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How cops earn their daily bread....poster shows up corrupt Surin police


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Have you been back home lately? Fines in the west are 10 to 100 times higher. I'd pay a couple of quid cheerfully. Pleasure doing business with you, officer.

Depends on your western country.
In Finland even speed fines are calculated as percentage of your income.
Think the record was a billionaire that was fined 100.000 USD for speeding.
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Not all cops are corrupt , I was driving my car in Chiang Mai and forgot the seat belts. So they pulled me over , gave me a note and I had to pay 200 baht  at the nearest police station.  I tried to pay the officer directly , but not possible.   So don't  tell me they are all corrupt. 



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10 hours ago, optad said:

Frankly, I dislike the appeasement nature of 'just pay' the police because the system could be worse. We know from Chamberlain you onsend these problems down the line or in this example corruption to another generation because you can pay and can't be flucked with the issue.


You have also now managed to individualise my generalised points to your circumstances and this flatters neither yourself nor your argument. 


Your 'injustices' really have no value in the way you present your scant details other than it sounds like you were trying to beat the system anyhow and deserved your wack. 

you can like it or dislike it, makes no difference. anyone wants to run a business in thailand has to work within the system, like  it or not. we have no choice. 

you want to have a good discussion then it is good if people with first hand experience experience add their 2 cents. i have a fair amount of experience, sounds like you dont. you dont like me adding my experiences on a matter you know very little about. no problem, scroll on past.

i arrived in thailand with my western valves and ideas and tried to do everything right. after some time and problems i had to make a decision. pack up and go home or work with in the system. believe me no foreigner is going to change anything.

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15 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Really? When you pay for your order, you are charged so much, then you get a receipt for half of what you paid?

You are saying "it happens", not "it happened" as in it being a one off. Why did you not ask the assistant for half your money back? I would have.

It has happened on multiple occasions, the receipt and display being 100 baht less than what I am being charged. I am being charged for what I ordered. Didn't make a fuss as I was being charged the 'correct' price. I shall have to try to pay exactly what is on the display in future....it seems to happen to me when I have a larger note ready.

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On 6/5/2017 at 7:19 PM, ezzra said:

For anyone that lived in Thailand more than 1 day, than the answer is a resounding YES....

and, next question. I was well aware of "this is Thailand: police fines" long before I first set foot there 4 years ago, so when something finally got around to happening to me I kind of smirked at the fact that the cops didn't know that I knew that "this is Thailand". I bargained back and forth and struck a deal and everyone was happy.  The big difference between Thailand and the US is that EVERYBODY know how this stuff works in Thailand, but virtually nobody knows the real nature and magnitude of the corruption in the US. US citizens can only speculate, and on occasion see something on the news when it comes out, or learn the hard way. 

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20 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:


Bar stool stories...

I don't believe any.



I only visit bars for Quiz Nights.  Saying you don't believe it doesn't make it less true. I know personally the three people I referred to above.  They told me face-to-face of their ordeal.  Why would they lie?

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20 hours ago, bangkokairportlink said:


Who cares as long as I am not stupid enough to be one of the corpses.



You think all these corpses are caused by stupidity? If you are sitting in a car waiting to turn right and get rammed by two youths on a motor bike as happened to me, how is that stupid?  I guess I am lucky it wasn't a 12 wheeler.  Your careless views on the daily death toll reveal your intellect.

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21 hours ago, snowgard said:

The onliest way is to make harder rules.

The rules are there already - they need enforcing.  Thai police don't, they take bribes and send the offender on their way, to re-offend.

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22 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i would advise foreigners to stay away from owning bars.

What about owning cars?  Would you advise against that? I was waiting to turn right at a road junction when two boys rammed me doing over 90kph.  The police adjudged I was at fault and are aiding the boys claim against me (it started at nearly NINE million; now down to two.)  My crime, presumably, was driving whilst in possession of a white face.

I can't see how you can continue to defend the indefensible.  Thai police are lazy; corrupt; they buy their positions to make money not to 'Serve and Protect' the public.

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The reason the RTP and others in positions to extort the public are underpaid is that to pay them a living wage would take increased taxation.


Increased taxes would be a burden on the small percentage of Thais who actually pay tax, the rich influential business owners. 


They will not allow this, so the system persists where the poor are taxed directly by the police by being ticketed. 


Why do you think so few cars are stopped in roadside checks? It's because their drivers form part of the same elite, and will not submit to the demands of the police in the same way poor motorcyclists  will. The police only look for easy monetary wins like no helmets, no licence, wrong lane not road safety items like no insurance, unroadworthy vehicles, stolen vehicles because investigation would slow down their income stream.

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17 minutes ago, mikebell said:

What about owning cars?  Would you advise against that? I was waiting to turn right at a road junction when two boys rammed me doing over 90kph.  The police adjudged I was at fault and are aiding the boys claim against me (it started at nearly NINE million; now down to two.)  My crime, presumably, was driving whilst in possession of a white face.

I can't see how you can continue to defend the indefensible.  Thai police are lazy; corrupt; they buy their positions to make money not to 'Serve and Protect' the public.

yes i would advise people against owning cars, but if they do they should have very good insurance. what happened to your insurance?

at no time did i ever in any way defend the cops. never, ever would i do that. never ever.

i understand why the cops are the way they are.

 i accept that the system will not change any time soon.

i accept that to be happy living in thailand you have to live with the system as there is no fighting it.

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27 minutes ago, mikebell said:

What about owning cars?  Would you advise against that? I was waiting to turn right at a road junction when two boys rammed me doing over 90kph.  The police adjudged I was at fault and are aiding the boys claim against me (it started at nearly NINE million; now down to two.)  My crime, presumably, was driving whilst in possession of a white face.

I can't see how you can continue to defend the indefensible.  Thai police are lazy; corrupt; they buy their positions to make money not to 'Serve and Protect' the public.

You are free to contest this. IF the BiB have judged you to be at fault its not because you are White, its because you were driving the car are perceived to have more money and you were making the traffic manouver, a Thai would likely be facing the same predicament. The Police have simply made judgement according to their path of least resistance and followed the 'cultural trait' that the wealthier pays the poorer. However, the Police cannot assign blame, especially if damages are being assigned. You can refuse to pay anything, they can try and charge you and your case can be taken to court where its likely you will be treated quite fairly, especially if it can be proven a that the guys on motorcycles didn't have licences or taxed bikes etc... 


Much of this will depend on the individuation situation, photographs at the scene, evidence etc, were the motorcycles proven to be speeding, you were stationary waiting to turn, can you prove that you did not pull out in front of the motorcycle etc... Dash cam footage ?


I too was involved in an accident with a Van. I was turning right, the van tried to over take me as it turned right. 

I took lots of photos of the scene. The BiB attempted the path of least resistance in blaming me, I refused to accept fault, presented them photos and a polite but highly stubborn attitude. I was quite clear that I can and would take this as high as it needs to go (which would have been a waste of time for a traffic accident). My experience was that after that, or rather, after the BiB realized they were not going to profit and any obfuscation was just going to create more work they concluded rather quickly... 50:50 fault, my insurance paid for my car and I was not accountable for any injury or claim to the other party (who by the way had no insurance). 


In my experience - It can be fair in Thailand IF you are not clearly in the wrong and if you keep your cool. 


In another minor bump the other party (a Thai lady) threatened me with the Police, my response was 'yes please'...  she quickly backed down (she'd tried to over take me in a multi-story car park while I was driving slowly looking for a space).


IMO - The Police can be of assistance if handled correctly, but I also agree, they are lazy and often in it to suit themselves not the greater good of the public. 

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Thank you, Richard, for that clear, well-stated summation. I took photos which show the bike's speedo stuck on over 90 at the time of impact + photo of me clearly off the main road at a U-turn.  The police did not spray the position of the motor bike; the driver did not have a licence; my insurance paid for their medical expenses.  My insurance (Thannachart) seem unwilling to challenge the 'official' view of the accident.

It looks like I will have to hire a lawyer to represent me in court.

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27 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i accept that to be happy living in thailand you have to live with the system as there is no fighting it.

See post above -

Up until this accident I was happy.  My life/opinion changed in an instant.  The unfairness of it struck home; I was without transport for over 4 months; facing a criminal charge; and the boys were claiming nearly nine million - since reduced to two. 

I have considered selling up and retiring to Europe.

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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

You think all these corpses are caused by stupidity? If you are sitting in a car waiting to turn right and get rammed by two youths on a motor bike as happened to me, how is that stupid?  I guess I am lucky it wasn't a 12 wheeler.  Your careless views on the daily death toll reveal your intellect.

+ 1 

This thread was about a small fine & the locals making a profit & as mentioned the idiot driver complained' i can't wait till they get him next time & instead of a on the spot fine they will drag him down to the station & show him what the real amount is

I always tell my wife we may be good in the car but most times it is the other person that hits you


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6 minutes ago, mikebell said:

See post above -

Up until this accident I was happy.  My life/opinion changed in an instant.  The unfairness of it struck home; I was without transport for over 4 months; facing a criminal charge; and the boys were claiming nearly nine million - since reduced to two. 

I have considered selling up and retiring to Europe.

i would probably consider leaving as well.  i dont understand why your insurance didnt sort the whole mess out. every situation i know like this the insurance company sorts everything out. generally owning a car in thailand is only a small risk. unlike owning property or a business.

i am back in nz till my kids finish school then i will probably retire back to thailand. i am not going to own a car, own property, do any kind of work and am going to stay single.  might even just do 6 months a year to keep life good.

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Nothing new under the sun.

This is old stuff and done on a daily basis.

Is incalculated in the policeman's wages.

By who? Well make a guess.

In December 1976 I and my Then Thai GF were entering Phaholyothing Rd coming from Lad Phrao and there came a police van with high speed and stopped at a traffic island and set up a table and chair, right there.

One officer sat down at the table and one officer ran around and directed everybody to the tabel, me included, where we got fined Baht 200- for jaywalking, the receipt was for Baht 100-.

So I was out for Baht 400- me and GF, receipt for Baht 200-.

I waited to see what would happen further on but after about half an hour they packed up and left for , I guess, their next point of earning some money or dividing the profits.

This was 1976, now is 2017 so what is new?

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40 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i would probably consider leaving as well.  i dont understand why your insurance didnt sort the whole mess out. every situation i know like this the insurance company sorts everything out. generally owning a car in thailand is only a small risk. unlike owning property or a business.

i am back in nz till my kids finish school then i will probably retire back to thailand. i am not going to own a car, own property, do any kind of work and am going to stay single.  might even just do 6 months a year to keep life good.

My insurance company (Thannachart) is rubbish.  I have emailed Head Office twice in vain.  The 1st agent on the scene had me sign a document at the police station (Sattahip) all in Thai.  When I demurred pointing to his diagram showing my rear end on Sukhumvit, he said it was to enable the boys to get the best of medical treatment.  Months later it appears I accepted responsibility for the accident.  I am seeing a lawyer tomorrow.

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31 minutes ago, mikebell said:

My insurance company (Thannachart) is rubbish.  I have emailed Head Office twice in vain.  The 1st agent on the scene had me sign a document at the police station (Sattahip) all in Thai.  When I demurred pointing to his diagram showing my rear end on Sukhumvit, he said it was to enable the boys to get the best of medical treatment.  Months later it appears I accepted responsibility for the accident.  I am seeing a lawyer tomorrow.

ok well you probably know it by now you need good insurance through a good agent. if you are in pattaya i can give you my insurance agents details. when you have a problem you call her and she will come sort everything out. i also have a good lawyer if you need help with that.

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Lack of oversight by the general populous has created a police force riddled with unsavory characters taking advantage of the average Thai and abusing visitors to the Kingdom on regular basis. And no one in authority seems to care enough to make an effort to correct the environment that fosters this behavior.

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I don't believe the facebook poster because if he was fined 200 baht then he would pay 200 baht at the station not pay the traffic police officer!  I know that most police officers are corrupt in Thailand and maybe that cop suggested to fine him officially 100 baht and get a 100 baht as a favor so the fine won't be raised more.  Most of all, does the original poster have a proof that he paid double the fine?

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