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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo

By Jeff Mason



U.S. President Donald Trump waves at the Celebrate Freedom Rally in Washington, U.S. July 1, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


BRIDGEWATER, N.J. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump stepped up his feud with the media on Sunday by tweeting a mock video of himself tackling and repeatedly striking a man with a CNN logo super-imposed in place of his head, followed by a logo saying "Fraud News Network."


The video appeared to be a modified version of a 2007 appearance by Trump at World Wrestling Entertainment's WrestleMania 23 promotion, in which Trump "takes down" WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. In Sunday's video, McMahon's head has been replaced with the CNN logo.


After Trump appears to beat on the CNN effigy, a logo, "FNN Fraud News Network" appears at the bottom of the screen in script similar to that of CNN.


Trump appointed McMahon's wife, Linda McMahon, as the head of the Small Business Administration, a Cabinet-level agency. She was active in the management of WWE for many years.


As a presidential candidate and as commander-in-chief, Trump has repeatedly made known his disdain for the media, calling it "the enemy of the American people" and frequently referring to mainstream news organizations as "failing" or "fake news." He has been particularly scathing of CNN.


The video takes his criticism to a new level and drew criticism from CNN and on social media.


"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters," CNN said in a statement.


"Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behaviour far below the dignity of his office," CNN said.


Trump leaves later this week for a trip to Poland and Germany, where he will attend a meeting of Group of 20 leaders including the Russian president.


White House homeland security and counterterrorism adviser Thomas Bossert said the tweet was not a threat.


"I think that no one would perceive that as a threat. I hope they don't,” Bossert said on the ABC programme "This Week."

"But I do think that he's beaten up in a way on cable platforms that he has a right to respond to," Bossert said.


The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, a group that advocates for journalists' rights, condemned the president's tweet and said it "glorified physical violence against members of the press."


Bill Kristol, the conservative commentator and editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, compared Trump's actions to behaviour that caused the fall of the Roman Empire.


"The speed with which we're recapitulating the decline and fall of Rome is impressive. What took Rome centuries we're achieving in months," Kristol wrote in a Tweet.


Trump's Sunday tweet followed his scathing and highly personal Twitter attack on two MSNBC anchors last week, which drew condemnation from Republicans, including Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, and Democrats alike.


Trump, who is spending a long weekend at his property in Bedminster, New Jersey, took to Twitter on Saturday to call the media "fake" and "fraudulent."


At an event honouring veterans at the Kennedy Center in Washington on Saturday evening, he told the crowd that the media had tried to stop him from coming to the White House.


"But I'm president, and they're not," he said.


(Additional reporting by David Lawder and Susan Cornwell in Washington; Editing by Leslie Adler)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-03
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You just couldn't make stuff like this up. He just keeps dragging himself lower and lower with every passing day. One wonders what this latest outburst was actually supposed to achieve. In reality all it has done is just reinforce in most peoples minds what an utter retard he is.

Edited by darksidedog
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32 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

His "family values" party i.e. republicans must be so proud of their messiah.  When's the next election?

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You know things are bad when the President gets his inspiration from a racist bigoted troll and the Republican party seem happy to let him continue with it. They seem incapable of recognizing what the rest of the world worked out a long time ago. Trump is unfit to be POTUS and to have any credibility whatsoever, the Republicans need to remove him from office as quickly as possible. Trump has absolutely no desirable qualities whatsoever, and Americans who voted for this imbecile should be hanging their heads in shame for what they have done.

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how much lower can this president get? really acting like a middle schooler now....those that continue to support his childish manners are no different, sad to see that his supporters think a president can be childish to counter  "fake" news. Not saying all his supporters are childish.

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Is this guy ever going to do any work or just sit in his office all day with his coke and KFC watching TV,  tweeting and playing golf?


America,  you got taken for a ride. 

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14 minutes ago, SouthernDelight said:

I too find it quite refreshing that the press/media is getting a taste of some of their own medicine; Other heads of state will follow eventually.

What a utopia you must live in.


I saw a documentary the other night on eugenics. There are people in the world that want to actively reduce the population from 7.5 Billion to 500 million (they say that is what the world can comfortably support). Can I nominate a start with  40 million in a specific voter demographic in the USA :coffee1:

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is a president not allowed to have any fun?


He's not a cunning linguist like obama.


Chill out, bingo players.



It is not fun. Some redneck will go out soon enough and lay into a reporter in the same way that Mr Pres has just 'told him to do'. We have already had people pitch up with weapons at a pizza place in New York. Inciting violence is hardly funny is it? Nor is it what you want the leader of the free world doing just before the G20. Putin must be peeing his pants.

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I just heard on FOX News that this tweet was wildly popular.......maybe because it is funny (if you're not a Democrat).  With all the B.S. and criticism the President has had to put up with since he decided to run he deserves his opportunity to reply in kind.



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1 minute ago, TGIR said:

I just heard on FOX News that this tweet was wildly popular.......maybe because it is funny (if you're not a Democrat).  With all the B.S. and criticism the President has had to put up with since he decided to run he deserves his opportunity to reply in kind.



Boy you set a low bar for a world leader. Quite amazing. Attitudes towards Trump have become a real window to the soul.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

It is not fun. Some redneck will go out soon enough and lay into a reporter in the same way that Mr Pres has just 'told him to do'. We have already had people pitch up with weapons at a pizza place in New York. Inciting violence is hardly funny is it? Nor is it what you want the leader of the free world doing just before the G20. Putin must be peeing his pants.

Where have you been in the past months?  The left and it's supporters have been acting like goons.   Apparently you've already forgotten about the nut job that was shooting Republicans at their baseball practice.

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2 minutes ago, TGIR said:

Where have you been in the past months?  The left and it's supporters have been acting like goons.   Apparently you've already forgotten about the nut job that was shooting Republicans at their baseball practice.

So we counter a nut job shooting at Republicans with another video inciting violence. Remember, he was a nut job, not a Dem or a liberal, he was a nut job. He was not the 'left and it's supporters', he was a nut job. There are enough nut jobs out there without the POTUS giving 'permission' to one or more of them that it is ok to start kicking the crap out of journalists. 

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Yeah,  it was just a bit of fun,  locker talk,  let the guy have some fun! He's only the president of one if the world's most powerful countries, it's not like he's someone important. The guys a natural comedian! (b grade). 

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50 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

What a utopia you must live in.


I saw a documentary the other night on eugenics. There are people in the world that want to actively reduce the population from 7.5 Billion to 500 million (they say that is what the world can comfortably support). Can I nominate a start with  40 million in a specific voter demographic in the USA :coffee1:


48 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

It is not fun. Some redneck will go out soon enough and lay into a reporter in the same way that Mr Pres has just 'told him to do'. We have already had people pitch up with weapons at a pizza place in New York. Inciting violence is hardly funny is it? Nor is it what you want the leader of the free world doing just before the G20. Putin must be peeing his pants.


Inciting violence is hardly funny is it?


No, it isn't.

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