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Report ranking Thailand a dangerous country to visit is based on outdated information: Foreign Ministry

Jonathan Fairfield

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And so says Foreign Ministry spokesperson Busadee Santipitaks with his grandiloquence of the tourism wonders of Thailand.
1.Like the natural wonders of Pattaya for family entertainment.
2.Tourist services offering buses which crash daily.
3.The unmanned immigration counters at international airports.
4.Tourist rip off prices as compared to local's prices. And the taxis in Pattaya and Phuket which refuse to turn on the meters. All big significant improvements.
Everything in Thailand has improved since the military junta took over. Even corruption, incompetency, censorship  and injustice.

And don't forget the two tier pricing system farangs pay 20 times more for entrance fees then the locals.
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I have no real feeling of being unsafe here compared to my hometown Gouda where the imported minority succeeded in destroying safety.
However, instead of this reaction from authorities it would have been better to try to better the situation.

Come on man Gouda compared to Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok, etc. etc. Is a kindergarten.
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These people just refuse to take there heads out of the sand!

It is dangerous here.....expats have to take precautions everywhere they go......not saying it's much different from many places, but Thailand can be and is, deadly for the most minor reason!

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Sure would would like to see country's stats on how many of their nationalities die in thailand every year...read over 100 every year for Australians. That's one every 4 days...


would love to see standardized data comparing to first and third world rankings...


until thai officials accept the dangers, no problem solving will be done...


my guess right now is Thai officials would deny that Thai roads are dangerous...only a few mishaps...

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17 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

If it is not dangerous, why are they forcing everyone to get insurance then?

Next they will require "police insurance "  .     Tea money is paid from it In case you need the police to do their job during your visit

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Driving in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam is far more dangerous. But driving is Thailand is quite dangerous without any doubt.  In terms of violent crimes Thailand much safer than US for sure.

Edited by RBOP
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What a bunch of #$%t. Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries to visit. It's at the top of the list for most dangerous when it comes to motor-vehicle safety. So considering a huge % of tourists have to use this mode of transportation already trumps most other countries. Everyday a bus overturns or crashes killing 10-30 people. 

The ranking would be even higher if sources were able to gather all information. Updated information is hard to come by as Thai authorities censor and cover up the real real data/information saving there faces to draw people to the country by any means necessary. And of course the authorities come out to challenge the news. Who are the biggest criminals in the country. I think we all know. Imagine what the countries real rankings would be in all areas if the rest of the world could see the whole truth. It's good that the modern age of technology is making it more and more difficult for the Thai government to bury the enormous amount of baggage thy carry.

The days of face are slowly drawing to an end my friends........

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34 minutes ago, Dibbler said:

Agreed the report is based on outdated information. Thailand is now in the top 5 most dangerous countries in the world, and climbing...

All they have is outdated information to go by. All of the current and up to date data is buried or censored. 

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moan moan moan, but not leaving the place you slate so much!


the majority of tourist deaths involve alcohol, don't blame that... just the country.

the driving is bad for sure,   Thai and burmese etc have the excuse that driving tests are not compulsory but the farangs don't and i see it everyday from all nationalities.




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26 minutes ago, RBOP said:

Driving in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam is far more dangerous. But driving is Thailand is quite dangerous without any doubt.  In terms of violent crimes Thailand much safer than US for sure.

No it's not. Look at the stats. Thailand is number 1-2 on the list. Next to countries no ones heard of.

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1 minute ago, frank83628 said:

moan moan moan, but not leaving the place you slate so much!


the majority of tourist deaths involve alcohol, don't blame that... just the country.

the driving is bad for sure,   Thai and burmese etc have the excuse that driving tests are not compulsory but the farangs don't and i see it everyday from all nationalities.




What. How many buses crash or overturn everyday? and I'm pretty sure driving tests are compulsory. I'm not moaning, I'm just saying it like it is. What; you can't handle the truth? enjoy your stay as long as you can. Too bad you'll never be a citizen.......

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Hmmmm .... having lived in a neighbouring Country for 25 years now and have popped in and out of Thailand on more than just a few occasions over the years, not to mention news reports and especially here at Thai Visa, there is no doubt in my mind that the Country has become more dangerous ... why have they got the Junka running the Country now ? Because they took over due to the amount of violence between parties ... and now maybe the streets are a little quieter on the surface, but secretive bombing raids have taken over ! Among the worlds worst accident rates ... robberies, rapes, fights, gangs beating up disabled people, not to mention the dreadful kick in the head that lady from the UK received during Song Kran last year in Hua Hin ... maybe it boils down to the excellent updated news service that Thaivisa now gives, either way,  the general scene in Thailand can be pretty violent, which I didn't see many years ago !

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1 minute ago, British Bulldog said:

Hmmmm .... having lived in a neighbouring Country for 25 years now and have popped in and out of Thailand on more than just a few occasions over the years, not to mention news reports and especially here at Thai Visa, there is no doubt in my mind that the Country has become more dangerous ... why have they got the Junka running the Country now ? Because they took over due to the amount of violence between parties ... and now maybe the streets are a little quieter on the surface, but secretive bombing raids have taken over ! Among the worlds worst accident rates ... robberies, rapes, fights, gangs beating up disabled people, not to mention the dreadful kick in the head that lady from the UK received during Song Kran last year in Hua Hin ... maybe it boils down to the excellent updated news service that Thaivisa now gives, either way,  the general scene in Thailand can be pretty violent, which I didn't see many years ago !

I  lived here for 12 years. I absolutely agree. Thailand has grown more violent each year. Especially over the last 5 years or so. 

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19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Should have stated one of the top 10 most dangerous !


19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Should have stated one of the top 10 most dangerous !

Yes could not agree more ? Why are they on about they are the ones who organised a violent coup  

And hes the minister crying old sartistics wrong out dated  ! its got worse ! They all should go look into a mirror ! Boo who " its me and my milatary jaunta the world is talking about statistically it has got worse ! Since 2014 jaunta violent coup .

Edited by Mad mick
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hmmmm.......from my recent experience in Thailand and recent news  on  Thaivisa I suggest this would be current information.....and the only thing outdated is the thai perspective(as usual)

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Most dangerous if you ride a motorcycle, I would agree.  The number of people from about 8 years old up not wearing crash helmets and driving with no license or insurance is down to very bad policing, and no real punishment.  As a farang living here permanently, I feel completely safe, far safer than in my hometown, Oxford in the UK. at night.

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