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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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Just now, bushdoctor said:

Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

That is fair, we won't have long to wait after all.

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10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

That is fair, we won't have long to wait after all.

That my friend depends on Americans. Unless you're a fortune teller you have no way of knowing. 

Edited by bushdoctor
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3 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

Because we are where we are, and we may not survive till the end of Trump's presidency?



*also, the survey uses data for various dates for which the latest data is available.

**and, other surveys of presidential approval ratings at THIS stage of their respective presidencies, ALSO show Trump at, or close to, bottom of the list when compared to the last few presidents. 


No no matter how you slice it, the only way Trump wins any approval ratings is if you only ask the people who already approve of him.

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15 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

Well it's been said already but surely we are nearing the end of the Trump presidency.  For the sake of the USA I really hope so.

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42 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Well it's been said already but surely we are nearing the end of the Trump presidency.  For the sake of the USA I really hope so.

And many of us hope he does a full 2 terms. These posts seem pointless for much other than ranting. 

Edited by bushdoctor
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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

You mean that we have to wait a few more months?

But don't worry, there is still enough popcorn.


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23 hours ago, Grubster said:

I don't believe that solar will make it very far anytime soon, I don't think it can keep up with the increase in demand much less cut into the present demand. Yes I believe that nuclear power has a chance to do a lot, but you have to get past the people that really don't want them. I am also unsure of the supply of fuel for nukes. The worlds demand for power is going to explode as third world countries develop,  I would bet the amount of cars in Thailand has doubled in ten years, and Thailand is not a third world country. I think the US will be on top of the changes but that won't benefit the working class much, they will be working to survive while the rich will continue to buy bigger and bigger yachts, ships, jets, rockets etc. They will be building their own islands also.

china is making massive investment into re newable energy.installing a soccer field of solar  per hour, staggering.

So China is making huge investments to rectify the problem, pumping US$102.9 billion into renewables in 2016, more than one third of the world total. The country now installs a soccer field's worth of solar panels every hour, and installed two wind turbines every hour across 2015.

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26 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

And many of us hope he does a full 2 terms. These posts seem pointless for much other than ranting. 

I agree that the posts get monotonous and I am as guilty as any of keeping on banging the drum.  But you must realise just how serious this is for the USA and how much damage Trump is doing.  If you really feel that he is doing a good job for America then you must stop burying your head in the sand and ask yourself why millions of people are criticizing what he is doing every single day.  There cannot be that many people in the world who are just blinkered democrats and there cannot be that amount of people (many millions for just about every country in the world) that condemn Trump without good reason.

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

Since the survey uses the END of Obama's presidency, then why not wait till the end of Trump's presidency to get an accurate picture? 

                             Because usually presidents are less popular at the end of their presidencies.  'the honeymoon is over' syndrome.  For that reason, the chart actually gives the advantage to Trump, because normally presidents have a higher popularity quotient at the start of their terms.  Trump is breaking trends.   He's wildly unpopular now (domestically and internationally), and it will only get worse for wear.   He's got nowhere to go but down.   He hasn't gained one fan since winning in November, while he's lost many.

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As an American citizen I don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the USA. No matter who is President most of the world dislikes the USA, and it matters not one bit. Suck it up, sucks to be "a has been world power" but don't fret we will be joining you all shortly. 

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53 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

And many of us hope he does a full 2 terms. These posts seem pointless for much other than ranting. 

                          Two full terms?   He already tells an average of one new lie per day.  Hoping for 2 full terms is hoping for about 600 additional lies from the Dufus in Chief.  ....and that's the least of it.  If Trump lasts 2 terms, hundreds more gov't workers will get rudely fired, while hundreds of top federal positions won't get filled. Trump and his family will get richer by renting out hotel rooms to visiting dignitaries (which is against the law).  One or more epidemics may break out which the US is not prepared to handle - Trump is drastically cutting back preparedness at CDC and NIH and other agencies which are charged to deal with such things.


                    National Parks will get properties taken away for mining and drilling.  Property owners along the Rio Grande will have their properties taken for Trump's Wall. Trump's kids will continue to get SS coverage costing tens of millions of $$'s while they prance around the world doing biz deals.   Trump will continue to spend half his waking hours lounging at his golf resorts, gazing admiringly at busts of himself.  ....and there's a better than 50-50 chance of the US jumping butt-first into a nuclear WWar.

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Just today's news of trump having his picture of a fake time magazine cover hanging in his golf courses is cringe worthy.  What a narcissistic asshat. It's nearly a daily occurrence ( trumps cabinet meeting praise fest for example)  I feel sorry for all normal Americans,   may this nightmare pass quickly!  

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Yet another biased anti-trump fake news story. But then again, if all you are fed by your media is libtard rhetoric, then many people will fall for it - until they see the truth.  Clearly this table below was not shown or discussed when talking about Obama - only how nice he looked and how smooth he sounded - which is all libtards care about. 


obama legacy.jpg

Edited by ELVIS123456
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5 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Yet another biased anti-trump fake news story. But then again, if all you are fed by your media is libtard rhetoric, then many people will fall for it - until they see the truth.  Clearly this table below was not shown or discussed when talking about Obama - only how nice he looked and how smooth he sounded - which is all libtards care about. 


obama legacy.jpg

Obama really has no excuse. It's not like he inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. That would have explained those charts.  But on the alternate Planet Earth you clearly hail from, that never happened. Let me tell you, here it was really really bad.

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18 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Yet another biased anti-trump fake news story. But then again, if all you are fed by your media is libtard rhetoric, then many people will fall for it - until they see the truth.  Clearly this table below was not shown or discussed when talking about Obama - only how nice he looked and how smooth he sounded - which is all libtards care about. 


obama legacy.jpg

Congratulations! Those are some great charts. 

If only you also understood that those charts tell a glorious story of how deep the Bush/Repubican recession was and how good a steward of the economy Obama turned out to be—all against the headwinds of relentless republican obstruction.


If all you know is how to post those charts and not read them, have someone explain them to you.


Anyway, thanks. I'll be able to use these next time I want to present a comprehensive defense of Obama and his exceptional achievements.



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34 minutes ago, Bung said:

Just today's news of trump having his picture of a fake time magazine cover hanging in his golf courses is cringe worthy.  What a narcissistic asshat. It's nearly a daily occurrence ( trumps cabinet meeting praise fest for example)  I feel sorry for all normal Americans,   may this nightmare pass quickly!  


The following excerpt shows how Trump takes cluelessness to a new level of "not having a clue":


In a January speech at the CIA's headquarters, [Trump] bragged about having more covers than anyone else, saying: "I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine."


The former mogul was mistaken. In 2014, Time noted that an earlier US president had appeared a whopping 55 times. [for the wrong reasons—he was under investigation!]


Mr Trump was informed of the error in March 2017.


"I think Richard Nixon still has you beat. But he was in office for longer, so give yourself time," a Time interviewer observed.


"OK good. I'm sure I'll win," the president replied.





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2 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Many of us think he wins in both counts. Point?

Point is he is a proven liar which means he is untrustworthy and his knowledge of international affairs seems dismal at best and you think a man like this should be president

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2 hours ago, Ahab said:

As an American citizen I don't care what the rest of the world thinks about the USA. No matter who is President most of the world dislikes the USA, and it matters not one bit. Suck it up, sucks to be "a has been world power" but don't fret we will be joining you all shortly. 

You already have. The EU and China are now looked at as the world powers for good. China especially is building infrastructure around the world to help countries while Americans just exploit.  

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12 minutes ago, pegman said:

You already have. The EU and China are now looked at as the world powers for good. China especially is building infrastructure around the world to help countries while Americans just exploit.  

                                Yes, China is building infrastructure, but it will be sad times if/when China is a top player on the world stage.   Its politburo is draconian.  I find fault with Trump, but at least the US has checks and balances to somewhat check some of the damage Trump plans to inflict on Americans and their natural environment.  


                              China's politburo doesn't have checks and balances.  It just has iron-fisted edicts, not a glimmer of free speech, and an abysmal justice system.  

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7 hours ago, mesquite said:

Why would we Americans be concerned with what other countries think of us? 


We determine our president and it is not a world wide popularity contest. 



As you should now have learned from the numerous replies, this attitude is so naïve it's amazing anyone would even ask the question.  No economy, population or country exists in a vacuum, with the possible exception of North Korea, and you see how well the isolationist strategy is doing there.  Is that supposed to be our model?  If not, then could you name a few countries that are (1) rigidly isolationist and (2) despite being isolationist, doing quite well as measured by their standard of living.

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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I agree that the posts get monotonous and I am as guilty as any of keeping on banging the drum.  But you must realise just how serious this is for the USA and how much damage Trump is doing.  If you really feel that he is doing a good job for America then you must stop burying your head in the sand and ask yourself why millions of people are criticizing what he is doing every single day.  There cannot be that many people in the world who are just blinkered democrats and there cannot be that amount of people (many millions for just about every country in the world) that condemn Trump without good reason.

Ask yourself why there are millions of people that see the good results from his actions and don't let fake news influence them? Another pointless post. 

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19 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

Ask yourself why there are millions of people that see the good results from his actions and don't let fake news influence them? Another pointless post. 


If you could just mention a few of Trump's actions that have delivered good results, that'd be neat, thanks.




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On 6/27/2017 at 5:46 PM, tonray said:

The image of the US has stayed the same around the world...it was, is now and always will be:



Get out from under that rock or are you just coming in from Mars?The U.S. will soon be economically playing second and third fiddle to China and India. It's a given. It can't compete with those countries on market size. The U.S. is done. 

Edited by Machiavelli
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