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Shock UK exit poll suggests Britain's May fails to win majority


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2 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I think you've git the nail on the head wrt the Conservative manifesto: it was deliberate political suicide. Can anyone think of one single major domestic policy put forward by them during the election campaign that was a clear vote winner? The Tories threw this general election quite deliberately.

.....and We. Are. Off. to the races with the tin foil explanations :neus::w00t::cheesy::biggrin:

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1 minute ago, Ricardo said:


He certainly seems to have won the student-vote, but will they remain loyal to him, once the realise that they still have to pay their tuition-fees again this autumn, despite his promises ?


And as an aside, if Labour fully-costed their manifesto, how come they could extend the no-tuition-fees promise as they did, after the manifesto had been published ? Smoke & mirrors, IMO.

print money!

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21 minutes ago, vogie said:

I don't think that Brexit had anything to do with Mays terrible election debacle, it was all down to her suicide manifesto, Corbyn was offering wine and roses, whilst May was offering a pig in a poke, whoever let her put that manifesto to the British electorate needs their heads examining, a child of 10 could have seen it was a recipe for disaster. 


The mistakes made by this woman have been amateurish and one has to speculate if she was deliberately trying to lose.


Did she really pin all her hopes on "negotiations are 12 days away and you need someone who has been involved from the start to conduct them"?

Because that's all I heard.


Can brexit be called off because of these developments?





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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


The mistakes made by this woman have been amateurish and one has to speculate if she was deliberately trying to lose.


Did she really pin all her hopes on "negotiations are 12 days away and you need someone who has been involved from the start to conduct them"?

Because that's all I heard.


Can brexit be called off because of these developments?





I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but I think that the thought of the Conservatives trying to lose is a bit far fetched. She appears to have lost all the credibility she ever had anyway and must and will go, but when?

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20 hours ago, AlexRich said:


I suspect it will be the vote of young people and those ignored by May, those that voted Remain. The problem with a DUP coalition is that it gives you a small minority, and within the Tory party there are many who don't support this 'hard Brexit' agenda ... and they won't make May's life easy. She's toast.

Having watched May in the aftermath of the terrorist incidents, I would say she turned people off. Certainly did me.

I don't know much about Labour's policies, except it inevitably involves giving other people's money to the undeserving.

I don't envy the British in the present situation-a ruling party that can't get much done, slowly continuing the decline of the British Empire into insignificance. Such has been the fate of empires throughout man's history.


I found this rather appropriate poem on Wikipedia


Horace Smith's "Ozymandias"

In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone,
Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws
The only shadow that the Desert knows:—
"I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone,
"The King of Kings; this mighty City shows
"The wonders of my hand."— The City's gone,—
Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose
The site of this forgotten Babylon.

We wonder,—and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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1 minute ago, AGareth2 said:

underestimated Corbyn's ability to campaign

Strategy was sooooooo wrong


There was a huge campaign by both Labour and the media for young people to register and vote. When the voter patterns come out, this will be shown to be the game changer.


On an anecdotal note, I gave a temporary work contract to a young guy (30yo) who hurt the rest of his team's ears and intimidated them with his foul-mouthed rants about getting of the Tories and everyone should register to vote to do so. He was a typical young Labour supporter: facial piercings and unorthodox hair. I had to terminate his contract early because he was scaring the client's staff amongst other transgressions such as swinging the lead at every opportunity.

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52 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

Neil Kinnock achieved 263 seats and resigned

Jeremy Corbyn got 262 and claimed victory


Don't expect any politicians to do the right thing anymore. It's all about holding onto the illusion of power, and sod honour and integrity.

May will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

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28 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

.....and We. Are. Off. to the races with the tin foil explanations :neus::w00t::cheesy::biggrin:


By the way, folks, the quoted poster has spent most of the last year tieing falls in the value of Sterling with any news which could even slightly be linked to a hard brexit. Sterling rose over the last couple of months when it looked like we would have a five year government committed to hardline negotiations/hard brexit. And it's fallen again rapidly since the general election re-introduced the distinct possibility of soft/no brexit. Looks to me like the quoted poster's tin foil hat needs some serious tweaks and adjustments :laugh:.

Edited by Khun Han
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29 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

Corbyn did very well

but can he expand his voter base?

Hope not. Didn't Wilson show up the Labour movement for the farce it is. Then of course there was the Blair/ Brown debacle.

Pity the Tories are such an unattractive alternative.

What is it about "democracy" that it seems to always end up choosing between the hopeless and the horrible?

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22 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The mistakes made by this woman have been amateurish and one has to speculate if she was deliberately trying to lose.


Did she really pin all her hopes on "negotiations are 12 days away and you need someone who has been involved from the start to conduct them"?

Because that's all I heard.


Can brexit be called off because of these developments?






It's patently obvious that she was deliberately trying to lose. We've now discovered that the UK doesn't run the UK. But how many of us have discovered this? That's the big worry: too many half-blind fools.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Having watched May in the aftermath of the terrorist incidents, I would say she turned people off. Certainly did me.

I don't know much about Labour's policies, except it inevitably involves giving other people's money to the undeserving.

I don't envy the British in the present situation-a ruling party that can't get much done, slowly continuing the decline of the British Empire into insignificance. Such has been the fate of empires throughout man's history.



The sun set on the British Empire decades ago. The subsequent one is expiring early under Trump.

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8 hours ago, citybiker said:


TM has made it clear to 'all' she is seeking the best deal for the UK.


Let's simplify this a little, there's an EU trade deficit which the EU want to continue as its individual 27 members have vested domestic interests to ensure the EU obtains a business focused deal. The German business federation has made it clear to Merkel to ensure this happens, the EU does not want to pi$$ off its other paying members.


However, TM also made it clear that if the EU even attempt to punish the UK (to deter others leaving basically) then she's quite prepared to walk away.


Lastly, I wouldn't class the EU divorce after 40+ yrs as 'minor' the EU were relying on the fact that the British usually vote the safe option 'fearing' change, the EU got so politicalised and interfering that it shot itself in the foot and the majority 17million voters said enough is enough.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


By 'minor', I mean technically not in the EU but pretty much tied to it ... single market, customs union, contributions, and free movement ... except no power to influence much going forward ... for hardcore leavers, a huge disappointment, and for hardcore remainers, a complete waste of time and resources. 


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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


It's patently obvious that she was deliberately trying to lose.

But why?


Is there any credible account of this angle? Sounds bloody insane if you ask me but who knows with these politicians….they are rotten to the core.


all back room deals and front row smiles with them

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

But why?


Is there any credible account of this angle? Sounds bloody insane if you ask me but who knows with these politicians….they are rotten to the core.


all back room deals and front row smiles with them


LOL ... May was trying to lose? Can anyone take that comment seriously?


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Just now, JHolmesJr said:


Is there any credible account of this angle? Sounds bloody insane if you ask me but who knows with these politicians….they are rotten to the core.


all back room deals and front row smiles with them


It won't be news JHJ. But you just have to look at the picture of events. Tories offering negative, vote-losing proposals against Labour offering free beer for everybody (cue the forum's pedants).

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

I would have thought it was May's Cabinet that came up with/approved the manifesto?

I think she pretty much did it on her own, together with her two lackeys ... one of whom slipped in the 'dementia tax' commitment.


For May this should have been the easiest election ... don't put anything other than neutral anodyne policies into the manifesto, do a few TV debates, talk about needing a strong hand to get a great deal ... and you are home and dry, 


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3 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


It won't be news JHJ. But you just have to look at the picture of events. Tories offering negative, vote-losing proposals against Labour offering free beer for everybody (cue the forum's pedants).

I got free beer as a student under a Labour government and I can tell you I have developed quite a taste for it, so what is your point?

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