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Catching birds to let them go - may lead to two years in jail...or more!


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Any cruelty should be abhorred so it's not about 'what about the kids, or dogs, or whatever'  cruelty is wrong and brings only bad karma. The best way to stop it is to teach that. You get NO 'merit' releasing as you are partaking of the capture too (by proxy). Teaching and education about the foolishness of making 'merit' like this might just stop it.

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5 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Any cruelty should be abhorred so it's not about 'what about the kids, or dogs, or whatever'  cruelty is wrong and brings only bad karma. The best way to stop it is to teach that. You get NO 'merit' releasing as you are partaking of the capture too (by proxy). Teaching and education about the foolishness of making 'merit' like this might just stop it.

better  teach them the whole "merit"  thing is  a load of crap anyway

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2 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Never going to happen so teach supporting animal cruelty does not bring 'merit' (an achievable goal)

im  fully  aware that "nothing"  will change here for a  VERY  long time if ever as human nature is  greed and self

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1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

Yes it is wrong, capture and release. But as with most of these articles they seem to be written as if the birds possess the same thought process as we do.


By the time a bird is released, it has no memory of how and why it was caught in the first place.


Rough but true.


I wonder if the baby birds recall why they starved to death when their parents quit bringing food for a couple of days?


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2 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Its actually a false Merit Since you have to catch the bird then let it go

Go and find birds that have been in cages all their lives and let them go that is an honest merit 

If you do that they will surely all die!!!!And if you release birds belonging to some one else you may have to face the law or worse.

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It has a traditional practice  for poor people to catch and later release birds to "make merit" for many years in Thailand.

This practice is encouraged at certain temples  in Thailand.

You will find very poor people at certain temples who make a few Baht to sell living birds to "merit makers" for this very purpose.




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I've lived here for going on 12 years and from time to time I heard from Thais that some of the birds that are released are trained to return to the cage for food after a person pays for their release.


I don't know the truth, but animals can be trained.


If I was a trained bird, after release I would head to a fun Beer Garden and feast off plates after customers left!


If anyone knows the truth, please share.

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5 hours ago, berybert said:

Long time only now then.

Better late than never. Hopefully they'll enforce it... but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting... 

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Huh?  But if you don't let the go - it is okey?  I am thinking about all of those Red-whiskered Bulbuls in Cages...  Such a shame really. These Bulbuls should Never be caged.  But humans are humans and they can be so inhuman!


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3 hours ago, tracker1 said:

And the turtles and eels ? apparently they haven't see that yet !

The Mrs reckons that they let the fish go "to give them life" otherwise they would be eaten hence the merit making. 

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3 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Its actually a false Merit Since you have to catch the bird then let it go

Go and find birds that have been in cages all their lives and let them go that is an honest merit 

And they starve to death in no time.


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As the birds are caught in the forest, my assumption is that they die of starvation in town when released. ( they are not homing pigeons) I believe that rumour is a cop-out.

The penalty which "could" be administered is for trapping the birds while 'those who engage in the practice will be unaffected"

This must obviously include sellers. Are the police supposed to patrol the forest looking for trappers? Surely if they were really intent on stopping this practice they would confiscate the birds to be released back in the wild and fine the sellers.

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

i feel sorry for all the birds locked up at the Wat here in Hua Hin.


i told my ex girlfriend you are releasing a bird to make merit that was captured so you could release it to make merit. so where is the good in that? so why do it?


but besides from this lapse of logic she is a wonderful person.

Your statement "lack of logic" seems to be a very normal thing with most all Thais.

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From what I've seen the birds fly around to the back of the temple and go back in a cage.

The rural area where I live they use tame birds in a cage to call in wild ones. Those ones are imprisoned for the rest of their lives. What's the penalty for that I wonder?

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In my hometown of Nakhon Pathom I see two elderly Thai ladies selling birds every day.

One is at the gates to Phra Pathom Chedi temple, in the centre of town while the other is just out of town a little on the side of a street adjacent to another Wat...

I've passed them almost daily for the last 5 years and they've always been there like part of the furniture.

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Don't Brits still keep canaries and budgies? I let our budgie fly out of the window when a lad because I felt it should be free. My dad gave me a good hiding. The cat was p-ssed, too.

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

Yup it's very cruel to put small birds in cages...but it's no ploblem to keep roosters in cages for the only reason to let them kill another rooster and bet on it.


I was somewhat gobsmacked to see cockfighting shown on TV on a Saturday afternoon. 

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Used to be quite common on the beach in Pattaya to see some farangs paying money to release the birds. Whether its birds, elephants, dancing bears or whatever a lot of this wouldn't take place if there were no paying customers. 

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