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Hi Fellas,

This problem has raised it's head just today, and i would like some sound advice...

Wife had a hit with a motorbike a few weeks back, and was ruled in the wrong by the cops... enough about that part.


Now the woman on the Motorbike has claimed a outrageous amount of money to cover her loses while out of work for 3 months...REMEMBER THIS, she is a Nurse at a Hospital.

We have FULL comprehensive Insurance and I thought and believed, they would take care of everything...But the wife has to go to the Police station everytime the Broker and the so called Victim have a discussion on the amount that she will be paid...Now this to me is ridiculous, as we pay the insurance to cover things like this.. 


Today my wife attended AGAIN, and they (Broker and Claiment) cant come to an agreement on what she will be paid in compensation for being out of work for 3 months with a sprained wrist...yep sprained wrist.

Wife is now trying to tell me we might have to pay for her demands, and rabbled on about going to court, etc etc...

If I have paid for full coverage Insurance, why would we have to cough up for this on top...?

Isnt this a matter for the insurance company and the Claiment?....and nothing to do with my wife.

Would like to have your input on this quickly, as I smell a rat maybe....

I have informed the wife, that i have paid the insurance, and thats it....I wont be paying for the claim this women has presented...Wife tells me it may go to court, and i said so what...it's nothing to do with us, it's between the Insurance and the Claiment...

Am I right on this, or not...




I'll cut it short: if you are paying for No. 1 insurance then you don't have to do anything. Insurance will do all.

In addition, I think you cover 1,000,000 THB for third parties. That should cover her pay of 20,000 THB x 3 months.

5 minutes ago, JoeW said:

I'll cut it short: if you are paying for No. 1 insurance then you don't have to do anything. Insurance will do all.

In addition, I think you cover 1,000,000 THB for third parties. That should cover her pay of 20,000 THB x 3 months.

She is claiming 190, 000 baht.....says she works extra jobs, blah blah. Seems like a big money scam to me.

Thanks for your reply.

We pay No1 Insurance...The Broker tells my wife, if she (Claiment)doesn't get what she asked for, she will take my wife to court to get the difference...I have told my wife to tell them all, we are not involved as we have insurance, let them take care of it...

But she keeps insisting, i dont understand....and tells me she has to be at these meetings between Broker and Claiment...

Smell fishy to you???



190,000 THB for 3 months? I am sorry to say but that's outrageous.

Even a general manager at a decent firm in Bangkok doesn't earn 190,000 THB in 3 months. If she really claims these extra jobs then it's your insurance company's job to ask for her monthly income slips and see if she is telling the truth.


My advice: you and your wife stay out of the police station and let insurance handle. It's their job and you have nothing to worry about.


Can I know the insurance company?

4 hours ago, weegee said:

She is claiming 190, 000 baht.....says she works extra jobs, blah blah.


Ask to see her tax declaration for last year.


Not to sure about in Thailand but in some other countries if she thinks the insurance settlement is not enough they can take you to a civil court (as opposed to a criminal court) to try to recoup the difference. Of course she would loose unless she could bring proof of her 190,000 salary.


First confirm you have 1st class insurance because if the case all costs are covered whatever the third party wants but it's up to insurance assessor to negotiate.


I think a little birdy told motorbike lady your wife has farang ( $£$£$£$£ ) husband.


Just an idea, but a bit of PI might be good. Have your wife get a bit friendly with her and find out which hospital she works at (or one of the other 'jobs') and then call and ask to speak to her. If she's available then you can prove she's working and that might blow her claim out of the window. That said, I agree with everyone else that your wife should not be involved in negotiations, unless she's being conned.

2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

First confirm you have 1st class insurance because if the case all costs are covered whatever the third party wants but it's up to insurance assessor to negotiate.


I think a little birdy told motorbike lady your wife has farang ( $£$£$£$£ ) husband.



Thanks for the input Fellas...Much appreciated.

Everyones comments seem to confirm what i am thinking and telling the wife.


8 hours ago, KittenKong said:


Ask to see her tax declaration for last year.

Done that as well....but WE, shouldnt have to be concerned with her....IMO.


a freind of ours is in a simuler situation,not her fault 1000% but the other party,no money,no insurance

BUT get this,the broker and the police want our freind to admit liability,so the other party can claim compensation.

what i have been told i would say the broker and the bib.are working a scam so they get a pay day toooooooooooooooooooo.

40 minutes ago, meatboy said:

a freind of ours is in a simuler situation,not her fault 1000% but the other party,no money,no insurance

BUT get this,the broker and the police want our freind to admit liability,so the other party can claim compensation.

what i have been told i would say the broker and the bib.are working a scam so they get a pay day toooooooooooooooooooo.

I know of a similar case, and of course another party gets a bung too, if you get my drift...


WG's case, he does not have to be involved, it is up to the insurance guy to source all the financial info for head office to sort the claim, not the BiB. If she is making false financial claims l would suggest that is fraud. 

As for going to court, the birds "problem" is with the insurance company, not the payer of first class insurance, she must take the insurance company to court.


If me I would tell the lady that and to bugger off, the bird probably don't know what first class insurance is and is doing the usual stuff non insured folk have to deal with..


If the insurance company will not agree to the nurses claim. Then the nurse will have to sue the insurance company NOT your wife ... end of story.


Stop your wife getting involved ... sorry but she either doesn't understand or she is  .... maybe she feels guilty ..either way stop her getting involved any further .... I guess not easy 


If you have No1, keep yer trap shut, dont bleat Its on Camera , DimFerang Style. let your Rep sort the lot out. Only speak or mention the event or a Video if the Cops charge You.

4 hours ago, meatboy said:

a freind of ours is in a simuler situation,not her fault 1000% but the other party,no money,no insurance

BUT get this,the broker and the police want our freind to admit liability,so the other party can claim compensation.

what i have been told i would say the broker and the bib.are working a scam so they get a pay day toooooooooooooooooooo.


1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

If you have No1, keep yer trap shut, dont bleat Its on Camera , DimFerang Style. let your Rep sort the lot out. Only speak or mention the event or a Video if the Cops charge You.

They wont be charging me....I wasnt driving, and the car is not in my name... 


Depends on the coverage.


For the victim your wife is the first contact, but your wife can refer to the insurance. Now if the victim has damages not covered by insurance, it is up to your wife to pay those, provided they are reasonable of course. If your wife deems them not reasonable and refuses to pay, the victim will have to go to court.


OP the only other thing you may want to consider is whether the rep is working directly for the Insurance Company or contracted by them which apparently for the guys who get called out to the accidents happens a lot. 


My ex had a situation where there was an obvious conflict of interest with the rep. We went to our broker who spoke to their contacts at the HO of the Insurance Co and resolved it - the contracting co are apparently no longer being used...........


Whichever it may be worth contacting the main office of your insurance co. for clarification.


As an aside for others who may read this it is also one of the potential benefits of using a good broker.

On 8/10/2017 at 8:00 PM, weegee said:

Wife had a hit with a motorbike a few weeks back, and was ruled in the wrong by the cops...

Did the cops charge her with anything? Or was it only their arbitrary 'opinion' which has now inspired the highest paid nurse (with several other jobs) to prey on your wife's krieng jai and song sahn? Not at all a criticism of your wife as they are pretty much all in thrall of the uniformed cop, especially at the cop shop.


Mrs NL went through the same thing on what the cops ultimately ruled was her 'no fault' late night prang with un-licensed and uninsured juveniles on a motorbike. When it appeared that the family of the 'victims' was lining up to milk the wife of a farang (her car, she was driving and I wasn't even there), we did make sure through the broker and directly with the insurance company, that their agent was going to handle things properly which they did. Took about 10 days of 'heat' and maybe 3 meetings at the cop shop before they all acquiesced and stopped calling but we did require the police to draft and witness a statement where signatories (wife, agent, victims parents) agreed that all matters of compensation had been addressed to everyone's complete satisfaction and no future claims could be made.


She can request all she wants for the accident and your insurance company can agree or disagree to pay up to the maximum coverage limit. This is between her and your insurance. If the amount she wants is not covered, the insurance company will say it is up to the driver to cover. This is normal and common practice in Thailand. However remember you are not required to pay a single baht.


Just politely refuse and say she is welcome to take it to court to prove that her injuries have caused her this much. She will need to show evidence in the form of salary slips and bank accounts and doctors reports etc etc. Being a civil case it will go on for years and years and it will cost her her an absolute fortune and she will never actually persue it. It is just an empty threat.



On 8/12/2017 at 10:24 AM, stevenl said:

Depends on the coverage.


For the victim your wife is the first contact, but your wife can refer to the insurance. Now if the victim has damages not covered by insurance,

?? He reckons wife has 1st class insurance l remember that a car insurance l had was termed as No.1 insurance.

I wasn't aware there was more than one 1st class insurance.

So is it that there is different insurance coverage from companies.

3 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

?? He reckons wife has 1st class insurance l remember that a car insurance l had was termed as No.1 insurance.

I wasn't aware there was more than one 1st class insurance.

So is it that there is different insurance coverage from companies.

Load of Old Coblers goin on ere.!!.. Be getting to "Wifes Brother told Me" next.!!.Insurance is about the only thing you cant cock up if you stay with the Big Boys. 

1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:

Load of Old Coblers goin on ere.!!.. Be getting to "Wifes Brother told Me" next.!!.Insurance is about the only thing you cant cock up if you stay with the Big Boys. 

Who are the big boys.

That's what l'm asking No.1 insurance,  1st class insurance are they all the same from different companies  ??  maybe coverage on certain claims are different values.

Can they they be different when going via some of the brokers.

In UK full comp covered everything unless criminal charges complicated things.


Bangkok Insurance for Instance, go direct or use AIS.You just pay n foreget it..Had a Chum ranting over getting 500 Bht discount for havin a Dashcam,no thanks ill just be happy with No 1, no forms No talking about nufin .?[emoji481]

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2 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

Bangkok Insurance for Instance, go direct or use AIS.You just pay n foreget it..Had a Chum ranting over getting 500 Bht discount for havin a Dashcam,no thanks ill just be happy with No 1, no forms No talking about nufin .?emoji481.png

But OP's wife is having a problem with a claim on 1st class insurance,  we've had 2 claims and never had a problem because no-one got a sprained wrist. :laugh:


For me the dash cam reduction could come back and bite you in the ass...Imagine you have this insurance reduction and have a road altercation, insurance asks for the footage but it wasn't turned on or wasn't working properly....What happens with your claim......                                                                                                                           :sad:                                                                                                                                                                                                

Just now, transam said:

For me the dash cam reduction could come back and bite you in the ass...Imagine you have this insurance reduction and have a road altercation, insurance asks for the footage but it wasn't turned on or wasn't working properly....What happens with your claim......                                                                                                                           :sad:                                                                                                                                                                                                

Good point. Since most here probably have a lazada Chinese cheapo special, how many take the memory card out and check what has been recorded? My last one had the live display, clock running, correct colored LED's on but one day I noticed a momentary freeze-frame every 10 seconds or so. Looked at the card when I got home and nothing had been recorded for about a week and the card was full.

8 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Who are the big boys.

That's what l'm asking No.1 insurance,  1st class insurance are they all the same from different companies  ??  maybe coverage on certain claims are different values.

Can they they be different when going via some of the brokers.

In UK full comp covered everything unless criminal charges complicated things.

If your familiar with UK insurance classes, the Full Comp over there broadly equates with First Class over here. Third Party Fire & Theft broadly equates with Second Class. There's even a Third Class of voluntary insurance but not at all sure how common that is. All the aforementioned are voluntary insurance classes. Third Party Only broadly equates with the phor ror bor (พ.ร.บ.) or Comprehensive Third-Party Liability (CPTL), the government mandatory minimum insurance.


There's probably at least 6 'big boys' and a quick google showed that these ones between them have over 45% of the market:





Muang Thai





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