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Trump renews criticism of London Mayor Khan over attack


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1 minute ago, Walter Travolta said:

hahaha and wikipedia is the bible yeah? I believe what i see with my eyes, not what some loony lefty wants to post on social media or elsewhere.

Remember, everything from the past is subjective. For example, how do you, or anyone else know that JC fed 5000 people with a couple of bloomers and a nice piece of cod. I find that ridiculous and laughable at best, yet people believe it, most of the world seems to believe it so what does that say about most of the world, and others who think like me? Take around a minute to let that sink in and you might start to understand that most people who get their knowledge from reading books, those books are only someone elses opinion that you decide you believe sub-conciously. You then use that to oppose someone elses view because you have read it so it must be true.

Go to London on any day of the week and you will see no go areas in East London especially

But stay in your little safe haven quoting wiki stuff, your input is invaluable

There is a saying of uncertain provenance credited to Daniel Patrick Moynihan,  It goes something like this: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”

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3 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

hahaha and wikipedia is the bible yeah? I believe what i see with my eyes, not what some loony lefty wants to post on social media or elsewhere.

Remember, everything from the past is subjective. For example, how do you, or anyone else know that JC fed 5000 people with a couple of bloomers and a nice piece of cod. I find that ridiculous and laughable at best, yet people believe it, most of the world seems to believe it so what does that say about most of the world, and others who think like me? Take around a minute to let that sink in and you might start to understand that most people who get their knowledge from reading books, those books are only someone elses opinion that you decide you believe sub-conciously. You then use that to oppose someone elses view because you have read it so it must be true.

Go to London on any day of the week and you will see no go areas in East London especially

But stay in your little safe haven quoting wiki stuff, your input is invaluable

More reliable than redneck righties with no regard for facts, that's for sure. 

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3 hours ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

How am I ill informed?


just because I don't share your boring typical safe liberal opinion?

I am often accused of being a liberal by the posters that bang the Trump is wonderful drum.  Usually left wing liberal.  I would be obliged if you would (as you are not ill-informed) tell me what a liberal is because I very much doubt that I fit that description.  Take your time........ no hurry 

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10 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Truly an ignorant and a hateful statement.

Are you aware that the  Mayor is a UK national born in South London. He was a human rights lawyer before serving as an MP and then as a cabinet minister in HM Government. Are you aware that people like him are targeted by ISIL and that he  is more likely to be assassinated  by extremists of both the left and the right because of his beliefs? He's the last person an Islamic  extremist wants around.

Are you aware he was a lawyer...



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59 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

hahaha and wikipedia is the bible yeah? I believe what i see with my eyes, not what some loony lefty wants to post on social media or elsewhere.

Remember, everything from the past is subjective. For example, how do you, or anyone else know that JC fed 5000 people with a couple of bloomers and a nice piece of cod. I find that ridiculous and laughable at best, yet people believe it, most of the world seems to believe it so what does that say about most of the world, and others who think like me? Take around a minute to let that sink in and you might start to understand that most people who get their knowledge from reading books, those books are only someone elses opinion that you decide you believe sub-conciously. You then use that to oppose someone elses view because you have read it so it must be true.

Go to London on any day of the week and you will see no go areas in East London especially

But stay in your little safe haven quoting wiki stuff, your input is invaluable


It all makes sense now.

Knowledge and books reading is for chumps.

Census data is just made-up lefty propaganda.

Jesus Christ either had a great spinmeister or a kickass caterer.

people who think like you are the real geniuses.

All hail.

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I don't see myself earning many brownie points for this, but I have just been through the last two and a half pages on this post, and I think everyone has lost the plot. And the thread. Trump made a bad Tweet yesterday and manipulated Khans statement. He got ripped for it. Rather than acknowledge that, or even just shut up, he compounded the error, by having another unnecessary and unwarranted dig.

Most of the last 40 posts have been more focused on the mayor and him being a lawyer who represented some real w@@kers in the past. I work for a lawyer and he has too.

All lawyers get bad, evil scumbag clients. I fail to see how who he may or may not have represented in the past, has any bearing whatsoever on the comments made by Trump. That is after all supposed to be the point of this thread.

Shit! I sound like a Bloody moderator!

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


It all makes sense now.

Knowledge and books reading is for chumps.

Census data is just made-up lefty propaganda.

Jesus Christ either had a great spinmeister or a kickass caterer.

people who think like you are the real geniuses.

All hail.

Hahaha yet again words being put in my mouth . . . 


Knowledge is not only gained by reading books, my point is that many books are written by the author to suit their own beliefs, good and bad, right and left etc etc so no I dont think books are for chumps, just take a step back before allying to anything written by someone :)


Census data is all well and good until someone spins it, again both right and left do this and I ignore it totally, Inc Britain First propaganda and EDL posts FYI


JC's miracles are believable or unbelievable depending on who you are, personally I think all religions are a joke for weak minded people who cannot handle the thought of nasty things in the world like even their own end, they need something to cling to, up to them if they want to spend their lives worshipping something that does not exist


Im not a genius, I just think outside the box, not a hippie, not a conformist. I do what I want when I want to a certain extent

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8 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Trump made a bad Tweet yesterday and manipulated Khans statement. He got ripped for it. Rather than acknowledge that, or even just shut up, he compounded the error, by having another unnecessary and unwarranted dig.

well a tweet is not a legal document….i understand the context he meant it in.


lets not keep telling people not to panic when the situation clearly warrants urgency of action.


i can see how anyone looking for an opportunity can jump on this tho…cnn has……it is the pot of gold at the end of their orange hued rainbow today.

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11 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well a tweet is not a legal document….i understand the context he meant it in.


lets not keep telling people not to panic when the situation clearly warrants urgency of action.


i can see how anyone looking for an opportunity can jump on this tho…cnn has……it is the pot of gold at the end of their orange hued rainbow today.

well said, most of us are fed up of hearing not to panic. Im not a panicky poo but when the powers that be say things like this, it makes many panic even more as it seems this is all they do after every attack . . . 

Light candles, change profile pic to attacked nations flag, keep saying terror will not win when it clearly is winning

Regarding CNN, did you see the manufactured demo organised by them in London? Unbelievable


found it . . . 



Edited by Walter Travolta
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4 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

well said, most of us are fed up of hearing not to panic. Im not a panicky poo but when the powers that be say things like this, it makes many panic even more as it seems this is all they do after every attack . . . 

Light candles, change profile pic to attacked nations flag, keep saying terror will not win when it clearly is winning

Regarding CNN, did you see the manufactured demo organised by them in London? Unbelievable


found it . . . 



More right wing nonsense


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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

hahaha Im talking about my link, I havent looked at your as I dont play tit for tat lefty argumentative games. The reason? It is impossible to have a constructive debate with people who only listen to their own views and opinions and believe any view that does not comply with their own are automatically wrong! You really could not predict this if it was not actually happening!! Leftys and muslims have so many similarities, the main one being that they have their own opinions and everyone else is wrong. Im so happy I am me, and not you

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52 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

well a tweet is not a legal document…i understand the context he meant it in.


lets not keep telling people not to panic when the situation clearly warrants urgency of action.


Clueless once again.


Or, just a lame attempt at deflection.


And, it's quite clear, you don't understand context at all.


The message in full:


My message to Londoners and visitors to our great city is to be calm and vigilant today," Mr Khan said.

You will see an increased police presence today, including armed officers and uniformed officers.


There is no reason to be alarmed by this. We are the safest global city in the world.


You saw last night as a consequence of our planning, our preparation, the rehearsals that take place,

the swift response from the emergency services tackling the terrorists and also helping the injured.




Don't be alarmed about the action being taken.


Even though your dear leader said this: ""There is no reason to be alarmed", with two words removed from the sentence, 

you lapped it up.


A bit late to the party aren't ya?


But that doesn't stop you from attempting to perpetuate your erroneous, baseless misinformation.


Try to get your information from other than the inept ones' ridiculous Tweets



Edited by iReason
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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

I don't see myself earning many brownie points for this, but I have just been through the last two and a half pages on this post, and I think everyone has lost the plot. And the thread. Trump made a bad Tweet yesterday and manipulated Khans statement. He got ripped for it. Rather than acknowledge that, or even just shut up, he compounded the error, by having another unnecessary and unwarranted dig.

Most of the last 40 posts have been more focused on the mayor and him being a lawyer who represented some real w@@kers in the past. I work for a lawyer and he has too.

All lawyers get bad, evil scumbag clients. I fail to see how who he may or may not have represented in the past, has any bearing whatsoever on the comments made by Trump. That is after all supposed to be the point of this thread.

Shit! I sound like a Bloody moderator!

Could be your next station in life Darksidedog! You are correct in saying the whole pint of the thread has been lost, by most.

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39 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

hahaha Im talking about my link, I havent looked at your as I dont play tit for tat lefty argumentative games. The reason? It is impossible to have a constructive debate with people who only listen to their own views and opinions and believe any view that does not comply with their own are automatically wrong! You really could not predict this if it was not actually happening!! Leftys and muslims have so many similarities, the main one being that they have their own opinions and everyone else is wrong. Im so happy I am me, and not you

I have repeatedly cited evidence with supporting links. You repeatedly engage in name calling and nonsense.  There are right wing people who can stay on point and muster facts to support their arguments. You are clearly not one of them.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

I have repeatedly cited evidence with supporting links. You repeatedly engage in name calling and nonsense.  There are right wing people who can stay on point and muster facts to support their arguments. You are clearly not one of them.

where is the name calling? Leftys are supporters of left wing government and muslims are muslims. So please tell me where there is name calling? Are you one of those people who love to feel offended by absolutely anything so you can make a song and dance about it?


Maybe this will help you learn how not to be offended, after all, being offended is a choice ;)



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1 hour ago, Walter Travolta said:

Hahaha yet again words being put in my mouth . . . 


Knowledge is not only gained by reading books, my point is that many books are written by the author to suit their own beliefs, good and bad, right and left etc etc so no I dont think books are for chumps, just take a step back before allying to anything written by someone :)


Census data is all well and good until someone spins it, again both right and left do this and I ignore it totally, Inc Britain First propaganda and EDL posts FYI


JC's miracles are believable or unbelievable depending on who you are, personally I think all religions are a joke for weak minded people who cannot handle the thought of nasty things in the world like even their own end, they need something to cling to, up to them if they want to spend their lives worshipping something that does not exist


Im not a genius, I just think outside the box, not a hippie, not a conformist. I do what I want when I want to a certain extent


Clearly you are a fountain of clarity.

Authors write books that support their own views.

Census data can be spun so we should totally ignore census data.


I knew it! You *are* a genius. Don't be modest now.

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49 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

hahaha Im talking about my link, I havent looked at your as I dont play tit for tat lefty argumentative games. The reason? It is impossible to have a constructive debate with people who only listen to their own views and opinions and believe any view that does not comply with their own are automatically wrong! You really could not predict this if it was not actually happening!! Leftys and muslims have so many similarities, the main one being that they have their own opinions and everyone else is wrong. Im so happy I am me, and not you

So you will post a link and expect people to go look at it, whilst freely admitting that you won't bother to open links from people with opposing views?

Then you dribble about having constructive debates with people who only listen to their own views! Errr! Pot calls kettle black!

Sorry, but in my eyes, but if you are in a forum with differing views, none of which you care about apart from your own, you probably shouldn't be posting at all.

P.S. I am really happy that you are you and not me too.

Edited by darksidedog
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14 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

So you will post a link and expect people to go look at it, whilst freely admitting that you won't bother to open links from people with opposing views?

Then you dribble about having constructive debates with people who only listen to their own views! Errr! Pot calls kettle black!

Sorry, but in my eyes, but if you are in a forum with differing views, none of which you care about apart from your own, you probably shouldn't be posting at all.

P.S. I am really happy that you are you and not me too.

One of the chief indicators of narcissism is that the same flaws that a narcissist doesn't recognize in himself he assigns to others.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Clearly you are a fountain of clarity.

Authors write books that support their own views.

Census data can be spun so we should totally ignore census data.


I knew it! You *are* a genius. Don't be modest now.

You must be English as your sarcasm is top notch, they cant take that from us haha 


Seriously though you have again tried to put words in my mouth. Many authors write their own views and then target their own audience knowing that is where their cash is coming from, they wont target a community that opposes their ideas.


And no, I did not say totally ignore census data, my point was to ask people to take a minute to believe what you read. Figures are often misleading (note I said often)


Going now so have fun

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