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Shock UK exit poll suggests Britain's May fails to win majority


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51 minutes ago, GuiseppeD said:

A second Brexit vote?  Give me a break.


Will probably be a bigger margin than the first time.  Don't confuse today's result with that of Brexit.



Back in the real world a second referendum would return a decisive remain vote.  However it isn't going to happen and the best we can hope for is a Norwegian type deal.

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You clearly were not watching


The Labour manifesto was fully costed


The Cons didn't bother


Fully costed?


That phrase is questionable regarding Labours manifesto.


Can't cost when the country is skint, McDonnell's magic money tree consisted of bonds and borrowing will resolve all the country's issues.


Oh hold on, wait a minute...



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2 minutes ago, citybiker said:


They had the opportunity the first time.

Tough luck they didn't bother...

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You are right and that is why they came out this time and crashed the Tories.  Too late to stop Brexit but it certainly stops May's stupid "hard" one.

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Back in the real world a second referendum would return a decisive remain vote.  However it isn't going to happen and the best we can hope for is a Norwegian type deal.

Unfortunately, the real world still has in denial remainers.

The rest of us move on..

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I keep reading here on TV that LABOUR have done well, while the CONSERVATIVES have had a bad election. This I cannot disagree with.

However how has the Conservative vote held up, compared with a slightly lower turnout in 2015, when they obtained 11,330,00 votes.

I have tried to find the answer on goggle without success. 

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You are right and that is why they came out this time and crashed the Tories.  Too late to stop Brexit but it certainly stops May's stupid "hard" one.

At no time did I hear PMTM mention a hard Brexit, much like falling off the cliff was never mentioned.

Too much media drivel & tripe, and stupid talk from anti Brexit and Labour Socialists dinosaurs wanting to take the UK back to the 70's. Also, the Tories didn't crash in Scotland they gave the SNP a bloody nose.

Well done Ruth Davidson.

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I keep reading here on TV that LABOUR have done well, while the CONSERVATIVES have had a bad election. This I cannot disagree with.

Before the election the Conservatives had a majority and the labour party was in disarray. Now they don't have a majority and labour has made significant gains.  Not hard to get is it?

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Before the election the Conservatives had a majority and the labour party was in disarray. Now they don't have a majority and labour has made significant gains.  Not hard to get is it?

Labour made gains and lost, the Tories lost ground but won, it is not too difficult?

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I keep reading here on TV that LABOUR have done well, while the CONSERVATIVES have had a bad election. This I cannot disagree with.
However how has the Conservative vote held up, compared with a slightly lower turnout in 2015, when they obtained 11,330,00 votes.
I have tried to find the answer on goggle without success. 


Does this help?

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8 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well he's definitely prepared to spend the money. Yet, I wonder where the monies going to come from? Is he going to raise tax, or more likely borrow the money,for future generations to pay back.

I can also remember him on about ex pats in Thailand and elsewhere, saying we should all get the yearly increase across the board equally, but i would imagine that's been shelved now or forgotten!

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33 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Unfortunately, the real world still has in denial remainers.

The rest of us move on..

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DUP leader rejecting hard brexit and desiring that the UK stay in the single market ... whilst you moved on so did everyone else ... funny how no one ever believes that what is done can be undone?

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49 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Unfortunately, the real world still has in denial remainers.

The rest of us move on..

So when May said "I am calling this election to get a strong mandate from the people for Brexit" that was moving on?

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9 hours ago, Grouse said:

Great result, could hardly be better


NI voted remain so I think a "conservative and unionist" government would retain the customs union and single market.


May was useless. Obviously needs some help as she is clearly uncomfortable with people generally.


I expect May to walk immediately


Then you will be disappointed, as she is staying..

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22 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


DUP leader rejecting hard brexit and desiring that the UK stay in the single market ... whilst you moved on so did everyone else ... funny how no one ever believes that what is done can be undone?

Both parties who gained the most votes in the election clearly stated that they supported Brexit.  Why do you think that the people who voted for those parties can now be ignored.

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50 minutes ago, vogie said:

Without the need for a belt, my trousers would fall down.

Try a kilt :smile:


48 minutes ago, vogie said:

Labour made gains and lost, the Tories lost ground but won, it is not too difficult?

And today the Tories have had to go cap in hand to the RUD (yes the  RUD) and ask them for help in forming a government.  Call that a win!

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Bloody hell.......reading the news and all these posts.....seems the UK is more polarized than Thailand !!


Glad I did my own Brexit  15 years ago when the pound was not yet bog paper .


Poor old UK.....it can only get worse.  Still....on the good side....at least when it hits rock bottom immigration will cease to be an issue.

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8 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Both parties who gained the most votes in the election clearly stated that they supported Brexit.  Why do you think that the people who voted for those parties can now be ignored.

True enough people voted for Brexit. Unfortunately they didn't know what kind of Brexit it was going to be.  In fact not many knew what Brexit involved at all.  Now they are starting to realise!

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Try a kilt :smile:


And today the Tories have had to go cap in hand to the RUD (yes the  RUD) and ask them for help in forming a government.  Call that a win!

It's a bigger win than Labour got, the point being I am not rejoicing about it, it was dissapointing. But Labour supporters seem ecstatic about losing.

And sometimes I do wear a kilt when in the Highlands, a sheep can hear a zipper from miles away.

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  1 hour ago, Grouse said:
You clearly were not watching

The Labour manifesto was fully costed

The Cons didn't bother


Fully costed?

That phrase is questionable regarding Labours manifesto.

Can't cost when the country is skint, McDonnell's magic money tree consisted of bonds and borrowing will resolve all the country's issues.

Oh hold on, wait a minute...




Surely Dianne Abbott explained exactly how the additional 20000 police were going to be financed?  84 million, oh no, 240 million, hold on 284 million etc etc  over 1 year, or was it 4 years or ...........    Labour has an undeniable record of spending other peoples' money, sometimes on commendable projects,  but often not.  The only certain thing is that someone has to pay for them.


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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

The rest of the EU have no tuition fees. Why only the English??

Don't know for sure about other countries, but for sure the Dutch have tuition fees. And I think also the/most other EU countries have fees.

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

It's a bigger win than Labour got, the point being I am not rejoicing about it, it was dissapointing. But Labour supporters seem ecstatic about losing.

And sometimes I do wear a kilt when in the Highlands, a sheep can hear a zipper from miles away.

I agree about the labour supporters but I think part of it is the way they picked up votes when many thought this election would be the death nail for them. 


Anyway it's my wedding anniversary today and I have to take my wife out to dinner tonight so I will retire from the fray for now.

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14 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Both parties who gained the most votes in the election clearly stated that they supported Brexit.  Why do you think that the people who voted for those parties can now be ignored.

May asked for a mandate for "no deal is better than a bad deal", in other words "hard Brexit". That was totally rejected she has no such mandate. The people who can no longer be ignored are the 48% and those young people who failed to vote in the referendum, but showed up this time. We're heading for soft Brexit ... or perhaps none at all. Corbyn wanted to stay in the single market and customs union, only possible with a compromise on free movement ... some of the 52% voted for Corbyn knowing that. 

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