 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

What is the legal definition of a child here for determining if the person is able to have sex?  


Which law is applied?  Australian definition or the local country's definition?



Yes the question has to be asked as the world is not Australia

I agree with all the above posts and am happy with my well above legally wife & the rest of my family 

I would agree with others how some of these people with different ideas may get lost some where as i would hate for it to be someone you may know

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there are some placed on the register whom are in a rather unusual group, eg they, the male at age 17, may have had consensual sex with their slightly under age female partner, who have even later, have become legally recognised partners.


yes he may be slightly disadvantaged, offenders of that type generally have a minimal time on the register, but the new law is aimed at the kiddie fiddler, which must be praised.

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That's always a question that i have always wondered about. In the USA, and other countries i would guess.

What happens if Mr A who is say 23, has sex with a girl of say 15. According to the law, in most states that would be statutory rape.Does Mr A get any jail time? and does he have to sign any form of sexual offenders register? What happens if MR A and his girlfriend continue to see each other, and as soon as the girl is of legal age, they marry and go on to have children and live a perfectly normal life together.? Does Mr A remain a criminal and his crime kept on the books, and him on the register?

On the other hand, if Mr A and his wife decide to divorce, say after 15 years and have 2 children and the  pair go court for custody. Would the wife be able to site MR A as a sexual offender in his earlier life,and use it against him, even though she was the 'victim' and use it as grounds for sole custody?

Are there any American guys  out there who are familiar with,or have any knowledge of this happening.I suppose this could happen in any country, but i ask because i dont think the UK has the term, Statutory rape.Or does it?

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Which legal age,what law? Are you kidding! 

If you are a convicted child offender it doesn't matter which country you were convicted in you clearly broke the law and should be banned from traveling. The ones that exploit children online ought to be banned from owning a computer/laptop/smartphone.

zero tolerance for child sex offenders worldwide 

castration should be considered as punishment for repeat offenders.

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It's part of the solution...maybe "solution" overstates it, because this is a group that has proven to be very clever and resourceful in getting what they want, eg, as the travel door may close on a very small proportion of the known offenders, they will put even greater effort into digital images/films. Some of those caught in Australia have had 40 or 50000 images. 

This is a good move. Australian goats have not always been proactive in dealing with such matters: eg the very well-known coterie of pedophiles working in an Australian Aid Agency ( govt funded)....very slow to root them out.

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42 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Why only sex offenders......?

And this post totally illustrates the problem with this concept.  (Thank-you)


Yes. Who's not in favor of banning child sex-offenders?  An absolute no-brainer, right?  But what's next?  All sex offenders? Drug offenders?  Those convicted of physical assault? How about just a blanket ban on convicted felons?  Does it get to be a flavor-of--the-month thing?  Computer criminals?  DUIs?  Gang members?  Weapons violators?  Fodder for the populist mill.


Great idea long-overdue?  Or another govt camel with its nose under the tent?

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23 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

What is the legal definition of a child here for determining if the person is able to have sex?  


Which law is applied?  Australian definition or the local country's definition?



Australian Legal definitions. In additional Australia has enacted laws to prosecute a citizen alleged to have committed child sex abuse offences overseas.



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On 5/31/2017 at 9:40 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

That's always a question that i have always wondered about. In the USA, and other countries i would guess.

What happens if Mr A who is say 23, has sex with a girl of say 15. According to the law, in most states that would be statutory rape.Does Mr A get any jail time? and does he have to sign any form of sexual offenders register? What happens if MR A and his girlfriend continue to see each other, and as soon as the girl is of legal age, they marry and go on to have children and live a perfectly normal life together.? Does Mr A remain a criminal and his crime kept on the books, and him on the register?

On the other hand, if Mr A and his wife decide to divorce, say after 15 years and have 2 children and the  pair go court for custody. Would the wife be able to site MR A as a sexual offender in his earlier life,and use it against him, even though she was the 'victim' and use it as grounds for sole custody?

Are there any American guys  out there who are familiar with,or have any knowledge of this happening.I suppose this could happen in any country, but i ask because i dont think the UK has the term, Statutory rape.Or does it?

Boy, that is a great deal of thinking and a lot of questions.  So involved, is it a question from personal experience?

Different jurisdictions have statute of limitation laws. If you research the laws about stat rape and underage sex for where you committed the act,  it should answer many of your questions.

Or, possibly seek counsel of a good attorney.

Good luck to you.


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12 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Boy, that is a great deal of thinking and a lot of questions.  So involved, is it a question from personal experience?

If you research the laws about stat rape and underage sex it should answer many of your questions.

Or, possibly seek counsel of a good attorney.

Good luck to you.


What a stupid reply. Don't you mix with people who have thinking brains? It was question asked in all sincerity,however i had to get a reply from someone who has his brains in the gutter,and not in his head.If you couldn't be bothered to give a knowledgeable reply dont reply at all. Or is it your school boy, sniggering,reading dirty mags in the school toilets, sense of humour? Why dont you have the courage to PM me your proper name and address, and then you will meet my lawyer. He'll be the one with a defamation suit in his hand. How dare you insult someone you dont know? Now is there anyone out there who can give me a sensible answer to my serious question. Thanks in advance.

Is this now the quality poster's,we are now getting on TV?

Edited by Khon Kaen Dave
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3 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

How dare you insult someone you dont know? 

Isn't that one of the key features of the internet, Dave? Either insulting people you don't know or heaping praise and adulation on people you don't know?

Not forgetting sending pictures of every calorie you consume via FB? 

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2 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Isn't that one of the key features of the internet, Dave? Either insulting people you don't know or heaping praise and adulation on people you don't know?

Not forgetting sending pictures of every calorie you consume via FB? 

That is a good point. But i really did ask the question in all seriousness.And to come back with a silly,"is that due to personal experience " reply is just pain ignorance.I never take the piss out of a serious question posted here. I have a sense of humour and i can get a bit acidic, sure,but that is when the poster is also a good conversationalist, and can hold their own in a to and from argument or banter 

. I just thought that i would have got a more sensible reply than a weak, stupid attempt at toilet humour. Guess i was wrong.

I follow your posts too. Good sense and reason.

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54 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

That is a good point. But i really did ask the question in all seriousness.And to come back with a silly,"is that due to personal experience " reply is just pain ignorance.I never take the piss out of a serious question posted here. I have a sense of humour and i can get a bit acidic, sure,but that is when the poster is also a good conversationalist, and can hold their own in a to and from argument or banter 

. I just thought that i would have got a more sensible reply than a weak, stupid attempt at toilet humour. Guess i was wrong.

I follow your posts too. Good sense and reason.

Gee, sorry you took it personally.

You are the one who asked some pretty detailed and serious/felonious legal questions.  

If you are so curious and want those questions answered properly, then I suggested it would be best to seek an experts advice. Seems like common sense.

But, maybe you think TV is the best place to get to get accurate answers to your legal questions. OK, good luck on that and good luck to you.


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3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Gee, sorry you took it personally.

You are the one who asked some pretty detailed and serious/felonious legal questions.  

If you are so curious and want those questions answered properly, then I suggested it would be best to seek an experts advice. Seems like common sense.

But, maybe you think TV is the best place to get to get accurate answers to your legal questions. OK, good luck on that and good luck to you.


You were the one being so personal, and i seem to remember that we have crossed swords before. If you really want to know i saw the same question being asked on a program, that discussed rare legal problems regarding a legal matter of the same scenario. I was unable to acquire the second dvd covering the outcome as it was an American legal series. So the answer is that i am trying to find out what the outcome was. However, you being you, had to try and take the piss. Probably because you couldn't find the answer to my question to you, regarding the 'Parthian Shot' Have you had to google it?

Also, what do think i am going to do? go and sit in front of a Thai lawyer and ask such a question. You really are a silly fellow.I am on Thai visa, because their are a lot of knowledgeable people on here, who just might have known, and i am allowed to ask such people. Why are you trying to sully such an action with silly humour and ridiculous reply's. Now go away and bother me no longer. You are obviously one of the silly posters.I am done with you. You and i will never agree on anything. Lets just agree to pretend we both dont exist.

Btw, if there are any serious people out there with knowledge of the 'mechanics' of such a situation, because i would really like to know.Thanx in advance.

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On 31/05/2017 at 10:40 PM, just.a.thought said:

Which legal age,what law? Are you kidding! 

If you are a convicted child offender it doesn't matter which country you were convicted in you clearly broke the law and should be banned from traveling. The ones that exploit children online ought to be banned from owning a computer/laptop/smartphone.

zero tolerance for child sex offenders worldwide 

castration should be considered as punishment for repeat offenders.


The age of consent in my home country is 14, as well as in several neighboring countries.

So which law applies?

In some countries, everyone guilty of extra-marital sexual activity will be punished to death, and those countries of course will say that THEIR law is the only one that should apply

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21 minutes ago, THAILIBAN said:


The age of consent in my home country is 14, as well as in several neighboring countries.

So which law applies?

In some countries, everyone guilty of extra-marital sexual activity will be punished to death, and those countries of course will say that THEIR law is the only one that should apply



Yes every country can be different.  But, the US is pretty clear about this.

It is "illicit sex" with anyone under 18.

So, if one is a US citizen, travels to your country and has sex with a 15 year old, they could be prosecuted in the US under US law.

It even includes "traveling for the purpose".  So, if you have communication to engage in this type of activity, then travel to do so, it is a violation.

The penalties are very harsh federal judges do not have much discretion as sentencing is based on a point system. Up to 30 years in federal prison.

Just ask the Subway dude Jared.  15 years in prison.....



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19 hours ago, THAILIBAN said:


The age of consent in my home country is 14, as well as in several neighboring countries.

So which law applies?

In some countries, everyone guilty of extra-marital sexual activity will be punished to death, and those countries of course will say that THEIR law is the only one that should apply

It's the law of the country you are visiting Just like when you visit those western ones that warn you about abiding by the laws of the country you visit & want to also add their laws as well instead of keeping their noses out of the other countries

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On 4 June 2017 at 6:31 AM, THAILIBAN said:


The age of consent in my home country is 14, as well as in several neighboring countries.

So which law applies?

In some countries, everyone guilty of extra-marital sexual activity will be punished to death, and those countries of course will say that THEIR law is the only one that should apply

I don't really give a shit what the legal age is in your country. If you like having sex with 14 year old then you should be in jail.

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