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I have to login every 15-30 minutes again.


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1 hour ago, Chang_paarp said:

Hellooo  Helloooo


Is there anyone out there?


It is a lot like an empty room here, or rather some department stores,  the only ones that can be seen or heard are the customers.


It would be nice to hear from someone to acknowledge they have heard our issue and someone is looking at it. 

It's the new customer support concept of: customers solve their own problems (even if the problem is not on the customer's end).   This concept frees up tech support to post more ads.


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Funny, I use Roboform (password manager for those that haven't heard of it) and when logging into TV (only TV), it will open the home page but will still require a wait of 15-20 seconds before it allows a sign in. This is new, as with all other sites it is almost instant login, as it used to be with TV.


Chrome is my default browser but it is the same with IE. I would surmise that something has changed on the TV site, perhaps to increase the login numbers? Even though technically I login every time with Roboform, as I will never allow a browser or system to retain passwords if I can help it.


Annoying to say the least.

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It's probably the site's owner punishing you for not generating your share of ad revenue.


Still gotta wonder if there's some commonality between the affected users.

Maybe some browser extensions? Cookie tokens not being updated, or corrupted on creation? 

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12 hours ago, RichCor said:

It's probably the site's owner punishing you for not generating your share of ad revenue.


Still gotta wonder if there's some commonality between the affected users.

Maybe some browser extensions? Cookie tokens not being updated, or corrupted on creation? 


It is true, there does not seem to be a discernible pattern so far that could give a software technician an idea where to start looking for a possible bug in the code that might be the cause of some users being logged out but not others.

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54 minutes ago, Maestro said:


It is true, there does not seem to be a discernible pattern so far that could give a software technician an idea where to start looking for a possible bug in the code that might be the cause of some users being logged out but not others.

Has the site added a 'dormant' policy where, if no action is detected it will log users out after xx minutes?


Just returned to my computer and was logged out again. There have been no changes to my browsers or system on this machine for quite a while now which would point me to ask if the site has made a change.


That and the lack of response from the tech side on this thread...............:sleep:

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59 minutes ago, Maestro said:


It is true, there does not seem to be a discernible pattern so far that could give a software technician an idea where to start looking for a possible bug in the code that might be the cause of some users being logged out but not others.


Is there any information we can provide that will help?


Can someone come here and ask us questions so they can look in the right area? We have an issue with an app we use for work that is looking like a telco issue more than a software issue. This was determined by software folk asking the folk complaining questions, ie engaging them to help find the issue.

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1 hour ago, Maestro said:

It is true, there does not seem to be a discernible pattern so far that could give a software technician an idea where to start looking for a possible bug in the code that might be the cause of some users being logged out but not others.

Supposedly, this is a known issue with the IPB Forum software provider and was scheduled to be addressed in the next software update.


But if a Mod can let the powers that be know it's been said there's a support 'patch' available. I traced back a Invision Community forum support topic thread, but I'm prevented from viewing it as I'm not a licensed user.


Staying logged in issue

Invision Community  |  By marklcfc, Tuesday at 04:04 AM



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57 minutes ago, VBF said:

@RichCor Well observed! I posted on the other thread that I believe it's the fact that you need to persistently keep the cookies to ensure you remain logged in. That's what I've done via CCleaner and I've not seen the problem. 

What do you think @Tech Doctor ?

If a user has something erasing the ThaiVisa Forum session cookies, (via the browser or external app like CCleaner), that will certainly have an impact on the site's ability to keep the user logged in, as the 'private security token' issued by the ThaiVisa Server must remain persistent in order for the site to identify the device and user wishing to remain logged in even after a browser session is terminated.


The issue that other members seem to be posting in this thread is different, in that the user can be actively using the site only to be required to login again 15-30 minutes later. It's as if the ThaiVisa Server isn't recognizing the security token, either because it was never stored or what was sent/stored is corrupted or being misinterpreted and not acknowledged. Only some users are being affected. 


Similar issues are being reported on other IBP-based forums and an update patch supposedly released by the forum software creators to correct the issue.

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On 7/14/2017 at 4:16 PM, Tech Doctor said:

Sorry i couldn't login..... ive raised a support ticket with invision to see if we can get the fixes or patches required.




Hi TD, any update to this issue?


I don't normally rabbit on about something I have commented on, especially something so trivial, but it is annoying.


My symptoms still remain as follows:


Unable to login immediately using Roboform; now directs me to the forum page asking for existing user to login, delay after the page loads of anything up to 15 seconds. Never did this before.


Auto logout of forum after xx minutes. Page will still display 'quote' link and open quote box but when trying to submit reply, won't do anything. Once the page is refreshed and the site logged back into, the 'reply' will show as being recovered and can then submit. Never did this this before.


When clicking on a link from the newsletter, it will direct you to the page but not logged in, this has to be done manually. Never did this before.


Using W10 Pro and either Chrome or IE (both acting the same). Cookies are not deleted daily (maybe once a month).


As mentioned earlier, an inquiry on a relatively trivial matter, just wondering if you had an update. As well as wondering if the problem is at this users end and not TV...................:smile:

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1 minute ago, Tech Doctor said:

I have the latest patch to apply this weekend, which should stop this issue. The issue stems from using multiple devices.



Hopefully that does the trick but whilst I have no wish to be negative TD, I must point out (FYI) that I have 2 Win 10 / Chrome systems AND an Android device all accessing TV and I've still never had the problem.  

I've literally just been reading TV on my Android device, and now booted up a PC and carried on right away with no need to log in. As I said hopefully the new fix WILL do the trick.

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1 hour ago, Tech Doctor said:

Same as me, however i do have a fixed ip at the office so all devices come from the same address etc. I am only going off what Invision have said the issue is.



With respect TD, I don't think that's relevant, and once again as an "FYI" that's interesting..... because..... when at home, all my devices present the same IP address to the Internet (the router's address) and individually are in the 192.168.x.y range however.....


  1. Because my ISP uses Dynamic addressing  if I reboot the router, its IP address changes. However, when it all comes up, I'm still logged in to TV - I had to reboot it only last week and can confirm that's the case,
  2. That even applies if the device is assigned a new address via DHCP albeit still within the 192.168.x.y range
  3. On Sunday I took my Android device to a friend's house. He uses a different ISP and obviously a completely different IP address. I actually took it to show him how to use TV on his iPad. I've also used it in Internet cafes and similar - still logged into TV in all cases.


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Software 'bugs' can be intermittent. They may affect all users, some users, or even a lone user ...all depending on existing conditions.


The users reporting the logoff issue haven't yet been asked what they all may have in common (existing conditions) that is contributing to the issue, in contrast to all the other users who are not experiencing the issue.


I'm assuming it's a security token issue stored in a cookie.  TechDoctor wrote, "The issue stems from using multiple devices."  So there's possibly a 'bug' in how the forum software handles users being concurrently logged in on multiple devices (or sessions). Again, since it doesn't affect ALL users who have concurrent login sessions running, some *other* contributing factor or existing condition is possibly at play. Users generally don't care, they just want the software to work as expected.


Hopefully it will all be resolved when TechDoctor applies the patch ...and crashes the system.

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I had that same problem on my Pc's and I also use Multiple Devices on the same subnet, but after applying "fix" for my PC's in post #13 https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/988865-i-have-to-login-every-15-30-minutes-again/?do=findComment&comment=12036983


Since then I did not have any problems anymore on my Pc's, but I have to say I never experienced that logout problem on any of my iPhones or iPads !

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9 minutes ago, MJCM said:

but after applying "fix" for my PC's in post #13 https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/988865-i-have-to-login-every-15-30-minutes-again/?do=findComment&comment=12036983


Since then I did not have any problems anymore on my Pc's

Since you cleared the cookies, that may have cleared an issue you were having. The edits to the http password probably weren't related. The real test would have been to reverse your edits, clear the cookies, and log back in and see if the initial problem you were having returned.   



The forum software asks the user to initially supply their member credentials (name/password) then issues them a unique 'session token' stored in an associated cookie that the forum software uses to authenticate the user for the duration of the session, allowing the user to remain 'logged in' while they open and close browser windows. If the cookie token is allowed to be 'persistent' it can then act as the security token that automatically authenticates the user for future visits without having to request the name/pass credentials. Security tokens are usually given a limited shelf life and expire after a given amount of time. 


It's probable that there's a 'bug' in how the forum software handles multiple device, multiple concurrent sessions and is loosing track of the security tokens.

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Since you cleared the cookies, that may have cleared an issue you were having. The edits to the http password probably weren't related. The real test would have been to reverse your edits, clear the cookies, and log back in and see if the initial problem you were having returned.   
The forum software asks the user to initially supply their member credentials (name/password) then issues them a unique 'session token' stored in an associated cookie that the forum software uses to authenticate the user for the duration of the session, allowing the user to remain 'logged in' while they open and close browser windows. If the cookie token is allowed to be 'persistent' it can then act as the security token that automatically authenticates the user for future visits without having to request the name/pass credentials. Security tokens are usually given a limited shelf life and expire after a given amount of time. 
It's probable that there's a 'bug' in how the forum software handles multiple device, multiple concurrent sessions and is loosing track of the security tokens.

I previously already did clear the cookies as I said in that post and that DIDN'T fix it, but I agree that my "fix" is debatable as why should something about http solve HTTPS problems, but in my cause it did (no reason why) ;)
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4 hours ago, RichCor said:



Software 'bugs' can be intermittent. They may affect all users, some users, or even a lone user ...all depending on existing conditions.


The users reporting the logoff issue haven't yet been asked what they all may have in common (existing conditions) that is contributing to the issue, in contrast to all the other users who are not experiencing the issue.


I'm assuming it's a security token issue stored in a cookie.  TechDoctor wrote, "The issue stems from using multiple devices."  So there's possibly a 'bug' in how the forum software handles users being concurrently logged in on multiple devices (or sessions). Again, since it doesn't affect ALL users who have concurrent login sessions running, some *other* contributing factor or existing condition is possibly at play. Users generally don't care, they just want the software to work as expected.


Hopefully it will all be resolved when TechDoctor applies the patch ...and crashes the system.

@RichCor I agree -  particularly with the comments I highlighted in red. - I worked in SW testing for a number of years, which is WHY I'm giving TD as much info as possible to pass to the Developers so that if the fix doesn't work for everyone, they will have a bit more data to work with.


With the number of users and combinations of OS / Browser there are out there, this sort of exercise can be very much a "needle in a haystack" affair and the more data one has to work with, the easier it becomes, don't you agree? As regards the cookies, i'm not 100% convinced because of other people's comments, however if you trawl this and the other thread about this issue where I had a conversation with @Maestro .......

...... it seems to me that one can delete cookies, then let the browser re-create them and that should (!) be the end of the problem. As you can see I effectively did that using CCleaner . So possibly cookies are a contributory factor but not, perhaps the entire issue. It is also notable that I can only re-create the issue by deleting those very cookies. Other than that I and several others haven't had the problem.


You did mention above that possibly a bug is causing the system to lose track of the security tokens but I don't believe that to be the case because if that were the case, I think more users would be affected and also, that would be more likely if we were using multiple- factor authentication.


In any event, we all hope the patch that TD is getting at the weekend works. I would personally like to know what the patch does.....but then I'm a nosy "geek"!

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@Tech Doctor In conversation with @Maestro on this problem but on another thread, I had a sudden thought.

Might I suggest you look at this post with particular reference to my comment in red regarding corrupted cookies


What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am assuming that maintenance is still on-going or do I have a unique problem?




Earlier this morning I was getting the Username & password fields showing for login (never happened before) but now only seeing this message. This is a Galaxy S5, fully updated, internet connection and receiving/sending emails. I have restarted the phone (in case there was something causing the problem from this end. Message displayed on Wi-Fi and package connection. Seems the update has affected how android signs in, at least for me, or the site is still down for maintenance?


I have connection (obviously) to TV on both laptop and PC, but still have the same login problems as before.


Edit: Or am I banned for something?........................:sad:

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