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Tens of thousands sign petition to get 'My Mate Nate' booted out of Thailand


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7 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

What he did do was destroy the Kings Head on the coins. It is illegal to mess with Thai money by tearing it, or burning it or stepping on it as this is a direct assault against the Thai royalty.  If they want to kick him out of put him in jail, then that is where they need to start. 


Did he?

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I suppose he is a celebrity of sorts in Thailand. I seriously doubt those income estimates unless he's been doing merch placement schemes. Has he? 


If he's actually generated over half a billion clicks, I have no doubt he's made more than 95% of the guys here who seem to hate him.  Doing what he enjoys.  And not giving a rat's ass what we think about him.


That's really gotta chafe a lot of the retirees wondering if their money will last as long as they do here in Thailand.


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3 hours ago, observer90210 said:

All those who are whiming like a bunch of virgins that they did same when young, just keep in mind that when you were young, YouTube did not exist...so if you wanted to risk getting crushed by a train, fine you did it without bragging  to the entire planet... but here the issue is different...These actions are being posted with dangerous public influence to teens.....if that's how you like to educate your kids, fine , but on the long run, such hazardous encouragements towards teens is not the correct track (:sleep:) to take !!

Thai TV shows and series are very violent with lots of killing and fighting. Thais watch them every day! Might affect the young, not so innocent, public more then this stupid incident. 

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All I can say about this is that if this is the new face of things, you can keep it.


Without a doubt, IMO, the man is a k n o b. But, for a few disgruntled people to set up a poll on social media and demand that he be thrown out of Thailand, what is all that about? 13 pages of damnation so far.


If he has broken the law, so be it, let the justice system do it's work.


If I followed what I saw on television when I was a kid, I likely wouldn't be here now. Stuck in a telephone booth somewhere thinking it was a tardis.......................:tongue: Same Same but different in the day.


And Blue Peter would have a lot to answer for as well.

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1 minute ago, 300sd said:

Thai TV shows and series are very violent with lots of killing and fighting. Thais watch them every day! Might affect the young, not so innocent, public more then this stupid incident. 

And you forgot to mention the ultra violent explicit video games

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"Digital nomad"? Partly right


Within an arrogant, supercilious, condescending, sneering, petulant misfit of a digital nomad - beats the heart of a world-class nobhead.


I'm really surprised nobody's shot him.

Edited by robsamui
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3 minutes ago, David Walden said:

Tell me any 13/14/15 y/o boy that lived near a railway line that hasn't put a few coins  on the track just to see what happens ..


Me!  We lived near a railway track but my mom warned me never to get close. I listened to my good old mom. 


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“I feel sad because in the past three years I have made 450 clips with content promoting Thai tourism to foreigners or videos about science, and only did wrong in a couple of clips,” Bartling said. “I don’t understand Thai society and why I get criticized so much.”


Its all part of fame Nat, and there is a downside to it, the side your on Mate.

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15 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

All I can say about this is that if this is the new face of things, you can keep it.


Without a doubt, IMO, the man is a k n o b. But, for a few disgruntled people to set up a poll on social media and demand that he be thrown out of Thailand, what is all that about? 13 pages of damnation so far.


Like you, I'm not a fan of the guy.


But what I've been reading here on TVF today -like most days- has been a lot more disturbing than anything this guy has done.


The guy has found a niche and parlayed it into a good living for himself- in Thailand of all places.  Kudos to him.  Maybe some folks can take a lesson and make their own living- in Thailand.


Or we can just hate.


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A channel with 3mio subs - he'd easily look at earning anywhere between USD 10k and 20k / month on ad revenue alone. And Thais aren't big on using adblock, so it's likely even higher than that.


Makes one wonder ... Does he pay tax on that in Thailand?



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10 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Agree...much worse that 5 kids on a moped going along the highway!

In search of train tracks; I'd venture a guess that less than half the kids in Thailand have ever seen a train.

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11 minutes ago, David Walden said:

Tell me any 13/14/15 y/o boy that lived near a railway line that hasn't put a few coins  on the track just to see what happens ...I did lots of times 60 years ago and so did my mates at the time.

We occasionally used small home made detonators on the track running 20 meters behind our school.  Regular train went past during morning assembly.  Good for a laugh whilst the Marist Brother was giving us his daily gob full.  Mind you, that was 45 years ago. 

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Quote from OP. Some 30,000 people on change.org have signed petition calling for the 30 something American to be given his marching orders from Thailand immediately.


We're 14 pages in and the TV detectives haven't picked up on that Mr My Mate Nate is 24 years old.


Is he now classed as a juvenile by Thai law?

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2 hours ago, drgoon said:

Forget about cruelty to animals... it was putting coins on railway tracks that really p1ssed them off.


Plastic buddhists...

Maybe  not.  Maybe  he  is  just   annoying instead  of  entertaining  or   funny? It  would  seem he  is  only  known  for  his  controversy  rather than  something  of  value. Maybe  of  benefit  to  himself  via  and  to his   funded  backhanding  from  social  media  but  is  that  enough  reason  to extend  him a   work permit?

If  tens  of  thousands   object and  he  stays  I would   ask  why  even one  anonymous   complaint  against  other  mere  mortal  farang  is  enough  to  ensure  very   quick compulsory exit ?

Regardless of  that I think  his  antics  are  non  beneficial  to   Thailand or  anywhere  else.


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I don't know why this particular episode has sparked the petition to get him deported. He has done much worse things which could get him into trouble.

The article says he placed "foreign coins" on the tracks, so there is no question of Les Majeste.


My wife and her her brothers and sisters and many other Thai people I have talked to put coins on tracks (Thai coins) when they were kids. I did it in England and most of my friends at school did it. We thought it was fun to see the coins flattened out.

I am sure some of you posters may have done the same (or at least know someone who has done it)


Coins damaging trains? No I don't think so. I am not an expert but I am sure there is much more rubbish drifting around the tracks that could be of more danger to the trains.


I am not defending him. He needs to get his act together and stop provoking otherwise he will be deported for sure.


Thai don't like foreigners doing "wrong" and are very fast to condemn them (even though they may do the same sort of things themselves.


Last week I saw a video of an elephant being being mistreated in Germany. There were so many comments from Thais about how bad German people were. "Never go to Germany" and all sorts of comments. Have they no idea how their own people train and treat elephants?

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41 minutes ago, MickGC said:

We occasionally used small home made detonators on the track running 20 meters behind our school.  Regular train went past during morning assembly.  Good for a laugh whilst the Marist Brother was giving us his daily gob full.  Mind you, that was 45 years ago. 

but Nate is supposed to be an adult

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11 hours ago, impulse said:

Wonder how many more clicks and how much $$$ this publicity is giving the guy?


Yea.....must be really coining it. Can leave a rich bloke and start again in Cambodia.

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