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Thailand – the hub of brilliant toilets


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Thailand – the hub of brilliant toilets
By Gerry Carter

Pictures: Gerry Carter




BANGKOK: -- Some people critical of Thailand are constantly banging on about the country being “third world” without a hope of joining the club of developed nations any time soon.

But those spouting these weary and predictable condemnations have clearly never been in some of the restrooms at Bangkok’s upmarket and swanky department stores.

For these toilets are anything but third world and would put to shame the very best that Western nations could muster.



In fact it would be no surprise to see the Tourism Authority of Thailand promoting the country as a center of sanitary and relief driven excellence in the near future.

Take for example the extraordinary restrooms now on every floor at the Central Westgate shopping center in Bang Yai, Bangkok.




Approaching the lavatories it is immediately clear that this is going to be a memorable experience whether your business is number ones,number twos, whether you are male or female, young or old.

The first thing you are aware of as you approach is a suite of rooms for breastfeeding mothers. Inside it is luxurious with cushions and cubicles and places to change babies’ nappies. Few five star hotels or international airports would have anything like these facilities let alone shopping centers.



Naturally there is a well-appointed toilet for the handicapped or infirm. Along with all the usual bars and trappings you would expect is an emergency button that calls an attendant in the event of trouble.

A flashing light outside warns that the occupant might be in difficulty.

While the roads in Thailand may be somewhat dangerous there is little danger in falling victim to an unexpected event in these surroundings.

The ladies and gents are spotlessly clean; as you enter a cleaning lady who is clearly immensely proud of her facilities utters a polite Thai greeting to all who have business there with offers of help should anyone need anything.



Best of all for parents is a specially appointed area for young children with “Boy” and “Girl” sections. The urinals and bowls are low down as are the taps for that all important wash of the hands afterwards.

Any child would be thrilled to have their own place to “spend a baht” – it promotes independence and means children don’t have to go with parents to adult loos that can be problematical especially for fathers with girls.

But the very best thing about Central’s restrooms has to be the waiting area outside – while not wishing to be sexist in any way it is often men that have to mill around outside the ladies’ waiting for wives and girlfriends wondering why it is that they seem to be taking so long.



Central have provided a cushioned suite of comfortable sofas outside the toilets for people to lounge on and perhaps do some internet surfing while they are waiting. Or, like the man in our picture, have a deep sleep with some shades on….

The only thing missing perhaps is a transgender toilet but it would not be surprising if that was in the pipeline.



Central have clearly invested a great deal of thought and money into ensuring cleanliness and convenience for the public at this shopping center. And while it is the best this writer has seen in Thailand, facilities at similar places in the kingdom, while admittedly less swanky, are often spotless and excellent.

Many of Thailand’s restrooms would make the first world proud!

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-07-10
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Dont like the story then move on to another but do not leave your vitriolic comments on here for others to read and for moderators to clear up, thank you

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Well that's very nice for the people that go shopping there, unfortunately, they are literally one in a million facilities, having traveled extensively throughout the Kingdom I can assure the writer that the facilities shown do not equate to service station bogs up and down the country, and if I recall correctly didn't the former Prime Minister Yingluck decree that all squat toilets in shopping malls, service stations, National parks etc etc were to be replaced with Western style loos ? Whatever happened there !!


So, if caught out whilst travelling around the country always carry bog roll in the car and always use the disabled loo. 

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Look closer. Badly tiled, huge silicon sealant lines, taps not installed correctly, leaky plumbing bogged up with miles of teflon tape. Like much here it looks fine from a distance, but up close it fails.

Edited by Pdaz
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9 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Why is it that every tap in Thailand is loose ???? Never been able to figure that one out :smile:

They just don't know how to do plumbing period. Sewer gas smell is the norm too. Slow drains due to no venting etc. etc.

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And the reason for all the poor workmanship is that it is all done by Issan farmers or migrant workers who have no knowledge of how to do it right.  9 times out of 10 you would be hard pressed to find a knowledgeable skilled tradesman on site.  Definitely third world and always will be.


I was in one of those upscale shopping mall restrooms a few years back, and for the life of me, I could not figure out how to flush the toilet.  Seriously.

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1 hour ago, lamecn said:

What's a siphon lock?

Not for sure, haven't heard that term but Im guessing that its when the waste water is running down a pipe and it is pulling against the water in the sink trap or toilet trap, and since there is no venting, no air can get in between the two and flow stops. Most people think a vent pipe is to let stink out, it is to let air in so water can flow. Proper venting in a building costs as much or more then the waste piping and must be done to have a proper system.

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I don't get it, The hub of brilliant toilets.  You see these toilets everywhere you go in places like Australia even every home has at the very least one.  There would be far, far more than Thailand could ever imagine but they claim to be the hub of western style toilets.  This type of toilet isn't new Thailand they have been around for generations.

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Compared to my home country Thailand is very far ahead as far as toilets are concerned.

Toilets in gas stations are every where over here but try to find a decent toilet in Holland(and for free)

Near where we live is a new gas station and the toilets are air conditioned!!!

and very clean!

I know a lot of travellers are very pleased with the toilet arrangement in Thailand.

Great job.


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1 minute ago, jvs said:

Compared to my home country Thailand is very far ahead as far as toilets are concerned.

Toilets in gas stations are every where over here but try to find a decent toilet in Holland(and for free)

Near where we live is a new gas station and the toilets are air conditioned!!!

and very clean!

I know a lot of travellers are very pleased with the toilet arrangement in Thailand.

Great job.


It was that way for many years in the US too but now almost all gas stations are similar to 7 11s here. Man those seven elevens get most all of my business, The HDCP toilet works fine for number two, and the stores are really consistent with all you may need in your travels, free air for tires, good gas. It is your best bet for fresh ice cream too as it sells so fast there. Cheers

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yes they look great when new but go back 6 months later and they are falling apart because they use cheap crap materials, work is done by non qualified people and nothing is square/level. All the fit out is laminated, look underneath at the way they have done the plumbing and its a laugh, then you get the taps that are set too far back for the basin, toilet doors that hit the toilet when opened, its one big joke. Then you get the ones that use them and the men that use the toilet rather than the trough and simply p*ss all over the seat and floor or throw the used paper on the floor. As they say, you cant make a silk purse out of a pigs scrotum

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8 hours ago, tso310 said:

There's more to Thailand than just Bangkok as Idiablo72 has shown. Mr Carter needs to get out to the 'real' Thailand a bit more.


Tip for the uninitiated, always check that there is a pipe connected to bottom of urinal before use. Maybe I have been around too long but I always laugh at my own carelessness when I find myself pissing in a urinal that is directed straight at my feet below.

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3 hours ago, observer90210 said:

The best bit of Thai Toilets is the ass washing mini shower, just next to the bowl!!:clap2:

You mean those high pressure hoses, when you points it at your rear water gushes out your mouth.  Tried one of those blasters once.


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17 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Why is it that every tap in Thailand is loose ???? Never been able to figure that one out :smile:

It's not just taps/faucets. Bolts, screws and fixings of all types only done up loosely or barely hand tight. Been experiencing the same issue with local techs at my work for years. At my work they just seem to be overly cautious. But for the average Thai handyman I think it's just laziness and lack of interest in their work.

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