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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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What is interesting to me- is that if Trump spoke in a more Presidential manner- softly and making his demands of other countries private and generally ignoring the media rather than confront it- he just might get more support from the public and both parties. You would think a man in his position would do some self evaluation and realize these things on his own or his own family point them out. The fact that he refuses to modify his behavior is evidence to me that he has a personality defect.

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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

What is interesting to me- is that if Trump spoke in a more Presidential manner- softly and making his demands of other countries private and generally ignoring the media rather than confront it- he just might get more support from the public and both parties. You would think a man in his position would do some self evaluation and realize these things on his own or his own family point them out. The fact that he refuses to modify his behavior is evidence to me that he has a personality defect.

He's not really interested in the support of any group other than his rabid base.

That supports the theory he'll never run for a second term, and of course God help us if he does.

His tweet today more evidence --





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3 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

What a pathetic, childish moron . How could 66 million people have voted for this ????? ( lost for a descriptive word that's acceptable )

It's a national disgrace and embarrassment that Americans (and the world as in climate change policy) will be paying for for a very long time.

He has radically degraded the American brand almost instantly.

Not saying the brand was perfect before but that's not my point. 

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3 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

What a pathetic, childish moron . How could 66 million people have voted for this ????? ( lost for a descriptive word that's acceptable )

Difficult to answer that question without breaching forum rules about swear words and ridiculing entire nations.

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There is no doubt that had Obama been Trump's opponent, Obama would be president now. Trump is his own worst enemy- he really believes that his management style of hard talk; denigration of others and personal attacks can transfer to the Presidency.  I doubt that if he talks to President Putin like that or any leader- he will find that it doesn't work. No one likes to be spoken to in a condescending, mean and sarcastic way.  Just his use of the English language and his tone irritates me as well as his body language.


There is really not much more to say other than I would like to see just one thing he does in the next week that gives me some hope of a better American future.

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8 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I woke up to this today and it was as if Christmas came early. 

Thank you Donald J. Trump, this was yet another great blow to the dinosaur media!


is your comment in regard to Fox News?

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As much as the media can be a pain- a free media is essential to keeping the World informed and at times investigating abuses of power. It was the media that exposed McCarthy in the 1950's as a ruthless demagogue that used Communism to destroy lives; it was the media during the Vietnam War that showed America what was really happening in the War and behind the scenes; it was the media that exposed the Watergate affair that led to Nixon's resignation and also exposes Bill Clinton's affair.

Donald Trump is using terminology like 'fake news' to try and destroy the media he doesn't like or criticizes him. This is a dangerous exercise and will ultimately fail and Trump will either fall or rise when the full truth is known. The media is relentless and if they see smoke-they will eventually find the fire behind it. If Trump has nothing to hide- the media will find nothing. Methinks, the gentleman protests too much.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

So I assume you agree then? Obama's outcomes were awful, but he was 'nice' and that is what counts. You remind me of an article I read that said:  Do you know why President Trump is working so hard to tear down former President Barack Obama’s legacy? Because Mr. Obama represents everything that Mr. Trump is not: an articulate orator, a deep thinker and someone who is elegant in style, words and actions.

Liberals just dont get it - the People voted in Trump because he promised to make things better for Americans. Not because he sounded and looked good - they know after the Obama disaster that they need results.


First, no I was pointing out that the graphs you posted were highly misleading. Second, I find it hard to believe rhetoric had nothing to do with Trump's election, that his famed 'straight-talking', pull-no-punches style had no effect on the rabid masses at his gatherings. Nope, it was all substance, policy and data they were after. Get real mate.

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we really do live in a small world now. 

I read a recent book on the UN and thought I'd be bored to death. not. world opinion and discussion is very important.  it was even decisive in the Cuban Crisis.... discussions outside the Security Council but directly between Russians and Americans... and why we go to the UN before we go to Iraq... etc.

this is cool. it's important with how the Trump thing will play out too.

now, can I say something crazy on this?

is there anyway we could ever get rid of the permanent members of the Security Council?

their vetoes?


because if we could we just might be ready to solve a lot of persistent and very nasty problems...... for everyone..... think of all the messes created by foreign exchange situations... trade.... labor rules and no rules at all... Climate.... resort to terrorism.. international bonds and bank loans.. that would go away not with everyone using Bitcoin.. but everyone using blue money.... and then we could have blue aircraft carriers.... Kim Jung Un would have no need for nukes.... etc etc etc.... imagine......... and all it would take technically, as the first step....is to agree by some kind of plebiscites amoung the old powers electorates.... to agree to give up our veto power? yes? or just plum crazy?


it's the USA that wouldn't like it.  because the blue money right now is green. but the USA is in trouble. in the last crisis we all turned towards the dollar... but things have a way of switching around and running in cycles.... as to everything, it just seems.


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5 minutes ago, kblaze said:

First, no I was pointing out that the graphs you posted were highly misleading. Second, I find it hard to believe rhetoric had nothing to do with Trump's election, that his famed 'straight-talking', pull-no-punches style had no effect on the rabid masses at his gatherings. Nope, it was all substance, policy and data they were after. Get real mate.


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Lets face it - there are people who hate Trump and there are those that dont and are supporters of someone that has 'stuck it' up the politically elite globalists and their media supporters - like me :)


What Trump did was send a tweet in humor and the liberals have all taken offence.  I have looked everywhere on TV but cant find the outrage and against Obama for his use of NSA to spy on opponents, use of IRS to attack his critics, Benghazi (lack of response), ISIS (lack of response),  Iran payments ($1.5 Billion),  Uranium to Russia, etc etc etc.  I found lots of abuse against Bush (some deserved) but it seems that most of the abuse on TV is against Rep Presidents, but not against Dem Presidents for the same/worse things. Interesting.


Clearly though TV members aint gonna change Thailand, nor are they gonna change Trump.  I will continue to support him as he tears down the liberal crap that has created so many things wrong in America. Recent example being an illegal immigrant that sued CA Govt and won $190K payout, because they gave him to ICE and he was arrested and deported. In a conservative USA he would have been arrested again, and thrown in jail for illegally coming back into the country - and the bill sent to Mexico. Kate's Law has passed and SCOUTS has allowed most of the travel ban - and that is only the beginning of setting things right. Trump is axactly the type of abrasive and aggresive person needed to tear down the liberal lunancy that has infected the US Govts at all levels. He was elected to drain the swamp, and that is what he is gonna do. And he is gonna tweet just like he always has - without concern it might offend some snowflakes.



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1 hour ago, jb61 said:

I see comments like childish, no dignity, not presidential like etc. etc.

Well, let’s see:

Clinton used the oval office for his personal soi 6 bj bar.

Bush and Cheney lied America into a war in Irag where thousands of boys came home missing arms, legs and parts of their heads, and some came home in bags. And they’re still there.

Obama expanded the wars and then illegally spied on millions of Americans and lied about it and was recently described by 25 year veteran of the CIA; Kevin Shipp,  as a subversive and outlined just a few things that Obama did that boggles the mind.

So, if Trump wants to have a bit of fun at the expense of the media, go for it Donald. Just practice your body slam. It’s a bit rusty.

Yes a sorry lot of individuals for one of the highest profile jobs in the world.  Trump appears to be determined to drag the role of POTUS further into the gutter and I have to say achieving that goal.  You would think that the USA would be able to find someone to be proud of but it appears they prefer to wallow in the swamp that they themselves create.

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Your example doesn't have anything to do with what Trump can or cannot do-  a court award to an illegal immigrant is based upon law not the whim of whether a person is liberal or conservative.  At this juncture, I don't care what Obama did. I care what Trump is doing or going to do.

Some people seem to want an America that is based upon what they want the law to be and appear to have issues with immigrants or people who don't look like them.  This is the nonsense that Trump is trying to get you to believe- illegal immigrants are stealing your jobs- absolute nonsense because the facts are that immigrant labor is doing the jobs Americans won't; or Immigrants have a higher crime rate- falso again- they have a lower crime rate.


Donald Trump is using stereotypes that are not true to try and convince you that border walls; deportation of illegals that have not broken the law; keeping out Muslims from America  will make America better country and restore high economic growth. Don't believe any of this because the opposite is true.  I am no snowflake  but the so called college age group wants an America that is diverse; based upon fairness and equality not the drivel that Trump is trying to pass off as the truth and I agree with them.

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Trump is not going to drain the swamp because he has already hired those in the swamp to be part of his administration. If he really wanted to do something completely different and help the American people he would immediately announce that he was going to veto any Healthcare bill presented unless the Congress presented a single payer universal healthcare bill that eliminates all insurance companies; forces Big Pharma to take reduced prices and controls the prices all hospitals and providers can charge. That is what draining the swamp really means- want to take bets he will do it?

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i was born in 1966 in california, usa.  every president since my birth has been somewhat of a 'stain' on america. LBJ, nixon, carter.  ford did okay.  reagan had some benefits that did not come from his decisions, the cold war ended under his watch, but not for things he did.  bush #1 did pretty good, maybe an exception. clinton was nearly impeached. bush left in shame. obama was useless.  trump is a clown.  whoever is next will likely be a failure like most of those in the past.


every major issue, like immigration, taxes, healthcare, etc... have been unresolved for decades.  all talk about change and nothing happens.


those in senate and congress are equally below average.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

That's a relief. I am being deadly serious.


Then you're still preaching others about something which you obviously do not personally subscribe to. Carry on.

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52 minutes ago, Morch said:


Then you're still preaching others about something which you obviously do not personally subscribe to. Carry on.

Whatever  :coffee1:


How Trumpesque. You adopt the same tactic as he, just wear anyone down until they can't be bothered. I already have Trump fatigue, now I have Morch Fatigue, whatever, you win, whatever you say, go and have a party, stomp away on your keyboard some more jeesh!

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16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Whatever  :coffee1:


How Trumpesque. You adopt the same tactic as he, just wear anyone down until they can't be bothered. I already have Trump fatigue, now I have Morch Fatigue, whatever, you win, whatever you say, go and have a party, stomp away on your keyboard some more jeesh!


Umm, no. It was actually you doing the Trump thing. Advocating the culling of Trump voters (and the routine just-a-joke bit), and a sec later whining about incitement. Not having anything sensible to add, the last bit is some personal comment or the other. Same old.

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Your example doesn't have anything to do with what Trump can or cannot do-  a court award to an illegal immigrant is based upon law not the whim of whether a person is liberal or conservative.  

This statement is proof you have no idea what the point is - I will explain. 


The point is that liberal Govts in USA have changed/made many laws to suit their liberal agenda (eg Sanctuary Cities).  An example of how stupid that is was given with the $190K payout to an illegal immigrant. And an example is Kate's Law passing. And you missed the point (yet again).


The point is that Trump is going to change/remove all those liberal laws - one by one - bit by bit - SCOTUS case by SCOTUS case. That is what he promised to do (and many other things) and that is what he is going to do.


Personally, I am with the older more experienced (wiser) voters who went for Trump, than the ignorant youngsters (snowflakes) who went for Clinton - and who cried and rioted (tantrums) when she lost. 


PS - when comparing Trump to Obama, I am on a big winner and you know it, and I understand why you dont care about what Obama did, and dont want to talk about what Obama did.  And just to make that point clear to you - you dont care he was a disaster, second only to Carter, (maybe a case for worst ever), because he looked and sounded and behaved so nicely. 


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6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I think I can speak for the President when I say:  I do not want to even try to garner your support. :smile:


I don't think so. Trump seems to be rather obsessed with adulation. There got to be some punchbags, sure. But bottom line, does seem he wants everyone to support him.

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trump the clown President.

Weak at home.

Weak abroad.

Strong and smelly on Twitter.


trump supporters should be ashamed if they keep supporting this malignant presidency.


Not making America great.

Flushing it down the toilet actually.


Happy 4th coming up.


Modern patriots have a fresh challenge. The bombastic baby in the white house.




"Trump is destroying his credibility with the world




 But Trump walks into this summit with the United States now in a much weaker position than when he started his presidency. The President, who prides himself on making America great again, brings with him a set of liabilities that will make it more difficult for him to persuade others at this crucial gathering in Hamburg , Germany, to listen to his recommendations or fear his threats -- despite all the economic and military power that the United States brings to the table."



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6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

 I will just say exactly the same thing as was said by young Rigby a little while ago:


Wrong. And because you people don't understand why he was elected, you will keep losing.


Neither you nor the other poster actually commented on that. Simply stating others "don't understand" isn't an explanation. To be clear, I don't think that you know. There were more than one reason for Trump's victory, dismissing anything that doesn't fit the narrative won't change that.

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