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Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Do you actually read what you write?  It's comical.  You're buying Trump's bull.  Why in freaks name would a drug dealer want to throw a bag of drugs over a wall onto a border patrol?  Does this make sense to you?

Yet it happens regularly, although they time it so that a border patrol agent isn't standing there with his head in the way. The wait for an opportunity. A simple quick easy google search would reveal this revelation to you. 

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


I am an EE by trade, and have been teaching physics & math (and some occasional chemistry when required) for the past 25 or so years.  But my criticisms don't need engineering or technical degrees to comprehend.  Any first year tech student who has fiddled around with PV cells knows this.  Hobbyists know this.  Anyone who has ever had a calculator powered by PV cells knows that if you tilt the thing just a bit this way or that, the cells stop receiving sufficient light input to be useful.


This is not rocket science.

There are businesses all over the United States using solar panels. Millions of private homes 

 use it. I've yet to see any that track. Is it really your claim that solar power is just no good? . 

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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Sorry Grubster,

my post was intended for this poster:


bushdoctor said:

The energy generated on the Mexican border could easily be sold to Mexico. Let me guess....another unwanted solution? 



"The energy generated on the Mexican border could easily be sold to Mexico"




" there would likely be a battle for the rights to buy the power from several states."


Just making stuff up again...

And you sound as sound as his continually morphing "plans"




Enjoy your Trolling. :thumbsup:

"Probably"? That's a great defense. The federal government would own the property through emenant domain. Here's one for you....a reasonable deal can "probably" be worked out if those involved are looking for a solution and not a problem. Your negativity and hatred for anything Trump related is obvious, despite whether it's a solution or not. 

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


I'll ask again since you didn't answer the first time.  What solutions have been presented beyond the 'talking about it' stage?  Is congress working on a bill?


What solutions (your pluralization) have actually been presented that "the left" isn't interested in?  And you know what?  "The left" is a minority in congress.  Trump and his team has a majority.  Legislation - sorry solutions should be sailing through congress with ease.

It would be great if all the worlds problems could be solved in 6 months wouldn't it? 

Looking for a solution or hoping for a problem? 

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13 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

There are businesses all over the United States using solar panels.

Millions of private homes use it.


All well and good.


But do you understand, (as explained to you before),

there was no money allocated for a wall.?


Take it up with your inept dear leader.


Are you impervious to facts?


Or, just Trolling?


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25 minutes ago, iReason said:


I agree.

But as I mistakenly wrote to you about this fool in the White House;

"Besides, he doesn't like windmills. Says they kill too many birds and are ugly."

That's what he thinks. (or, says given his Big Oil buddies)


It will never come close to happening as long as he is around.

And the the dinosaurs of Big Oil will fight it tooth and nail. Both industries.


Safe to say, this inept fool occupying the White House, doesn't have a progressive bone in his body...


But, my answer in the above post was regarding information I had already shown that poster who kept on with his gibberish;

Money was not, and will not be allocated for a "wall".

Solar, or otherwise in the current budget.




On one hand you say Trump doesn't like windmills because he favors oil companies, while on the other you bash solar power and say it's not infrastructure because Trump is the one proposing it...despite it not helping oil companies.  Nice one buddy??

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5 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

On one hand you say he Trump doesn't like windmills because he favors oil companies, while on the other you bash solar power and say it's not infrastructure. When Trump proposes it despite it not helping oil companies.  Nice one buddy.

"while on the other you bash solar power"


Just making stuff up.



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Trump or no Trump. You bashers forget the US is one of the few democracies in the world. Trump is not a dictator, he doesn't run the country, that's our constitution. The world votes confidence with money and every day our stock market reaches new highs. We won wars and did not subjugate our enemies, rather we rebuilt their countries. Our STEM industries are the envy of the world. The 1% of world send their children to our schools and most of them want to then be employed in the US. People risk death and prison for a chance to stay the US. Not perfect, however, the land of the freedom to seek opportunity. We also have free speech, so bash on. You bet ya, for you US Expats, you can also have a Plan B to Repatriate back to the US. And, you most likely without much effort can also take your Thai Wife and family 

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3 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

Trump or no Trump. You bashers forget the US is one of the few democracies in the world. Trump is not a dictator, he doesn't run the country, that's our constitution. The world votes confidence with money and every day our stock market reaches new highs. We won wars and did not subjugate our enemies, rather we rebuilt their countries. Our STEM industries are the envy of the world. The 1% of world send their children to our schools and most of them want to then be employed in the US. People risk death and prison for a chance to stay the US. Not perfect, however, the land of the freedom to seek opportunity. We also have free speech, so bash on. You bet ya, for you US Expats, you can also have a Plan B to Repatriate back to the US. And, you most likely without much effort can also take your Thai Wife and family 

but not a true democracy not 1 vote per person as you have the electoral college so don't boast about democracy. if any country can boast it's India with all the corruption, remote villagers etc but having been through 3 elections there I will say they try really hard.

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9 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

We won wars and did not subjugate our enemies

You stayed on the fence till it was forced on you. Vietnam, Ho Chi Min really wanted a socialist country where all people were looked after and what did you, fk up. McCarthyism. the worst thing that happened in your history, worse than Bush & Blair. The US has done so much good for the world in the past but it's disappearing up it's own behind now and your president is pissing off the likes of Elon Musk, imagine him taking his vision to China or Russia. Unlikely but who knows in the future.   

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36 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

Trump or no Trump. You bashers forget the US is one of the few democracies in the world. Trump is not a dictator, he doesn't run the country, that's our constitution. The world votes confidence with money and every day our stock market reaches new highs. We won wars and did not subjugate our enemies, rather we rebuilt their countries. Our STEM industries are the envy of the world. The 1% of world send their children to our schools and most of them want to then be employed in the US. People risk death and prison for a chance to stay the US. Not perfect, however, the land of the freedom to seek opportunity. We also have free speech, so bash on. You bet ya, for you US Expats, you can also have a Plan B to Repatriate back to the US. And, you most likely without much effort can also take your Thai Wife and family 

First of all it is TOTALLY FALSE that there are only a few democracies in the world.

I suppose that many Americans ignorantly believe that. As trump would say -- SAD.

The USA is rated 21st in the world in this democracy index and labeled a FLAWED DEMOCRACY.

Not number one. Not America first. 21st.

Not very impressive at all, I would say. 

I agree trump is not a dictator but he's behaving as if he WANTS to be a dictator, and that's dangerous.

People risk death and prison to try to migrate to a number of countries, and yes, the USA is one of them. 

What I find depressing about the macho narrow minded America-centric POV you expressed is that it closes off the USA from learning from other countries that do a lot of things BETTER than the USA. Such as, obviously, health care systems.


For another example, just imagine how much better (much more TRULY representative of the PEOPLE) the USA could be if gerrymandering was illegal and every citizen was REQUIRED to vote (as in Australia).





Now get ready for the predictable right wing response that the Democracy Index is fake news.:whistling:


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3 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

but not a true democracy not 1 vote per person as you have the electoral college so don't boast about democracy. if any country can boast it's India with all the corruption, remote villagers etc but having been through 3 elections there I will say they try really hard.

What trash. OK, technically it's a Democratic Republic. What a lame argument. India still retains a cultural caste system. 23.6% of Indian population, or about 276 million people, lived below $1.25 per day on purchasing power parity. The higher classes send their children to English immersion schools, so they can compete for US higher education and employment. I know many people from India from STEM and they would fight to remain in the US and have intention of going back. 


Besides, what are you missing than hating Trump. He's accomplished nothing. He can't do whatever he wants. And, if have had enough, we impeach him.

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


All well and good.


But do you understand, (as explained to you before),

there was no money allocated for a wall.?


Take it up with your inept dear leader.


Are you impervious to facts?


Or, just Trolling?


Simple google search....



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1 minute ago, bushdoctor said:

That's a pittance compared to what it would take to actually finish it. Not gonna happen. Mexico ain't gonna pay for it. Deal with it. It was just another one of trump's con man plays, like trump fake university. 

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Always negative. By the way Ireason, with money clearly in the bill for a wall, would you care to retract your statement....


"Money was not, and will not be allocated for a "wall".


just making stuff up again? ?



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10 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

He wants to build a wall on the southern US border and cover it with solar panels. Possibly 40-50 feet tall and 900 miles long. That's a pretty big solar array innit? 

And you believe this?  Incredible.

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9 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Please share with us any solid inside information you have regarding a future congressional vote. 

From a well respected institution.  For a variety of reasons, the wall will never happen.  Sad you bought into this lie hook line and sinker.



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6 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

There still isn't money allocated for the wall. The bill hasn't been enacted into law yet. And you think it's only trump-bashing democrats who oppose the wall?

Trump's Wall Request Lacks Support from Border Lawmakers

Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Congress from states that border the southern U.S. appear unified against President Donald Trump's spending request to build a wall, according to a survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal. 

Trump has asked Congress to appropriate $1.4 billion as part of a spending bill which must be passed by April 28 to avoid a government shutdown.

The Wall Street Journal survey, published Friday, said that most lawmakers from the region were either opposed or noncommittal, and many said they had unanswered questions.



Even if the proposed allocation passes the House, it's going to run into very stiff opposition in the Senate. All 4 Republican Senators from states bordering on Mexico oppose the wall. It's going to need 60 votes to pass in the Senate. You think those 4 senators are politically suicidal?


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18 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Well dig out the graphical data on that, or any other new president.   I really don't care whom you compare with whom, but what is interesting is that often popularity/acceptance/etc falls for a new man in the chair and as he beds in, the level rises.  I'm sure there are exceptions, just as there are for every situation.


I didn't comment specifically on Obama, but the trend when the leadership changes, so rather than compare Trump in his first months with Obama in his final months, it's more valid to compare with other presidents at the same stages of their administrations.




“The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” Trump tweeted.


Obama's almost 40% was not bad at that time...  





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16 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

LOL.  Even Bush beat Trump.  By a HUGE margin. Too funny.


Thanks for sharing.

trump is making a real play at being NUMBER ONE.

Number one at being the most unpopular and worst president in U.S. history. 

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1 hour ago, Opl said:


“The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” Trump tweeted.


Obama's almost 40% was not bad at that time...  






Well, well, yeah, but Hillary's numbers, if she had become president, would've been much worse. ZING!


Didn't consider the hypotheticals when framing your factual argument did you? Weak. #MAGA!



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9 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

By the way Ireason, with money clearly in the bill for a wall, would you care to retract your statement....

"Money was not, and will not be allocated for a "wall".


just making stuff up again? 



A fence.


And extortion.


House Republicans Add Funding For Trump’s Border Wall In Homeland Security Budget

"The GOP-crafted budget would have to pass the full House and get approval in the Senate, where Democrats and even some Republican lawmakers have previously expressed skepticism over the project."


"But, as Politico reports, the White House and some conservative Republicans are willing to threaten a government shutdown in order to secure funding for the wall."


The $44.3 billion spending bill for fiscal year 2018 earmarks $1.6 billion to begin construction of the wall, including “bollards and levee improvements.”



There will be no big beautiful wall.

And considering it would cost anywhere from $10 billion to nearly $70 billion without solar panels,

you've been hoodwinked.



BTW, how's that "promise" that Mexico will pay for it going?



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4 minutes ago, iReason said:

BTW, how's that "promise" that Mexico will pay for it going?


Jeeze you loser lefty libtards just don't get it, do you?

The wall will be a 50 foot high, thousand mile long transparent solar Array using Trumpian technology that will generate electricity which will be sold to the Mexicans. THAT's how they'll pay for it, dummy. As soon as they stop laughing.



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