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Trump says U.S. to withdraw from Paris climate accord


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the Paris accord was pure political nonsense. so is Macron.



anyone upset?

just go watch one of Kevin Anderson's presentations on Youtube. 
Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Center Manchester U. 

you won't be upset anymore. 

if COP21 had been signed off in 19XX... okay maybe. but still quite a stretch.... 

but 2015? at COP21? helloooo? this ain't a fluke. not at all (Trump and Bannon)...... 

Kevin will straigten y'all out in less then 10.


Edited by maewang99
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4 hours ago, webfact said:

With Trump's action, the United States will walk away from nearly every nation in the world on one of the pressing global issues of the 21st century.

Maybe the plan is for America to become the new North Korea. The similarities are there. Both are focused on isolationism and both are run by an untrustworthy, fat psychopathic megalomaniac.

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40 minutes ago, Usernames said:

Another reason our troops should NOT be there.

Military experts say climate change poses 'significant risk' to security

A coalition of 25 military and national security experts, including former advisers to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, has warned that climate change poses a “significant risk to US national security and international security” that requires more attention from the US federal government.

The prominent members of the US national security community warned that warming temperatures and rising seas will increasingly inundate military bases and fuel international conflict and mass migration, leading to “significant and direct risks to US military readiness, operations and strategy”.



Military Leaders Urge Trump to See Climate as a Security Threat

Stresses from climate change can increase the likelihood of international or civil conflict, state failure, mass migration and instability in strategically significant areas around the world, the defense experts argue.

Many military leaders say that considering climate change and renewable energy has made their branches more resilient fighting forces and bureaucracies, starting with reducing emissions and creating a nimble fighting culture that is less dependent on fossil fuels.


Thus one assumes Trump's too clever by half supporters who's main pillar is anti-refugee/immigrant etc would thrust their doors open if (or rather when) people start (or rather ramp-up) displacement,  fights over climate change affected areas, dwindling resources, fresh water, etc....

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Stupid is as stupid does!

Well done, America!

Millions of good paying jobs in the development of renewable energy: gone!

No jobs in coal- mining to gain: yippiiiiiiiiie!



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4 hours ago, sujoop said:

So, the US now joins Nicaragua and Syria as the big 3 countries which are NOT part of the global climate agreement.


Thus, as the rest of the world moves forward, Trump counts on coal, nationalism and isolationism as the best paths 'forward' for the future for the US. This really came down to just 2 things: 1) Obama was for it -and 2) Trump felt slighted by our allies who he alienated and was boorish to on his 'forget about  Russia investigations and my worst approval ratings in history' overseas trip. Thus we and our children and their children all must suffer the consequences from the decisions of this petty, vain and Simpsons cartoon like simpleton caricature who is masquerading as leader of the free world.




Disagree, it was based on 3 things: Obama was for it, it is international and it is science based.

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""We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us any more. And they won't be," Trump added. "

Well, there you have it. All about Trump and his image, Mr Strongman worrying about face and being laughed at. Now other countries will collectively shake heads, move on with like minded nations, and leave US on fringes. And Trump will stand there, with his chin and chest out (as in NATO push aside shot) and perhaps someday will ask "Where did everybody go? Come back! Bow down to Zod"

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Just now, IAMHERE said:

The USA should do what is good for its' citizens. The rest of the planet hates them anyway, whatever they do or don't do. 

Yeah...it's good, not to have a job AND drown , when you are living at the coast line!


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2 hours ago, Ahab said:

The Paris Agreement would spend 100 trillion dollars to possibly decrease the temperature 100 years from now by an immeasurable 0.03 degrees. It was a silly feel good agreement designed to transfer wealth. Good riddance.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

With that attitude 'the world is out to get us', same as Trump's, USA can never move forward. The good old days, where Trump and his supporters refer to, are gone, never to come back.


Totally agree with the content of your statement as well, but the mentality is much more disturbing.

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3 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

The USA should do what is good for its' citizens. The rest of the planet hates them anyway, whatever they do or don't do. 

This is not good for its citizens.

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4 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

The USA should do what is good for its' citizens. The rest of the planet hates them anyway, whatever they do or don't do. 

What's good for its citizens is to be part of the international community and to be seen as a leader. That ship though has sailed. The America first policy is rapidly becoming America trailing at the back of the pack and a washed up has been. And as for America being hated? Yep, a few more steps in that direction taken with this moronic decision.

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Trump thinks his action on Paris,will stop the world laughing at America... He is right in that this is not even remotely funny. I for one will not knowingly buy any product made or franchised by any US company until this idiot and his appalling legacy have been thoroughly expunged. I doubt I will be alone in this. America, you ARE the laughing stock of the world and will remain so until you clean up the gross mess you have made and continue to create, starting with tbe poisonous pollution currently stinking out tbe White House 

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Had Obama not entered the agreement, Trump would have entered. His policy after promoting his business interests is to undo whatever his predecessor did.   Mindless way for a world leader or even a businessman to make decisions.


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2 hours ago, dcutman said:

Its a non binding, non enforceable agreement. So whats the big deal about?

BTW, have we not already past the point of no return on climate change?


Climate change is accepted to be already happening by the vast majority of the world's climate specialists.

The degree of damage it does is what is decided by the measures we take now and in the future.

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8 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Seems US cities are going to go their own way anyway by continuing to follow the Paris Accord.

How are the likes of Detroit, Baltimore, and Youngstown going to reduce their carbon emissions? They already have next to zero economic growth and activity. They are dead zones.  Empty threat.

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40 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Stupid is as stupid does!

Well done, America!

Millions of good paying jobs in the development of renewable energy: gone!

No jobs in coal- mining to gain: yippiiiiiiiiie!



According to the Department of Energy, there are about 373,000 Americans working in solar energy – more than double that of the coal industry.

Implementing green energies would create many more jobs than the loss of the coal workers ones. This is a policy that will lose jobs for Americans at the same time as diminishing the country as a whole. I'm sure Americans as a whole will be delighted that they are now to be seen as a pariah, for the sake of a few jobs that will hold back the growth of the nation as a whole. In fact probably the only country in the world who will lose jobs from this stupidity is America itself.

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Just now, darksidedog said:

According to the Department of Energy, there are about 373,000 Americans working in solar energy – more than double that of the coal industry.

Implementing green energies would create many more jobs than the loss of the coal workers ones. This is a policy that will lose jobs for Americans at the same time as diminishing the country as a whole. I'm sure Americans as a whole will be delighted that they are now to be seen as a pariah, for the sake of a few jobs that will hold back the growth of the nation as a whole. In fact probably the only country in the world who will lose jobs from this stupidity is America itself.

And these are all "green jobs" achieved without the demands of the Paris Treaty.  So how is rejecting the treaty going to change this?  It isn't. Companies will continue this path.  But the US will not be forced to give away US tax dollars to virtually every country on the planet. 

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2 minutes ago, Usernames said:

And these are all "green jobs" achieved without the demands of the Paris Treaty.  So how is rejecting the treaty going to change this?  It isn't. Companies will continue this path.  But the US will not be forced to give away US tax dollars to virtually every country on the planet. 

Because you will continue to use polluting coal, the demand for other energies will be reduced, hindering job creation in that sector.

Remember, much of the problem stems from the industrialized nations that have been pumping bilge into the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

Hence, the US and Europe should shoulder some of the blame and hence assist with reparations.

Running away from your responsibilities is no different from a hit and run driver, leaving dead and dying in the street, cos you have no sense of morality.

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Thank you President Trump for putting America First! We do not need to continue paying welfare all over the world. We have enough

at home and with Obama's 20 Trillion in Debt going up everyday. Thanks again!

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39 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Climate change is accepted to be already happening by the vast majority of the world's climate specialists.

The degree of damage it does is what is decided by the measures we take now and in the future.


Of course "climate change" is happening. It's doesn't take a science degree to look out the window occasionally and see that climate is different today from last year.

Of course the pro catastrophic climate change mob are claiming that if we don't "do something" we will all die from rising sea levels or something, but what? What can we do? The scientists can't prove that reducing CO2 output would actually have any affect at all. There are proven methods of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, but no government has invested enough in them to make a difference- WHY?

There is no need for a Paris agreement for people to take action if they believe humans are responsible. Give up your fossil fueled car, air travel and fossil fueled electricity. Enough people do that problem solved.

Of course, if it affects the individual adversely, most wouldn't be very committed after all, would they?

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The Paris accord is a sham, and the USA realizes this. That is why it should be scrapped, as the other

countries have no intention of trying their best to change the world.   The USA is not even close to the

worlds worst polluter. I think either Russia or China or India has the great honour.  Although I think that

other polluters are the ME, South America or Africa, and none of these countries will be making any changes

to their life styles. Canada pollutes even less than the USA, but  its PM wants all provinces to pay a carbon

tax, but does not tell the citizens that it is basically just a tax grab. The provinces of Ontario and British Columbia

and now Alberta are now paying a carbon tax. As I said , this is strictly a money grab by the provincial governments

to their citizens. This Tax will not do a thing to change the worlds atmosphere, just make the citizens of Canada

poorer people.


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10 minutes ago, tomwct said:

Thank you President Trump for putting America First! We do not need to continue paying welfare all over the world. We have enough

at home and with Obama's 20 Trillion in Debt going up everyday. Thanks again!

Quite right too.

Isn't it funny that to listen to the "world's leaders" without America they can't do anything. It's like the poor little darlings need "mummy America" to hold their hands to do anything. They should grow some and do it on their own.

Perhaps they were counting on the US to provide lots of lovely money for them to play with.

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