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Savage attack on foreigner in Krabi holiday zone - attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground

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15 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Maybe I'm just 'old school' ...don't like violence but if it has to happen at least let there be some elements of Marquis of Queensberry. This stomping business is unbelievable: a genuine and utterly repulsive savagery about it, overlaid with the absolute cowardice of doing it to someone who is incapacitated. We saw it with the British oldies in Hua Hin, let's hope these thugs get a similar sentence. I'd give them 5 years for GBH or reckless, wanton endangerment. Despicable scum.

That is quite possibly, the best post from you I have ever seen, and you definitely do put some good ones in, regularly.

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4 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

You've already passed your verdict on it.. 

"Looking for trouble and he found it"... 

Case closed, good work boys... Sherlock holmes would be outclassed on Thaivisa lol


I dont think Mr Homes would have much problem with a spotty kid trolling .

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1 hour ago, Thechook said:

What exactly justifies such a savage beating by 4 onto 1

Nothing.  It was not justified.  But only an idiot goes up against four Thais "with a crash helmet" in a country where this sort of thing is KNOWN TO HAPPEN.  I'm not excusing the Thais, just pointing out the hot-headed idiocy of the farang, assuming of course the account of the incident (road rage, etc.) is accurate.

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3 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

Nothing.  It was not justified.  But only an idiot goes up against four Thais "with a crash helmet" in a country where this sort of thing is KNOWN TO HAPPEN.  I'm not excusing the Thais, just pointing out the hot-headed idiocy of the farang, assuming of course the account of the incident (road rage, etc.) is accurate.

I totally agree with you. I am sure some stuff happened down the road to kick the whole thing off, and the farang was quite possibly justified in his annoyance at their poor and dangerous driving, but no one with half a brain attacks a group of 4 Thais on your own. You are going to get battered. Even so, these guys took it too far. Once the man is down, it is over. Anyone not understanding that, deserves jail time though.

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Every time I see incidents like this it further convinces me corporal punishment should be reintroduced. 


I have seen gangs of Thais on other single Thais several times, once in central Bangkok beside the now buried Asok plaza. Guy was accused of stealing one of the girl's handbags and was set upon by several young Thai males. Again, jumping on and kicking of the head while incapacitated was witnessed by myself and other friends.


Numerous incidents in Soi Cowboy throughout the years including several Thais jumping on a Japanese or Korean's head while he was incapacitated after leaving a go-go bar. 


The worst one was seeing a student get stabbed outside Panthip Plaza in Bangkok in broad daylight by a mob of other students. He was lying there in a pool of blood for several minutes until a tuk-tuk driver drove him away. He was pale as a white sheet and his body had evidence of several stab wounds.


Foreigners can kid themselves on it is safer than back home or that they feel safer but the reality is that it probably ain't that different. 

I agree with your last point. It does feel safer here, certainly compared to where I used to live in Hackney, as the chances of random unprovoked mugging is much lower. In certain areas of Thailand, however, if you're stupid enough to provoke the locals, it's likely to be very unpleasant.


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I have lived and worked here for  nearly 20 years i have had great male staff and friends, and i still have (99% educated ones from Bangkok) 


BUT sadly most thai men  are uneducated and downright dangerous


i live by that motto 


The mrs is Thai and is of the same opinion as i would say most of Thai women are


certainly not pleasant reading but true!!

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Where is the proof the foreigner started the fight?


It says that he was attacked in the article. 

it says he was attacked AFTER he went to assault the YOUTHS with a crash helmet-

a grown man attacking youths, and them retaliating- seems to me that the ADULT shouldn't have mouthed off-

he must have been very profane and angry to the youths this way; the fact that he DID NOT report to the police shows that the ADULT KNEW THAT HE WAS WRONG!!!

it sickens me that so many are so quick to bash the Thais (what a surprise, everybody is so willing to BE here, then take every opportunity to impugn the Thai people, whose land this is- WE ARE JUST VISTORS, and should be respectful, and mindful of cultural differences)  my local Thai friends here are stating that he was EXTREMELY rude, verbally abusive and went after the youths QUITE aggressively

( i LIVE in Krabi province, have many Thai friends in Ao Nang, including several musicians and some foreigners)

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23 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I agree with your last point. It does feel safer here, certainly compared to where I used to live in Hackney, as the chances of random unprovoked mugging is much lower. In certain areas of Thailand, however, if you're stupid enough to provoke the locals, it's likely to be very unpleasant.


THAT's the thing that most here are forgetting, GROWN MAN was verbally assaulting the youths, then escalated it by going after them with a helmet...

no matter where i go here (and i've been to 38 provinces) i feel FAR safer here than in any American city

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1 hour ago, Essecola said:

The south is not the best choice of places to have a go at locals. He is lucky he isn't dead.


the south is quite different than the rest of the country, in many ways (i've lived here for 8 years, LOVE IT!)

here, even more so than  elsewhere, once you earn their friendship and trust, the southerners are fiercely loyal-

but piss off southerners, especially if you're a hot-headed or ill-advised/inebriatred tourist- and it is ON!!!


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2 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

however, if you're stupid enough to provoke the locals, it's likely to be very unpleasant.

So we have to avoid upsetting these  ignorant dangerous people, i see!


like i say in general i avoid thai men its just not worth dealing with them

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Just now, poohy said:

So we have to avoid upsetting these  ignorant dangerous people, i see!


like i say in general i avoid thai men its just not worth dealing with them

i did not, nor would i EVER call Thai people ignorant or dangerous-

and i have a  many  truly great Thai male friends...

have only had one problem, and the particular individual is known by others to be crazy- but since everybody else knows the history, they watch out for me... and even he is NOT ignorant, nor blanketly dangerous

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Where are the cops in all this? (As well as the student hacking in KK)? A lawless and disorderly society. 

Not complaining, trying to compare to my native country or even trying to change it. Just calling it as I see it. 

Thailand isn't for everyone. 

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37 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

THAT's the thing that most here are forgetting, GROWN MAN was verbally assaulting the youths, then escalated it by going after them with a helmet...

no matter where i go here (and i've been to 38 provinces) i feel FAR safer here than in any American city

Maybe I'm missing something, but where does it state in the article posted here that he was a "grown man verbally assaulting youths"?


It does say: Channel 3 reporters at the scene today said that locals told them that the Thai youths and the foreigner all on motorcycles had been playing a cat and mouse game on the highway as they rode along.


Firstly, how would these unbiased local eyewitnesses be privy to an incident along a highway that far proceeded the location of the final assault, unless they were actually there themselves? Did they all have binoculars whilst standing outside, trained permanently on the highway in case a nasty farang decided to get physical with a group of youths? Also, the playful term of "cat and mouse" implies that it was just a bit of horseplay from these innocent young urchins on their motorbikes, and that it was just one big friendly lark until the nasty (no age given) foreigner decided to get physical and approach these lovable peace nicks about their overindulgences. The article does say that "he may of instigated it" but then I'm no grammar expert and, therefore, I might have misinterpreted the word "may" as a confirmation of his guilt. 

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1 minute ago, Senior Player said:

Maybe I'm missing something, but where does it state in the article posted here that he was a "grown man verbally assaulting youths"?


It does say: Channel 3 reporters at the scene today said that locals told them that the Thai youths and the foreigner all on motorcycles had been playing a cat and mouse game on the highway as they rode along.


Firstly, how would these unbiased local eyewitnesses be privy to an incident along a highway that far proceeded the location of the final assault, unless they were actually there themselves? Did they all have binoculars whilst standing outside?  Also, the playful term of "cat and mouse" implies that it was just a bit of horseplay from these innocent young urchins on their motorbikes, and that it was just one big friendly lark until the nasty (no age given) foreigner decided to get physical and approach these lovable peace nicks about their overindulgences. The article does say that "he may of instigated it" but then I'm no grammar expert and, therefore, I might have misinterpreted the word "may" as a confirmation of his guilt. 

you're apologizing for the instigator why??? you can see from the video that the tourist, who was stated to have COME AT/ASSAULTED the youths with his crash helmet, was bigger and older than the youths- i never called them lovable peaceniks, but the guy was dead wrong (which may explain why he didn't make police report!!!):

1) a grown man should NEVER attack youths

 2) HE was the one who escalated it from ostensibly playful cat and mouse to agression/assault


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4 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

you're apologizing for the instigator why??? you can see from the video that the tourist, who was stated to have COME AT/ASSAULTED the youths with his crash helmet, was bigger and older than the youths- i never called them lovable peaceniks, but the guy was dead wrong (which may explain why he didn't make police report!!!):

1) a grown man should NEVER attack youths

 2) HE was the one who escalated it from ostensibly playful cat and mouse to agression/assault


We don't know if what happened on the road was just a bit playful or something more malicious or a combination of both... 

When someone almost kills you by their stupidity on the roads  it's hard to be happy about that.... 

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Ok, I've just gone back and watched the video another time. What did I see? I saw a man (age unidentifiable) pushed up against a car being continuously kneed about the midriff, then the shaky camera follows round to see the same man flat-out on his back, again, being assaulted. I see no evidence of a motorcycle helmet being used by the man. I also see that it's dark, which brings me back to my first question: How did the unnamed eyewitness see the "cat and mouse" events proceeding the assault outside the 7-Eleven store unless they were involved in the events along the highway themselves? It doesn't make any sense.


Therefore, I have to call into question their version of events and if they're not just  trying to cover up what really happened so the police file it under a "No Investigation Report". The CCTV footage still has yet to be made available, or public , so I'm hesitant to jump to any further conclusions without knowing the entire facts - unlike some here. We DO NOT know that he was instigating the "cat 'n' mouse" aggression. That's merely a presumption on your part, @jenifer d


Also, without knowing what state the victim is in, such as he might still be in hospital, I wouldn't necessarily presume his guilt by not making a complaint to the police. Maybe he's still in no fit condition to do so? Or maybe he feels that he won't get any proper justice in this country even if the culprits are arrested? You know the drill, 500 baht fine and a Thai wai and off they go back out on the streets again.

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1 hour ago, jenifer d said:

THAT's the thing that most here are forgetting, GROWN MAN was verbally assaulting the youths, then escalated it by going after them with a helmet...

no matter where i go here (and i've been to 38 provinces) i feel FAR safer here than in any American city

I would think this a well meant but somewhat naive defence of the Thai youths.  Sure, he should have walked the other way.  But I really wouldn't defend these people, and the violence that followed appears gratuitous.  I'm guessing the farang did not approach them for the sake of it either.

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4 hours ago, lucjoker said:

never walk without your teargas ( stun-gun even better)

or learn to fight off 4 attackers.....

But better not doing that, because they might get back to him with machete or even worse than that. 

That kind of Thai even don't hesitate to attack to their own people even more than 4 to 1. It is not only about foreign people.

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22 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

you're apologizing for the instigator why??? you can see from the video that the tourist, who was stated to have COME AT/ASSAULTED the youths with his crash helmet, was bigger and older than the youths- i never called them lovable peaceniks, but the guy was dead wrong (which may explain why he didn't make police report!!!):

1) a grown man should NEVER attack youths

 2) HE was the one who escalated it from ostensibly playful cat and mouse to agression/assault


Well, I don't know which video you watched, but the one in the OP certainly doesn't show which party instigated matters (many of your comments are based on conjecture, hearsay and assumption!)
What was clearly shown, was four assailants on one and that person being viciously stomped on whilst unconscious ... and you justifying that!


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1 hour ago, jenifer d said:

it says he was attacked AFTER he went to assault the YOUTHS with a crash helmet-

a grown man attacking youths, and them retaliating- seems to me that the ADULT shouldn't have mouthed off-

he must have been very profane and angry to the youths this way; the fact that he DID NOT report to the police shows that the ADULT KNEW THAT HE WAS WRONG!!!

it sickens me that so many are so quick to bash the Thais (what a surprise, everybody is so willing to BE here, then take every opportunity to impugn the Thai people, whose land this is- WE ARE JUST VISTORS, and should be respectful, and mindful of cultural differences)  my local Thai friends here are stating that he was EXTREMELY rude, verbally abusive and went after the youths QUITE aggressively

( i LIVE in Krabi province, have many Thai friends in Ao Nang, including several musicians and some foreigners)

As a person who has visited and  now lived in Ao-Nang for 30+yrs, I say you are talking B.S. My Freindly Thai contacts tell me that this was caused by the Thais. No way was the Farang in the wrong. But then again you are proberly correct, what with being such a famous person on Ko Lanta.

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