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Nothing Done To Extradite 'Boss Red Bull'


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Hahahahaha...............is there really anybody who expected that something would happen? In Thailand you can kill, rape, cheat, steal aso for free if.......you have money enough. There is a law for poor and no law for rich. LOS

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2 hours ago, morpho said:

While I applaud the press for trying to keep the spotlight and pressure on the police and government to properly and swiftly deal with this POS, the torture of continuing to hear that nothing actually is being done is becoming unbearable. I need to stop reading these updates before I blow a fuse.

Stamina my boy!

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According to what I've been reading the extradition law in the UK (2003/2004) is split into two, extradition category 1 and category 2 countries. Thailand is in the latter. It says that court proceedings will take place according to the foreign prosecutor's instructions though the court will retain the right of decision. An arrest warrant is then issued according to the court's instruction. In short, if the Thailand prosecutor does not issue a formal request then the UK courts and police cannot act. It also seems that even if a passport is revoked by the foreign government only travel to another country is affected and the foreigner is still allowed to seek asylum in the UK. What happens after that depends on formal discussions with the foreign country. 

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Would love to know how many different countries passports/citizenships he now holds.

My guess is any country with a red bull manufacturing facility.

With his private jet he can be anywhere in the World in hours.

He is untouchable and he knows it.

I can hear him now telling his <deleted> friends, 'I paid the family, why is everyone against me'.

Lets hope Karma takes care.



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15 hours ago, onthesoi said:

hen he made the formal application for a UK visa he would need to supply proof he had money to support himself, its usually bank statements they want to see.

Not if you are among the top elite in the world ,  they have lawyers to take care of all that -  We are talking about 20 billion dollars here. 





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3 hours ago, Tilacme said:

So does that mean that the reported blue notice was never issued?



Of course it never was issued. I still remember the times when Abhisit wanted Thaksin back but nothing was done with Interpol until today. When Chuan Lekpai brother stole 10 million US$ for Thai Farmer Bank (Kasikorn now) they also didn't issue an Interpol notice also everyone knew he was in Taiwan.

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Notice - red

Red Notice
To seek the location and arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition or similar lawful action.






Notice - blue

Blue Notice
To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a crime.








It is my understanding that Thailand asked Interpol for (or was intending to ask Interpol for) a "Blue Notice" for Mr Red Bull.


This type of notice does *not* involve the Relevant Foreign Authorities arresting or detaining him (or doing *anything to him)  - it only involves the Relevant Foreign Authorities informing the Thai police where/when he was located in their country. 



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2 minutes ago, andersonat said:
Notice - red

Red Notice
To seek the location and arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition or similar lawful action.






Notice - blue

Blue Notice
To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a crime.








It is my understanding that Thailand asked for (or was intending to ask for) a "Blue Notice" for Mr Red Bull.


This notice does *not* involve the Relevant Foreign Authorities arresting or detaining him (or doing *anything to him)  - it only involves the Relevant Foreign Authorities informing the Thai police where/when he was located in their country. 



Very informative there andersonat. Your not with the CIA by any chance??

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 - Has *anyone* ever considered, or got around to organising, a boycott of Red Bull's Products ? 






And UK Authorities would be unable to prevent him from entering the UK *if* he held British citizenship. 

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Just now, andersonat said:

 - Has *anyone* ever considered, or got around to organising, a boycott of Red Bull's Products ? 

Yes it was suggested here on TV months ago. We have have around 900 Thais working for our company and most of them love their krating dang. A boycott would never get of the ground. 

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20 hours ago, JAG said:

I think that the country that wants him extradited has to ask.


Without that happening the UK authorities can do nothing. And I should imagine he retains some pretty high powered lawyers to ensure that remains the case; (why do sharks never bite lawyers? Professional courtesy!).


The ball is in Thailand's  court - and headed straight for some very long grass!


And, no doubt he would have lawyers who know every possible way / trick to query and delay and know when is the right strategic time to query and delay.


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6 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

I doubt that Thailand has actually sent Interpol any notice about this pleb.

The publicity was good a couple of weeks ago, but as always, the cops have left it alone.

Just read in The Nation, no blue notice has been sent to Interpol.....and it seems his Passport has not been revoked as previously reported weeks ago.

This issue is a complete crock and the PM should be disgusted with his police force......but his lot are of course, the same!

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6 hours ago, NoBrainer said:

Why do so many people care so much about this story? It is just business as usual here.


Looks to me like there are a lot of Jealous keyboard warriors on TV lately.


Almost 9 pages and still running for this NON story. Hasn't anyone got anything better to do. I'm glad I keep my Thai Visa reading down to 5-10 min. a day.

Your commets seem to accept what Red Bull heir did and is doing is justifiable? Are you his relative? Or getting fat brown envelopes?

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21 hours ago, JAG said:

I think that the country that wants him extradited has to ask.


Without that happening the UK authorities can do nothing. And I should imagine he retains some pretty high powered lawyers to ensure that remains the case; (why do sharks never bite lawyers? Professional courtesy!).


The ball is in Thailand's  court - and headed straight for some very long grass!


There not even sure he's in the UK. He was in Thailand until 3 days before the arrest warrant was issued. By some odd coincidence he left just before! He flew by private jet to Singapore - then puff, vanished. Singapore said the plane was there but he'd left. For some reason the Singaporean authorities weren't saying by what means or where to he left their squeaky clean utopia.


AFAIK he ain't surfaced since. 


With their wealth, he won't be seen if he doesn't want to. Meanwhile, no Interpol Red Notice has been requested, and nothing done about preparing extradition requests.


The circus will continue every time some media outlet runs the story, then dampen down and just fade away like the boy himself.

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1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

Just read in The Nation, no blue notice has been sent to Interpol.....and it seems his Passport has not been revoked as previously reported weeks ago.

This issue is a complete crock and the PM should be disgusted with his police force......but his lot are of course, the same!


".... and the PM should be disgusted with his police force..."


Well said and further, why is the national police chief not saying anything to try to preserve the reputation (???) of the force by sharing specifics of what's happening? 


Seems to me there can only be one reason  -  very very powerful people. What else can it be?


This wonderful country desperately needs to be rid of these people. But how, there's the big question. 

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12 hours ago, sandrew33 said:

...... unless the Thai authorities issue some sort of international warrant then the UK aren't going to do much. 


And why should they? He hasn't actually been charged yet and several of the proposed charges are already statute barred. He's certainly not been found guilty of any offences. He is no threat to citizens of the UK. If the UK banned him because news stories have made, as yet unproven, allegations then he'd no doubt sue them and they'd struggle to show just cause. 


He needs to be dealt with by the Thai authorities and if he's on the run then an international interpol alert/warrant needs to be filed. Apart from some vague language by the government, nothing much has happened. So why would the UK government be compelled to do anything? It's a nonsense position.



It's a "nonsense position"?


Did you not read my post quoting from the UK Home Office visa rules and the link to the Guidelines document used by UK immigration officers? ...let me give you the cliff notes, if any applicant was involved in the injury or death of another( the actual example they use is drunk driving CHECK! ), it also says if the case is high profile CHECK!, it also says the applicant is not required to be convicted of the crime CHECK!......then either the visa should be denied or if the applicant is already here they should be deported. 


If you haven't worked it out by now, Vorayuth Yoovidhya fits the definition perfectly, its almost like the UK Immigration had his case in mind when the wrote the 'Visa Refusal' guidelines....




....As for "unproven allegations", hes already admitted the offences in Thailand, please inform yourself of the bare facts of both the case in Thailand and UK visa rules and then reference them directly when replying to prevent the conversation from being remedial.

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Just now, onthesoi said:


It's a "nonsense position"?


Did you not read my post quoting from the UK Home Office visa rules and the link to the Guidelines document used by UK immigration officers? ...let me give you the cliff notes, if any applicant was involved in the injury or death of another( the actual example they use is drunk driving CHECK! ), it also says if the case is high profile CHECK!, it also says the applicant is not required to be convicted of the crime CHECK!......then either the visa should be denied or if the applicant is already here they should be deported. 


If you haven't worked it out by now, Vorayuth Yoovidhya fits the definition perfectly, its almost like the UK Immigration had his case in mind when the wrote the 'Visa Refusal' guidelines....




....As for "unproven allegations", hes already admitted the offences in Thailand, please inform yourself of the bare facts of both the case in Thailand and UK visa rules and then reference them directly when replying to prevent the conversation from being remedial.


That is for a trial to decide not us. 

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