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I have to login every 15-30 minutes again.


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3 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

I am assuming that maintenance is still on-going or do I have a unique problem?

That is different than what is being discussed on this topic.

I have had the same problem signing into the app. Techdoctor is working on it but it may take a while since it appears to be a Invision or tapatalk problem.

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11 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

That is different than what is being discussed on this topic.

I have had the same problem signing into the app. Techdoctor is working on it but it may take a while since it appears to be a Invision or tapatalk problem.

Sorry Joe, I found it relevant in that the problem only started (for me anyway) after the update to fix the other issue was installed. It was really information only; the more TD has, the more he has to work with.

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Just now, chrisinth said:

Sorry Joe, I found it relevant in that the problem only started (for me anyway) after the update to fix the other issue was installed. It was really information only; the more TD has, the more he has to work with.

I was checking to see if I could go on the app and reported it it. The first time it was a different fail message than you posted. After he finished installing a plugin is when I got the same message a you are getting.

If you have other problems with the app do a post in the app support forum please.

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37 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

I was checking to see if I could go on the app and reported it it. The first time it was a different fail message than you posted. After he finished installing a plugin is when I got the same message a you are getting.

If you have other problems with the app do a post in the app support forum please.


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1 hour ago, Tech Doctor said:



Yes it was designed too



Cheers TD, seems to have worked here as well. Have been logged in all day on this machine....................:smile:

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22 minutes ago, RichCor said:



That's what came with the latest update from the commercial forum.  Sad.  

Oh God, Donald Trump who closes a lot of his Twitter posts with "Sad" must have signed an Executive Order requiring this update.  Twitter Boy is getting his little fingers into everything.  Sad.  


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On 7/31/2017 at 5:42 PM, chrisinth said:

Cheers TD, seems to have worked here as well. Have been logged in all day on this machine....................:smile:

I get booted off every 30 minutes or so using Edge.

Using Chrome now with no problems.

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What does the new ThaiVisa setting 'recently used devices'  in [mention=146535]RichCor[/mention]
How exactly did you get to it?

In the web version, click on your username in the top right, then click on account settings and there it is listed
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22 minutes ago, Jai Dee said:

How exactly did you get to it?

I found it by clicking account settings on the drop down menu you get by clicking your username at the top of the page.

It shows all my logins since the upgrade including Chrome on my android phablet.

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14 hours ago, RichCor said:

What does the new ThaiVisa setting 'recently used devices'  in forum/settings/devices say about your browser types. Have you tried deleting and letting it recreate the security token?




The information in this= "Recently Used Devices" screen can be very inaccurate.  


When seeing your post I went to this area and saw that I was logged on about 5 times, to include places not even close to me.  Like I live in/logon from Bangkok but I was also showing very recent logons (in fact still logged on) using Windows Chrome ver 46.XX.XX.XXX (old versions) in Changwat (province) Surat Thani which is way down south in Thailand.....long way from Bangkok.   Plus, my Windows computers are running Chrome Ver 60.xxx.xxx;  not ver 46.xxx.xxx 


And although I have have/use the ThaiVisa Android app on two of my Android devices all the time and I stay logged in, only one Android device was showing (the screen says/shows Android) and in was showing a Windows Chrome ver of 59.xxx.xxxx like I was logged on from a Windows device.  But the Android version of the ThaiVisa app I have installed and use all the time ver 5.3.61.  But the standalone Chrome browser on my Android device is ver 59.xxx.xxx...but I rarely the Chrome browser to access ThaiVisa because I use the Android app instead.


So I get concerned, clicked Signout on that screen of devices which don't appear to be mine based on Chrome version number and location from where I'm logged on....and then I change my password.


I now do some more testing....like ensuring I logged out of every device except my Windows computer....and above screen only shows the Windows computer as logged on and accurately reports it's location here in Bangkok.  I then turn on my two Android devices, log into ThaiVisa using the ThaiVisa app and now above screen reports I'm logging on from Surat Thani (way down south) versus Bangkok and it shows it's a Windows device logon using Chrome ver 46.XXX.XXX.  


I sign out again from these Android devices (remember I'm in Bangkok)....above screen then shows they are logged off.   I log on again from these devices and within a few seconds of my logons these devices show logged in but as Windows devices running Chrome ver 46.XXXX.XXXX and I'm in Surat Thani (way down in southern Thailand).   And no I'm not using a VPN....just a DTAC 3G connection here in Bangkok for my Android devices.  For my Windows computers I'm using AIS Fibre.


Now there is a note in above screen that says inaccurate results may reflect on the screen, but when I say Android devices being reflected as Windows devices, version numbers not even close, and logon locations not close, and since I had changed my password, I now felt a lot better.  


I felt better because I knew my new password had not be comprised (or the old password either) and someone else was not using my account.  The problem was the above screen was just reporting inaccurate type of devices being used along with inaccurate app versions and inaccurate logon locations when using my Android devices on DTAC 3G.  But for my Windows computer on AIS Fibre it was reporting correctly.


So, take above screen with a BIG GRAIN OF SALT in terms of accuracy, especially on mobile connections.



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3 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

I can't seem to find that @RichCor

How exactly did you get to it?

The menu choice is supposed to appear under Settings: Account Settings of the Control Panel.


My Account Settings didn't display the option the first time I opened, and only updated the available left-hand menu selections after I chose 'password'. This odd menu rendering is the reason I included the ThaiVisa direct link in my original post. 



2 hours ago, Pib said:

The information in this= "Recently Used Devices" screen can be very inaccurate.



The problem was the ... screen was just reporting inaccurate type of devices being used along with inaccurate app versions and inaccurate logon locations when using my Android devices on DTAC 3G.  But for my Windows computer on AIS Fibre it was reporting correctly.


So, take above screen with a BIG GRAIN OF SALT in terms of accuracy, especially on mobile connections.

Yea, unless the location database being used is GPS-location based the information will only be as accurate as the ISP/Telco has reported when they originally took on the block of IP addresses. Since Mobile Carriers utilize CG-NAT along with a deep pool of private IP addresses associated to one of several NAT/Proxy routers that 'physical location' I don't know how that can ever be accurate.


The information is really about the associated login security token currently in play.

Though, IPS should be asked why the device and browser types aren't reporting accurately. That's not good.


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And it more than inaccurate location reporting, it reports a Windows device is logged on when in fact it's an Android device.   That was what drove immediate concern for me in the number of Windows devices logged on along with reporting a old version of Chrome being used.    About 99% of the time I only have one Windows computer turned on; the 2nd Windows computer just gets turned on every two weeks or so for updates....and it definitely ain't running any really old version of Chrome like Ver 46.XXX because it's running Ver 60.XXX like my other Windows computer.     


And my Android devices are running Chrome Ver 59.XXX.  But further testing and what I suspected in my earlier post but had to go do a honey-do item before I could confirm, was although I use the ThaiVisa Android app Ver 5.x on my Android devices it may be using Chrome in a round-about way to work and ThaiVisa website logs Chrome as the app being used, but reports the wrong version and also misreports it as a Windows device instead of an Android device.



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For giggles I just downloaded and installed an Android version of ThaiVisa.


There are THREE versions of ThaiVisa Connect on Google Play. O

The free & paid version of ThaiVisa Connect by 'ThaiVisa Expat Group' was last updated February 12, 2015

The latest free version of ThaiVisa Connect by 'Tessanet Limited' was last updated April 14, 2017


So downloaded each.  The older ThaiVisa Connect appears in 'Devices' as FIREFOX  :shock1:

The newer ThaiVisa Connect appears as Chrome 46.0.2490.86 (the embedded android mobile version)





Yea, it still needs some work by the developer. 

Edited by RichCor
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Yea, it definitely needs some work because it may not accurately report type of device, version of app, and location although location is somewhat out of the app's control.   All of this can make a person think they have been hacked....others using their logon credentials....when in fact you have not been hacked.


Last night seeing all these inaccuracies in the "Recently Used Devices" area of ThaiVisa sure put a short-term scare in me that maybe some one had hacked my account....but no, as changing my password and further testing relieved that concern.  

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Wow thanks for the heads up about recently used devices. 


It seems I have acquired an iPhone and use Safari :partytime2:, and to boot I have gone back to  Firefox which I seem to be logging in with every 2 hours. Does this mean I have been phished?  Or should I put up a lost iPhone ad for my unseen phone. :shock1: 

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