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Trump to Senate Republicans: kill Obamacare now, replace later


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Trump to Senate Republicans: kill Obamacare now, replace later

By Doina Chiacu and Susan Cornwell


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U.S. President Donald Trump talks to journalist at the Oval Office of the White House after the AHCA health care bill was pulled before a vote, accompanied by U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price (2nd R) and Vice President Mike Pence (not pictured), in Washington, U.S., March 24, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/Files


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Republican senators in a tweet on Friday to repeal Obamacare immediately if they cannot agree on a new plan to replace it, muddying the waters as congressional leaders struggle for consensus on healthcare legislation.


Senate Republican leaders had set Friday as the target for rewriting legislation for a simultaneous repeal and replacement of extensive parts of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, the law dubbed Obamacare that expanded health insurance coverage to 20 million people.


The deadline seemed unlikely to be met given that most senators had left Washington ahead of next week's recess, without agreement on a clear direction for the healthcare bill, and Trump's tweet did not appear to gain political traction.


Financial markets showed little reaction to Trump’s suggestion, with the benchmark S&P 500 index edging about 0.15 percent higher on the day. Shares of most health insurers gained fractionally while hospital stocks were little changed.


Trump wrote on Twitter Friday morning, "If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately REPEAL, and then REPLACE at a later date!"


The White House said later that Trump was still "fully committed" to pushing the Republican draft healthcare bill through the Senate, although it was looking at every option for repealing and replacing Obamacare.


"The president hasn't changed his thinking at all," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.


The current Senate legislation would repeal parts of Obamacare, roll back its expansion of the Medicaid government healthcare program for the poor, eliminate most of Obamacare's taxes and replace Obamacare insurance subsidies with a system of tax credits to help individuals buy private health insurance.


Conservative and moderate Republicans have spent recent days pushing and pulling the bill in opposite directions as Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell sought common ground. Moderates want more equity for low-income Americans, while conservatives are fighting to loosen insurance regulations.


Shortly before his January inauguration, Trump urged lawmakers to repeal and replace Obamacare at the same time. Congressional Republicans had considered earlier this year first repealing, then replacing Obamacare, but backed away after some lawmakers protested that that approach could create a gap in insurance coverage for millions.


On Friday, Republican Senator Ben Sasse who had suggested that Congress first repeal Obamacare and then replace it, tweeted: "Glad you agree, Mr. Pres." Conservative Senator Rand Paul also backed the idea.


But others on Capitol Hill sounded annoyed. A senior Senate Republican aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that if lawmakers had been able to get the votes for repealing Obamacare first, then replacing it, "senators would have done that in January. It doesn't have the votes, and it's a waste of valuable time to discuss it."


Annie Clark, a spokeswoman for moderate Republican Senator Susan Collins, said the lawmaker would not support the strategy. McConnell's spokesman declined to comment on Trump's tweet.


A senior House of Representatives Republican, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, said in an interview for CSPAN's "Newsmakers" program that lawmakers' goal should continue to be "not simply repealing but to start to put into place the elements that can make healthcare affordable."


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-01


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Given that there is no realistic new healthcare bill likely to be passed soon, doing away with Obamacare is going to potentially leave millions without healthcare at all, quite possibly for a substantial period of time. I am sure that deep down Donald does have a brain, I just wish he would use it occasionally, rather than spend his time tweeting insults and insane accusations, and trying to undo anything that Obama achieved.

The simple reason his own Healthcare Act isn't being passed is that people on both sides of the Senate recognise is as a bad piece of legislation. One day maybe he will understand that. Obamacare has its faults but at least it brought people into health cover, rather than stripping it away.

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Another one of trump's notorious jerk them all around head games.

But he's finding and the world is finding that what may have worked sometimes as sleazy corrupt con man real estate magnate doesn't really work so well in politics. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump is just about revenge!...... Next tweet?..... Announcing that he was wrong before... and that Obama born in Pattaya after his Nigerian father seducing an innocent Thai bar girl......

Well.... He may invent weirder stuff about....... for some Americans become even more proud about the insane they voted for President

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I hope they will listen to Trump.

This is the beginning of the end for him,  because it will also hit lots of people who voted for him.

Let him concentrate on mistreating women, he is well experienced with it.

Good luck Donald.

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Given that there is no realistic new healthcare bill likely to be passed soon, doing away with Obamacare is going to potentially leave millions without healthcare at all, quite possibly for a substantial period of time. I am sure that deep down Donald does have a brain, I just wish he would use it occasionally, rather than spend his time tweeting insults and insane accusations, and trying to undo anything that Obama achieved.

The simple reason his own Healthcare Act isn't being passed is that people on both sides of the Senate recognise is as a bad piece of legislation. One day maybe he will understand that. Obamacare has its faults but at least it brought people into health cover, rather than stripping it away.


The medical community is split on how much brain Donald (a.k.a., Twitter Boy) has left....varies from "some left deep down" to just "an empty skull."  He has said so many conflicting things about healthcare during the campaign and since election day it's hard to know from day-to-day what his position is for the day.  But never fear it will change often.





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most wealthy Americans are selfish and congress is reluctant to raise taxes on the rich to pay for health care for all. America is not great. America is not inclusive. America is govern by the rich and for the rich. this is how it has been since day one. nothing to celebrate Tuesday. .

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most wealthy Americans are selfish and congress is reluctant to raise taxes on the rich to pay for health care for all. America is not great. America is not inclusive. America is govern by the rich and for the rich. this is how it has been since day one. nothing to celebrate Tuesday. .

trumpcare is worse than that. It's about cutting existing taxes on the most wealthy paid for with the lives of the poor. It is truly mass murder and ironically very many of those trumpcare proposes to murder voted for him and still support him.
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Anyone reading Trump's latest tweets about Morning-Joe (Mojo) has to concede that he is mad.  I know it is just another in the bizarre line of responses from Donald but it clearly shows that he is mentally unstable. 
Yes and that's a president doing that. If it was a kid he'd be grounded ...
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What sort of world do we live in when the President of the richest country intends to deny basic healthcare to millions of its citizens. 

I've often heard European systems referred to as socialist healthcare as if it is somehow wrong to care for the entire population.

There's plenty wrong with the UK  NHS but at least they care.

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

repeal Obamacare immediately if they cannot agree on a new plan to replace it

Another campaign promise to be broken.

As a real estate mogul Trump learned it's not about keeping your word but making money. About winning. The nation's poor, sick and elderly can take heart that billionaires will never have to worry about their own healthcare.

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It's good that his handlers haven't pried his tweet machine from his small fingers.   Tweet away Don!   .....you America-harming dufus.  


           Question for any remaining Trump fans: Are you tired of winning so much?   Have you been sending messages to the WH, begging him to stop winning so much? 


Btw,  Trump took an oath in January, swearing to uphold the laws of the land.  ACA is a law.  He's breaking his oath to Americans as easily as he broke his oaths of marriage to his 3 wives, and we're all getting similarly shafted - whether we voted for him or not.

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Another completely irresponsible statement by Donald Trump- repeal Obamacare and not replace it. This will create absolute chaos and will immediately cause millions to lose healthcare as they will lose the subsidies and the insurance companies will raise the prices.


The reason they can't get a workable Healthcare bill is that the real solution is a single payer system. Any other system  is not universal healthcare- and the Senate Bill is just plain a bad bill- which rewards the wealthy off the backs of the poor. Trump wants the bill so he can get a 'win' and then tell the World that he accomplished excellent healthcare.  Millions will lose their healthcare if the bill passes and unfortunately, there will be people who die as a result, America is one of the richest countries in the World- and not having Universal Healthcare for its citizens is akin to pure incompetence and selfishness.

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Any system has several components and sub systems

Input:              what you want it to do

Process:         how its done

monitoring:   is the process producing the input

adjustment:  change the process to comply with the input

output:           desired result

and finally. unforeseen consequences that are detected by monitoring and rectified trough adjustment  

Avery social system has these components,

one did not start the Social security System  and forgot it, Adjustments had to be made to keep it viable, same for medicare, etc.

Same applies to ACA, it was never intended to be a static plan, as with any plan adjustments have to be made to compensate for unforeseen  consequences . If it dies it will because of neglect , It is being  in essence sabotaged by Trump. 

IMO both ACA and anything the republicans have to offer are both failing attempts to maintain a  system of privately administered   health care.

The only viable solution is a single payer solution.

I guess we are still at the denial stage. 


Edited by sirineou
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It's good that his handlers haven't pried his tweet machine from his small fingers.   Tweet away Don!   .....you America-harming dufus.  
           Question for any remaining Trump fans: Are you tired of winning so much?   Have you been sending messages to the WH, begging him to stop winning so much? 
Btw,  Trump took an oath in January, swearing to uphold the laws of the land.  ACA is a law.  He's breaking his oath to Americans as easily as he broke his oaths of marriage to his 3 wives, and we're all getting similarly shafted - whether we voted for him or not.

Yes not only has he not been supporting the existing law ACA he's been actively sabotaging it to support his odious propaganda that it isn't possible to support it and make it better with adjustments. He may be my president but he just as well could be the agent of a hostile foreign state for the destructive way he is behaving.
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Another completely irresponsible statement by Donald Trump- repeal Obamacare and not replace it. This will create absolute chaos and will immediately cause millions to lose healthcare as they will lose the subsidies and the insurance companies will raise the prices.
The reason they can't get a workable Healthcare bill is that the real solution is a single payer system. Any other system  is not universal healthcare- and the Senate Bill is just plain a bad bill- which rewards the wealthy off the backs of the poor. Trump wants the bill so he can get a 'win' and then tell the World that he accomplished excellent healthcare.  Millions will lose their healthcare if the bill passes and unfortunately, there will be people who die as a result, America is one of the richest countries in the World- and not having Universal Healthcare for its citizens is akin to pure incompetence and selfishness.

Single payer is the only real solution but we aren't there yet and under trump we are heading backwards.
Obama described ACA as only a starter home. trump is out to trash even that flawed but noble beginning.

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58 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

What sort of world do we live in when the President of the richest country intends to deny basic healthcare to millions of its citizens. 

I've often heard European systems referred to as socialist healthcare as if it is somehow wrong to care for the entire population.

There's plenty wrong with the UK  NHS but at least they care.


Hard to argue with that.  My country was, at least, under Obamacare slowly moving toward universal health coverage.


Now under Trump and the Republican Congress, it's slash and burn anything with Obama's fingerprints on it -- no matter that an estimated 20+ million more Americans are going to end up without any health insurance at all as a result of their machinations.


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36 minutes ago, nasanews said:

I have never seen a spoiled old man in my life or what?

Screw voting if it ends like this.

Bernie Madoff deserves more respect that Trump. Madoff just screwed already-rich people, .....Trump wants to screw all Americans who aren't rich.

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What sort of world do we live in when the President of the richest country intends to deny basic healthcare to millions of its citizens. 
I've often heard European systems referred to as socialist healthcare as if it is somehow wrong to care for the entire population.
There's plenty wrong with the UK  NHS but at least they care.

Yes, yes, yes.

It is astonishing that the Worlds wealthiest nation cannot provide healthcare for its poorer people.

It is pathetic that one of the prime drivers of this is the small minded desire of a vain narcissistic egomaniac to destroy anything that could possibly be regarded as an accomplishment by his predecessor; because he took the piss out of him and his racist obsession at a public event.

It is disgraceful that so many of his countrymen are prepared to support and justify it, I suspect for equally racist reasons.

And it is sad that so many of them are condemning themselves to misery, sickness and a premature death because of that.
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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trumpcare is worse than that. It's about cutting existing taxes on the most wealthy paid for with the lives of the poor. It is truly mass murder and ironically very many of those trumpcare proposes to murder voted for him and still support him.

Perhaps the  karma  of that  would  be be the  better thing?

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2 hours ago, JAG said:


Yes, yes, yes.

It is astonishing that the Worlds wealthiest nation cannot provide healthcare for its poorer people.

It is pathetic that one of the prime drivers of this is the small minded desire of a vain narcissistic egomaniac to destroy anything that could possibly be regarded as an accomplishment by his predecessor; because he took the piss out of him and his racist obsession at a public event.

It is disgraceful that so many of his countrymen are prepared to support and justify it, I suspect for equally racist reasons.

And it is sad that so many of them are condemning themselves to misery, sickness and a premature death because of that.


The poorest are covered under Medicaid and children under CHIP.



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