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Savage attack on foreigner in Krabi holiday zone - attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground

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21 hours ago, observer90210 said:

If the farang was one of those bullyish, rude, racist, arrogant types....he sowed what the reaped!!



  "attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground"


If the farang was what you say, maybe he deserved a slap or 2, but four on one, and then attempted murder is OK in your eyes then?

Edited by sambum
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8 hours ago, sambum said:

  "attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground"


If the farang was what you say, maybe he deserved a slap or 2, but four on one, and then attempted murder is OK in your eyes then?

Obviously it is not OK, as you are trying to suggest...

You missed the points that suggested at first, the attack was perhaps not random, and the second point is that in life in certain situations, some need to learn just to shut up! .. or assume the consequences......satisfied?

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30 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Obviously it is not OK, as you are trying to suggest...

You missed the points that suggested at first, the attack was perhaps not random, and the second point is that in life in certain situations, some need to learn just to shut up! .. or assume the consequences......satisfied?

Not really satisfied, but your unnecessary sarcasm is noted.


Neither you or I know what the exact situation was, so "suggestions that it was not random" are irrelevant. What we do know that he was attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground, and you are saying, and I quote:-

If the farang was one of those bullyish, rude, racist, arrogant types....he sowed what (t) he reaped!!" And then you are saying that what happened was not OK, but he should have said nothing and walk away or assume (accept?) the consequences? 






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This is not attempted murder. If they wanted to kill him he would be dead. Or they dont know how to kill.


That being said, kicking and stomping someone unconscious is really dangerous and should be punished severely as it can lead to death or permanent damage.

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Everyone talking about what they should be charged with, what prison time they should get, when the reality is the police are not looking for them, nobody is going to be arrested, and they will do it again to another farang when they get the chance. and the circumstances are right.

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On August 11, 2017 at 9:01 PM, khunOo said:

Did you read my post?

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person. 

Some police are incompetent and corrupt, including some judges. Injustice can happen everywhere.


In Thailand the vast majority of the police are ither incompetent or corrupt,usually both. Likewise Thai judges. Thankfully in most Western countries,the opposite is true.

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On 11/08/2017 at 11:22 PM, NCFC said:

Thais hate you because so many of you have moved to Thailand and live in poor areas witb poor people. They're jealous that you have more than them and the relationship between you and them is unequal.
If you lived in a rich area and were of a comparable social and financial status as your Thai neighbours, I doubt you'd have many problems, but so many low-income farangs swamping poor parts of Thailand is going to end in tears for many farang.

I don't live here. Soon I go back to my rich happy home. Big house, nice dog, maybe a Thai gf to come and visit me. 22 years old, 11 years my Junior. Why not? I can afford her. 


The other day, a motorbike taxi rider almost attacked me for refusing a ride. Had he beaten me I am sure the news would say how he was 'provoked by a troublesome farang daring to refuse excellent motorbike service a true insult to Thai people'.


In developed countries like Australia; when a foreign person is attacked, it makes the news and we all condemn the racism. We call racist thugs "bogans" it means a low class person with no brains and no class. If you say the wrong thing to a bogan he will fly off into a rage and kill people with one punch. We jail them for 20 years !

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4 hours ago, Iamtoofat said:

don't live here. Soon I go back to my rich happy home. Big house, nice dog, maybe a Thai gf to come and visit me. 22 years old, 11 years my Junior. Why not? I can afford her. 

22 years-old and already have a big house and a dog, your doing quite well. You may have difficulty getting your 11 year-old girlfriend a visa though.

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13 hours ago, hobz said:

This is not attempted murder. If they wanted to kill him he would be dead. Or they dont know how to kill.


That being said, kicking and stomping someone unconscious is really dangerous and should be punished severely as it can lead to death or permanent damage.

 "as it can lead to death" - hence attempted murder! 

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On 8/11/2017 at 3:01 PM, khunOo said:

Did you read my post?

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person. 

Some police are incompetent and corrupt, including some judges. Injustice can happen everywhere.


but mainly here as actions show.

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17 hours ago, sambum said:

 "as it can lead to death" - hence attempted murder! 

You seem to have forgotten that attempted murder means that there was intent to kill.

You can do something dangerous without intending to have a bad outcome.


Like, rockclimbing, it's possible to die. But not all rockclimbers are suicidal, unless they intend to fall.


Punching someone in the face can lead to death, does that mean that everyone that throws a punch are attempting to murder?



Do I need to explain more?


If they wanted to kill him they would have choked him or done something worse.. To me its pretty obvious that they didnt intend to kill him. If they intended to kill him they would have found a better way... 


I gotta say thou, it is possible that they thought they had killed him... But almost everyone knows that most of the time kicking someone in the head is not enough... I mean, they are thais too, they watch thaiboxing, they know that the head can take tremendous trauma and that death is a super rare outcome

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On 8/10/2017 at 10:06 PM, carmine said:

In short, total and utter 3rd world mentality.   


On a footnote, its so easy to see how Singapore left the rest of the region for dust!!!

Hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sure did, SWAMI!.....



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6 hours ago, hobz said:

You seem to have forgotten that attempted murder means that there was intent to kill.

You can do something dangerous without intending to have a bad outcome.


Like, rockclimbing, it's possible to die. But not all rockclimbers are suicidal, unless they intend to fall.


Punching someone in the face can lead to death, does that mean that everyone that throws a punch are attempting to murder?



Do I need to explain more?


If they wanted to kill him they would have choked him or done something worse.. To me its pretty obvious that they didnt intend to kill him. If they intended to kill him they would have found a better way... 


I gotta say thou, it is possible that they thought they had killed him... But almost everyone knows that most of the time kicking someone in the head is not enough... I mean, they are thais too, they watch thaiboxing, they know that the head can take tremendous trauma and that death is a super rare outcome

"Do I need to explain more?" I don't need you to do anything! However I completely disagree with your comments


Your interpretation of "intent to kill" still falls within the parameters of someone kicking somebody in the head while they are on the floor unconscious. As I explained in an earlier post, a Thai once said to me "Farangs fight to win, Thais fight to kill"! And yes, going by that logic every Thai that is in a fight is attempting to kill his opponent, so therefore guilty of attempted murder - the difference being that until it can be proven that he is intending to kill his opponent, it is just another assault.

However, if a Thai is kicking a man in the head while he is unconscious on the ground, and "Thais don't fight to win - they fight to kill" so I stand by my original statement - guilty of attempted murder.


And your other comment re Thai boxing holds no water for me - these people are EXPECTING to be kicked in the head and are trained to "roll with it" to lessen the impact. Also have you ever seen a Thai boxer kicking another Thai boxer in the head while he is lying unconscious on the ground?


AND regarding your comment re rock climbers:-

"But not all rockclimbers are suicidal, unless they intend to fall." I consider that totally irrelevant to the thread, and to be honest a stupid and unnecessary statement.


AND "Punching someone in the face can lead to death, does that mean that everyone that throws a punch are attempting to murder?"

No, but I do know (for sure - not hearsay) of an instance where someone knocked a guy to the floor, he banged his head, and died later as a result. His assailant was sent to jail for manslaughter.


As you would probably term it " Need I say any more?'




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6 hours ago, hobz said:

You seem to have forgotten that attempted murder means that there was intent to kill.

You can do something dangerous without intending to have a bad outcome.


Like, rockclimbing, it's possible to die. But not all rockclimbers are suicidal, unless they intend to fall.


Punching someone in the face can lead to death, does that mean that everyone that throws a punch are attempting to murder?



Do I need to explain more?


If they wanted to kill him they would have choked him or done something worse.. To me its pretty obvious that they didnt intend to kill him. If they intended to kill him they would have found a better way... 


I gotta say thou, it is possible that they thought they had killed him... But almost everyone knows that most of the time kicking someone in the head is not enough... I mean, they are thais too, they watch thaiboxing, they know that the head can take tremendous trauma and that death is a super rare outcome

What the heck are you talking about? There's been plenty of deaths attributed to head traumas, especially being repeatedly kicked in the head. Your frivolous remark of "Almost everyone knows that most of the time kicking someone in the head is not enough" is clearly an assumption on your part that everyone is as uninformed as you are. Also, your analogy of rock climbers only goes to show that you cannot construct a coherent argument and that you also lack the ability to empathize; the clear sign of a sociopath. How's that for a sweeping generalization?

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28 minutes ago, Senior Player said:


What the heck are you talking about? There's been plenty of deaths attributed to head traumas, especially being repeatedly kicked in the head. Your frivolous remark of "Almost everyone knows that most of the time kicking someone in the head is not enough" is clearly an assumption on your part that everyone is as uninformed as you are. Also, your analogy of rock climbers only goes to show that you cannot construct a coherent argument and that you also lack the ability to empathize; the clear sign of a sociopath. How's that for a sweeping generalization?

Run out of arguments?


I lack the ability to empathize? Really? You would make a killing as a psychiatrist. From what I understand it's extremely tricky to diagnose someone as a sociopath. Anyway, i try to leave emotions and empathy out of my legal argumentation and focus on logic, rationale and law.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

"Do I need to explain more?" I don't need you to do anything! However I completely disagree with your comments


Your interpretation of "intent to kill" still falls within the parameters of someone kicking somebody in the head while they are on the floor unconscious. As I explained in an earlier post, a Thai once said to me "Farangs fight to win, Thais fight to kill"! And yes, going by that logic every Thai that is in a fight is attempting to kill his opponent, so therefore guilty of attempted murder - the difference being that until it can be proven that he is intending to kill his opponent, it is just another assault.

However, if a Thai is kicking a man in the head while he is unconscious on the ground, and "Thais don't fight to win - they fight to kill" so I stand by my original statement - guilty of attempted murder.


And your other comment re Thai boxing holds no water for me - these people are EXPECTING to be kicked in the head and are trained to "roll with it" to lessen the impact. Also have you ever seen a Thai boxer kicking another Thai boxer in the head while he is lying unconscious on the ground?


AND regarding your comment re rock climbers:-

"But not all rockclimbers are suicidal, unless they intend to fall." I consider that totally irrelevant to the thread, and to be honest a stupid and unnecessary statement.


AND "Punching someone in the face can lead to death, does that mean that everyone that throws a punch are attempting to murder?"

No, but I do know (for sure - not hearsay) of an instance where someone knocked a guy to the floor, he banged his head, and died later as a result. His assailant was sent to jail for manslaughter.


As you would probably term it " Need I say any more?'




Manslaughter and murder are different crimes. The main difference is the intent. You might wanna study a bit of law before you comment further.


If you were tasked with killing hitler, would you be satisfied kicking him in the head or would you take some measures to make sure he is dead? 



Manslaughter ( causing a death that was not intentional or had no forward planning)
Murder ( pre planned killing of someone )


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16 minutes ago, hobz said:

Manslaughter and murder are different crimes. The main difference is the intent. You might wanna study a bit of law before you comment further.


If you were tasked with killing hitler, would you be satisfied kicking him in the head or would you take some measures to make sure he is dead? 



Manslaughter ( causing a death that was not intentional or had no forward planning)
Murder ( pre planned killing of someone )


"You might wanna study a bit of law before you comment further."

You might "wanna" stop telling people what they should  do for starters.

Secondly, I am perfectly aware that manslaughter and murder are different crimes - I don't need an amateur lawyer to explain it to me - I only mentioned it to illustrate the point that when someone dies - even as a result of a freak accident, the result is usually jail time.

Your references to Hitler, rock climbers, and Muay Thai boxers are totally irrelevant to the discussion, so please stop bringing them into it (Unless of course you know that the greatest percentage of rock climbers are suicidal, as you imply in your 'Not all......" etc etc statement - if so I would be grateful for the stats).


The point that I am making (again!) is that if you choose to kick an unconscious man lying on the ground in the head, you should be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER because there is a fairly good chance that if he dies, you WILL be charged with MURDER - i.e.  he died as a result of you kicking him in the head - and if you can't get that fact into yours, there is no point in any further discussion with you. Good evening!



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3 hours ago, sambum said:

"You might wanna study a bit of law before you comment further."

You might "wanna" stop telling people what they should  do for starters.

Secondly, I am perfectly aware that manslaughter and murder are different crimes - I don't need an amateur lawyer to explain it to me - I only mentioned it to illustrate the point that when someone dies - even as a result of a freak accident, the result is usually jail time.

Your references to Hitler, rock climbers, and Muay Thai boxers are totally irrelevant to the discussion, so please stop bringing them into it (Unless of course you know that the greatest percentage of rock climbers are suicidal, as you imply in your 'Not all......" etc etc statement - if so I would be grateful for the stats).


The point that I am making (again!) is that if you choose to kick an unconscious man lying on the ground in the head, you should be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER because there is a fairly good chance that if he dies, you WILL be charged with MURDER - i.e.  he died as a result of you kicking him in the head - and if you can't get that fact into yours, there is no point in any further discussion with you. Good evening!



You're wrong, you WILL be charged with manslaughter or something else. Not murder. 


Ok, let's agree to disagree. Good evening.

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On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 5:52 PM, darksidedog said:

Whatever the provocation, four on to one is pretty shitty, though about appropriate for Thais, who rarely want to engage in a one on one, but the stomping on the fella when he is on the ground and the fight is clearly over just takes the piss. If he had got a bit of a slap for being a dick that would be fair enough, but the level of force used here was excessive, so I hope they find the four and the court helps them understand this.

Situation normal. Always been so. 

While ''unfair" in a western sense, we ain't in the west, and it doesn't do to provoke the locals by attacking them with a crash helmet.

I learned that decades ago, so not a new thing.


If a farang expat can't understand that then they probably shouldn't be here.

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