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The poisonous Brother in Law


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This song should start playing automatically whenever somebody clicks on this thread.

It has the lyrics in English too.

I used to hate this song - because my father liked it so much and played it all the time.

I don't think he liked it for the good reasons.

Just don't listen to the last line.


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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

  That is the kind of Western mentality that is constantly  drummed into us , that we are all the same and equal and this false forced mentality has caused many of our downfalls here in Thailand .

   We are bought up with certain expectations , standard of behavior from people and everyones equal

   Many of us adhered to that mentality and got involved with classless uneducated backward people, expecting then to "all be the same" as us

    I do not mean this in a derogatory way , but I went to a zoo recently and stood watching the small monkeys for quite a while, observing their behavior , and it dawned on me that my (now ex) gfs families behavior was very similar to theirs

   That isnt a racist statement , because not all Thais are like that .

But there is a distinct difference between Thais bought up in Cities and Thais from the Countryside

    Westerners are the result of 1000's of years of development , some Thais from the countryside are barely out the trees .

   You cannot expect them to suddenly change .

I did spend quite a while in the ex-gfs village , tried teaching them to be civil , not all grabbing food and running off and eating it, before anyone else could grab it . No shouting and hitting each other . Clean up after yourself .

   When the ex was living with me , I tried to teach her to put rubbish in a rubbish bin and when that bin is full, to take it outside for collection , but she just couldnt get the hang of it . 

    Mops are used for mopping floors , dont just pick up the first cloth you see and mop the floor with that , dont use my brand new white t-shirt to mop the floor

   It wasnt a situation of telling her once and she would do it next time, it was a case of having to tell her every single time

   For example , after eating, she would leave the remains of the meal on the plate on the table and wash the plate when she wanted to use it again .

   I tried to explain that it would be better if she washed the plate immediately after eating , so not to attract flies and cockroaches and even rats , apart from the fact that it was disgusting to watch food slowly rot .

   But she just could get the hang of that either

It became a daily chore for me , telling her "Throw your rubbish in the bin" Wash your dishes up " and countless other things

   She began to resent me for "telling her what to do all the time"

It really is nothing to do with racism .

Its just two people who have different ways of doing things, who happened to be of different races



You just got a "like" from a poster who was - in a previous TV Forum reincarnation - banned for exposing racism.

That poster was me.

Transam might be having a "aha erlebnis" reading this now hehehe.




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6 hours ago, BEVUP said:

Glad to hear things are moving along & hope you make it out of the house with ease, as we all know that we can get over the continues milking affair by the IL (x as far as I'm concerned ) to a point, but to have to go through a torrent of abuse physically & mentally (at our age when it be all peacefull ) I myself would have to call it a day.

My wife is good & lad a typical kid, the only thing is that she,s not the sharpest tool in the shed (from lack of school ) & thinks she has just done a wonderfull job of helping family on the promise . But thought she was going to continously get the amount i was sending her each mth (your suppose to reduce the bills or if able to continue for you own benefit ) 

The thing is that she still allows her brother (who cost us a fortune ) to come to house with mother - While I'm not here

I do wish you guys would get a grip and walk away!  you don't deserve this s**t and nor should you put up with it. have some self-respect and WALK

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10 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I do wish you guys would get a grip and walk away!  you don't deserve this s**t and nor should you put up with it. have some self-respect and WALK

In my case, I am 66 and burned most bridges.



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55 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I do not mean this in a derogatory way , but I went to a zoo recently and stood watching the small monkeys for quite a while, observing their behavior , and it dawned on me that my (now ex) gfs families behavior was very similar to theirs

   That isnt a racist statement , because not all Thais are like that .

A like from me too. Because it made me smile.


This whole topic has been great. It has allowed many of us to unleash years of controlled, closeted exasperation. It has also allowed us to laugh at ourselves, our predicaments and the predicaments of others. But it has also shown the members have empathy for each other. One of the most honest, and heart-tugging threads in a long time.


Sanemax's post is long and rings true at many levels. It adds colourful explanations as to why we (ex-pats) can't always get 'Thainess'!!.  It also has some dark humour in there. Rare in both Thailand and among TvsaF posters (not this topic however).


 I must just add that when we first got together the wife would bring food to bed with her. I was always asking her "wait until we have finished lovemaking before eating your som tam".

55 minutes ago, sanemax said:

but she just couldnt get the hang of it .


Edited by owl sees all
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43 minutes ago, sanemax said:

  That is the kind of Western mentality that is constantly  drummed into us , that we are all the same and equal and this false forced mentality has caused many of our downfalls here in Thailand .

   We are bought up with certain expectations , standard of behavior from people and everyones equal

   Many of us adhered to that mentality and got involved with classless uneducated backward people, expecting then to "all be the same" as us

    I do not mean this in a derogatory way , but I went to a zoo recently and stood watching the small monkeys for quite a while, observing their behavior , and it dawned on me that my (now ex) gfs families behavior was very similar to theirs

   That isnt a racist statement , because not all Thais are like that .

But there is a distinct difference between Thais bought up in Cities and Thais from the Countryside

    Westerners are the result of 1000's of years of development , some Thais from the countryside are barely out the trees .

   You cannot expect them to suddenly change .

I did spend quite a while in the ex-gfs village , tried teaching them to be civil , not all grabbing food and running off and eating it, before anyone else could grab it . No shouting and hitting each other . Clean up after yourself .

   When the ex was living with me , I tried to teach her to put rubbish in a rubbish bin and when that bin is full, to take it outside for collection , but she just couldnt get the hang of it . 

    Mops are used for mopping floors , dont just pick up the first cloth you see and mop the floor with that , dont use my brand new white t-shirt to mop the floor

   It wasnt a situation of telling her once and she would do it next time, it was a case of having to tell her every single time

   For example , after eating, she would leave the remains of the meal on the plate on the table and wash the plate when she wanted to use it again .

   I tried to explain that it would be better if she washed the plate immediately after eating , so not to attract flies and cockroaches and even rats , apart from the fact that it was disgusting to watch food slowly rot .

   But she just could get the hang of that either

It became a daily chore for me , telling her "Throw your rubbish in the bin" Wash your dishes up " and countless other things

   She began to resent me for "telling her what to do all the time"

It really is nothing to do with racism .

Its just two people who have different ways of doing things, who happened to be of different races



You have also received a like from me.

Six years ago I just would not have considered such things.

The garbage example is excellent.My garbage bins are an endless source of wonder-why not just toss the stuff on the side of the road like everyone else does?


That is  the problem,change (if any) is purely superficial.Left to their own devices they just revert back to the old ways-it's a wonder that they are not all dead from the bubonic plague.

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

  I just considered it to be normal regular thing to do .

There is a rubbish bin (in the condo) with a black bin liner in it , When you have some rubbish, put it in the rubbish bin and when the black bin liner is full, take it outside to the rubbish collection area .

    What could possibly be difficult about that ?

Once she had finished, say a drink, she would just leave the empty cartoon on the nearest flat surface and that would be where it would stay for weeks .

   Asking her to place it in the bin, I had to ask her every single time

Even sitting down and talking to her , explaining that , well asking/telling her just to put the rubbish in the rubbish bin, without me having to tell her .

    I had some success , all her rubbish got put in the rubbish bin .

Not just in the rubbish bin though , when the rubbish bin was full, rubbish was placed on top and besides the bin . Got to a point where the bin was no longer visible

    Told her, well done for not leaving your rubbish laying about and for putting it all in a corner, where the rubbish bin is

    Then told her that the rubbish needed to be taken out side

Well done again, rubbish taken outside..................right outside the front door!!!!!!

No, it needs to be taken downstairs to the rubbish collection point

Practically had to frog march her down with the bin liner to the collection point.

   Same with clothes , would just take them off and leave them wherever they fell

I was quite willing to take all the clothes to the laundry, but I was quite unwilling to go around picking all her clothes up from the floor beforehand .

   It seemed so easy and simple to me : Theres a rubbish bin for rubbish and a laundry basket for clothes .

   There was one time when we were around her sisters condo , having a beer , four storeys up on the balcony , directly below, there were some kids playing .

   She would get her beer bottle and leave it on the balcony edge . One little nudge or slip and that bottle would have fallen off , four storeys up and landed on the kids down below .

    I told her of the danger . A bottle on a kids head from four stoyeys up!!!!!!!

I gently removed the bottle from the ledge and gave it to her , she took a sip...........and put the bottle back on the ledge . I again explained the danger , again removed the bottle and gave it to her, again, she took a sip and put it back on the ledge . 

   I again removed the bottle and placed it on the floor . Next sip and its back on the ledge again .

   I went inside and got a table and placed it infront of her and put the bottle on it. She took a sip and placed the bottle back on the ledge

   I shouted down to the kids to go and play somewhere else .

A Woman walked directly underneath the balcony , directly below the bottle , holding a few month old baby 

    I could see the danger . 

I did try to explain to her the danger and that if that bottle fell four storeys onto a childs head , it would cause very serious injury , possibly even death .

    She just laughed, says that it hasnt fallen off , if it did fall off , if its going to happen, its going to happen and theres nothing that she can do about that and beside , it will not be her head that the bottle lands on and it will be their problem and their fault for playing there and that I'm just trying to cause an argument and telling her what to do.

    Sure, not a problem if we were on the first floor with nothing below , if it fell, then it would just be a beer lost .

   But when the consequences could result in serious injury or even death, not worth taking the risk






it has to be asked... why are you with such a self-centered censored who shows no sense of responsibility ?  for goodness sake man WALK you can do better! 

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About a year ago, the local government started collecting rubbish and provided blue bins by the road.

We live at the end of a small side road, but pass the bin daily, so no problem.

I use it, but I have to be quick to intercept the rubbish.

So much more easy to keep on burning the rubbish.

That includes aluminium foil and hard plastic, the occasional small bottle and electric appliances.


We had a water hole dug out, but they hit rock, so not usable.

That is, not usable for taking water, but very usable for dumping trash.

Not by my wife - too far from our house - but by our neighbours who live close to the hole..

Oh, try gardening... old plastic bags (fertilizer etc) everywhere, burried 1 cm deep.

And of course beer caps, everywhere.

So 19th century Europe.






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59 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

About a year ago, the local government started collecting rubbish and provided blue bins by the road.

We live at the end of a small side road, but pass the bin daily, so no problem.

I use it, but I have to be quick to intercept the rubbish.

So much more easy to keep on burning the rubbish.

That includes aluminium foil and hard plastic, the occasional small bottle and electric appliances.


We had a water hole dug out, but they hit rock, so not usable.

That is, not usable for taking water, but very usable for dumping trash.

Not by my wife - too far from our house - but by our neighbours who live close to the hole..

Oh, try gardening... old plastic bags (fertilizer etc) everywhere, burried 1 cm deep.

And of course beer caps, everywhere.

So 19th century Europe.






We live in Taphong area of Rayong and we get rubbish collection about 5 days a week, our resort is about 400m away but in Ban Phe council's area and almost no rubbish collection so they burn rubbish there, They also individually charged our bungalows at the resort even though they don't collect the rubbish and you just have to see the Thai's dump rubbish on the beach.

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3 hours ago, oldhippy said:

You just got a "like" from a poster who was - in a previous TV Forum reincarnation - banned for exposing racism.

That poster was me.

Transam might be having a "aha erlebnis" reading this now hehehe.




Good to see that the current batch of MUDDERATORS have a more mature view on such matters than before. Evolution, progress or just a case of pure simple common sense?

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15 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

AGW tomorrow is the day of days. When I do my shepherd act and " get the flock out of here"

How is she going to take you leaving DL? She might be devastated; especially with the new car problem.


Anyway DL, I have had a good day. No anger, no tantrums, no fizzy fits. One down 19 to go.

Edited by owl sees all
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6 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Oh come on oh wise owl, don't fire up the old battle for my soul again. You will get me started on the pity versus common sense endless battle.


car is with daughter, I paid for it but have zero access, likewise the BMW which remains incarcerated in the BMw hospital pending payment which now will unlikely come


i tried again today to solicit even the vaguest of acknowledgements that the reaction she implemented to me talking two comments to a woman ( whom she dislikes) who does not even speak English was disproportionate. 


No dice. 


I am wrong on so many counts but most of all because I showed her no respect. That is of course not taking into account the lumphamner attack on the door, the seething hatred in her screaming insane attacks on me, the throwing outside on the roof of a great amount of my clothing and the launching of my six month old £1000 laptop across the room at me, the disrespectful comments passed about the farang in thai whilst seated in front of me thinking I do not understand, the constant and groundless accusations of being a butterfly or a snake head ( sleaze) 


But it is me demonstrating a lack of respect. 


In my my view she has a problem with this elephantine like woman With whom I spoke briefly and she cannot come to terms with it. Her thai pride being so important that she would rather lose me and all that goes with it throwing away 17 years of being together, because she will not even listen to me trying to explain that this woman is a nothing and makes herself look like the small minded cow she is when she insults me in thai and the best way to deal with it is to ignore it and keep on talking to her. 


But hey hey it is too late now to repair any fences. I hope and pray that the transfer from the uk comes through tomorrow as then I am offski.

Okay Dark Lord,


I have binged on 3 (yes 3!) chocolate lactasoys today.The Aussie "white" can wait.Best of luck for tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

"He spends alot of my money on alcohol , hes so selfish, hes got one of those magic ATM cards and he can take as much money out as he wants , but when he withdraws my money, he keeps some of it for himself"

just made me grin ....

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