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Time to evacuate Asia ?


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10 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

The unknown quantity here is Trump. The North Koreans don't want a war and they're not going to send a nuke to Guam. All they want is to be taken seriously and survive.They are much more likely to let go their non-nuclear arsenal which is aimed to devastate the cities of South Korea. Who feels confident in the Americans these days? Anyone? 


Trump, for all his bluster, got some checks and balances in place, Kim....who knows? Trump's administration regularly showcases new leaks on inner going-ons, Kim's....not so much. A whole lot of posters and pundits made claims as to what Kim wants or do not want. Most of it is conjecture, not solid fact. Many alternate between NK and Kim, as if these are synonymous. What's good for NK is not necessarily what's good for Kim, and vice versa.


So no, there's most probably ain't going to be any North Korean nuclear missile headed to toward Guam - but still doesn't square with "don't want war". There are easier ways to avoid war than conducting a ballistic missile test aimed at a hostile country's territory. 


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10 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Nobody knows if the Chinese can fight and win in a big conventional war. But, most importantly, why would they go to take NK out, to help Trump to survive?


They probably can, but that's beside the point - as they won't unless they have to. Then there's the conflict brewing with India - perhaps another question is whether the PRC is able to simultaneously handle two fronts. Somehow doubt that.


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38 minutes ago, superal said:

and Chinese & Koreans 

Yet strangely you see plenty of caucasian faces, unlike the UK. Where I lived in Oz never saw any of those ethnic groups, like a lot of places they form their own areas.

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10 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Duh beacuse NK posses justvas much as a threat to china as they do to USA why is everyone having a pop at trump here? Its that big fat usless lump of a dictator in NK whos lighting the blue touch paper. But i guess having a pop at trump makes you all feel better somehow.

China can easily win a conventional war on pure numbers alone. First three waves peasant farmers fourth wave regulars opposite forces by this time have no bullets left. Guess youve never read there little red book then.


Guess you haven't noticed how long it passed since that little red book was taken seriously. Or how the PRC armed forces developed since and how they are structured now.


The PRC got nothing to gain from a military conflict with NK. There are no direct threats issued their way. A whole lot of dead Chinese soldiers and a whole lot of North Korean refugees will not be conductive to social stability. Then there's that other military standoff vs. India, which somehow doesn't get as much attention as it ought to.

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This is a man who can order the execution of his Uncle and his Uncles Family. No doubt ordered the killing of his Half brother. But hey he doesn't want war he's sane he must be he went to the best school in Switzerland!!  Some people on here need to get real and face facts. Trump cant just press a button unlike the other fat idiot.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


Guess you haven't noticed how long it passed since that little red book was taken seriously. Or how the PRC armed forces developed since and how they are structured now.


The PRC got nothing to gain from a military conflict with NK. There are no direct threats issued their way. A whole lot of dead Chinese soldiers and a whole lot of North Korean refugees will not be conductive to social stability. Then there's that other military standoff vs. India, which somehow doesn't get as much attention as it ought to.

No ive never studied PRC military at all ever never. :cheesy:

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16 hours ago, superal said:

How are you so well informed ?

If it is hit by a kinetic kill vehicle (SM3or GBI) the intercept is spectacular and the warhead is shattered as the interceptor and warhead try to occupy the same little bit of space with a combined closing velocity close to 30,000 mikes per hour. The problem will be that every little fragment of nuclear material is still radioactive. Everything that has happened is old fashioned Newtonian physics not Einstein's physics or alchemy. It's not a perfect solution by any means but the volume of radioactive material is FAR less than the fallout from a ground detonation of the warhead, and it will be spread out over a large swath of the earth, minimizing the effects.

No it won't explode, things happen way too quick and the impact is far too violent to start the nuclear reaction. Once dispersed the nuclear fuel can not achieve critical mass.

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On 8/11/2017 at 9:53 AM, Thaidream said:

There is no fear for anyone in Thailand. Thailand is following the United nations sanctions but it is not going to clode North Korea business in Thailand .  In the event of a war erupting Thailand may allow US warplanes and soldiers into Thai military bases on the way  to and exiting the war zone.


The North Korean leader was schooled in Switzerland and speaks several languages. He is not ignorant nor a foll and knows exactly what he is doing. He knows a North Korean first strike with either nuclear or conventional weapons will be his downfall and get universal condemnation and will allow the US to counterattack.  Even if N Korea launched a nuclear strike- the US response will be non nuclear.  rump knows that the destruction involved with a nuclear weapon would be disastrous.


The only solution is negotiation and a lowering of the rhetoric. As part of the negotiation- Kim must agree to denuclearize the Korean peninsula and both Russia and china guarantee Kim's survival. The US must  agree to no N Korean regime change; withdraw from South Korea and the UN sanctions removed.  The best way to get N Korea to ultimately stand down is to bring its economy into the capitalistic system. 

They said the same about Hitler, but that did not stop him from starting a war he could never win.

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I would like to think that we/the USA would not resort to "nukes."  I would hope the US would intercept any launches from NK.  We have enough dated conventional weapons to wipe NK out.  Clear out the "old stuff" And then the MIC/Contractors could make new more sophisticated weapons.


Anyway I pray it doesn't come down to nukes.

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44 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Actually, he could have, and almost did win the war.


Not once ever did he nearly win the second world war. It was close to a stalemate as in WW1. Luckily the Russians broke out that was the begining of the end for Germany

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

There seems to be an awful lot of faith in anti-missile systems among Thaivisa posters.


Great faith been there seen them in action. As all things they are falable but all have a back up. 

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this whole thing reminds me of a movie called "The Bedford Incident"

The American destroyer USS Bedford (DLG-113) detects a Soviet submarine near the Greenland coast. Although the U.S. and the Soviet Union are not at war,

The crew becomes increasingly fatigued by the unrelenting pursuit during which the captain demands full attention to the instruments. When the submarine is found and ignores the Captains demand to surface and identify itself, the captain escalates the situation by smashing into the submarine's snorkel, calling it "floating debris". The captain then orders Bedford to arm weapons and withdraw a distance, where he will wait for the submarine's crew to run out of air and be forced to surface. The captain reassures everyone that he is in command of the situation and that he will not fire first, but "If he fires one, I'll fire one."

A tired Ensign mistakes the captains remark as the command to "fire one!" and launches an anti-submarine rocket. The crew attempts to immediately disarm its warhead and they wait anxiously as the rocket flies to its targeted locating and plunges below the surface toward the submarine. Several seconds later, their hopes are dashed as the warhead detonates, destroying the submarine. Sonar then detects four Soviet nuclear-armed torpedoes are targeting the destroyer; the submarine had fired them as soon as it detected the rocket's entry into the water. The captain initially gives basic orders to evade but then silently steps outside.

The captain does nothing, knowing his actions have doomed everyone on board the USS Bedford, as the ship cannot escape the nuclear torpedoes. The film ends with still shots of various crewmen "melting" as if the celluloid film were burning as the Bedford and her crew are vaporised in an atomic blast. The film's final image is an iconic, towering mushroom cloud.

Does this sound like a familiar scenario of the US versus North Korea.

How much pressure has been placed on other officers on both side?

Will a mistaken comment cause a catastrophe?

Who will make that mistake?

I went through the Vietnamese war and there will be nothing left of Asia

Edited by Russell17au
left something off
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Ad-libbing by a madman on North Korea makes the US look weaker

Trump sincerely believes it’s acceptable to improvise in these kinds of delicate diplomatic situations. But it’s not. There’s a reason why US officials carefully think through every last syllable of their public statements: It’s to make sure that their statements accurately convey to both allies and adversaries the administration’s position in a way that won’t be misunderstood.

It’s not that Trump shouldn’t have threatened North Korea. It’s that because he just improvised it, it’s unclear whether that threat was an accurate reflection of the administration’s position toward North Korea that is, if you threaten us again, we will attack you or if it was just tough talk.

Is Trump really setting a red line for North Korea that his administration is prepared to back up with actual force? Or is it just empty bravado? How credible is this threat?

Furthermore, the language he used was so vague that even if the tough talk were perceived as an accurate reflection of the US position, it would be unclear what exactly it meant.

The White House’s perennial inability to coordinate messaging among its officials and spokespeople only exacerbated this confusion.

The day after Trump issued what seemed like a tough new policy stance toward North Korean provocation, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters, “Nothing that I have seen and nothing that I know of would indicate that the situation has dramatically changed in the last 24 hours.” In other words, ignore the president’s comments; we’re not actually about to go to war.

“Americans should sleep well at night,” he added.

Then Secretary of Defense James Mattis spoke up, issuing a statement that seemed far closer to Trump’s aggressive message than Tillerson’s words of calm, calling for North Korea to "cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and destruction of its people."

On Thursday, the mixed messaging grew even more complicated. White House adviser Sebastian Gorka said during a BBC radio appearance that Tillerson was not actually speaking for the White House, and that Trump’s threats should be taken seriously.

“You should listen to the president,” Gorka said. “The idea that Secretary Tillerson is going to discuss military matters is simply nonsensical.”

If the administration itself can’t even figure out what its actual policy is, how is North Korea’s leadership going to do so? How are US allies South Korea and Japan, the two countries most likely to be struck first if North Korea decides to attack, supposed to know what is happening?

“The mixed messages our allies and partners are hearing leave them with no clear sense of our policy,” says Laura Rosenberger, who served as National Security Council director for Korea and China under the Obama administration. “And it is not clear that these statements are in fact attached to any coordinated policy.”

And when it comes to nuclear-armed countries threatening each other, this kind of confusion can potentially have dire consequences.

“The uncoordinated rhetoric we are seeing from this administration is increasing the risk of miscalculation on an issue where we have no room for error,” explains Rosenberger.

Here is the mistaken remarks that could lead to the end of Asia.

Madman Donald Trump

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On 8/10/2017 at 7:21 PM, zzaa09 said:

Of course it doesn't exist if one thrives in a blinded culturally-centric vacuum.


Conditionally dumbed-down comes to mind.

it exists but there's no need to evacuate. stop dreaming

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2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Great faith been there seen them in action. As all things they are falable but all have a back up. 


"The Ground-based Midcourse Defense system, or GMD, was supposed to protect Americans against a chilling new threat from "rogue states" such as North Korea and Iran. But a decade after it was declared operational, and after $40 billion in spending, the missile shield cannot be relied on, even in carefully scripted tests that are much less challenging than an actual attack would be, a Los Angeles Times investigation has found...

Despite years of tinkering and vows to fix technical shortcomings, the system's performance has gotten worse, not better, since testing began in 1999.


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37 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


"The Ground-based Midcourse Defense system, or GMD, was supposed to protect Americans against a chilling new threat from "rogue states" such as North Korea and Iran. But a decade after it was declared operational, and after $40 billion in spending, the missile shield cannot be relied on, even in carefully scripted tests that are much less challenging than an actual attack would be, a Los Angeles Times investigation has found...

Despite years of tinkering and vows to fix technical shortcomings, the system's performance has gotten worse, not better, since testing began in 1999.


Yep and tbey said jesus coundnt feed the five thousand on a couple of fish and bread. Dont belive everything you read.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yours is certainly one way to deal with unpleasant facts.

Facts are whats presented at the time what was a tabloid based fact in 2014 doesnt hold the title Fact today. Rember from 1995 onwards all the tabloids would have you belive every computer in tbe world would go tits up at midnight on 01/01/2000. Mmm did it hapen? 

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Just now, jeab1980 said:

Facts are whats presented at the time what was a tabloid based fact in 2014 doesnt hold the title Fact today. Rember from 1995 onwards all the tabloids would have you belive every computer in tbe world would go tits up at midnight on 01/01/2000. Mmm did it hapen? 

The LA Times is not a tabloid. Neither in format nor in spirit. It offered very detailed and specific data.  Your Y2K example is just a silly deflection. 

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The LA Times is not a tabloid. Neither in format nor in spirit. It offered very detailed and specific data.  Your Y2K example is just a silly deflection. 

LA times is a rag as far as im concerned and again you seem to have missed the date 2014 hint 2017 now

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